Jerry not interested on making changes w/Zack Martins contract?

simple really, Zack isn't honoring his deal. Jerry can either cave or Zack can cave. My money is on Zack caving and a compromise next offseason.
It's Jerry's fault that he let it get to this point. He's the GM. It's his job to make sure he builds the best roster possible. They restructured Martin earlier this year which would seem to indicate they clearly want him beyond just this year. So why not throw Martin, your best OL and possibly best offensive player, a bone here?

Because Jerry does what Jerry does, rarely has a rhyme or reason to his logic but thinks he's the smartest guy around. He's playing with fire here in the sense that if Martin just doesn't come back and pays the fines, Jerry has a massive OL problem on a team he claims can win the SB. You take Martin out of the lineup, suddenly Biadasz and Steele arent' as competent as you think.
:lmao: Get this far? Zack signed it and still has 2 years remaining. Hès smack dab in the middle of the deal they agreed on together. The insanity continues in upside down world.
:lmao: Get this far? Zack signed it and still has 2 years remaining. Hès smack dab in the middle of the deal they agreed on together. The insanity continues in upside down world.
It’s not insanity.

And the funny thing here is you seem fine with extending him in the off-season.

Which is a hilarious stance.
Jerry is now being utterly defensive about this now. Him coming out and trying to make Martin the bad guy here because he's wanting to apparently take money from them being able to sign Parsons and Lamb is pretty telling to me. He's trying to control the narrative while Martin's camp remains silent. To me that screams the guy being unreasonable here is Jerry.

I have little doubt if they guaranteed next years base, threw a signing bonus at him and extended him at say base salaries of around $14-15 mllion for a few years, this could get done. The timing should not be lost. Martin only made this request when his guaranteed money ran out. Even if you look at Lindstrom's deal, his base salaries only average around $16MM. So the reality is this seems pretty easy to figure out if Jerry really wanted to try.
Don't listen to what Jerry says. It is absolutely trying to play the fans against the player. Even if what Jerry says is true, he shouldn't be saying it.
Funny to read those siding with Jerry about Martin wanting a new contract are the same ones that defended Dak in his bid for more money.

I hope Martin holds out or even retires as he IS the Dallas offensive line.
Not me. I didn't like Dak's contract or Zeke's hold out in Cabo. I like Martin, but not what he's doing here. He needs to honor his contract and go back to work.
If he want's to talk to Jerry about money then talk, but screw the hold out. You signed a contract, honor it.
What exactly does Martin want? More money right now? Or just an extension with more guaranteed money? One is very different than the other. He's a 23M cap hit next year, so I think it's safe to say he's getting an extension. I'm wondering what the issue is, exactly.
I think he just wants a small bag THIS YEAR rather than wait til his cap hit in 2024. Which isnt his call. Ive seen players do this with 1 year remaining, but 2? This is a bit unusual.
He can sign them all if he wants.

Martin carries a 23MM cap hit next year. You can extend him now and lower that cap hit.
the tail can't be allowed to wag the dog in life ie business. Another words, the employee doesn't get to call the shots. Its fully up to the ownerships discretion. Just because we can sign everyone doesn't mean its a great idea to stretch the cap out and take bad risks on paying out money that has already been allocated for others. Zack will get his bag, but not til next year. Again, why is he rushing? Age?
the tail can't be allowed to wag the dog in life ie business. Another words, the employee doesn't get to call the shots. Its fully up to the ownerships discretion. Just because we can sign everyone doesn't mean its a great idea to stretch the cap out and take bad risks on paying out money that has already been allocated for others. Zack will get his bag, but not til next year. Again, why is he rushing? Age?
You are all over the map. It’s not a great idea to stretch out the cap but then say Martin will get paid next year.

You realize he has a massive cap hit next year that an extension now could create more cap space next season, right?
the tail can't be allowed to wag the dog in life ie business. Another words, the employee doesn't get to call the shots. Its fully up to the ownerships discretion. Just because we can sign everyone doesn't mean its a great idea to stretch the cap out and take bad risks on paying out money that has already been allocated for others. Zack will get his bag, but not til next year. Again, why is he rushing? Age?
I'm guessing he's worried about injury. Then he might not be able to fill two more bath tubs with gold.

Maybe because I am not a multi millionaire I can't understand. I just can never understand why someone set for life is so worried about piling on with yet more. Pile on, that's great. But to be angry or upset makes no sense to me. It has to be a pride thing. There's no room in the cap for pride money.
My hope is Zack comes to his senses and gets in Camp. Jerry has shown hes willing to pay guys, but not til he feels its time. I must ask, does Zack still luv the game or what the game does for him?
Oh FFS. That's your angle now? Has there been a Cowboy who was better or more loyal and never had any issues or controversy in the jerry era? The guy is an inner sanctum first ballot HOFer who has never had any issues. Now we are trying to question Zack because you are painting him as the bad guy here? Say you don't want to extend him now or that he shouldn't hold out because that is your prerogative, but that accusation is just silly and seems to served no purpose other than you trying to win a discussion.
Oh FFS. That's your angle now? Has there been a Cowboy who was better or more loyal and never had any issues or controversy in the jerry era? The guy is an inner sanctum first ballot HOFer who has never had any issues. Now we are trying to question Zack because you are painting him as the bad guy here? Say you don't want to extend him now or that he shouldn't hold out because that is your prerogative, but that accusation is just silly and seems to served no purpose other than you trying to win a discussion.
LOL the lengths people are going here to basically defend Jerry on this and trash Martin is downright hilarious.
No one really knows. The rumors have been he's bothered by the fact he's not the top paid guard but my guess is his real issue is he has no guaranteed money left and wants a few more years tacked on beyond 2024.
Exactly. If he gets hurt he gets nothing. I don't think being the highest paid Guard is the main issue for Zack, but I'm sure in the extension he gets (and he will get it) he will be.
Oh FFS. That's your angle now? Has there been a Cowboy who was better or more loyal and never had any issues or controversy in the jerry era? The guy is an inner sanctum first ballot HOFer who has never had any issues. Now we are trying to question Zack because you are painting him as the bad guy here? Say you don't want to extend him now or that he shouldn't hold out because that is your prerogative, but that accusation is just silly and seems to served no purpose other than you trying to win a discussion.
DON'T GET YOUR UNDEROOS IN A WAD. Are you his agent or something? You folks sometimes are out of your bloody minds. Why should Jerry make it rain for a 33 year old GUARD that might have 2-3 years left of football? Thats a nasty fact. He has 2 years left on his deal. Guard isn't very hard to find. My angle is 1 of fact and I truly am asking if Zack maybe just wants 2 skip training camp altogether because his heart might not be in it. It does happen. People get burned out. I aint questioning his work ethic and talent level. I question his thought process and timing. Its a bit weird. I mean 0 disrespect to his accomplishments.
Is it still ok in todays world when everyone is ultra sensitive, to ask questions/debate or make a statement? Or must we agree all the time? Just askin. I mean no ill will guys, If I come off salty, its just that I am oldschool and try to be direct 2 the point. Its not personal when I make statements here. I figure life is far too short to be hesitant or timid/passive. But 1 thing I like is, the fact I still have fun debating us fans on this mb. No matter what happens with Zack Martins sitch, this debate has been fun, colorful and dynamic/revealing. 1 thing this debate proves is we agree on 1 thing at least and its the most important thing, we all love our Dallas Cowboys with a huge passion. Thats the 1 common theme I see when we disagree especially. It would be very mundane if we agreed all the time. Carry on fella's and Go Cowboys. Much Luv.
LOL the lengths people are going here to basically defend Jerry on this and trash Martin is downright hilarious.
thats not whats happening. Look at this thing thru a clear eyed view, BOTH sides. Read everything being said, just don't harp on the things u disagree with. Big picture is, don't we need to be asking the hard questions of Zack? If not, then why? Why can't we debate the idea that maybe he is falling out of luv with the game? Is it taboo? If I am a boss and a guy/gal comes to me asking for a pay raise, Im having a heartfelt talk with said employee to ensure nothing has changed. I do find the timing of this strange. Afterall, Zack is the 1 that brought this on himself by holding out. Lets remember this. In the end, Zack will be here and fast.
Exactly. If he gets hurt he gets nothing. I don't think being the highest paid Guard is the main issue for Zack, but I'm sure in the extension he gets (and he will get it) he will be.
he was the top paid guard when he signed in 2018. None of these deals are guaranteed fully so yeah, if he gets hurt hes financially limited but so what. Its the way it is. He knew that. He signed it, took the money and has 2 years left. Jerry has 0 incentive to budge and I agree. But I do think they can agree to kick the can down the road and have this conversation at that time. Zack needs to get in here. Jerry has shown he will pay his guys. History shows this. But not like this. A 33 RG is replaceable. No I am not saying I want that. But its fact.
DON'T GET YOUR UNDEROOS IN A WAD. Are you his agent or something? You folks sometimes are out of your bloody minds. Why should Jerry make it rain for a 33 year old GUARD that might have 2-3 years left of football? Thats a nasty fact. He has 2 years left on his deal. Guard isn't very hard to find. My angle is 1 of fact and I truly am asking if Zack maybe just wants 2 skip training camp altogether because his heart might not be in it. It does happen. People get burned out. I aint questioning his work ethic and talent level. I question his thought process and timing. Its a bit weird. I mean 0 disrespect to his accomplishments.
That 33 year old guard was the best guard in the league and been an all pro for 7 of the 8 seasons he’s been here. He’s one of your foundation pieces on offense. He’s been a mode rep for the franchise. OL tend to play longer than other positions so the notion he can play well for another 3-4 years isn’t crazy.

He also has a large cap hit next year. An extension makes sense. The fact Jerry is lying to his fans about needing money for other players is telling here.
thats not whats happening. Look at this thing thru a clear eyed view, BOTH sides. Read everything being said, just don't harp on the things u disagree with. Big picture is, don't we need to be asking the hard questions of Zack? If not, then why? Why can't we debate the idea that maybe he is falling out of luv with the game? Is it taboo? If I am a boss and a guy/gal comes to me asking for a pay raise, Im having a heartfelt talk with said employee to ensure nothing has changed. I do find the timing of this strange. Afterall, Zack is the 1 that brought this on himself by holding out. Lets remember this. In the end, Zack will be here and fast.
I have.

Jerry’s stance makes no sense. And as I said the fact he’s lying and mounting a PR campaign here should tell you all you need to know.
he was the top paid guard when he signed in 2018. None of these deals are guaranteed fully so yeah, if he gets hurt hes financially limited but so what. Its the way it is. He knew that. He signed it, took the money and has 2 years left. Jerry has 0 incentive to budge and I agree. But I do think they can agree to kick the can down the road and have this conversation at that time. Zack needs to get in here. Jerry has shown he will pay his guys. History shows this. But not like this. A 33 RG is replaceable. No I am not saying I want that. But its fact.
that's actually not the whole story from what i read, he got most of this year all in bonus.... this year is almost fully guaranteed so he should end holdout come in and play, then they can talk about it next offseason, maybe do the same thing convert next year to fully guaranteed. Issue resolved!

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