I think you are reaching and reading something into my posts that I am not saying.
I am in no way condoning Jerry cheating on his wife, but that's not the purpose of the lawsuit and you can say whatever you want to about him for doing that.
This thread though is about whether he is the father of a woman who claims to be his daughter.
If he was single when it happened it would not change anything, so while him possibly fathering a child with one woman while being married to another would be a bad thing, it has no bearing on the lawsuit itself.
There are countless children who grow up with an absent parent, but it is very rare any of them ever file a lawsuit to publicly confirm who they are, so that in itself brings into question her motivations.
As I said, it's quite possible her motivations are just wanting to know the truth so she can have peace of mind.
However, if it comes out he is her father and then she starts trying to benefit monetarily from it, then we will know she really only did it for the money.
I would hope her reasons are genuine and I would hope that the Jones family would welcome her, but with all of the publicity and press her lawsuit has generated, I am not sure the latter will happen.