Jerry: Prescott corrects mistakes better than any QB I've ever been around


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Dak hasn’t fixed anything in his 8 years in the league. He used to be able to use his legs to keep the defense honest and that would open up the pass game for him.

He can’t even slide correctly and it’s safe to say he’s peaked already and probably on the downswing of his career. He’s not going to magically get significantly better. He is what he is.


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When Qcard said to AC that he was a veteran also, AC was all lovey dovey with Qcard and that is because they both are in love with Dak, yet when someone like myself and others that served and say something bad about Dak then the insults start taking over like, Gomer Pyle, Rambo, and all kinds of crap. Yeah, served my butt!
I take the position that regardless of the disagreements on the numerous subjects involving the Dallas Cowboys, I never bring someone's service into the discussion as one has nothing to do with the other. I respect any and all for their service but when they use someone's service as a form of belittlement based solely on the subject of the Cowboys, they take things to another level, lose any and all respect, and should need to sit in a corner for some time.

Anyway, too great a day today to worry about those weak in character so that's that.

Enjoy the day brother.


The Excellence of Execution
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Dak hasn’t fixed anything in his 8 years in the league. He used to be able to use his legs to keep the defense honest and that would open up the pass game for him.

He can’t even slide correctly and it’s safe to say he’s peaked already and probably on the downswing of his career. He’s not going to magically get significantly better. He is what he is.
Agreed! His pocket presence and body mechanics have gotten significantly worse.


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I had to work my way from E-0...that's some hard stuff, bro!
Wait.....E-0??? Heck, I had to work my way up to that rank....although it now explains why when leaving the MEPS station the bus was blue and not that cool camo color.


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I just wonder truly if there is going to be a change in dak with the new offense....if we don't see something this year then he's truly's the last chance to show something....

I thought last year was that last chance but will give one more with a new
Lines always make a difference and can cover up other areas of weakness.

However i will say scheme may be what's needed here as dak has had very good lines consistently through his career...defense yes, need more defense absolutely.

I'm just hoping a freshish approach makes a difference...dunno though.
I here ya.

America's Cowboy

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You know nothing of the word respect for you use a veteran's status as a means to demean and insult when you disagree with something they say about Dak so do not feign ignorance of what you do as we all know what you are and what you do.
While others may allow you to get away with your BS tactics, I won't and will call you out on it every time.
Quit acting innocent as usual. You not only criticize Dak, you attack those of us who do support Dak, so for once own up to your personal attacks. Disgrace to the uniform. You seriously expect for one to stay quiet to your personal attacks? Show respect and you will receive respect.

America's Cowboy

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AC claims to be a veteran, yet I asked AC three questions that every E-1 would know and he/she could not answer any of them, and the ones that AC googled was not even the right answers! How embarrassing.
Your questions were answered clearly and fully.


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Quit acting innocent as usual. You not only criticize Dak, you attack those of us who do support Dak, so for once own up to your personal attacks. Disgrace to the uniform. You seriously expect for one to stay quiet to your personal attacks? Show respect and you will receive respect.
Yet again you bring military service into your comments to attack someone to protect any criticism of Dak.

Since it's been made clear you are free to belittle people on here by using their service as a form of insult I am done engaging with you and instead will converse with those that are capable of having an adult dialogue.


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And they were all wrong! Stop the act. You want me to ask them again? You want to show how ignorant you are? Let me know and I'll ask you three more questions, but you won't be able to google this time!

Let me know and I'll ask you three more. pffttt
Ac seems to be whatever is talked about.

You talk about offense and he was an all-state center. You talk about defense and he was a college LB.

So, it's no surprise that he is also something else now.


Well-Known Member
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Yet again you bring military service into your comments to attack someone to protect any criticism of Dak.

Since it's been made clear you are free to belittle people on here by using their service as a form of insult I am done engaging with you and instead will converse with those that are capable of having an adult dialogue.
how childish does someone have to be to attack someone's service over criticism of a guy they will never know who plays a sport? smh, this woke crazy crowd is insane.
I appreciate you guys serving our country. I mean it too.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
please ask them

No, it's alright, I have nothing to prove to AC. But, I would like to hear AC's story about playing semi-pro football and how AC went from playing center to playing linebacker, as if that could actually happen! Then AC was asked another question about some sport of the other, now sure to remember now, but AC then said the he/she was not tall enough and did not weigh enough! lol. Delusional to the bone!

America's Cowboy

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And they were all wrong! Stop the act. You want me to ask them again? You want to show how ignorant you are? Let me know and I'll ask you three more questions, but you won't be able to google this time!

Let me know and I'll ask you three more. pffttt
E-0? SMH


Well-Known Member
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No, it's alright, I have nothing to prove to AC. But, I would like to hear AC's story about playing semi-pro football and how AC went from playing center to playing linebacker, as if that could actually happen! Then AC was asked another question about some sport of the other, now sure to remember now, but AC then said the he/she was not tall enough and did not weigh enough! lol. Delusional to the bone!
dang. don't ask him about his imaginary twin then.