Jerry Jones landed his helicopter on the field in middle of Cowboys practice


Helicopter accidents are freak occurrences but they DO happen.

That is TOTALLY way too self-centered.

Now I would like to know the proximity of the regularly used helipad to the facility--just to evaluate the validity of any 'urgency required this landing at the facility' overrode standard FAA safety precautions and concerns.

LOL..Jerry did this to trigger you. He loves to trigger Cowboys fans.
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When asked why he went down on the field when Jimmy was there, he would say "It's my field."... Same thing applies. Yes, Jerry, unfortunately it IS your field and we are reminded of it every Sunday when the team looks like dog poo poo.
Also, I've changed my mind. Every player and their agent need to keep taking this fool for cap killing dollars. Get every penny because this is an entertainment company. It's not a football franchise.
Jerry's job performance as GM triggers me way more than any of his other stuff......simply don't care
I mean that as tongue-in-cheek to Dallas East. That nonsense would have triggered me 10 years ago. "Jimmy would have lost it...." blah, blah, blah. I know people see this as harmless, but again...would Jimmy have thrown a fit over it? I suspect he might have if it was unusual and disruptive.
Whom among you is actually surprised? If I read that Jones peed out the window during his descent I would mildly exclaim ‘Man, that Jerry Jones… what a card, huh?’
As if the billion dollar practice facility, stadium, and $250m dollar yacht weren't enough. Typical narcissist.
Great way to avoid traffic…. Way more functional than a yacht which you are only going to use for vacations..
LOL..Jerry did this to trigger you. He loves to trigger Cowboys fans.
lol. I am being triggered for the unnecessary landing of a helicopter on a practice field, populated with people who could get hurt (or worse) if the unthinkable happen (that is an oximoron :laugh: ).

That said, I doubt the thought never crossed his narcissistic mind. Reading up, I found he did the same thing on the day he bought the helicopter years ago. That was likely done for publicity.

This? This was likely routine as other members have stated. Basically, he is providing himself 'front door service' to-and-from his headquarters. I am surprised he does not have a valet and stand set up on the side of the practice field to check the pilot's keys.


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