You wish and the emoticons prove how little you have. Keep trying to persuade people from having an open mind. Believe in Magical Bullets people!!!
Frame 230 proves it did not happen like Blind Zebra wanted it too. Connally has not been hit in the wrist yet,means atleast a 2nd shooter.
The JUST A COINCIDENCE overlaps too many times.
Right-Wing millionaires like DeMohrenshildt hanging out with guys like Left-Wing Commies like Oswald who are making only $1 dollar an hour.
DH Byrd who hates JFK and yet somehow happens to have created The Civil Air Patrol where David Ferrie & Oswald have known each other several years but act like they don't know each other and Oswald just happens to get a job at the building that Byrd owns only weeks before 11-22-63. The same Byrd who mounted the 6th window floor replica in his living room, like it was a trophy. The same Byrd who had a ad in The Dallas Morning News where the ad showed JFK picture with the phrase "WANTED FOR TREASON"
Ferrie & Oswald just happens to work in the same building in New Orleans with different addresses and end up in Clay Shaw's guestbook at his house,but they all don't know each other.
Jack Ruby just wants to pin the rap on LBJ instead of his original story of "HE WAS A PATRIOT". Yes mobster, strip club owners, and being a pimp on the side are patriots all the time. ..
Same Jack Ruby who loved JFK is why he killed Oswald,but has on record, he campaigned for Nixon.
The brothers Cabell. One who hates JFK because he was forced to resign from the CIA and the other just happens to be the Mayor of Dallas on 11-22-63.
LBJ who is under 2 Senate investigations for corruption and those investigations go away when LBJ becomes President. LBJ must have been this honest guy with associates like Malcolm Wallace who was found guilty of murder but did not receive prison time and was set free after the verdict.
Convict Jim Braden knows Jack Ruby and Braden is caught in the Dal-Tex building. Both were hanging out near each other at another millionaires business just the day before.
Oswald is a left wing commie who joins the Marines???He doesn't get a Dishonorable Discharge or any problem from his Commanding Officier or his platoon.. Also he has 2 brothers in the military and 1 happens to be in Naval Intelligence.
Oswald defects to the USSR and has no problem getting back in the USA . No static.
Oswald defects at the same time that the CIA has "The Defectors Program". CIA passing off spies for the USA to enemy countries as defectors.
Oswald passes out "Fair Play for Cuba" in front of International Trade Mart in New Orleans who happens to have as the Director, Clay Shaw. The Clay Shaw who also is in the CIA
David Ferrie knows Carlos Marcello.Jack Ruby knows Carlos Marcello. But both don't know Oswald,but Ferrie is pictured with Oswald.
200 cops raid the Texas Theatre looking for a guy who snuck into a Matinee Movie without paying.
JD Tippit is going to stop Oswald on reports of a guy who is 5-6 to 5-8 and weighs 145 to 165 lbs from witnesses who are standing on the ground looking 6 floors up and where the sniper would have been leaning on some boxes with his torso of his body. Tippit also just happens to look similar to Badgeman and Tippit was the only cop outside his jurisdiction looking for the Assassin. YOU GUYS CAN TELL HOW TALL SOMEONE IS AND HOW MUCH THEY WEIGH LOOKING 6 FLOORS UP, RIGHT?
Neither the Dallas Police,Secret Service,and FBI made recordings of interrogations of Oswald while he was in custody. Just a mistake from all 3 agencies.
Just mistakes-JFK's brain is missing-LBJ has the limo and Connally's suit cleaned before investigation.
DeMohrenshildt blows his brains out before he has to talk to HCSA in 1977.
Ferrie dies within a week when his name is mentioned in the news as a possible suspect or chief witness in Garrison's investigation.
Dorothy Kilgallen dies after she interviewed Ruby who begged the Warren Commission to get him out of Dallas fearing for his life. Kilgallen cannot publish her book on the JFK assassination. So we don't know what Jack Ruby told her.
Rose Cheramie talked of the assassination of JFK in Dallas before it happens and her skull just happens to get crushed, run over by a car.
I can keep going,but live in your fantasy of Magical Bullets when pictures show it did not happen like that.
I rest my case. LBJ did it.