Jerry Jones, The GM, Suddenly Has Changed?

From your keyboard to God's eyes.

This is why we have to look at the whole body of work and the trend lines. A guy can be good early in his career and then the league passes him by. Conversely, a guy can learn from past mistakes.

This has been a good season. However, we will need several of thes seasons in a row to know for certain if Jerry has turned a corner.

One of the best posts in the thread. I won't mince words I can't stand Jerry Jones, and until he is done being in charge of the Dallas Cowboys I suspect that won't change. I think his medeling had directly resulted in the franchise's mediocrity since the last Super Bowl. His constant need to be in the spotlight had undermined coaches and made the team the butt of jokes.

With that said I have seen some things recently that have given me hope. Drafting Martin and not going after Manziel was just a great decision. I said it on draft day and I'll keep saying it until the day I die. Loved the pick then love it more now. Whether it be luck happenstance, or design the Cowboys finally started focusing on the line and that is the way to build a team. We still have the Claibourne fiasco in our recent Jerry history so we still can see the whole bs Jerry the Gambler persona flashing through.

I hope that he has changed and I hope that the Cowboys can continue to build on their recent successes. But I can't help but feel (until he proves me wrong over a length of time) that this team is succeeding despite Jerry Jones not because of him.

Again great post ScipioCowboy
Who was yelling at Steven/Jerry?

That whole scenario was a weird dynamic, I'd love to have been a fly on the wall and know how the decision to trade down and grab a lineman was made.

Kudos to whomever did it. If they have to make trades, I always prefer to gather more picks by trading down and getting more balls in the lottery. Makes you wonder who they could have had on the team now if they hadn't made any of the trade-ups they've done the last few years.

Tom Ciskowski

Have to remember that it panned out and in hindsite it was the correct call even if it had not panned out.

The scouts had made the board with basically the same thing the old coaching/system wanted in players. The new coaches did not see Floyd as a quick twitch 3 tech DT that they wanted.

The problem was the disconnect between the coaches and scouts of what kind of player they wanted for the system and also the idea that made a board and did not stick to it.

Remember this was pick 18 (IIRC) and we have a top 5 rated pick sitting there(scouts had him rated #5 overall on the dallas cowboys board) and let's not forget we were starting a new Defense and needed help on the scouts did all of their work and it was basically dropped in that one spot because it was not what a coach wanted for their Defense.

It was a major lack of communication through the scouting department, the coaching department and that falls on the owner and GM to make sure that kind of thing should not happen.

Later the basically lightened the load (well the team spins it that way) for Tom and that is how McClay started getting much more press and power withing the scouting and personnel department even though he was basically just for NFL FAs and not the college scouting area.
You may disagree with this, but I believe Garrett is smarter than Jimmy and Bill in the sense that he knows how to successfully work with JJ more so than they did. Jimmy and Bill were two guys who liked to be out front and whose egos were as big, if not bigger, than JJ's. I do not see that in Garrett. Garrett is not about Garrett, he's about team and organization.
As for Jerry "running off" Johnson and Parcells, I'm not going to say he didn't, but I also feel there could be more to the story of them leaving than any of us know. It usually takes two to tango.

I don't know if smarter is the right word I would use, although I do think he is smart.

I think the better description, as you touched on, is he does not let his ego get in the way.

I don't think he likes when jones goes out and says things like ....We put so much time in training him. I don't think anyone would like to hear that kind of thing from a boss, true or not, being said in public...but he can put his ego to the side and move and to do what he feels is the best for the team.

If Jones said something like that about Jimmy or Bill they would not take to kindly to it, frankly I don't think he would say something like that because if Jerry is honest with himself he knows he learned more from those two than he ever taught them but that is another story.
I'll say this... Garrett will last around here as long as he keeps his ego in check. We all have seen what happens when egos clash with the Jones family, Right now... Garrett doesnt have one and he better keep it that way.
IDK, Hos. At times Jones has seemed to be much more interventionalist and at other times much more passive. Sometimes he backs off for awhile and then butts his head in at the wrong time (i.e. forcing TO on Parcells).

I think somehow Garrett has managed to finally convince him that he cannot try to replicate the 90s success. No one will probably ever get a Herschel Walker trade for a RB about to decline. No one will probably ever build such a great OL out of mostly mid-round picks, UDFAs and cast-offs. I don't know any team will ever draft 3 first ballot HOFers at skill positions on offense again. No one is going to trade you a 16 sack/yr player in his prime for a 2nd round pick. That is not a blueprint for success that can be repeated. That is what created a dynasty that only the salary cap could dismantle.

The model used to rebuild this team has been much more sound fundamentally with the one hiccup being Ryan's influence to bet the farm on CBs after the 2011 season leading to the only 2 real bad decisions under Garrett's management: the FA deal for Carr and the trade up for Mo. We have made good draft choices, we have unearthed good players in UDFA, we have developed marginal players into solid NFL contributors, we have found reasonable stopgap players in FA, we have not spent big money in FA on old players and we have not been unduly loyal to our own vets. These are all changes that had to be made to compete in a salary cap era. You can only have so many vet stars before you choke the money needed to have depth and capable starters sprinkled throughout the roster.

It is now just a matter of retaining that philosophy and continuing to bring in the new blood that the salary cap era forces you to do. You make the tough choices now or you'll probably face even worse ones somewhere down the road. This is what I fear the most, that a taste of success will lead to another set of bad decisions that will put us back behind the 8-ball again.
The organization is currently in a better place than it was in 2007, in my opinion. The talent is younger, and the coach has been in place for longer.

Maybe, but the problem is that the QB is older and has a bad back. If Romo can play 3 more years at a high level we should be contenders every year.
Pure fiction.

Rather than post this as fact or actual evidence, why not start the post with "This is what I believe" or "This is what I hope" ?

You'd have a ton more credibility and a lot less misunderstanding of your "passion."

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. Go Cowboys.
I'll agree with this article only after we win at least two playoff games.

Until we win more than a single playoff game in 18 years, I'll withhold judgment on Jerry Jones's GM abilities.
It isn't about his abilities.
So if he didn't want to do it, you are saying he was forced into doing it then? Who forced him? Why would he, as a self-respecting coach, allow himself to be forced to do something he didn't want to do? Sounds like he didn't have all the say the above article is claiming if what you are saying is true.

Let me explain something to you. When somebody takes over a position he may know that long term the best thing is not for him to do a particular thing, but in the short term, or if its something the BOSS thinks is good at the time, it may be in the overall best interest of everybody to do the thing in the short term even tho he knows long term its not his ideal.

If you've been paying attention and listening to what is said you would know that that is the scenario. You would also know that it makes perfect sense when you look at everything that has transpired.

It is no stretch to see that Jerry thot Jason could handle both and do a good job with both. Jason as a new HC prob discussed it sharing his thots but agreed to do it how Jerry wanted so as to not make any unnecessary waves as he was already bringing enough change and the other changes were of more importance at that time for the overall direction. Its called picking and choosing your battles, and knowing when to pick or choose which battle. Jason gained more credibility with how the other things worked out and because of that he could tell Jerry it was time for him not to be the playcaller anymore and Jerry would see that Jason knew what he was doing and going along with that would be a no brainer and no waves were ever created over it.
The OP has put something out there that is purely opinion..meaning JG is the visionary of the current team, including makeup, philosophy, drafting, etc. So Jerry evolved because JG took over.

Instead, I would argue that there is mounds of evidence against that theory. Instead, the evidence indicates JG was a 'coach in training', sort of like Jerry's executive apprentice at one of his oil companies. Sure, JG could rattle-off some thoughts and maybe influence a few things, but he was learning, on-the-job HC and elders like Jerrah and Stephen (and Jerry's advisors) made the decisions on Football.

Garrett's voice is probably getting pretty strong now, but it certainly wasn't comparable to that of Johnson, Parcells or even Wade two years ago. When Garrett took over, he was more of an OC also acting as HC.
These stories need to stop.

It took three plus years of JG's vision to finally materialize?

Meanwhile Harbaugh and other more qualified HCs did it in their first year?

And to top it all off the owner/GM has repeatedly called JG a trainee and has all but taken credit for the entire thing?

@Risen Star is right again...absolutely pathetic.
You know what I find really funny? For "20 years" (or maybe it is 18) the same gaggle of always negative guys have been telling everyone on this forum that Jerry Jones is the problem in Dallas, and that he will never change. "We will never again win as long as he is the GM of this team." Sound familiar? Definitive statement that wasn't prefaced with "This is what I believe" or "This is what I hope." Apparently I am the only person required to say that, even if I wouldn't mean either one of them in this piece. They even had their own little cabal avatar of Jerry with the Ghostbuster's red circle through his face. Some of them still use it.

I post a thread, in direct contradiction to the posited theories and posted threads that Jerry Jones has changed, in other words, [basically validating what they have been saying for "20 years," (or maybe it is 18),] and because Jerry "not changing" now reflects positively on the current state of the Dallas Cowboys, and possibly the future as well, and comes from me, they're pissed off.

So either they were wrong that he would never change, they were wrong that we could win in spite of him, or they are wrong that his changing is positively helping the current team. No matter which way you slice they are and have always been wrong.

Tickles the ribs I tell ya.
It is no stretch to see that Jerry thot Jason could handle both and do a good job with both. Jason as a new HC prob discussed it sharing his thots but agreed to do it how Jerry wanted so as to not make any unnecessary waves as he was already bringing enough change and the other changes were of more importance at that time for the overall direction. Its called picking and choosing your battles, and knowing when to pick or choose which battle. Jason gained more credibility with how the other things worked out and because of that he could tell Jerry it was time for him not to be the playcaller anymore and Jerry would see that Jason knew what he was doing and going along with that would be a no brainer and no waves were ever created over it.
There's no question that Garrett thought he could do both, but found himself quickly overwhelmed, there's no shame in that. It's when he insisted in remaining the playcaller despite his well-documented gaffes at the helm that hurt the team and finally convinced Jerry that despite what Garrett wanted, it was not to be, and the reins were handed over to Callahan, who was not much better. After a few weeks of that travesty, Garrett, whether he was told to or did it on his own, took the playsheet back, and the result was more of the same ho-hum offense, and with the team's record as exhibit #1 from the evidence bag, you can clearly see that fact ratifies my position.

So you believe that "Jason gained more credibility with how other things worked out", and that he decided to hand over the playcalling duties to Callahan only to change his mind later makes it look like he lost that credibility, don't you think?
I don't even see the reason to post some thing like this. No one actually knows exactly what goes on. Does any one really care?
Sorry Dave, I don't ask permission of anyone on what thoughts I can and will share. Read the replies. It is clear some of them "care."
Sorry Dave, I don't ask permission of anyone on what thoughts I can and will share. Read the replies. It is clear some of them "care."

The best part of it is as you wrote in post #57. That's why I don't care. It's like a chest beating post, your better than that.
Pure fiction.

Rather than post this as fact or actual evidence, why not start the post with "This is what I believe" or "This is what I hope" ?

Really? You mean like everyone else does around here?

You'd have a ton more credibility and a lot less misunderstanding of your "passion.

Would you mind changing this to say it is your opinion?

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