News: Jerry Jones on Cowboys' loss: 'This was a moral victory'


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This is the right psychological message to the team at the right time.

They are a 2-3 club who needs to build some confidence and swagger.
They played a 14 point favorite to the wire.
They played at a level that would insure them a long playoff run.

For an 8-8 caliber team there are moral victories.
Deal with it.


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I agree. Giants used that game against the patriots in 2008 to prove to themselves that they can play with the best. If we can go on are. Then this would be a moral victory.

I also hope the coaches are starting to understand this team and utilize the personnel/scheme better. For example our D can take more chances and become more aggressive than it currently is since we know our offense can score. So instead of sitting back and waiting to be carved up, let's take some chances to create tune overs. If the D is going down at least go down swinging!

Agreed! I like a balanced attach BUT if you are gonna push the ball down field like they did yesterday than make that your identity and air it out. At least it looked like there was a plan. I also agree no need to play a bend don't break D if you have an O that can score and the D keeps breaking anyway!


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Moral victories will not win a division, clinch a playoff berth, or make a locker room of a team with competitive fire feel better.

What this team needs is a sound defense, not a team playing like it's seven on seven drills.


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Jerry Jones needs to shut his stupid mouth.

We're the Dallas freaking Cowboys. There is no such thing as a Moral Victory. Go buy the Browns or the Jaguars if you're into Moral Victories.
Could not have said it better myself. thank you. Jerry has become content with losing as long as he is making a lot of money.


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Could not have said it better myself. thank you. Jerry has become content with losing as long as he is making a lot of money.

I think he said something to that effect earlier this week talking about how popular the Cowboys brand was.


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Moral victories will not win a division, clinch a playoff berth, or make a locker room of a team with competitive fire feel better.

What this team needs is a sound defense, not a team playing like it's seven on seven drills.

Yes, it's a spin. But when your offense can't score more than 20 per game then you need some self confidence and proof that you CAN do it against the best team in the league. If used correctly mad we go ion a streak then yes it's a moral victory. Otherwise, it's just loser talking.


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Yes, it's a spin. But when your offense can't score more than 20 per game then you need some self confidence and proof that you CAN do it against the best team in the league. If used correctly mad we go ion a streak then yes it's a moral victory. Otherwise, it's just loser talking.

The words moral victory should never be uttered in a competitive locker room.


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This is the right psychological message to the team at the right time.

They are a 2-3 club who needs to build some confidence and swagger.
They played a 14 point favorite to the wire.
They played at a level that would insure them a long playoff run.

For an 8-8 caliber team there are moral victories.
Deal with it.

They were slightly more than 1 TD dogs, deal with it.


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I am so sick of the entire Jones family starting with that freak show Jerry Jones. He is single handedly destroying the pride and the legacy of Dallas Cowboy Football.


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It's fine if he says how well they played. Particularly Tony.

He should say we have things to work on & we will.

But no moral victory speeches. There is no such animal.


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The people crying the loudest about this moral victory comment are people who have never won a thing in their life.
The kind of people who lose 1 game then quit playing.
They don't want to compete unless it is a known win.

There are losses that make you better, that give you things to build on.
Every Cowboys SB team had them.

The Cowboys need to consistently play at the level they did yesterday.
If they do so they'll win plenty of future games and this AFC loss versus a likely 1 seed will be meaningful only in maturation and growth of players like TWill and Mo.
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The people crying the loudest about this moral victory comment are people who have never won a thing in their life.
The kind of people who lose 1 game then quit playing.
They don't want to compete unless it is a known win.

There are losses that make you better, that give you things to build on.
Every Cowboys SB team had them.

The Cowboys need to consistently play at the level they did yesterday.
If they do so they'll win plenty of future games and this AFC loss versus a likely 1 seed will be meaningful only in maturation and growth of players like TWill and Mo.

Moral victories are for losers, no matter how you try to spin it.


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The people crying the loudest about this moral victory comment are people who have never won a thing in their life.
The kind of people who lose 1 game then quit playing.
They don't want to compete unless it is a known win.

You tell'm champ!


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I would say from an outsider that you played a great game. Watched the game. But in the end, it is still a loss. That must bite, Romo, I don't know.. And no one will remember next week - all a thing of the past.

Your team kind of exposed the ability for other teams to put up points on Denver. And knowing Peyton as well as I do, I know when the chips are down, he does rather poorly.

This season is up for --- who knows??? Parity and all that stuff.

My team the Pats looked pretty bad this week and all the injuries are just starting to take a toll. Nothing from nothing. You cannot do what you do not have.

So it should be an interesting season - and the SB, who knows. All kind of crazy.


It's Back
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Since Jerry said they have something to build on, I hope he changes the game plan. Have the offense attack and play to win, not play to not lose.


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At 2-3 normally it would be the end of the world. Instead we're tied for 1st (with Eagles having the advantage) in the NFC East. Our schedule gets much easier as the season goes on. We just had our hardest game of the year and we lost by 3 points... We can beat any team in the NFL.

We'll be seeing the Saints shortly. But the schedule looks like clear skies after that.


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Actually, and I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I might agree with Jones. The moral victory wasn't in the Win/Loss, but in the fact that our offense, if this is who our offense is now, we may be on our way. Did we just open it up, or go back to the Garrett play book? Because Romo was flinging the ball down field all game long. Anyone with 1 on 1 coverage, Romo found them. I'm hoping this is who we are offensively, and if so, that in itself was the moral victory. Remember, this season is young. We could run the table if we found something in this offense. And it's not far fetched to burn off 9 or 10 wins in a row.

I know based on our history, we can't handle consecutive victories, or any type of success, I'm just more focused on how easy our offense flowed yesterday, and hope that this is the trend for us offensively going forward.


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It is hard for me to put into words my thoughts on this man. As a longtime Cowboy fan.....I am numb. Resigned to the fact that Jerry being Jerry won't go away soon enough and it will only get worse.

As always owning the Dallas Cowboys is a win-win for JERRY. He packed a stadium. The sporting world was watching. We put on a good show. and we ALMOST won. We are the buzz of the day. Popcorn was was flowing....jerseys were flying off the rack....when you look at it this way (which I am sure Jerry does)...yesterday was a success!


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Let me add this. I think a great offensive attack is, Romo, Dez, Williams, Beasley, Witten & Dunbar. With this group, we have explosiveness all over the field, except maybe Witten, but he's like a freight train. Takes a while to get going but once he's moving, he's actually moving kinda fast.

Point is, this group that I posted up above, I think will be a scary group. Williams 1 on 1 with someone's third or second receiver at 6'3 with some speed? And Beasley, you have to throw it as soon as he makes his cut, because just like other small quick receivers, they make their living on quick cuts to get separation. Noticed how Denver protected Welker from being jammed at the line by lining him up behind people? These are things we have to do to get people open. I love that Receiver package.