Jerry Jones must complete DNA test in paternity case

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yep, a stupid tattoo is just like wanting to know if Jerry is her father. LMAO.
You miss the point entirely.

If you think that the people who are filled with fury over this issue genuinely care about this woman, I don’t know what to say.

It’s like identity politics. People want to be outraged by Jerry. He could donate a billion dollars to fight cancer and I absolutely guarantee half of the responses here would still be negative.
There’s a woman I work with, an incompetent women, who’s been bounced from team to team because no one can get along with her and she keeps going to HR. The company is afraid to fire her because they fear a law suit. True story happening right now.
That's on the company. If she's incompetent, surely there's plenty of documented evidence to back it up. The more people avoid having a discussion with her about her poor performance regardless of what she could claim in defense, the stronger any case she could bring gets because "no one told me why." If it's documented she was spoken to more than 5 times about performance before being let go, that looks mighty good in defense of a feared slander/money grab. Related, I had a woman not making the grade who was working on my team and I was just real with her but in an "I'm here to support you, what can I do to help" way to help limit defensiveness. Long story short, we let her go but we still communicate and may even have lunch soon near her new job. IMO, you don't treat people like an untouchable but also just dive in with mentioning the elephant in the room. If you all feel that way about her, of course she feels it too, maybe in a shameful way that doesn't help her performance, but also potentially in an "everyone's ganging up on me" way instead of being shown the messes she's making directly and not being able to deny the documentation.
I still don’t get why her intentions matter? When you wonder about her intentions you are referring to her character. Anyone who fathers a child and doesn’t participate in the raising is a trash human being billionaire or not.
Well, I imagine we all have some “trash human beings” in our family.

Not everyone grew up in a leave it to beaver household.

You should consider yourself lucky.
So if it turns out she’s his kid, so what ? She’s not getting anything. All she’s accomplishing is putting an old man through a humiliating proceeding to prove ………. ? Your dad is the guy who raised you not the sperm donor.
People in general should no longer just believe the woman anytime she accuses a man of something, and that's a good thing. It's supposed to be "Innocent until proven guilty", many on this site were already accusing Irvin of wrong doing
Oh no doubt. I don't disagree. Bring the whole process to light and if there's a crime, prosecute to the max. And if someone is lying, they should pay the price of putting that defamation locomotive in motion too. It's the "I know what their motivation is" that I take issue with. No one knows for sure that so and so is out for a money grab. No problem asking a balanced question, but knowing what's inside their heads (just like some know the refs are against us from childhood Cowboys domination trauma)? That's the 'spiracy train, mayne.
I still don’t get why her intentions matter? When you wonder about her intentions you are referring to her character. Anyone who fathers a child and doesn’t participate in the raising is a trash human being billionaire or not.
That may be true but you cannot sue someone for being a trash human being.

As I said in other posts, there are countless (millions of) kids who were raised by one parent while also having an absent parent and you rarely ever hear of them suing the absent parent as an adult to confirm they are related.

I also think it is fair to wonder that if Jerry Jones was a janitor, would she be taking legal action against him.

I get that from a moral standpoint people should not cheat on their spouses and parents should raise and be a part of their childen's lives growing up and I agree with that, but that's a moral issue, not a legal one.

If her goal is to simply find out the truth, then so be it. She's already gotten a lot of negative publicity for him over it and people are talking about it like we are here, so she's already benefitting from the lawsuit.

In any case, at this point there is no reason to think her motives are anything other than wanting to know the truth, which is very reasonable.

However, it is also fair to point out that most people who pursue legal action against a rich person usuallly care more about the money they can get out of it rather than noble reasons of doing it.
That's on the company. If she's incompetent, surely there's plenty of documented evidence to back it up. The more people avoid having a discussion with her about her poor performance regardless of what she could claim in defense, the stronger any case she could bring gets because "no one told me why." If it's documented she was spoken to more than 5 times about performance before being let go, that looks mighty good in defense of a feared slander/money grab. Related, I had a woman not making the grade who was working on my team and I was just real with her but in an "I'm here to support you, what can I do to help" way to help limit defensiveness. Long story short, we let her go but we still communicate and may even have lunch soon near her new job. IMO, you don't treat people like an untouchable but also just dive in with mentioning the elephant in the room. If you all feel that way about her, of course she feels it too, maybe in a shameful way that doesn't help her performance, but also potentially in an "everyone's ganging up on me" way instead of being shown the messes she's making directly and not being able to deny the documentation.
Thanks for the input but you don’t know the situation with her. She has to ask for help with just about everything and never gives credit to the person who helped her. She’s got FMLA where she gets half a day off Every Wednesday to go see her psychiatrist. The boss documented that she take the certification test and pass it by April. Now she’s on 12 weeks FMLA leave “exhaustion” or something like that. She’s been to HR about 10 times complaining about being discriminated against by men. Everyone avoids her because they’re afraid of her thinking they’re offending her. There’s certain Slack emojis we can’t use because she doesn’t like them. She’s a basket case and they’re all afraid of her.
I think you are reaching and reading something into my posts that I am not saying.

I am in no way condoning Jerry cheating on his wife, but that's not the purpose of the lawsuit and you can say whatever you want to about him for doing that.

This thread though is about whether he is the father of a woman who claims to be his daughter.

If he was single when it happened it would not change anything, so while him possibly fathering a child with one woman while being married to another would be a bad thing, it has no bearing on the lawsuit itself.

There are countless children who grow up with an absent parent, but it is very rare any of them ever file a lawsuit to publicly confirm who they are, so that in itself brings into question her motivations.

As I said, it's quite possible her motivations are just wanting to know the truth so she can have peace of mind.

However, if it comes out he is her father and then she starts trying to benefit monetarily from it, then we will know she really only did it for the money.

I would hope her reasons are genuine and I would hope that the Jones family would welcome her, but with all of the publicity and press her lawsuit has generated, I am not sure the latter will happen.
Once it’s established he is her father it will undoubtedly benefit her in stature alone .

And I’m not sure as an heir to his fortune she wouldn't be entitled to some financial benefits which she has only had a taste for so far.

She initially asked for him to come forward. And unfortunately he didn’t so forced her to file this suit in order to have this paternity dispute settled.

In no way should she ever be more than the victim regardless her actions. Jethro created this mess and even went as far as attempting to defame her for coming forward after her initial request.

She has a legal right to whatever she is pursuing.
I still don’t get why her intentions matter? When you wonder about her intentions you are referring to her character. Anyone who fathers a child and doesn’t participate in the raising is a trash human being billionaire or not.
Right. Her intentions definitely appeared to be well intended . And Jethro made every attempt to defame her publicly.

She should not be ridiculed for fighting for whatever she is pursuing. She will always be the victim.
That may be true but you cannot sue someone for being a trash human being.

As I said in other posts, there are countless (millions of) kids who were raised by one parent while also having an absent parent and you rarely ever hear of them suing the absent parent as an adult to confirm they are related.

I also think it is fair to wonder that if Jerry Jones was a janitor, would she be taking legal action against him.

I get that from a moral standpoint people should not cheat on their spouses and parents should raise and be a part of their childen's lives growing up and I agree with that, but that's a moral issue, not a legal one.

If her goal is to simply find out the truth, then so be it. She's already gotten a lot of negative publicity for him over it and people are talking about it like we are here, so she's already benefitting from the lawsuit.

In any case, at this point there is no reason to think her motives are anything other than wanting to know the truth, which is very reasonable.

However, it is also fair to point out that most people who pursue legal action against a rich person usuallly care more about the money they can get out of it rather than noble reasons of doing it.
Even if it was about the money why would that matter.

It was all about Jethro’s money when he made this agreement with Alexandra’s mother. Who knows how many hundreds of millions and potential billions this saved Jethro if had come out at the time.

It could have cost him his marriage and possibly the ownership of the Cowboys if his wife didn’t know about the affair and child.

Everything Jethro has built since she was born could have been at risk. It was all about the money. He will never be the victim in this.
Charlotte Jones Anderson has a net worth of $100 million, primarily derived from her executive position with the Dallas Cowboys.

So if she has that, this other daughter should have around the same amount. That is peanuts to a guy who has 13 billion or whatever it is.

Ol jerry is tight with that money, charlotte should have more than that?

As I said before, I think the one upset by all this is jean jones, and I have to wonder why charlotte would not want to meet her half sister ??

Stephen Jones’ net worth is estimated to be around $700 million , the bulk of that is from the cowboys, but he has made some investments that paid off..... pretty good for cap boy lol and he is worth every penny !! :popcorn:
Once it’s established he is her father it will undoubtedly benefit her in stature alone .

And I’m not sure as an heir to his fortune she wouldn't be entitled to some financial benefits which she has only had a taste for so far.

She initially asked for him to come forward. And unfortunately he didn’t so forced her to file this suit in order to have this paternity dispute settled.

In no way should she ever be more than the victim regardless her actions. Jethro created this mess and even went as far as attempting to defame her for coming forward after her initial request.

She has a legal right to whatever she is pursuing.
Even if she is his daughter, that does not make her an heir. Jerry can make her an heir or if he died without a will, the state could designate her an heir, but she would not be one simply by being his daugther.

She's not entitled to any benefits from him as an adult as no parent is obligated to financially support or provide for adult children unless they legally accept that responsibility.

To be clear, I am in no way saying Jerry is a victim and she is not one. I am speaking from a legal standpoint, not a moral one, as the legal one is the topic of the thread.

Under the law, Jerry was obligated to pay child support, which he paid million from what I read to her mother.

You are right in that everyone has a legal right to sue for just about anything. Having a legal right though does not in itself make the plantiff right and the defendent wrong .. again, from a LEGAL standpoint.

I agree that it's horrible when any parent chooses not to be a part of their kids' lives, no matter the reason.

However, if everyone could sue their absent parents for money, there would be hundreds of thousands of lawsuits active at any given time.

Hopefully her motives are driven by a genuine desire to know her real father, and if Jerry ends up being her father, I hope that the Jones family welcomes her eventually whether that's before or after Jerry's time ends.
Charlotte Jones Anderson has a net worth of $100 million, primarily derived from her executive position with the Dallas Cowboys.

So if she has that, this other daughter should have around the same amount. That is peanuts to a guy who has 13 billion or whatever it is.

Ol jerry is tight with that money, charlotte should have more than that?

As I said before, I think the one upset by all this is jean jones, and I have to wonder why charlotte would not want to meet her half sister ??

Stephen Jones’ net worth is estimated to be around $700 million , the bulk of that is from the cowboys, but he has made some investments that paid off..... pretty good for cap boy lol and he is worth every penny !! :popcorn:
Who knows if this had come out at the time . Jethro’s wife could have divorced him and forced the sale of the Cowboys in a settlement.

Maybe Jethro remarries Alexandra’s mother and she simply becomes the first child of his second marriage .

Truly amazing it’s stayed cover up this long. And if not for a background check by the White House it might not have ever came out.
Even if it was about the money why would that matter.

It was all about Jethro’s money when he made this agreement with Alexandra’s mother. Who knows how many hundreds of millions and potential billions this saved Jethro if had come out at the time.

It could have cost him his marriage and possibly the ownership of the Cowboys if his wife didn’t know about the affair and child.

Everything Jethro has built since she was born could have been at risk. It was all about the money. He will never be the victim in this.
I don't know why you keep acting like I'm saying his the victim as I have not said that at all in any of my posts.

I get that you are angry at Jerry and want him to sell the team so all will be well in Cowboys land, but that's just not going to happen from this.

I have been speaking the whole time from the legal standpoint. I have no emotional investment in this nor do I care if Jerry is or is not her father.

If she gets money out of him, then great for her. If not, then great for Jerry. I really do not care either way.

I just enjoy good legal discussions which is why I have been posting in this thread.
Even if she is his daughter, that does not make her an heir. Jerry can make her an heir or if he died without a will, the state could designate her an heir, but she would not be one simply by being his daugther.

She's not entitled to any benefits from him as an adult as no parent is obligated to financially support or provide for adult children unless they legally accept that responsibility.

To be clear, I am in no way saying Jerry is a victim and she is not one. I am speaking from a legal standpoint, not a moral one, as the legal one is the topic of the thread.

Under the law, Jerry was obligated to pay child support, which he paid million from what I read to her mother.

You are right in that everyone has a legal right to sue for just about anything. Having a legal right though does not in itself make the plantiff right and the defendent wrong .. again, from a LEGAL standpoint.

I agree that it's horrible when any parent chooses not to be a part of their kids' lives, no matter the reason.

However, if everyone could sue their absent parents for money, there would be hundreds of thousands of lawsuits active at any given time.

Hopefully her motives are driven by a genuine desire to know her real father, and if Jerry ends up being her father, I hope that the Jones family welcomes her eventually whether that's before or after Jerry's time ends.
They’ll probably never welcome her as long as Jethro’s wife is alive.

Her motives couldn't be anymore selfish intention than his were. He knew what was at stake with his marriage and business.

His intent is at the core of the issue. And if it was to protect his financial empire then she will have every right to pursue her share.

He would have to legally cut her out as an heir which would he admitting her birth right which becomes a mess all of its own. One that she would have a very reasonable right to fight for.

And who could blame her after Jethro publicly attempted to defame her and if the family intentionally fights to exempt her fro het birth right.

I’m not a legal counsel but I was in life insurance . And I can assure I’d much rather be on her side in court than his with 12 jurors of more likely her peers than his.
You’re probably right that it’s about the money. But it’s not 100%. Some just want to get to know their father.
I totally understand that.
I have lived it with those close around me but there were never any financial arrangements for them, and you cannot make someone even acknowledge you publicly.
Make no mistake having a fun baby and refusing to acknowledge them is completely trash but there is no legal remedy for terrible fathers once that child has turned 18.
That is why the mother took the deal in the first place.
The only thing she could get was financial relief and she got quite a lot of that.
I don't know why you keep acting like I'm saying his the victim as I have not said that at all in any of my posts.

I get that you are angry at Jerry and want him to sell the team so all will be well in Cowboys land, but that's just not going to happen from this.

I have been speaking the whole time from the legal standpoint. I have no emotional investment in this nor do I care if Jerry is or is not her father.

If she gets money out of him, then great for her. If not, then great for Jerry. I really do not care either way.

I just enjoy good legal discussions which is why I have been posting in this thread.
I’m not saying you said he was the victim but you have said you’d wait and decide after you saw her intentions. Like a money grab from her would be some sort of sign he is more of a victim than she has been. That’s my take anyway from your thoughts. If I read that wrong I apologize.

Jethro obviously acted on his own self interest. And he potentially saved at least half of his fortune and potentially more. I’m not sure why she would be viewed any less for her money grab than his money protecting intention.

Of course this isn’t going to bring about the sell of the Cowboys but it could have back then. Just saying…
I’m not saying you said he was the victim but you have said you’d wait and decide after you saw her intentions. Like a money grab from her would be some sort of sign he is more of a victim than she has been. That’s my take anyway from your thoughts. If I read that wrong I apologize.

Jethro obviously acted on his own self interest. And he potentially saved at least half of his fortune and potentially more. I’m not sure why she would be viewed any less for her money grab than his money protecting intention.

Of course this isn’t going to bring about the sell of the Cowboys but it could have back then. Just saying…
I get the moral outrage. I really do. I just don't think that translate to legal obligation in this case beyond child support, which he paid.

Could he have paid more? Probably, but it's also something that her mother, who was her legal guardian during her childhood, should have sought.

Again, I really don't care either way but I do find it an interesting case.
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