JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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It has been shown to be not only possible but probable. How did Connally have a keyhole entry wound? Why was there no bullet wipe? Why when the actual locations of JFK and Connally are used does it create a straight line of the bullet's path?
Have they tried anywhere else besides the TSBD? The tests I see where Dal-Tex involved and the experts from the FBI throw a fit.
What video? The Zapruder film is an 8mm film with frames about the size of a finger nail and it was not tampered with.
Was not tampered with. OMG you surely work for the government. Did you watch the film, no. Will you watch the film, no. Like I said blind zebra suites you perfectly. Just turn your head, look the other way and call people crazy. It's a fact 90% of the crazies didn't believe the government back then. But your with the simple minded 10% so don't worry.

Watch the film, if not Im done with you
Was not tampered with. OMG you surely work for the government. Did you watch the film, no. Will you watch the film, no. Like I said blind zebra suites you perfectly. Just turn your head, look the other way and call people crazy. It's a fact 90% of the crazies didn't believe the government back then. But your with the simple minded 10% so don't worry.

Watch the film, if not Im done with you

Then be done with me, I watched the first 5 minutes and tore it apart once already. Zapruder started and stopped filming because he realized the president was not there yet. Witnesses are the least reliable form of evidence, so it is a huge jump from 50 people thought it stopped, 50 is a number pulled from thin air by the way, it isn't true, so it must have been altered. Gee, the back of his head shows no damage so it had to be tampered with...lol...his head shows exactly what everyone who saw it on Nov 22nd saw. The Parkland doctors described the wound, that magically, through the years, moved further and further back. Tampered with or just concrete evidence that blows the front shooter away? Just when did this so-called alteration occur anyway? I'm not wasting an hour and a half watching that to get the answer before I destroy the claim.

Did not go violently forward huh?

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Then be done with me, I watched the first 5 minutes and tore it apart once already. Zapruder started and stopped filming because he realized the president was not there yet. Witnesses are the least reliable form of evidence, so it is a huge jump from 50 people thought it stopped, 50 is a number pulled from thin air by the way, it isn't true, so it must have been altered. Gee, the back of his head shows no damage so it had to be tampered with...lol...his head shows exactly what everyone who saw it on Nov 22nd saw. The Parkland doctors described the wound, that magically, through the years, moved further and further back. Tampered with or just concrete evidence that blows the front shooter away? Just when did this so-called alteration occur anyway? I'm not wasting an hour and a half watching that to get the answer before I destroy the claim.

Did not go violently forward huh?


“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

u win
Insults when you can't explain away the facts. Typical.
You have no facts. It was already proven by documents being declassified that everything was a lie. Imagine if they declassified everything? OMG your head would spin and explode. You're simple minded person. Thats all.
You have no facts. It was already proven by documents being declassified that everything was a lie. Imagine if they declassified everything? OMG your head would spin and explode. You're simple minded person. Thats all.
Another insult, along with more complete BS. Huge conspiracies don't leave paper trails.
Blind Zebra says
Here is another question. If the mob was involved why would they have a guy with mob ties kill Oswald? It would be like having an I did it sign waving on national TV.

My answer
Because they are in a panic with Oswald caught afraid he is going to spill the beans. Jack Ruby was not told by reports he was a mobster,but a patriot revenge the death of JFK and save Jackie the trial. Yet while in jail Ruby says look at the man in the highest office for the answers of who is responsible and who covered it up. Ruby was probably told "Kill him and we will get you pardoned as a Patriot". Which was a BS.

LBJ hated the Kennedys and people wanted Bobby as the VP and the joke was "If RFK or Ho Chi Min had to be LBJ's VP,it would have been Ho Chi Min".

I've gotta question that whole 'lust of office' angle of LBJ,,,simply cuz' he flat-our bailed in the upcoming election cycle, not typically characteristic of what a power monger would exhibit,,,I do know in the upcoming aftermath of this American tragedy it firmly established the gun control Act of 1968,,, all these orchestrated ( as the recent history) by conceptualization, school, church & concert shootings are by design conducted to further regulate & restrict in the infringement of article #2 of the BILL OF RIGHTS.

* it's got to be down right 'of a stroke inducement nature of madding froth spittle kineption fit' when unlike the single incident successes conducted in/of Australia, Britain and Canada were not immediately& remain not emulated by America in following suite in sweeping & draconian measureso_O
I've gotta question that whole 'lust of office' angle of LBJ,,,simply cuz' he flat-our bailed in the upcoming election cycle, not typically characteristic of what a power monger would exhibit,,,I do know in the upcoming aftermath of this American tragedy it firmly established the gun control Act of 1968,,, all these orchestrated ( as the recent history) by conceptualization, school, church & concert shootings are by design conducted to further regulate & restrict in the infringement of article #2 of the BILL OF RIGHTS.

* it's got to be down right 'of a stroke inducement nature of madding froth spittle kineption fit' when unlike the single incident successes conducted in/of Australia, Britain and Canada were not immediately& remain not emulated by America in following suite in sweeping & draconian measureso_O
I think LBJ was getting burned out and so much going on in 1968 . LBJ also probably knew that Bobby Kennedy would beat him in a straight up election and if he kills Bobby and he himself still seeking the presidency ,IT WOULD BE TOTAL CHAOS!! LBJ knew the jig would be up and he goes down for the murders.Revolution in the USA and we might be not existing as the USA now.
I've gotta question that whole 'lust of office' angle of LBJ,,,simply cuz' he flat-our bailed in the upcoming election cycle, not typically characteristic of what a power monger would exhibit,,,I do know in the upcoming aftermath of this American tragedy it firmly established the gun control Act of 1968,,, all these orchestrated ( as the recent history) by conceptualization, school, church & concert shootings are by design conducted to further regulate & restrict in the infringement of article #2 of the BILL OF RIGHTS.

* it's got to be down right 'of a stroke inducement nature of madding froth spittle kineption fit' when unlike the single incident successes conducted in/of Australia, Britain and Canada were not immediately& remain not emulated by America in following suite in sweeping & draconian measureso_O
Nice to see at least somebody else is awake
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Was not tampered with. OMG you surely work for the government. Did you watch the film, no. Will you watch the film, no. Like I said blind zebra suites you perfectly. Just turn your head, look the other way and call people crazy. It's a fact 90% of the crazies didn't believe the government back then. But your with the simple minded 10% so don't worry.

Watch the film, if not Im done with you

You have no facts. It was already proven by documents being declassified that everything was a lie. Imagine if they declassified everything? OMG your head would spin and explode. You're simple minded person. Thats all.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

u win

I have let this thread go on because people were being mature in it and arguing their views with out these kinds of insults.

If you have an issue with his arguments...do so without the "simple minded" type of insults.

This stops NOW.

Consider This is a freebie warning.

If it continues that is your choice but it will lead to a benching.

Either argue your points without the insults or move on.

This applies to ALL in this thread going forward.
That was an example of a cameragun .You wanted to laugh at any suggestion of a cameragun and I showed it was possible weapon than a crappy Carcano rifle with a crappy site.
Yer' the one I recall? as being adamant in posting about this "camera gun",,, then?,,,strangely, I'd thought it was @foofighters for some odd reason,why I don't know?,,,yet,from an inside job/ straight outta' the black-bag of CIA modus operandi,,,it would prove to be a superb 'whack-attack' platform, tripod mounted -n-such.

* yet, like query's stated(or should have)anything ejected outta' the forward facing filming lens,,,er, ,,other than a suppressed subsonic 'projo' (.22 heavy projectile scootin' neath' 1200 fps/ ballistic crack) certainly wouldn't have effected the pronounced reactions on JFK such as a standard issue battle rifle round would subsequently impart upon impact according to verifiable film.
It is just a simple fact that all of the evidence points to one person and when confronted with these facts the answer is always it was tempered with, planted, altered with a this person once walked down the same street as this person who was a third cousin to this guy who was a marine who talked to someone once who knew a guy who met Oswald. Each layer of connection requires a bigger and bigger conspiracy and at some point it will be so large that it would be absolutely impossible to keep it secret for 54 years. 54 years and there is not one shred of tangible evidence to change the official findings. This is like a snowball rolling down a hill, you have one question with one theory that rolls picks up another theory, these theories become accepted as fact and grow even more theories, people start realizing there is money to be made so each new theory becomes even more outrageous then the last. After decades of theories the truth is lost and myth becomes reality. New generations think Oliver Stone made a factual documentary on the assassination and when in reality he painted a crook and conman as a hero for justice.

The simple facts are that most people in Dealey Plaza that day heard three shots and most felt they came from behind the President. Witnesses saw Oswald shooting from the TSBD and saw him shoot officer Tippit. The gun he ordered was found, there is evidence that he brought the gun to work, and his fingerprints were on it. Fragments found in the limo and at General Walker's home match his rifle and ammo used. The Warren Report made a mistake in the sequence of shots the first shot was fired before Zapruder started filming again because he stopped and waited for the President's limo. This shot deflected off the street light down Elm and caused the Tague hit. The second shot hit both Kennedy and Connally.
We always see the zig-zag drawing by conspiracy theorists but it is an outright fabrication. Connally was seated farther to the left and much lower than JFK, he was also turning to his right which changed the relationship between the two even more:

When you correctly align where they were seated and their body angle the shot lines up perfectly. The bullet that hit Connally entered going sideways and there was no bullet wipe (material from the bullet left when it enters something), both indicate that the bullet struck something before it hit him. More evidence that the bullet was tumbling was that it hit his rib sideways as well and based on lead fragments left behind entered his wrist going backwards. Theorists point to reaction to be wounded as proof of two shots, well the truth is that when the bullet passed through JFK the bullet path caused pressure that caused an involuntary reaction that immediately caused his arms to raise and lock. This locking stayed until he was hit in the head and you can see his arms suddenly drop when his head explodes. You can also see Connally's suit lapel flap in Z-223. Kennedy's reaction was instantaneous and involuntary while Connally's was a normal reaction.

Here is a full description of the single bullet:

The third shot hit JFK in the back of the head just right of center at ear level and came out above his ear as seen here:

After the shot you can clearly see no damage to the back of his head and this is a 3-D model that shows the shadow is just that a shadow and not tampering:

The Moorman photo shows no damage to the back of his head:

The Muchmore film:

While not as graphic as the Zapruder film, you can see the blast out of the top right and no damage to the back of his head.

Two bullet fragments that were a ballistic match to Oswald, where found in the front seat of the limo, one dented the chrome around the windshield and the other cracked the windshield.

The umbrella man was making a protest about Kennedy's father, he was identified and questioned, also the umbrella was open and was never pointed at JFK.

I have stated my case. If someone wants to rationally discuss things I will respond.
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I've, trapped coyote's within Tucson city limits & dispatched them with basically a 65 gr. Projo seated atop a .22 short cartridge casing,,, no suppression required, although @ 30' tween the eye's "dink",,, that big male SOB came back alive,,,,yanked outta the trap& hauled coyote booty, ,,,of the 4 #2 undercoil scentless traps I'd set around this 'live clucking Chicken in a wire cage perched atop a straw bale on end,,,1 killed coyote, another not long fore another sunrise , shot between the eye's/ miraculously reanimates and I hit him with a lung shot as it runs away with a Winchester Model 62A pump .22,,, & a collared Corgi mix household pet dog that licks my hand when I release the leg hold trap& it runs back for home,,,never to be seen from againo_O

* this is a factual account of FEUDIAN exploits,,,as them coyotes would run / travel atop 5'& 6' tall block walls pretty much at will throughout neighborhoods:cool:
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No reason to expand ."It was a conspiracy"....Everyone here has proved it. The connections between LBJ,CIA,millionaires,mobsters,Oswald are there.

So LBJ, the CIA, "millionaires", mobsters and Oswald all conspired together? Damn, that took a lot of coordination. Probably by the FBI, KGB, PLO, NFL, NBA, Teamsters, NATO, Salvation Army (what the hell?) and the Lollipop Guild.
So LBJ, the CIA, "millionaires", mobsters and Oswald all conspired together? Damn, that took a lot of coordination. Probably by the FBI, KGB, PLO, NFL, NBA, Teamsters, NATO, Salvation Army (what the hell?) and the Lollipop Guild.
It is literally a house of cards. All of the possible connections put out there either means a huge conspiracy that would be impossible to maintain or that some of these connections are just coincidence. You start pulling out the coincidences and it all falls apart.

They love to throw out the it is all part of the cover-up and it is a lie. They disregard any and all facts as being untrustworthy, all while accepting any theory as believable without even taking the time to check out the source. The truth is that most of these theories are coming from people that have made a career out of pushing the idea of a conspiracy and you have to consider that when testing their validity.

The simple truth is that what really happened feels wrong. Something so history-altering needs to be a big thing and Oswald is a loser nobody so it doesn't balance out. The evil of Hitler and the ***** balances with the Holocaust. Losing Camelot at the hands of a narcissistic sociopath does not feel right so you try to add stuff to the Oswald side to make it balance out.

If you take an objective look at the "mysterious deaths", the different shooting locations, the "magic bullet", and all the "smoking gun connections" it really falls apart. I have presented science and common sense into this thread only to be called closed-minded, simple-minded, stupid, naive, and a shill. Like I have something to gain by supporting the official findings. I even explained that there is a connection to Illusory pattern perception and the belief of conspiracies. Which is clearly evident with some posting in this thread.


6:00 2 head shots.
Limo completely stopped. Umbrella man pumping umbrella up and down and another man giving stop sign to tell limo to stop. Whole thing is very interesting. Please watch.
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