Jerry to put Jimmy in ROH December 30th

About time this happened. The man was responsible for getting us three Lombardi Trophies (I know he wasn't there for the third but the players he had were and that should mean something.) Can't wait to see it.
Just think how many Super Bowls Jerry cost us through the years. What a dunce at times......:facepalm:
I really didn't think this would happen in Jerry or Jimmy's lifetime and thought one would have to pass on first. I'm impressed. Part of me is suspicious about it, but I'm still impressed.
I really didn't think this would happen in Jerry or Jimmy's lifetime and thought one would have to pass on first. I'm impressed. Part of me is suspicious about it, but I'm still impressed.
I think the criticism Jerry has received for not adding Jimmy to the ROH finally got to him. It was becoming worse every year and he finally gave in. He realized how bad it was making him look.
It's about G damn time now maybe we'll win the Super Bowl and end the Jimmy Johnson curse!
What do soon? The fuhrer is gonna be miserable at the deafening, extended applause Jimmy will receive and Jimmy and us long suffering fans deserve it. Without Jimmy, the fuhrer has zero championships. Kudos to the fuhrer for two things: 1) hiring Jimmy and 2) letting Jimmy have in his contract that he has the final say in ALL football matters. That’s the extent of the credit the fuhrer deserves.

Stunning exciting news !!

I frankly thought Jerry was determined to go to his grave with denying Jimmie in his precious Ring of Honor.

I wonder who was the HUGE influencing figure(s) in helping Jerry change his mind with ROH for Jimmie ?

I tend to really believe someone (or something) leaned on Jerry heavily to make him think otherwise.
Some force helped to finally break Jerry, imo.
Why announce it at an away game .? Why not during the Ware induction?
induction has lost its luster long time ago . The ego of Jones is his biggest weakness ans has cost this team and fan base a lot .
Later and longer than we all hoped, but at least it is being done while Johnson is still alive to receive the honor. Good on Jerry Jones for finally getting this done. Can't wait for the 30th!

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