JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Did I post this?LOL? Oh well if I did or Melonfeud did here is a film that more than backs this one above......

Biggest takeaway from this is the people who seen the unaltered version especially the guy being interviewed states that JFKs head was blown UPWARD 4ft and after they altered the film it only shows a little bit of a what happened. The shot came from the sewer drain. In the other film I posted above is the best video released on the entire assassination. Sick people run the world and our government. I honestly wonder and there are rumors that those who killed Kennedy have his remains.
Don't mock till you watch the video. Crazy talk always sounds crazy till it all makes sense.
Many test have been run that have shown it was impossible to shoot from the storm drain. The Z-film, ballistics, wounds all go back to one location 6th floor TSBD. The vast majority of witnesses say three shots from that location. Several saw Oswald firing from there.

Did I post this?LOL? Oh well if I did or Melonfeud did here is a film that more than backs this one above......

Biggest takeaway from this is the people who seen the unaltered version especially the guy being interviewed states that JFKs head was blown UPWARD 4ft and after they altered the film it only shows a little bit of a what happened. The shot came from the sewer drain. In the other film I posted above is the best video released on the entire assassination. Sick people run the world and our government. Sick *** mother ****ers! I honestly wonder and there are rumors that those who killed Kennedy have his remains. Sick as mother ****ers.

That is the biggest load of crap. Zapruder testified that he stopped and restarted shooting after the limo turned. Witnesses are not reliable, 50 people witness something and all we see things slightly different. The Parkland doctors testimony to the Warren Commission said the wound was in the parietal spreading into the occipital. All said they had reviewed the autopsy report and agreed that it matched what they saw. They also confirmed that only two of them saw the throat wound before the tracheotomy was performed and those that did when made aware of the back wound...that they never saw because they never turned him over...was likely an exit wound. Further the close examination was pure BS, they were trying to save him, none of the doctors testified to examining the wound and if the wound was as being described as fully in the occipital area, how the hell could they see it? They never lifted his head and they never turned him over.

The sewer thing is ridiculous, did you see the cars passing when the guy was in there? There was no way for someone with a rifle to even shoot from there. There was no room to aim, and the angle would not allow for a shot if they could. Here is the bullet path and an outline of the wound that is exactly what the Parkland doctors described before the Warren Commission and what is shown in the autopsy photos.


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Blind Zebra your picture above of JFK with that arrow.Who is standing right behind the limo where that arrow is coming from? Mooreman.

Also you said no reporters have died. How about that female reporter Dorothy Kilgallen who died in 1965 after investigating it was going to publish her book on the assassination. She was young and also good friends with JFK. Before you say she was some tabloid journalist. She won a Pulitzer.

Here is a link below for you
Many test have been run that have shown it was impossible to shoot from the storm drain. The Z-film, ballistics, wounds all go back to one location 6th floor TSBD. The vast majority of witnesses say three shots from that location. Several saw Oswald firing from there.
Those test are all coverups by the government. Think about this, when you do a search "JFK sewer drain" or something to that effect on youtube what is the first video or two that comes up? It's a debunk video. When you are closer to the truth they suppress the truth. To me it's common sense. I put together all the facts and data applied. Why they altered the Zap film and everything else and the reason they did that was to coverup the exit wound and the location of the car and the fact the car stopped for 2 seconds. Go research all the videos I listed and you would understand then. FYI don't listen to any of the debunk videos. Those are a joke. They just say well we stood on the x and there's no way we could make the shot, the end. That X isn't the exact location. Go watch the Z film how messed up it is.
That is the biggest load of crap. Zapruder testified that he stopped and restarted shooting after the limo turned. Witnesses are not reliable, 50 people witness something and all we see things slightly different. The Parkland doctors testimony to the Warren Commission said the wound was in the parietal spreading into the occipital. All said they had reviewed the autopsy report and agreed that it matched what they saw. They also confirmed that only two of them saw the throat wound before the tracheotomy was performed and those that did when made aware of the back wound...that they never saw because they never turned him over...was likely an exit wound. Further the close examination was pure BS, they were trying to save him, none of the doctors testified to examining the wound and if the wound was as being described as fully in the occipital area, how the hell could they see it? They never lifted his head and they never turned him over.

The sewer thing is ridiculous, did you see the cars passing when the guy was in there? There was no way for someone with a rifle to even shoot from there. There was no room to aim, and the angle would not allow for a shot if they could. Here is the bullet path and an outline of the wound that is exactly what the Parkland doctors described before the Warren Commission and what is shown in the autopsy photos.


You're going of testimony to the Warren Commission. LOL, I rest my case.
Many test have been run that have shown it was impossible to shoot from the storm drain. The Z-film, ballistics, wounds all go back to one location 6th floor TSBD. The vast majority of witnesses say three shots from that location. Several saw Oswald firing from there.
,,er,,,reckon by yer' account thet' it be living witnesses,heh?o_O
Would LOVE to get into this thread, but I don't have the time or potential headaches that will come with it...
I've always had you " profiled " as such,,, up on that somewhat dry & exceedingly Dusty echelon,,,o_O
Blind Zebra your picture above of JFK with that arrow.Who is standing right behind the limo where that arrow is coming from? Mooreman.

Also you said no reporters have died. How about that female reporter Dorothy Kilgallen who died in 1965 after investigating it was going to publish her book on the assassination. She was young and also good friends with JFK. Before you say she was some tabloid journalist. She won a Pulitzer.

Here is a link below for you
Yer' a RockStar!,,,timber#2

*if thats a fact about the 'journalist getting whacked,wow!o_O

*gang! I'm outta' my 'league' in this thread, other than never swallowing the warren commissions ejaculate ,of Lee H.Oswald armed with a $19.95 crap axis loser weapon as the single shooter,,,Nuh-Huh & No-Way!:rolleyes:

You're going of testimony to the Warren Commission. LOL, I rest my case.
Better than a whack job who claims that they stole his body, did surgery on his head, and put his body back. I was a kid when that Lifton book came out and was sure there was a conspiracy. I read it and laughed out loud at how ridiculous it was. I should probably thank him, because without his book I might not have broken out of the madness. Good to know Timb2 won't be alone in that padded room.
Blind Zebra your picture above of JFK with that arrow.Who is standing right behind the limo where that arrow is coming from? Mooreman.

Also you said no reporters have died. How about that female reporter Dorothy Kilgallen who died in 1965 after investigating it was going to publish her book on the assassination. She was young and also good friends with JFK. Before you say she was some tabloid journalist. She won a Pulitzer.

Here is a link below for you
LOL, so again they killed someone who had not written a book, was not on a lecture tour, was not on Goodnight America with a bootleg copy of the Zapruder film while those that did AND STILL ARE are still alive.
Yer' a RockStar!,,,timber#2

*if thats a fact about the 'journalist getting whacked,wow!o_O

*gang! I'm outta' my 'league' in this thread, other than never swallowing the warren commissions ejaculate ,of Lee H.Oswald armed with a $19.95 crap axis loser weapon as the single shooter,,,Nuh-Huh & No-Way!:rolleyes:

Thank you Melonfeud!!!
LOL, so again they killed someone who had not written a book, was not on a lecture tour, was not on Goodnight America with a bootleg copy of the Zapruder film while those that did AND STILL ARE are still alive.
By 1976 a lot of conspirators are dead including LBJ.In 1965 LBJ can't chance to sway public opinion and it had to be the Warren Commission only. Even Gerald Ford said before he died, he knew the CIA was not telling the truth about the assassination.
By 1976 a lot of conspirators are dead including LBJ.In 1965 LBJ can't chance to sway public opinion and it had to be the Warren Commission only. Even Gerald Ford said before he died, he knew the CIA was not telling the truth about the assassination.
Lane and Thompson were writing books by 1966/67 try again.
Lane and Thompson were writing books by 1966/67 try again.
Do you think they can keep bumping off all the reporters to keep it a cover up???? No LBJ probably has had enough by '67 and that is why he does not run again in 1968.Yet Bobby is not going to be President to sniff around and put LBJ away.
Do you think they can keep bumping off all the reporters to keep it a cover up???? No LBJ probably has had enough by '67 and that is why he does not run again in 1968.Yet Bobby is not going to be President to sniff around and put LBJ away.
So again you can't answer the question. Check mysterious deaths off the list as proven to be nonsense.
So again you can't answer the question. Check mysterious deaths off the list as proven to be nonsense.
Well, to be fair anyone who has no proof doesn't need to be taken out. Taking out reporters who have plausible theories with no smoking gun would only draw more attention to those theories.

I have no clue what really happened but if I've learned anything in my ride around the sun its that when it comes to money and power nothing is at it seems.
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