The more one dislikes someone but continues to think about them, the more power they give them over their thoughts.
Booger is the face of the Dallas Cowboys, just as he wants it. Want proof? Just look at the amount of this forum he dominates and I doubt the other owners and/or GM's get near this amount of dominance on their forums.
We can either accept that or move on to another team because he's not stepping down unless forced to because of health. I accepted that through ignoring him as much as I can. I don't listen to or watch him and only know what he says from what I read here and I don't miss anything because every word he stumbles over is repeated here.
Took me a while to figure out one of the paths to contentment and happiness is finding that which irritates me and avoiding it. It's like allergies, I am allergic to Booger. Greg, the next time you start to watch an interview with Booger, ask yourself 'how will I most likely feel after this, better or worse?' I have never answered "better" to that question unless he is announcing his retirement. And even then, I don't trust him not to go all Favre on us.
But, vent on, brother, vent on.