JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Storm drain sniper would be ideal but not sure he had a clear shot. I went to Dealey Plaza and that shot would have been hard to hit JFK. Also that hole with JFK's flap of skin makes it a exit wound. Back to the left ?Possibly, but a truly difficult shot. Hiding place is perfect and sniper had room to sit down and a tunnel to exit which rumored and man did go out that tunnel. I just thought that shot was just a very hard shot to get JFK.
Storm drain was much larger back then than it’s been modified to today. And why else would the drain be modified?
Also people need to understand that the video was edited. Anything as far as that video goes could be tampered with.
Now would anyone expect a woman as an assassin and back in the early 60's? Some cute, petite little homemaker with a sweet Texas draw?.....When you say SNIPER, ASSASSIN, SHOOTER your mind automatically thinks it must be a man. Zapruder Film everyone is looking for a gun,not a camera that could be a gun. ....Ask yourself why is BlindZebra trying so hard to keep it being possible other shooters? That every coincidence that I have posted in this thread must be the rants of a nut ,not that these people are connected? That angles don't add up and the witness stories are different.. They should open up it again and RFK's and then all the others conspiracies. When you are open to one being a conspiracy then you are open to others and you can filter through the BS like what guys like Blind Zebra do because they cannot argue that too many people here are connected on JFK.. So make fun of anyone who questions the Warren Commission and you believe in the official story and that connections mean nothing.

*A Magical Bullet,

*Jack Ruby acted on his own no one else involved with snuffing out Oswald.Ruby is a Patriot not a Mobster.

*That suspects like David Ferrie die within a week when news breaks that they are either the chief suspect or possible witness for Jim Garrison is not of any question.

*That Oswald,Ferrie,and Bannister work in the same average building in New Orleans, means nothing

*That Clay Shaw just happens to have both Oswald & Ferrie's names in his guestbook at his home in the French Quarter,means nothing

That DH Byrd good friends with LBJ hires Oswald to work at the TSCD. The same Byrd who had a JFK Wanted for Treason poster page in the Dallas Morning News the day JFK is there, means nothing

That DH Byrd is friends with George DeMohreshildt at Dallas Petroleum.A big rich man's club.Also that DeMohrenshildt is friends with Oswald who makes 1 dollar an hour at the TSBD. Millionaires who are wealthy right wingers always befriend left wing communists who are poor as everything,means nothing

That DH Byrd created the Civil Air Patrol that both David Ferrie & Oswald are part of, means nothing

So many more I can add,but I think you get the drift
Also people need to understand that the video was edited. Anything as far as that video goes could be tampered with.
What video? The Zapruder film is an 8mm film with frames about the size of a finger nail and it was not tampered with.
That is what the link he posted said.
That was an example of a cameragun .You wanted to laugh at any suggestion of a cameragun and I showed it was possible weapon than a crappy Carcano rifle with a crappy site.
Now would anyone expect a woman as an assassin and back in the early 60's? Some cute, petite little homemaker with a sweet Texas draw?.....When you say SNIPER, ASSASSIN, SHOOTER your mind automatically thinks it must be a man. Zapruder Film everyone is looking for a gun,not a camera that could be a gun. ....Ask yourself why is BlindZebra trying so hard to keep it being possible other shooters? That every coincidence that I have posted in this thread must be the rants of a nut ,not that these people are connected? That angles don't add up and the witness stories are different.. They should open up it again and RFK's and then all the others conspiracies. When you are open to one being a conspiracy then you are open to others and you can filter through the BS like what guys like Blind Zebra do because they cannot argue that too many people here are connected on JFK.. So make fun of anyone who questions the Warren Commission and you believe in the official story and that connections mean nothing.

*A Magical Bullet,

*Jack Ruby acted on his own no one else involved with snuffing out Oswald.Ruby is a Patriot not a Mobster.

*That suspects like David Ferrie die within a week when news breaks that they are either the chief suspect or possible witness for Jim Garrison is not of any question.

*That Oswald,Ferrie,and Bannister work in the same average building in New Orleans, means nothing

*That Clay Shaw just happens to have both Oswald & Ferrie's names in his guestbook at his home in the French Quarter,means nothing

That DH Byrd good friends with LBJ hires Oswald to work at the TSCD. The same Byrd who had a JFK Wanted for Treason poster page in the Dallas Morning News the day JFK is there, means nothing

That DH Byrd is friends with George DeMohreshildt at Dallas Petroleum.A big rich man's club.Also that DeMohrenshildt is friends with Oswald who makes 1 dollar an hour at the TSBD. Millionaires who are wealthy right wingers always befriend left wing communists who are poor as everything,means nothing

That DH Byrd created the Civil Air Patrol that both David Ferrie & Oswald are part of, means nothing

So many more I can add,but I think you get the drift
So everyone but Oswald did it...got it. So I guess I was in on it too, I mean what do I have to gain by agreeing that Oswald did it? I was not born yet but obviously there must be a sinister motive behind disproving every thing you post.
Good luck Zekeats with explaining about the Zapruder possible tampering. It doesn't matter ,Zebra won't believe anything but a Magical Bullet.
So everyone but Oswald did it...got it. So I guess I was in on it too, I mean what do I have to gain by agreeing that Oswald did it? I was not born yet but obviously there must be a sinister motive behind disproving every thing you post.
Still you can't argue away the connections. CAN YOU???
That was an example of a cameragun .You wanted to laugh at any suggestion of a cameragun and I showed it was possible weapon than a crappy Carcano rifle with a crappy site.
You make no connection to link Moorman to any of the players you say were involved. You ignore the fact that there are pictures from her camera of the assassination. That the angle from where she was and the angle of his head do not line up with the wounds in his head. He was shot just right of center in the back of the head that blew out the right top of his head. Moorman would have hit him on the lower left side of his head, where no wound existed.
*General Charles Cabell forced to resign as Deputy Director of the CIA and he calls JFK a traitor and his brother just happens to be the Mayor of Dallas at that time of the assassination Earle Cabell.

*That Jim Braden(William Brading & Jack Ruby happen to be at the same area the day before at HL Hunt's business. Yes another wealthy millionaire has a convict and a strip club owner over all the time

*That LBJ cleans the limo and Connalley's suit before it could be investigated for evidence.

* That Jackie Kennedy wrote in her memoirs that LBJ didn't want his buddy Gov. Connolley in the limo with JFK and argued for a Congressmen Yarbourough that LBH didn't care for and argued with JFK about it before the limo ride.

* That Gov. Connolley yelled out during the shooting "They are gonna kill us all". Maybe Connolley didn't care if JFK died but worried about his own hide?
Still you can't argue away the connections. CAN YOU???
I am waiting for evidence not six degrees of separation. You post several different configurations of connection, yet say LBJ did it. That means several of your connections did not actually take part in the assassination. That is why connections prove nothing. All it does is cause an ever growing conspiracy. At this point you would need hundreds if not thousands of people involved. If not you must admit that some of these connection are just coincidence and have no real connection.
You make no connection to link Moorman to any of the players you say were involved. You ignore the fact that there are pictures from her camera of the assassination. That the angle from where she was and the angle of his head do not line up with the wounds in his head. He was shot just right of center in the back of the head that blew out the right top of his head. Moorman would have hit him on the lower left side of his head, where no wound existed.

She exposed Tippit as a suspect and the angle is there and you say didn't line up. Where is JFK's exit wound? On the right side of his head. Where is Moorman? To the left side.You think they couldn't have tampered with evidence? Like maybe other possible evidence like the LIMO and CONNOLLEY'S SUIT???? She might have connections in the CIA or The Mafia.No one checks in on her history.No one knows what could be hiding. She doesn't have to testify to the Warren Commission because she has a sprained ankle,yet she is the closest witness. No need to talk to her. No one thinks that is strange? She avoided news only a local news station at the time,one in the 80's for "A Current Affair" for almost her whole life when others did talk to the press.
I am waiting for evidence not six degrees of separation. You post several different configurations of connection, yet say LBJ did it. That means several of your connections did not actually take part in the assassination. That is why connections prove nothing. All it does is cause an ever growing conspiracy. At this point you would need hundreds if not thousands of people involved. If not you must admit that some of these connection are just coincidence and have no real connection.
You are seriously grasping for straws. Believe in The Magical Bullet because it is right there with myths like Bigfoot .
She exposed Tippit as a suspect and the angle is there and you say didn't line up. Where is JFK's exit wound? On the right side of his head. Where is Moorman? To the left side.You think they couldn't have tampered with evidence? Like maybe other possible evidence like the LIMO and CONNOLLEY'S SUIT???? She might have connections in the CIA or The Mafia.No one checks in on her history.No one knows what could be hiding. She doesn't have to testify to the Warren Commission because she has a sprained ankle,yet she is the closest witness. No need to talk to her. No one thinks that is strange? She avoided news only a local news station at the time,one in the 80's for "A Current Affair" for almost her whole life when others did talk to the press.
There you go face a fact and expand the conspiracy.
I am waiting for evidence not six degrees of separation. You post several different configurations of connection, yet say LBJ did it. That means several of your connections did not actually take part in the assassination. That is why connections prove nothing. All it does is cause an ever growing conspiracy. At this point you would need hundreds if not thousands of people involved. If not you must admit that some of these connection are just coincidence and have no real connection.
JUST A COINCIDENCE. No one believes that. Keep schilling that Magical Bullet crap.LBJ did it.
There you go face a fact and expand the conspiracy.
No reason to expand ."It was a conspiracy"....Everyone here has proved it. The connections between LBJ,CIA,millionaires,mobsters,Oswald are there.
You are seriously grasping for straws. Believe in The Magical Bullet because it is right there with myths like Bigfoot .
It has been shown to be not only possible but probable. How did Connally have a keyhole entry wound? Why was there no bullet wipe? Why when the actual locations of JFK and Connally are used does it create a straight line of the bullet's path?
No reason to expand ."It was a conspiracy"....Everyone here has proved it. The connections between LBJ,CIA,millionaires,mobsters,Oswald are there.
Like I said, thousands would be involved.
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