JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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6:00 2 head shots.
Limo completely stopped. Umbrella man pumping umbrella up and down and another man giving stop sign to tell limo to stop. Whole thing is very interesting. Please watch.

You do realize that you can't edit out frames of a continuous subject without causing jumps right? Each frame has JFK in it, there are no cut aways to something else. Each F represents a frame:
If someone cut out frames to remove something that is what you would see. You would notice the gap because body positions and angle would change drastically. The only jump in the film is where Zapruder started filming and realized that the President was not there yet, so he stopped and restarted when he saw the limo. The rest is seamless. There was no alteration or editing.
So LBJ, the CIA, "millionaires", mobsters and Oswald all conspired together? Damn, that took a lot of coordination. Probably by the FBI, KGB, PLO, NFL, NBA, Teamsters, NATO, Salvation Army (what the hell?) and the Lollipop Guild.
Yes just like John Wilkes Booth did not act alone either. The other conspirators were hung,but "A Lone Nut" makes it easy to explain away. Look at the connections, guys like George DeMohrenshildt who is in a club with wealthy businessmen like HL Hunt, DH Byrd,Bush Sr. .DeMohrenshildt wants to hang out with Oswald who makes one dollar an hour. HL Hunt wealthy millionaire wants to have Ruby and Braden over at his business. A strip club owner and a convict. Ferrie knows Oswald and both are in Claw Shaw's guestbook at his home who also Oswald protested in front of Shaw's business . Oswald & Ferrie are pictured together but act like they don't know each other,yet both work in the same building in New Orleans. Who Oswald gets a job in the same building in Dallas where DH Byrd owns where Byrd started the Civil Air Patrol where both Oswald & Ferrie are part of .Deputy Director of the CIA Gen. Charles Cabell is forced to resign by JFK and he calls JFK a traitor and his brother Earle Cabell just happens to be the Mayor of Dallas where the assassination happens. ...Yeah it took a lot of coordination is the answer to your question.
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You do realize that you can't edit out frames of a continuous subject without causing jumps right? Each frame has JFK in it, there are no cut aways to something else. Each F represents a frame:
If someone cut out frames to remove something that is what you would see. You would notice the gap because body positions and angle would change drastically. The only jump in the film is where Zapruder started filming and realized that the President was not there yet, so he stopped and restarted when he saw the limo. The rest is seamless. There was no alteration or editing.
You mean like a car cutting in and out. And a car slowing down and suddenly taking off into what looks like it was fast forwarded. Yeah, I seen that in the film which means once again it was compromised. You just keep proving yourself wrong everytime you respond.
You mean like a car cutting in and out. And a car slowing down and suddenly taking off into what looks like it was fast forwarded. Yeah, I seen that in the film which means once again it was compromised. You just keep proving yourself wrong everytime you respond.
You see what you want to see, not what is there. I told you three times that Zapruder stopped filming and restarted after the limo turned. A car going 10 mph that slows down when the driver turns to see what is happening and then gets floored to go 80 mph to Parkland suddenly ecellerated? You don't say.:facepalm:
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Yes just like John Wilkes Booth did not act alone either. The other conspirators were hung,but "A Lone Nut" makes it easy to explain away. Look at the connections, guys like George DeMohrenshildt who is in a club with wealthy businessmen like HL Hunt, DH Byrd,Bush Sr. .DeMohrenshildt wants to hang out with Oswald who makes one dollar an hour. HL Hunt wealthy millionaire wants to have Ruby and Braden over at his business. A strip club owner and a convict. Ferrie knows Oswald and both are in Claw Shaw's guestbook at his home who also Oswald protested in front of Shaw's business . Oswald & Ferrie are pictured together but act like they don't know each other,yet both work in the same building in New Orleans. Who Oswald gets a job in the same building in Dallas where DH Byrd owns where Byrd started the Civil Air Patrol where both Oswald & Ferrie are part of .Deputy Director of the CIA Gen. Charles Cabell is forced to resign by JFK and he calls JFK a traitor and his brother Earle Cabell just happens to be the Mayor of Dallas where the assassination happens. ...Yeah it took a lot of coordination is the answer to your question.

lol - no, what you are talking about is not "just like John Wilkes Booth". John Wilkes Booth had a handful of like minded individuals working with him, and what you are talking about is a massive collusion between lowly individuals, wealthy people, businesses, government entities, the vice president, criminal organizations ..... somehow all joining forces and collectively agreeing on a plan with an idiot like Oswald as a key figure in carrying it out.

If you believe Oswald didn't act alone, that in and of itself isn't far fetched, but to suggest something as far reaching into so many areas of individual lives, business, government and crime is far fetched, and it's further far fetched that so many groups and people could be involved and 55 years later no smoking gun type evidence has ever leaked out.
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You see what you want to see, not what is there. I told you three times that Zapruder stopped filming and restarted after the limo turned. A car going 10 mph that slows down when the driver turns to see what is happening and then gets floored to go 80 mph to Parkland suddenly ecellerated? You don't say.:facepalm:
So there is only one frame of his head shot? LOL! It’s been proven to be altered. It’s been proven that people who seen the unedited film have stated there are more than a single frame to the head shot. It’s been proven yet you spew your belief in our government and the lone gunman theary. People like you are the reason that this country/world is so screwed up. To many sheep in the world and not enough people capable of critical thinking.
So there is only one frame of his head shot? LOL! It’s been proven to be altered. It’s been proven that people who seen the unedited film have stated there are more than a single frame to the head shot. It’s been proven yet you spew your belief in our government and the lone gunman theary. People like you are the reason that this country/world is so screwed up. To many sheep in the world and not enough people capable of critical thinking.
The irony in this post is amazing.
lol - no, what you are talking about is not "just like John Wilkes Booth". John Wilkes Booth had a handful of like minded individuals working with him, and what you are talking about is a massive collusion between lowly individuals, wealthy people, businesses, government entities, the vice president, criminal organizations ..... somehow all joining forces and collectively agreeing on a plan with an idiot like Oswald as a key figure in carrying it out.

If you believe Oswald didn't act alone, that in and of itself isn't far fetched, but to suggest something as far reaching into so many areas of individual lives, business, government and crime is far fetched, and it's further far fetched that so many groups and people could be involved and 55 years later no smoking gun type evidence has ever leaked out.
You are fighting an impossible battle. The ghost of Oswald could tell them that he acted alone and they would say it was a holograph from the CIA trying to convince them that there was no conspiracy.
You are fighting an impossible battle. The ghost of Oswald could tell them that he acted alone and they would say it was a holograph from the CIA trying to convince them that there was no conspiracy.

I'm personally not saying he acted alone, although I believe he probably did the shooting alone. I wouldn't be surprised though if it some point we found there were others involved in planning. Of course, I wouldn't be shocked if it were somehow proved that Oswald planned and executed the whole thing alone either.

But the idea there was mass collusion between lots of individuals and entities representing a wide cross section of public and private interests it implausible.
lol - no, what you are talking about is not "just like John Wilkes Booth". John Wilkes Booth had a handful of like minded individuals working with him, and what you are talking about is a massive collusion between lowly individuals, wealthy people, businesses, government entities, the vice president, criminal organizations ..... somehow all joining forces and collectively agreeing on a plan with an idiot like Oswald as a key figure in carrying it out.

If you believe Oswald didn't act alone, that in and of itself isn't far fetched, but to suggest something as far reaching into so many areas of individual lives, business, government and crime is far fetched, and it's further far fetched that so many groups and people could be involved and 55 years later no smoking gun type evidence has ever leaked out.

I think Oswald was the Fall Guy ,The Patsy. The story sold to the American public of a communist did it ,so don't look elsewhere. Have you heard of a Operation Northwoods? Look it up........Yes like minded individuals but LBJ had everything to gain and had the power to cover it up. Yes rich guys and low level thugs to do the dirty work for them. The CIA and the FBI both have used the Mafia in other situations. Remember the 3 freedom riders in Mississippi? The 2 Jewish kids and the African American? The FBI used a mobster to torture some local Klan member to find out where those 3 teens were buried, which they found in that swamp. CIA had hits and used the Mob to help them since the early 1940's.. You have several people upset with JFK. Guys like Allen Dulles, Gen.Cabell, HL Hunt, DH Byrd, Sam Giacana, Carlos Marcello, J.Edgar Hoover. The CIA members who pushed The Bay of Pigs the so-called "Renegade CIA Clique"...

.If you think LBJ was some angel,then you are sadly mistaken. Remember Malcolm "Mac" Wallace who was LBJ's press secretary? Wallace was found guilty of killing John Douglas Kinser. Wallace had LBJ's longtime lawyer John Cofer represent him. Wallace was found guilty by the trial jury and should have gotten the Death Penalty but the Judge Charles O'Betts made it a 5 year suspended sentence instead. Wallace walked free. 12 murder convictions that year in Texas and 11 killers died by the chair.
I think Oswald was the Fall Guy ,The Patsy. The story sold to the American public of a communist did it ,so don't look elsewhere. Have you heard of a Operation Northwoods? Look it up........Yes like minded individuals but LBJ had everything to gain and had the power to cover it up. Yes rich guys and low level thugs to do the dirty work for them. The CIA and the FBI both have used the Mafia in other situations. Remember the 3 freedom riders in Mississippi? The 2 Jewish kids and the African American? The FBI used a mobster to torture some local Klan member to find out where those 3 teens were buried, which they found in that swamp. CIA had hits and used the Mob to help them since the early 1940's.. You have several people upset with JFK. Guys like Allen Dulles, Gen.Cabell, HL Hunt, DH Byrd, Sam Giacana, Carlos Marcello, J.Edgar Hoover. The CIA members who pushed The Bay of Pigs the so-called "Renegade CIA Clique"...

.If you think LBJ was some angel,then you are sadly mistaken. Remember Malcolm "Mac" Wallace who was LBJ's press secretary? Wallace was found guilty of killing John Douglas Kinser. Wallace had LBJ's longtime lawyer John Cofer represent him. Wallace was found guilty by the trial jury and should have gotten the Death Penalty but the Judge Charles O'Betts made it a 5 year suspended sentence instead. Wallace walked free. 12 murder convictions that year in Texas and 11 killers died by the chair.
Yeah pick the guy that could insight WWIII to be the patsy, brilliant.:facepalm:
I'm personally not saying he acted alone, although I believe he probably did the shooting alone. I wouldn't be surprised though if it some point we found there were others involved in planning. Of course, I wouldn't be shocked if it were somehow proved that Oswald planned and executed the whole thing alone either.

But the idea there was mass collusion between lots of individuals and entities representing a wide cross section of public and private interests it implausible.
And behold you got another this guy who once knew a guy who was a neighbor to a guy who knew a guy and that proves LBJ did it.
I'm a former medicolegal death investigator certified through the ABMDI. I've investigated literally 1,000's of deaths. I've had one of my cases published, trained new investigators, and specialized in identifying different types of trauma.

I also know the government is full of incompetence because I've seen it firsthand. I currently have a private investigator license and have used my expertise to defend (and get acquitted) people wrongfully accused due to incompetent law enforcement/medical examiners. Take my word here as you will, but that is all true.

The best evidence in the film he was shot from behind is the flap of his head that came forward. If he was shot from the front, there is absolutely no reason that flap would have came forward like that. You can even see a mist of blood spatter in the air in front of his head after he's struck.

I realize none of that speaks to, "who done it," and I make no claims as to who the killer was. But based on my expertise in the field, there is absolutely no way that last shot came from the front. That's all I'm going to say about it. Not interested in arguing with anyone who has no actual knowledge of gunshot wounds. You guys have fun.
And behold you got another this guy who once knew a guy who was a neighbor to a guy who knew a guy and that proves LBJ did it.
Yeah guys like George DeMohrenshildt blow their brains out when summons to testify before Congress.

Guys like David Ferrie die not even a week after they are in the news as a possible suspect or chief witness for Jim Garrison
Yeah magical bullets are the way to go.Zapruder Film frame 230.JFK is grasping at his throat and Connally is still holding his Stetson with his right hand. So Connally's wrist is not shattered yet,. He is still able to use his right hand. Connally also shows no affects from the Magic Bullet.

So how did the bullet that hit Connally enter going sideways? Why was there no bullet wipe? There is evidence at frame 223 of Connally being hit. His shoulder drops and the lapel on his jacket flips up and down as the bullet came out of his chest. FYI, Kennedy was not grasping his throat, when the bullet passed trough him it splintered his vertebrae and caused nerve damage which resulted in a thorburn reaction. His reaction was immediate and involuntary. The locking up of his muscles, along with his back brace is what kept Jackie from pulling him down like what Nellie did with her husband.
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Yes just like John Wilkes Booth did not act alone either. The other conspirators were hung,but "A Lone Nut" makes it easy to explain away. Look at the connections, guys like George DeMohrenshildt who is in a club with wealthy businessmen like HL Hunt, DH Byrd,Bush Sr. .DeMohrenshildt wants to hang out with Oswald who makes one dollar an hour. HL Hunt wealthy millionaire wants to have Ruby and Braden over at his business. A strip club owner and a convict. Ferrie knows Oswald and both are in Claw Shaw's guestbook at his home who also Oswald protested in front of Shaw's business . Oswald & Ferrie are pictured together but act like they don't know each other,yet both work in the same building in New Orleans. Who Oswald gets a job in the same building in Dallas where DH Byrd owns where Byrd started the Civil Air Patrol where both Oswald & Ferrie are part of .Deputy Director of the CIA Gen. Charles Cabell is forced to resign by JFK and he calls JFK a traitor and his brother Earle Cabell just happens to be the Mayor of Dallas where the assassination happens. ...Yeah it took a lot of coordination is the answer to your question.
My mother's family lineage is strongly branched off & interwoven with the HUNTS clan,,,o_O
I'm a former medicolegal death investigator certified through the ABMDI. I've investigated literally 1,000's of deaths. I've had one of my cases published, trained new investigators, and specialized in identifying different types of trauma.

I also know the government is full of incompetence because I've seen it firsthand. I currently have a private investigator license and have used my expertise to defend (and get acquitted) people wrongfully accused due to incompetent law enforcement/medical examiners. Take my word here as you will, but that is all true.

The best evidence in the film he was shot from behind is the flap of his head that came forward. If he was shot from the front, there is absolutely no reason that flap would have came forward like that. You can even see a mist of blood spatter in the air in front of his head after he's struck.

I realize none of that speaks to, "who done it," and I make no claims as to who the killer was. But based on my expertise in the field, there is absolutely no way that last shot came from the front. That's all I'm going to say about it. Not interested in arguing with anyone who has no actual knowledge of gunshot wounds. You guys have fun.
Thank you for your expertise. I'd be interested in your take on the probability of one shot hitting both Kennedy and Connally based on their reactions and the wounds. The keyhole entry wound and lack of bullet wipe in Connally's armpit seems to suggest the bullet that struck him hit something first.
Thank you for your expertise. I'd be interested in your take on the probability of one shot hitting both Kennedy and Connally based on their reactions and the wounds. The keyhole entry wound and lack of bullet wipe in Connally's armpit seems to suggest the bullet that struck him hit something first.

High velocity rifles are perfectly capable of doing that. I honestly haven't looked into this that much. Just giving my honest take after watching that clip of the Zapruder film.
High velocity rifles are perfectly capable of doing that. I honestly haven't looked into this that much. Just giving my honest take after watching that clip of the Zapruder film.
Thanks, this might be of interest:

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