Jerry Jones must complete DNA test in paternity case

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I think you’re focusing on the wrong person. The person whose character should be under scrutiny is Jerry Jones’s. He cheated on his wife and children with a married woman, father a child and hid the fact that the child existed. The child grew up without her father in her life but somehow you’ve made this about his “daughters” character. Slimy.
I'm not saying he's like that but some people would defend the POS just because he's the owner/GM of their favorite team. Then blame him because he's not getting the best players for the choker. shrugs..
Then why does he have to be forced by a judge to take a paternity test?

He's a sleezebag. No matter your opinion of her he should act like a dad not fight her in court.

She grew up without a father. Money or not maybe you have ZERO idea what that's like and should keep your piehole shut about it. I do know.

The guy has skirted consequences his whole life. Let him taste some karma
I know as well and I think your views of Jerry are clouding your judgement.

Privately they all know, her, him, the mother, Jerry’s family. She wants the name.

I don’t want to claim the name that came from my father’s DNA. I’m proud of the name I have. I wouldn’t go to court to “force a paternity test”. I don’t need it to know who I am.
Jerry paid up and signed off on a few million (His team is worth 8 BILLION now) and this chick was on a reality show with her mother.
But if the Momma didn't have good care of finances the settlement basically could have messed over the daughter.
She may have no recourse but to go after Pops again if the first settlement left her stuck out.
But it is 100% about the money because you can't get anything else.
Jean runs the house, and this woman isn't getting an invite to the Holidays or the vacations.
Old school rules.
You’re probably right that it’s about the money. But it’s not 100%. Some just want to get to know their father.
Imagine being someone's dad and letting them go through their whole lives without you acknowledging it to them?

It's too bad he doesn't care about morals and it's taking years of legal battles to maybe force him to acknowledge it through the courts.

She can take all the money they award her. The d-bag should suffer
Please spare me the sanctimonious victimization.

She has had tremendous benefits and advantages that millions of kids didnt have who were in similar situations.

The narrative that she’s some 4 year old standing in a bombed out building with a thousand yard stare, clutching holding a spot stained one eyed teddy bear is just born out of peoples frustrations with Jerry.

I’ve lived my own life and didn’t have some of those benefits. No silver spoon here for sure, whether it was inherited or negotiated.

I’d love it if the Cowboys had a new owner but I keep those thoughts related to football and what I feel is best for the team.
Please spare me the sanctimonious victimization.

She has had tremendous benefits and advantages that millions of kids didnt have who were in similar situations.

The narrative that she’s some 4 year old standing in a bombed out building with a thousand yard stare, clutching holding a spot stained one eyed teddy bear is just born out of peoples frustrations with Jerry.

I’ve lived my own life and didn’t have some of those benefits. No silver spoon here for sure, whether it was inherited or negotiated.

I’d love it if the Cowboys had a new owner but I keep those thoughts related to football and what I feel is best for the team.
why does it hurt you because she wants to be legitimized?
It's not necessarily just Jerry stans saying this. It's the kneejerk reaction from men nowadays whenever a woman goes to face off with a man. Backlash from the metoo thing years ago. Saw the same thing with the Irvin situation a year ago. Irvin himself brought the situation to light yet it became about the woman wanting a pay day, yet never saying a thing about it.
There’s a woman I work with, an incompetent women, who’s been bounced from team to team because no one can get along with her and she keeps going to HR. The company is afraid to fire her because they fear a law suit. True story happening right now.
I think you’re focusing on the wrong person. The person whose character should be under scrutiny is Jerry Jones’s. He cheated on his wife and children with a married woman, father a child and hid the fact that the child existed. The child grew up without her father in her life but somehow you’ve made this about his “daughters” character. Slimy.
I think you are reaching and reading something into my posts that I am not saying.

I am in no way condoning Jerry cheating on his wife, but that's not the purpose of the lawsuit and you can say whatever you want to about him for doing that.

This thread though is about whether he is the father of a woman who claims to be his daughter.

If he was single when it happened it would not change anything, so while him possibly fathering a child with one woman while being married to another would be a bad thing, it has no bearing on the lawsuit itself.

There are countless children who grow up with an absent parent, but it is very rare any of them ever file a lawsuit to publicly confirm who they are, so that in itself brings into question her motivations.

As I said, it's quite possible her motivations are just wanting to know the truth so she can have peace of mind.

However, if it comes out he is her father and then she starts trying to benefit monetarily from it, then we will know she really only did it for the money.

I would hope her reasons are genuine and I would hope that the Jones family would welcome her, but with all of the publicity and press her lawsuit has generated, I am not sure the latter will happen.
why does it hurt you because she wants to be legitimized?
It doesn’t “hurt me”. I just doubt her motivations.

We have an 8 page thread demonizing a rookie player for getting a tattoo but here people are falling all over themselves to let this individual cash in simply because we hate Jerry.

Literally saying they want Jerry to experience pain, financially and even personally. This just happens to be the most convenient reason of the day.

The same folks often root for him to get a deadly illness or simply to just die.

Just lots of hypocrisy around here.
I think you are reaching and reading something into my posts that I am not saying.

I am in no way condoning Jerry cheating on his wife, but that's not the purpose of the lawsuit and you can say whatever you want to about him for doing that.

This thread though is about whether he is the father of a woman who claims to be his daughter.

If he was single when it happened it would not change anything, so while him possibly fathering a child with one woman while being married to another would be a bad thing, it has no bearing on the lawsuit itself.

There are countless children who grow up with an absent parent, but it is very rare any of them ever file a lawsuit to publicly confirm who they are, so that in itself brings into question her motivations.

As I said, it's quite possible her motivations are just wanting to know the truth so she can have peace of mind.

However, if it comes out he is her father and then she starts trying to benefit monetarily from it, then we will know she really only did it for the money.

I would hope her reasons are genuine and I would hope that the Jones family would welcome her, but with all of the publicity and press her lawsuit has generated, I am not sure the latter will happen.
I still don’t get why her intentions matter? When you wonder about her intentions you are referring to her character. Anyone who fathers a child and doesn’t participate in the raising is a trash human being billionaire or not.
I still don’t get why her intentions matter? When you wonder about her intentions you are referring to her character. Anyone who fathers a child and doesn’t participate in the raising is a trash human being billionaire or not.
It doesn’t “hurt me”. I just doubt her motivations.

We have an 8 page thread demonizing a rookie player for getting a tattoo but here people are falling all over themselves to let this individual cash in simply because we hate Jerry.

Literally saying they want Jerry to experience pain, financially and even personally. This just happens to be the most convenient reason of the day.

The same folks often root for him to get a deadly illness or simply to just die.

Just lots of hypocrisy around here.
yep, a stupid tattoo is just like wanting to know if Jerry is her father. LMAO.
POV: You're a 19 yo college girl laying in bed in the middle of the night and you see this standing in the corner of your room:

5 best categories of Jerry Jones' weird sayings -
It's not necessarily just Jerry stans saying this. It's the kneejerk reaction from men nowadays whenever a woman goes to face off with a man. Backlash from the metoo thing years ago. Saw the same thing with the Irvin situation a year ago. Irvin himself brought the situation to light yet it became about the woman wanting a pay day, yet never saying a thing about it.
People in general should no longer just believe the woman anytime she accuses a man of something, and that's a good thing. It's supposed to be "Innocent until proven guilty", many on this site were already accusing Irvin of wrong doing
Is this what he meant by “All-In”?

27 years old? Hmm. Maybe conception happened somewhere between June 1996 and February 1997..? ~thinks back to possible coitus hookups~

July 1, 1996 - Emmitt Smith featured on Sports Illustrated cover:
"Ol' Emmitt's bringing home the bacon! I'm gonna make more money off of this! Let's celebrate honey! How old are you dear?"

July 23, 1996 - Paul Tagliabue suspends Michael Irvin five games for substance abuse:
"Why Michael Why? Why couldn't you be more discreet? Don't I pay you enough? Hey you! Come have a drink with me. How old are you anyway?"

December 28, 1996 - Dallas beats snot out of Minnesota 40-15:
"SUUUUEEEEEEEE PIG! YEEEEEEHAW! I'm gonna win another Super Bowl! Take that Jimmy! Baby! I'm the best owner you'll EVER meet in your life! Let's get outta here. Say? How old are you?"

January 5, 1996 - Carolina and Kerry Collins knocks Dallas out of Divisional round 26-17:
"Dang tarnation! An expansion team? This isn't supposed to happen to me! Who the hell is Kerry Collins anyway! No I will not be quiet! I'm Jerral Wayne Jones! Come over to my table and keep me company. Let me buy you a drink. Wait. How old are you?

January 26, 1997 - Green Bay beats New England in Super Bowl XXXI 35-21:
"Don't worry when I'm going home to my wife. Don't you know who I am? See that tv? That should be me up there getting handed the trophy. Don't you see how depressed I am? Why don't you sit with me and make me feel better. Good. You are over 18, aren't you?"
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