Jerry statement on retaining McCarthy


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You cant say that you are accountable and not step down Jerry. Thats the whole point.

Never thought they would can MM. They kept Jason Garrett for almost a decade with 0 divisional round wins and three straight 8-8 years.


Junior College Transfer
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Statement Jerry Jones:

“I believe this team is very close and capable of achieving our ultimate goals and the best step forward for us will be with Mike McCarthy as our head coach. There is great benefit to continuing the team’s progress under Mike’s leadership as our head coach. Specifically, there are many layers of success that have occurred this season as a result of Mike’s approach to leading the team, both with individual players and with our team collectively. Mike has the highest regular season winning percentage of any head coach in Cowboys history and we will dedicate ourselves, in partnership with him, to translating that into reaching our post season goals. Certainly, Mike’s career has demonstrated post season success at a high level, and we have great confidence that can continue.

"Further, our loss on Sunday is shared by everyone here, not just Coach McCarthy. Our players. Our coaches. Our front office. Myself. There is accountability for our results. I am accountable for our results. The lens we use to view and evaluate Coach McCarthy is holistic. While we’re all disappointed with the result on Sunday and with our playoff record, I am 100 percent supportive of him as our head coach and ability to reach our goals.

“We will start our process of review and decision making regarding everything that impacts our team and roster and, while we’re not going to address specific players and extensions or free agents at this point, it deserves our deepest review and consideration, and it will get it.”

Ah, continuity. Well it will be like old home time. We dazzle in 2024, then exit the playoffs early. We end up at 11-6. Jerald drafts No. 18 and he get a 400-pound Michigan lineman and a 2nd round Auburn project WR who show promise on the practice squad.:p
Oh, lads! Old times and new times with Mikey!
We like our guys cause they'll do better next time! They really will!
There is comfort in our almost-good-enough average niche!


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Dak needs to give a serious discount to the team. Somewhere between $35 - $40 million / season should be fair and more than enough. That would help out the team immensely. If Dak gets greedy once again, I will blast him like no other!
Dak didn’t take 35 million at the time 35 million was the richest contract in NFL history, why would he take it now? Dak turned down 35 million when he didn’t have massive dead money on the cap. He has all the leverage. Dak will take 58-60 million APY with 150-200 million signing bonus/gurantees.

Next season we’re going to field a roster of 5-7 guys that are the market setters for contracts, Dak, CD, Micah, Martin, Diggs. Then the other 45 or so players will be the Gallimores and the Chumas of the NFL.


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Well Jerry better do everything he can to build up that roster. Especially at line, rb and lb


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This is going to come back and bite this team in the arse. If Bill Belichick is the Falcons new head coach, watch him take them straight to the Super Bowl and the Cowboys miss out on the playoffs under Mike McCarthy next season.


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Saying there is accountability is not actual accountability. Nice words though, however hollow they may be.


Texas Ranger
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So who is going to be accountable for the huge loss? First team to lose to a 7th seed, only team to lose their home field advantage from both conferences. There has to be accountability.

America's Cowboy

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Dak didn’t take 35 million at the time 35 million was the richest contract in NFL history, why would he take it now? Dak turned down 35 million when he didn’t have massive dead money on the cap. He has all the leverage. Dak will take 58-60 million APY with 150-200 million signing bonus/gurantees.

Next season we’re going to field a roster of 5-7 guys that are the market setters for contracts, Dak, CD, Micah, Martin, Diggs. Then the other 45 or so players will be the Gallimores and the Chumas of the NFL.
Dak is hearing all the noise. Jerry is as well. Perfect opportunity for Jerry to play hardball and win.


Texas Ranger
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Two amazing coaches in Bill and Harbaugh, which in most cases are in the realm of costing us draft picks and they come free of charge and Jerry the clown is okay with the results? Dude has loser mentality.


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Like a lot of our fans, I thought it was time to move on from McCarthy. I DON'T hate the man. I just think the team would have better chances with someone like Jim Harbaugh IF Jerry were willing to step out of the way and give him full autonomy on running everything football related (which he won't).
I want them to prove me wrong next season (but they won't). It's already been 19 seasons now in which I've bought no merch and have not gone to any games. For the past 7 seasons, I've watched the games without paying for any of them. Now I'm even contemplating only watching the games condensed on Youtube. Maybe not enough fans have quit paying for this sub-standard play. It doesn't seem to have hit Jerry in his pocketbook hard enough. He was on the right track when he hired Bill Parcells and promised to stay out of his way, a promise he actually kept ... at first. Jerry just couldn't resist overriding his coach when he wanted T.O., but Parcells didn't. Will Jerry ever quit meddling? Sure, he'll quit doing that when he retires or dies, but not before. We can expect more of the same. That begs the question, "Why am I watching this junk?" The question some 19 years ago was, "Why am I paying for this crap?" So I quit doing that. The only time I quit watching mostly was when I was living in northern California going to college, and that was only because it was the 80s, and you only got the games that the local television gave you. Obviously, the 49ers were the high priority for the networks there. I could only catch Cowboy games if they happened to be on TV or if I went to a sports pub with one of those huge satellite dishes. I did that on occasion, but my studies occupied a lot of my time, so I could only do that as a special treat. However, I only missed games back then because I had to. It wasn't really my choice. If I could have, I would have taped games so that I could watch in my own time.
Today is really the first time I've actually considered not watching because it's not worth my time. With today's technology, I know how to watch without paying the NFL a dime. Maybe my time would be better served practicing my guitar, studying my French, working out, or doing other hobbies. I've been a fan since 1971. It feels weird to even consider just not even watching. It's just that Jerry's leadership is so dysfunctional, it makes even a decades-long fan like myself consider not watching. One reason why I've kept it up so long is it's a family tradition. Before I was even born, and when I was a little toddler, my parents were going to Cowboy games at the Cotton Bowl with Don Meredith at quarterback. I started watching when Craig Morton was quarterback, and there was this new challenger to his job, a guy named Roger Staubach. My family does not agree on government policies (and I won't go into detail, I promise), but we've always been united in rooting for the Cowboys. If I did quit watching, I wouldn't jump to some other team. I just wouldn't watch any NFL football. I might watch NCAA ball instead, but I've always been much less into that league. Anyway, it's been nice that, if we're talking about the Cowboys, we're united, unlike the government stuff. (Again, ain't gonna spill further details on that, and please don't ask; trying to stick to CZ policies here.)
I'll probably get suckered into watching again next season. I don't know why. Jerry Jones hasn't earned my fandom like Tom Landry and Tex Schramm did, or like the team of Jerry and Jimmy did. My decades-old Cowboys merch is tattered and worn, but I've refused to buy any more. There's this notion of, "My team, whether they're great or terrible," but I don't do that with other products. I don't buy Gibson guitars anymore because other companies like Ibanez, Takamine, and Sire simply give me more value for my money. Jerry's product is of questionable value. I already quit using my money on it. I'm about a centimeter away from not giving it my time any more as well. But, even if I keep watching, I'm getting up there in age, and I won't be here forever. If I feel this way, there are probably hoards of younger fans saying, "[Bleep] this, I have better things to do." Jerry can't expect indefinite support from all fans. Fans neither have unlimited money nor unlimited patience. The market economy will eventually catch up to this team, regardless of what old-timers such as myself do. More and more people will quit devoting their money and time to the Cowboys if this crap keeps going on.
The problem is Jerry’s ego. Just because he is successful in business he thinks he’s a general manager. Johnson and Jones were a good combination until Jerry’s ego got in the way. Until he dies or hires a real GM, the Cowboys will continue limited success.

Maybe this embarrassing loss will help Jerry to see the light. NAH! The ego is far too big.


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So.. not altogether unexpected but still a gut punch.

The hardest part was the rational behind the decision.. "we still feel we are close"... that. There it is. Absolutely NOTHING is going to change because Jerry has been hoodwinked yet again. The drunk fool still thinks we are a move away from the SB.

43 years and counting following this franchise but I'm nearly done. I just can't.. I get if you want to keep MM.. I do.. but you have to come out and make a different statement like "we have recognised that we need to change our approach to playoffs, we will be looking to change the structure in the new season but we still feel MM gives us the best chance to unearth new talent and make the necessary changes to set us up for play off success" or something like it.

JJ is senile. Officially Al Davis land.


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History tells us we won’t win the division next season. I doubt we even make the playoffs. But, the eternal optimism is in full force. Things are going to be different next season. Yawn.