Jerry wants everything done his way and does not want to be questioned about it. We all heard him on the radio broadcast, he exploded when someone questioned his decisions.
Jerry will tell any HC who starts and who can be disciplined...Or not. Making it virtually impossible for any HC to make their own decisions or control the players with discipline.
Which of course leads to no team discipline.
Thing is Jerry doesn't care how we do, as long as we play by his rules and he makes $$$$s.
As fans the only thing we can do, is to also not care and affect his bottom line ($$$s) and we do so bad the Cowboys are no longer in the spotlight, which he also craves.
Sometimes you have to break something to fix it. As fans we have to trash the franchise, which is hard to do as fans. As long as we are #1 in ratings and value, he will not change a thing.
As to the OP, no offense but most of know he's an idiot and a liar so he cannot insult our intelligence because we already know he's a liar.
So sad that the 105 folks sat there and took his BS today, they should have doubled down like a lot of the national media folks are and stuck it too Jerry.
Wish the NFL itself would find some obscure reason to get rid of him. The NFL's most popular and lucrative franchise is making the NFL look like a joke.
Screw you Jerry.