Jerry Jones must complete DNA test in paternity case

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This is bigger than the Cowboys but using the Cowboys as a template to Jerry, has Jerry really been able to do the right thing in the past? I know it's not a great analogy connecting football to fatherhood and I would place a much, much larger emphasis on parenting over football. Jerry's been in denial about the Cowboys for a long time. I doubt he steps up as a dad.

That's the difference between Jerry and I.
Really other than the fact that he's been married forever has children of his own that are already in most people's opinions part of the Dallas Cowboys via nepotism they're a very important in his daily lives and his businesses and yet somehow the way he goes and sees his grandchildren with helicopters and makes sure he's out there ball games he seems like a very good father to me somehow an illegitimate child he may have not known he even has or no ones proved up to this point has become a Sports News story for vultures you say he doesn't know how to be a dad apparently he has raised some very successful children that people are upset that they're even part of the Dallas Cowboys... I mean do you want to amend the fact that you don't think he knows how to step up as a dad the fact that he's been very close to his actual children that he knows about??

Thanks for your opinion about a rumor and how you believe you're in the man's mind and know what he's gonna do once he knows if this child is actually his... Apparently being a person probably worth $50 billion I have no idea what he's worth and I really don't care you know they have lawyers and stuff to protect themselves from possible cash grabs... You gotta wonder why someone waited 27 years or whoever her mother's an actual father who raised her wait until now to make this a big story... If this happened to one of us it wouldn't be a story just like any of us getting tattoos any of us getting pulled over getting a DUI I mean there are people who are all up in people's business and have opinions about a man and you have no idea how this is gonna turn out or how he's gonna react but hey take a jab at him not knowing how to be a dad and yet that already failed because he has raised successful children and he looks to be a very caring grandfather as well...

Nice try jerrys here to stay...
So her motivation might not be money. I’m glad you reminded me about the congressional assistant piece. I forgot about that. If she’s not after money she is a better person than me. I feel if I was in her shoes and my bio dad was famous and wouldn’t claim me that rejection would be really hard. So in that regard I hope she gets something out of it. Whatever would help her heal if she has emotional injuries from the situation. I hope her bio mom is doing well with the battle with cancer. Having a mom battling cancer and a father who won’t claim you publicly is a pretty crappy situation. Jerry would gain a lot of respect from me if he stepped up now and helped his offspring with what she’s going through. If he doesn’t my respect for him as a human will sink to new lows.
Once again I can't say exactly what is driving this forward, but maybe it isn't just all about money.

Could this have been solved years earlier with an actual paternity test, and a declaration of connection between parties? Why does a child have to be secret if your child out of wedlock? Does the secret make the person less of your child?

And does it change the nature of your child if they are adults? Do they ever stop being your child?

I don't know where Jerry is with this, but he has resources and support to certainly help his ego over this situation if he chooses to. this won't mean a hill of beans to how the Cowboys are run, but it is always nice as a fan to know the brand you cheer on has some form of values.
Really other than the fact that he's been married forever has children of his own that are already in most people's opinions part of the Dallas Cowboys via nepotism they're a very important in his daily lives and his businesses and yet somehow the way he goes and sees his grandchildren with helicopters and makes sure he's out there ball games he seems like a very good father to me somehow an illegitimate child he may have not known he even has or no ones proved up to this point has become a Sports News story for vultures you say he doesn't know how to be a dad apparently he has raised some very successful children that people are upset that they're even part of the Dallas Cowboys... I mean do you want to amend the fact that you don't think he knows how to step up as a dad the fact that he's been very close to his actual children that he knows about??

Thanks for your opinion about a rumor and how you believe you're in the man's mind and know what he's gonna do once he knows if this child is actually his... Apparently being a person probably worth $50 billion I have no idea what he's worth and I really don't care you know they have lawyers and stuff to protect themselves from possible cash grabs... You gotta wonder why someone waited 27 years or whoever her mother's an actual father who raised her wait until now to make this a big story... If this happened to one of us it wouldn't be a story just like any of us getting tattoos any of us getting pulled over getting a DUI I mean there are people who are all up in people's business and have opinions about a man and you have no idea how this is gonna turn out or how he's gonna react but hey take a jab at him not knowing how to be a dad and yet that already failed because he has raised successful children and he looks to be a very caring grandfather as well...

Nice try jerrys here to stay...
Your debate is really simple to solve. Take the paternity test way earlier. Then face the consequences of the decisions you chose. I call it maturity and honour.

We are all called to face the consequences of the decisions we make...and with children typically that is for the rest of their natural lives.
She knows. She’s always known. I’m sure it’s already been discussed over and over during depositions and negotiations.

This isn’t a mystery, it’s a shakedown pure and simple.

She’s suing, in part, because the agreement between her, her mother, and Jerry precludes her from publicly claiming his parentage.

The primary goal is to be able to present herself as his child publicly which will inevitably lead to additional lawsuits intended to drive a new settlement agreement.

It won’t surprise me one bit if this all goes away under a new negotiation but that’s dependent on the number.

If Jerry is willing to pay enough, she’ll sign a new settlement, take her millions, and move on.

If he doesn’t she’ll continue to file suits until he does.

t the end of the day, she’s suing because her mothers agreement, which has already resulted in money paid to her through trust, for years and years has stopped because the agreement wasn’t forever. It’s time to “renegotiate her contract” with Jerry, this time with the end goal to become set for life.

I’m normally on board with “victims rights”, but this is essentially a child support agreement, settled long long ago, where the child is suing the parent because the child support stopped after adulthood.

I get it everyone hates Jerry, but if you read up on this more, it becomes obvious this isn’t some yearning little waif with eyes brimming with tears wanting to know who her daddy was. If that was the case, I’d be first in line expecting Jerry to do the right thing.

The issue is that he’s done far more than most men finding themselves in the position of a former romantic partner coming forward with a child support claim would do.
Too too much sense here, you shall be banned for 1 week!
This will be interesting, wonder if Mrs. Jones will finally be fed up with Jerry's antics. Just imagine a split and her demanding half of his net worth which was earned mostly during their marriage. Could make him sell the dammmm team to pay up.
No wonder Jerry was fighting this tooth and nail.

Or will she just continue to turn the other cheek. Stay tuned, "As the World Turns" for "the Young and the Restless" or he will wind up at "General Hospital", in "Dallas".
People with the kind of money Jones has don’t normally pay too many consequences for diddling. It’s just a fact. It’s going to be up to Jerry to do the right thing if the tests show he’s the father. I’m sure he’ll pay the woman enough so that it doesn’t become a publicity issue.
Sad part it is the norm now that too many people born out of wedlock
I am quite sure we don't know all of the details to this story.

There are a lot of people out there who don't know who one of their parents is and most are content with keeping it that way since the parent never made any effort.

I wonder if she would have pursued the answer so aggressively using the legal system had she suspected her father was a regular man and not rich.

It is funny though that some fans think that if Jerry is her father that it will have some sort of impact on the Cowboys or Jones' ownership.
It's funny to me how some want to act like this is not a story.
My take. There are very prescriptive details on what was arranged between Jerry and the woman. For one reason or another the arrangement is not working out for one party.

I can't say exactly what is the motivation, but I can tell you as a person who is adopted it never hurts to consider not just a financial and legal solution, but also an emotional solution for all parties involved.

This test should have been done years ago, and then use that as the starting point to establish a lifelong working agreement if the test proves that this is a necessity.

One should expect a little unpleasantness when you choose to stick your peas and carrots in the wrong grocery bag.
While I agree, it still comes down to her reasons for taking legal action.

If she is doing it for work-related reasons (as someone else mentioned) or she's doing it because she genuinely wants to know who her father is for emotional or health reasons, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

If it comes out she is his daughter and then that is followed by more legal action(s) of any kind or she tries to capitalize on it financially, then her motives were all about a money grab.

To be clear though, I am not defending Jerry and you are right, if he is her father than that's on him. That said, he did support her financially so he did what he was supposed to do in that situation after it happened.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. It would be funny if it turns out that Jerry is not her father, but if it is determined he is her father, then what she does next will define what her real motivations were for the legal action.
Really other than the fact that he's been married forever has children of his own that are already in most people's opinions part of the Dallas Cowboys via nepotism they're a very important in his daily lives and his businesses and yet somehow the way he goes and sees his grandchildren with helicopters and makes sure he's out there ball games he seems like a very good father to me somehow an illegitimate child he may have not known he even has or no ones proved up to this point has become a Sports News story for vultures you say he doesn't know how to be a dad apparently he has raised some very successful children that people are upset that they're even part of the Dallas Cowboys... I mean do you want to amend the fact that you don't think he knows how to step up as a dad the fact that he's been very close to his actual children that he knows about??

Thanks for your opinion about a rumor and how you believe you're in the man's mind and know what he's gonna do once he knows if this child is actually his... Apparently being a person probably worth $50 billion I have no idea what he's worth and I really don't care you know they have lawyers and stuff to protect themselves from possible cash grabs... You gotta wonder why someone waited 27 years or whoever her mother's an actual father who raised her wait until now to make this a big story... If this happened to one of us it wouldn't be a story just like any of us getting tattoos any of us getting pulled over getting a DUI I mean there are people who are all up in people's business and have opinions about a man and you have no idea how this is gonna turn out or how he's gonna react but hey take a jab at him not knowing how to be a dad and yet that already failed because he has raised successful children and he looks to be a very caring grandfather as well...

Nice try jerrys here to stay...
1. I was responding to specifically what Bob quoted. Go back and read his post.
2. You are all over the board with this. I would suggest to go back and make this a bit easier to read so your specific points are understood. I get that your passionate but take the time to make sure you are heard.
3. I freely admit that I do not like Jerry. I do not think he's a good person. I think he cares more about how people think of him in terms of being a good person versus actually being a good person. And, yes, I know Jerry isn't going anywhere. I've accepted the fact that Jerry will be on this earth far longer than I'll be. He'll outlive us all.
Your debate is really simple to solve. Take the paternity test way earlier. Then face the consequences of the decisions you chose. I call it maturity and honour.

We are all called to face the consequences of the decisions we make...and with children typically that is for the rest of their natural lives.
No it's more simple as some of you need to mind your own business stay out of somebody else's business like you said you have no idea what he's thinking or why this took so long or why it didn't happen early you know why you don't know why because it's none of your business this is a personal thing between Jerry and whoever this females mother or with this female herself that's their business this has nothing to do with sports and don't say it has something to do with hit the makeup of the man's personality or whatever because he is a very successful father and grandfather it's all right there for you to see it tenses grand children's football games and their events he makes sure he's there even when he's really busy with about 16 different businesses he is invested in including the Dallas Cowboys the man is already a successful businessman and father and husband regardless of whatever happened 30 years ago with this person got pregnant and whether he knew about it 15 years ago 30 years ago or just a couple years ago when all this started doesn't matter how he's handling it...

And I can say that with a straight face it's none of your business this stuff becomes a soap opera around here there's no reason to be talking about it it really would be fun if the the group of you who thinks it's fun to talk about the players businesses off the field their girlfriends whether they've gained weight whether they got tattoos or now Jerry Jones paternity issues had somebody follow you around 24/7 TMZ cameras and posted every single thing in your personal life ohh and by the way ran some background checks and actually made public every little thing some of y'all have ever done in your lives let me know how that feels because I bet you don't I bet you also don't know what it means to be worth about $50 billion and be a little bit cautious about people who might be trying to make a money grab...

So however he handles this it's none of our business and for sure it's none of your business this is about it's interesting to me as when TMZ and some of the other ridiculous media we have follows around famous people and then lets us know what they've been doing or not doing especially when it's I don't know in Europe with the whole royal family I can really give two ***** about what they do with their lives because I have my own lives to deal with and I follow sports for sports the purity of sports the Dallas Cowboys the team that's part of my regular daily lives but not with Jerry Jones does off the field in this particular subject matter...

It literally has nothing to do with us or how he's gonna end up running the team because he's already been a husband father and grandfather and he's done that well so whatever's happening here he'll get it handled but it is none of our business and I'm gonna say it 50 times because it's ridiculous we're talking about it in a sports forum..​
If this is something brand new like there was a real scandal like Jerry's been having an affair for four years you know recently like right now and someone turned up with the baby and this was fresh news maybe it'd be a little bit more pertinent to be discussed because that means recently he's cheated on his wife and had an illegitimate child and need to prove whether it's his or not or whether the story is real but even then it's none of our business but it's not something that happened 30 years ago because that's when all this had to happen if he had an affair or maybe him and his wife were split up maybe he was separated maybe whatever happened happened but maybe this woman isn't his child see all the Maybes, that's why we shouldn't be discussing it..​
Jerry Jr. had nothing to do with his either.....I think he and JT had some kind of a hush hush agreement.
People with the kind of money Jones has don’t normally pay too many consequences for diddling. It’s just a fact. It’s going to be up to Jerry to do the right thing if the tests show he’s the father. I’m sure he’ll pay the woman enough so that it doesn’t become a publicity issue.
I know this is a football forum, but it is the off season I guess.

For all the posters here who are men and [ossibly fathers or wilk be fathers in the future the sad part of this story is how could this story have been different if the paternity was established earlier, and another arrangement decided?

For a 4, 6, 8 or even a 14, 16 year old child's trajectory have been changed if there was more than just a legal and monetary acknowledgement. Does a child not deserve more than just a bag of cash? What is the value of hug? Attendance at an important event? Some pride from a parent for who you are?

I am going to stop here because this isn't football. But I would hope that Cowboys fans, regardless of their owner's performance with the football team would be above board with his personal actions.
I would care if this was about her wanting a relationship with the Jones family.

I don't think that's the case.
It don't matter, if he didn't cheat on his wife he wouldn't be in this situation. You're falling into the whole "she's just looking to make a buck" crowd, and that's cover for Jerry.
It's funny to me how some want to act like this is not a story.
I think it's a story, but I can see the argument by some fans as saying, "What does this have to do with the Cowboys?", and the answer is nothing.

If he ends up being her father, the NFL is not going to take action against a team owner who had a fling, especially one that happened 28 years ago.

Regardless of the outcome, she will have no claim of any kind on the Dallas Cowboys organization so it's a non-NFL issue.

That said, it is the off-season and a lot of fans are mad at Jerry so having something to attack/insult him over beyond football is likely therapeutic for some :D
While I agree, it still comes down to her reasons for taking legal action.

If she is doing it for work-related reasons (as someone else mentioned) or she's doing it because she genuinely wants to know who her father is for emotional or health reasons, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

If it comes out she is his daughter and then that is followed by more legal action(s) of any kind or she tries to capitalize on it financially, then her motives were all about a money grab.

To be clear though, I am not defending Jerry and you are right, if he is her father than that's on him. That said, he did support her financially so he did what he was supposed to do in that situation after it happened.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. It would be funny if it turns out that Jerry is not her father, but if it is determined he is her father, then what she does next will define what her real motivations were for the legal action.
Even though I care nothing about this,

here's the problem here even if it was his child he's only financially responsible and legally responsible until she's 18 years old...

so why this is happening now? who knows?

whether he feels like he should support her and give her part of his inheritance and maybe an allowance that's up to him, he is not responsible for that at all.

like most parents even though their parents for life once the kid goes out on their own they get their own jobs, their own careers, they pay their own way, they don't give people allowances for life... they don't typically in normal manner support their child in that manner,

ohh wait, unless you're a billionaire and you want some of your inheritance and it is a money grab, no matter how you look at this if she asks for money you know like either a big chunk or to be part of it inheritance which she has no right to and she pushes for it the courts are going to throw it out.. why because legally, she can only get support up until 18. He owes her nothing what if he was poor what if this was one of us who just leaves a regular mediocre lifestyle and has no money what then with a 27-year-old demand they be part of our inheritance which would be our debt and they would get no money would they push for it??

But on the flip side of the coin like you said maybe she just wants to know who her father is that's fine but I don't think that's what it is because it would never have been made public this gets out because of who Jerry is and to put pressure on Jerry's legal team to make something happen that is why these things allegedly leak out no they don't leak out they straight up get put out for everyone to see because Jerry's in that multiple billionaire and up there in fame he is famous so this is only a big deal and it's a story because of who he is..

We talked about that in another thread literally the Dallas Cowboys are the one of the most talked about franchises they are and Jerry's at the head of it and any crumb it's gonna get blasted and turned into a bread factory it's a non story to me I can really care less about what happened 27 years ago and great if they somehow connect and he's the father and she's the daughter and they care to have any kind of relationship that's great but it's none of our business!!
It don't matter, if he didn't cheat on his wife he wouldn't be in this situation. You're falling into the whole "she's just looking to make a buck" crowd, and that's cover for Jerry.
I think it remains to be seen what are motivations are (hopefully they are genuine and not money-driven), but regardless, you don't endear yourself to a family by suing one of the main family members.
his loser wife knows what he does, she is just in it for the money too. old hag and her baggy butt jean collection. "Get your Gene Jeans at baggy butt old women store near you" A clown family.
not sure why, but "baggy butt jean collection" sure made me laugh.....thank you for that good sir.
No it's more simple as some of you need to mind your own business stay out of somebody else's business like you said you have no idea what he's thinking or why this took so long or why it didn't happen early you know why you don't know why because it's none of your business this is a personal thing between Jerry and whoever this females mother or with this female herself that's their business this has nothing to do with sports and don't say it has something to do with hit the makeup of the man's personality or whatever because he is a very successful father and grandfather it's all right there for you to see it tenses grand children's football games and their events he makes sure he's there even when he's really busy with about 16 different businesses he is invested in including the Dallas Cowboys the man is already a successful businessman and father and husband regardless of whatever happened 30 years ago with this person got pregnant and whether he knew about it 15 years ago 30 years ago or just a couple years ago when all this started doesn't matter how he's handling it...

And I can say that with a straight face it's none of your business this stuff becomes a soap opera around here there's no reason to be talking about it it really would be fun if the the group of you who thinks it's fun to talk about the players businesses off the field their girlfriends whether they've gained weight whether they got tattoos or now Jerry Jones paternity issues had somebody follow you around 24/7 TMZ cameras and posted every single thing in your personal life ohh and by the way ran some background checks and actually made public every little thing some of y'all have ever done in your lives let me know how that feels because I bet you don't I bet you also don't know what it means to be worth about $50 billion and be a little bit cautious about people who might be trying to make a money grab...

So however he handles this it's none of our business and for sure it's none of your business this is about it's interesting to me as when TMZ and some of the other ridiculous media we have follows around famous people and then lets us know what they've been doing or not doing especially when it's I don't know in Europe with the whole royal family I can really give two ***** about what they do with their lives because I have my own lives to deal with and I follow sports for sports the purity of sports the Dallas Cowboys the team that's part of my regular daily lives but not with Jerry Jones does off the field in this particular subject matter...

It literally has nothing to do with us or how he's gonna end up running the team because he's already been a husband father and grandfather and he's done that well so whatever's happening here he'll get it handled but it is none of our business and I'm gonna say it 50 times because it's ridiculous we're talking about it in a sports forum..​
If this is something brand new like there was a real scandal like Jerry's been having an affair for four years you know recently like right now and someone turned up with the baby and this was fresh news maybe it'd be a little bit more pertinent to be discussed because that means recently he's cheated on his wife and had an illegitimate child and need to prove whether it's his or not or whether the story is real but even then it's none of our business but it's not something that happened 30 years ago because that's when all this had to happen if he had an affair or maybe him and his wife were split up maybe he was separated maybe whatever happened happened but maybe this woman isn't his child see all the Maybes, that's why we shouldn't be discussing it..​
Are you Jerry's PR guy? This post is slimy. He cheated on his wife, had a child and it's an embarrassment to his family and his brand. He's been embarrassing us for the last 28 years so I hope this stays in the media.
It don't matter, if he didn't cheat on his wife he wouldn't be in this situation. You're falling into the whole "she's just looking to make a buck" crowd, and that's cover for Jerry.
I agree with you 100% that if he didn't cheat, he wouldn't be in this situation. I don't care if she's about money.

I'm big on family. None of this screams family and wanting a relationship to me.

If you gotta take that man to court to claim you as his child, then he's not trying to be a father to you. He doesn't want you as part of his Jones nucleus.

And that sucks for her from a familial standpoint. Because winning this case won't change that stance, so what else is there to get out of this? Money.
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