JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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As I have stated before. Stick to the current topic.

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Frame 230 you cannot explain why Connally is still holding his Stetson with his right hand. His wrist should be shattered and when you see frames later in 250s you see his wrist is shattered and his hand is limp. In 230 his arm is not in he right position for the Magical Bullet to hit his wrist....Means more shots and more shooters.
Frame 230 you cannot explain why Connally is still holding his Stetson with his right hand. His wrist should be shattered and when you see frames later in 250s you see his wrist is shattered and his hand is limp. In 230 his arm is not in he right position for the Magical Bullet to hit his wrist....Means more shots and more shooters.
Wrong. How do you know how he'd react? He is just as likely to clutch down when he is first hit. The facts are that the fragments left in his wrist matched CE 399. He was not hit in 230 he is hit at 223 and he is perfectly aligned.
Wrong. How do you know how he'd react? He is just as likely to clutch down when he is first hit. The facts are that the fragments left in his wrist matched CE 399. He was not hit in 230 he is hit at 223 and he is perfectly aligned.
All the connections I have made through this thread and also frame 230, blows The Magical Bullet theory out of the water. LBJ had the power to pull off the assassination and cover it up. My job is done here, keep trying Blind Zebra to spin A Magical Bean Bullet Theory. You have nothing and Connally holding his Stetson in 230 shows no magical bullet. His arm and his wrist is too high for the MAGIC Theory and have not been hit. .....
All the connections I have made through this thread and also frame 230, blows The Magical Bullet theory out of the water. LBJ had the power to pull off the assassination and cover it up. My job is done here, keep trying Blind Zebra to spin A Magical Bean Bullet Theory. You have nothing and Connally holding his Stetson in 230 shows no magical bullet. His arm and his wrist is too high for the MAGIC Theory and have not been hit. .....
LOL. Give it a rest. You have not proven anything...well at least not JFK related...on the BS buying factor on the other hand...:laugh::lmao::lmao2:
LOL. Give it a rest. You have not proven anything...well at least not JFK related...on the BS buying factor on the other hand...:laugh::lmao::lmao2:
You wish and the emoticons prove how little you have. Keep trying to persuade people from having an open mind. Believe in Magical Bullets people!!!

Frame 230 proves it did not happen like Blind Zebra wanted it too. Connally has not been hit in the wrist yet,means atleast a 2nd shooter.

The JUST A COINCIDENCE overlaps too many times.

Right-Wing millionaires like DeMohrenshildt hanging out with guys like Left-Wing Commies like Oswald who are making only $1 dollar an hour.

DH Byrd who hates JFK and yet somehow happens to have created The Civil Air Patrol where David Ferrie & Oswald have known each other several years but act like they don't know each other and Oswald just happens to get a job at the building that Byrd owns only weeks before 11-22-63. The same Byrd who mounted the 6th window floor replica in his living room, like it was a trophy. The same Byrd who had a ad in The Dallas Morning News where the ad showed JFK picture with the phrase "WANTED FOR TREASON"

Ferrie & Oswald just happens to work in the same building in New Orleans with different addresses and end up in Clay Shaw's guestbook at his house,but they all don't know each other.

Jack Ruby just wants to pin the rap on LBJ instead of his original story of "HE WAS A PATRIOT". Yes mobster, strip club owners, and being a pimp on the side are patriots all the time. ..

Same Jack Ruby who loved JFK is why he killed Oswald,but has on record, he campaigned for Nixon.

The brothers Cabell. One who hates JFK because he was forced to resign from the CIA and the other just happens to be the Mayor of Dallas on 11-22-63.

LBJ who is under 2 Senate investigations for corruption and those investigations go away when LBJ becomes President. LBJ must have been this honest guy with associates like Malcolm Wallace who was found guilty of murder but did not receive prison time and was set free after the verdict.

Convict Jim Braden knows Jack Ruby and Braden is caught in the Dal-Tex building. Both were hanging out near each other at another millionaires business just the day before.

Oswald is a left wing commie who joins the Marines???He doesn't get a Dishonorable Discharge or any problem from his Commanding Officier or his platoon.. Also he has 2 brothers in the military and 1 happens to be in Naval Intelligence.

Oswald defects to the USSR and has no problem getting back in the USA . No static.

Oswald defects at the same time that the CIA has "The Defectors Program". CIA passing off spies for the USA to enemy countries as defectors.

Oswald passes out "Fair Play for Cuba" in front of International Trade Mart in New Orleans who happens to have as the Director, Clay Shaw. The Clay Shaw who also is in the CIA

David Ferrie knows Carlos Marcello.Jack Ruby knows Carlos Marcello. But both don't know Oswald,but Ferrie is pictured with Oswald.

200 cops raid the Texas Theatre looking for a guy who snuck into a Matinee Movie without paying.

JD Tippit is going to stop Oswald on reports of a guy who is 5-6 to 5-8 and weighs 145 to 165 lbs from witnesses who are standing on the ground looking 6 floors up and where the sniper would have been leaning on some boxes with his torso of his body. Tippit also just happens to look similar to Badgeman and Tippit was the only cop outside his jurisdiction looking for the Assassin. YOU GUYS CAN TELL HOW TALL SOMEONE IS AND HOW MUCH THEY WEIGH LOOKING 6 FLOORS UP, RIGHT?

Neither the Dallas Police,Secret Service,and FBI made recordings of interrogations of Oswald while he was in custody. Just a mistake from all 3 agencies.

Just mistakes-JFK's brain is missing-LBJ has the limo and Connally's suit cleaned before investigation.

DeMohrenshildt blows his brains out before he has to talk to HCSA in 1977.

Ferrie dies within a week when his name is mentioned in the news as a possible suspect or chief witness in Garrison's investigation.

Dorothy Kilgallen dies after she interviewed Ruby who begged the Warren Commission to get him out of Dallas fearing for his life. Kilgallen cannot publish her book on the JFK assassination. So we don't know what Jack Ruby told her.

Rose Cheramie talked of the assassination of JFK in Dallas before it happens and her skull just happens to get crushed, run over by a car.

I can keep going,but live in your fantasy of Magical Bullets when pictures show it did not happen like that.


I rest my case. LBJ did it.
Uh @timb2. I believed before you said all of that. Just damn. There was an episode on iTunes about Oswald and top Russians in Mexico City. They were going over recently released information and tying it together.
Uh @timb2. I believed before you said all of that. Just damn. There was an episode on iTunes about Oswald and top Russians in Mexico City. They were going over recently released information and tying it together.
I know Ruby went to Cuba at one point and I believe Santo Trafficante was involved. Bannister & Ferrie could have been into gun-running and Oswald might have had a part in Mexico....Mexico City also is a major city in the spy game at this time. CIA has done drug running to help in it's missions. CIA I remembered had a plane that went down loaded with cocaine.

Also guns have been sold to drug dealers and our government was involved.

Oswald was suppose to go to the Russian Embassy in Mexico City and JUST A COINCIDENCE the cameras were down claimed the CIA.
Another link on it.
‘Both Johnson and I wanted to be president, but the only difference was I wouldn’t kill for it.”
Richard Nixon
Not sure if this video has been entered into evidence in this thread, but for those that haven't seen it, it's very interesting. It's best to listen to it from the beginning to get a backstory, but for the sake of the JFK assassination, I timestamped it:
You wish and the emoticons prove how little you have. Keep trying to persuade people from having an open mind. Believe in Magical Bullets people!!!

Frame 230 proves it did not happen like Blind Zebra wanted it too. Connally has not been hit in the wrist yet,means atleast a 2nd shooter.

The JUST A COINCIDENCE overlaps too many times.

Right-Wing millionaires like DeMohrenshildt hanging out with guys like Left-Wing Commies like Oswald who are making only $1 dollar an hour.

DH Byrd who hates JFK and yet somehow happens to have created The Civil Air Patrol where David Ferrie & Oswald have known each other several years but act like they don't know each other and Oswald just happens to get a job at the building that Byrd owns only weeks before 11-22-63. The same Byrd who mounted the 6th window floor replica in his living room, like it was a trophy. The same Byrd who had a ad in The Dallas Morning News where the ad showed JFK picture with the phrase "WANTED FOR TREASON"

Ferrie & Oswald just happens to work in the same building in New Orleans with different addresses and end up in Clay Shaw's guestbook at his house,but they all don't know each other.

Jack Ruby just wants to pin the rap on LBJ instead of his original story of "HE WAS A PATRIOT". Yes mobster, strip club owners, and being a pimp on the side are patriots all the time. ..

Same Jack Ruby who loved JFK is why he killed Oswald,but has on record, he campaigned for Nixon.

The brothers Cabell. One who hates JFK because he was forced to resign from the CIA and the other just happens to be the Mayor of Dallas on 11-22-63.

LBJ who is under 2 Senate investigations for corruption and those investigations go away when LBJ becomes President. LBJ must have been this honest guy with associates like Malcolm Wallace who was found guilty of murder but did not receive prison time and was set free after the verdict.

Convict Jim Braden knows Jack Ruby and Braden is caught in the Dal-Tex building. Both were hanging out near each other at another millionaires business just the day before.

Oswald is a left wing commie who joins the Marines???He doesn't get a Dishonorable Discharge or any problem from his Commanding Officier or his platoon.. Also he has 2 brothers in the military and 1 happens to be in Naval Intelligence.

Oswald defects to the USSR and has no problem getting back in the USA . No static.

Oswald defects at the same time that the CIA has "The Defectors Program". CIA passing off spies for the USA to enemy countries as defectors.

Oswald passes out "Fair Play for Cuba" in front of International Trade Mart in New Orleans who happens to have as the Director, Clay Shaw. The Clay Shaw who also is in the CIA

David Ferrie knows Carlos Marcello.Jack Ruby knows Carlos Marcello. But both don't know Oswald,but Ferrie is pictured with Oswald.

200 cops raid the Texas Theatre looking for a guy who snuck into a Matinee Movie without paying.

JD Tippit is going to stop Oswald on reports of a guy who is 5-6 to 5-8 and weighs 145 to 165 lbs from witnesses who are standing on the ground looking 6 floors up and where the sniper would have been leaning on some boxes with his torso of his body. Tippit also just happens to look similar to Badgeman and Tippit was the only cop outside his jurisdiction looking for the Assassin. YOU GUYS CAN TELL HOW TALL SOMEONE IS AND HOW MUCH THEY WEIGH LOOKING 6 FLOORS UP, RIGHT?

Neither the Dallas Police,Secret Service,and FBI made recordings of interrogations of Oswald while he was in custody. Just a mistake from all 3 agencies.

Just mistakes-JFK's brain is missing-LBJ has the limo and Connally's suit cleaned before investigation.

DeMohrenshildt blows his brains out before he has to talk to HCSA in 1977.

Ferrie dies within a week when his name is mentioned in the news as a possible suspect or chief witness in Garrison's investigation.

Dorothy Kilgallen dies after she interviewed Ruby who begged the Warren Commission to get him out of Dallas fearing for his life. Kilgallen cannot publish her book on the JFK assassination. So we don't know what Jack Ruby told her.

Rose Cheramie talked of the assassination of JFK in Dallas before it happens and her skull just happens to get crushed, run over by a car.

I can keep going,but live in your fantasy of Magical Bullets when pictures show it did not happen like that.


I rest my case. LBJ did it.
It proves what? I posted actual evidence of the bullet hitting Connally at frame 223-235. This bullet created a wound that had to have hit something first. Fragments in Connally's chest, wrist and thigh matched conclusively to CE 399. The alignment of JFK and Connally at 223 absolutely creates a straight line from the 6th floor of the TSBD through Kennedy, through Connally's back, chest, wrist, and into his thigh. Those are FACTS. You have no idea how someone would react to being shot through the wrist. It is just as likely that his initial reaction would have been to clinch his fist. You are speculating to fit your agenda while ignoring actual facts.

But go ahead and keep ignoring and post more rumored connections, without an evidence, and that would have been impossible to pull off much less keep quiet for 54 years.
It proves what? I posted actual evidence of the bullet hitting Connally at frame 223-235. This bullet created a wound that had to have hit something first. Fragments in Connally's chest, wrist and thigh matched conclusively to CE 399. The alignment of JFK and Connally at 223 absolutely creates a straight line from the 6th floor of the TSBD through Kennedy, through Connally's back, chest, wrist, and into his thigh. Those are FACTS. You have no idea how someone would react to being shot through the wrist. It is just as likely that his initial reaction would have been to clinch his fist. You are speculating to fit your agenda while ignoring actual facts.

But go ahead and keep ignoring and post more rumored connections, without an evidence, and that would have been impossible to pull off much less keep quiet for 54 years.
Connally's wrist is not even in line for the Magic Bean Bullet shot. It was suppose to be lower near his ribs and it is not. 230 proves NO MAGIC BEAN SHOT!!!. ..You said rumors of who is connected above? You base your fact on Magic and the photo 230 shows it did happen like that. Your facts are are what the government want everyone to believe,but I just look under the veil and Oswald and all the other prime players do not add up correctly.
Connally's wrist is not even in line for the Magic Bean Bullet shot. It was suppose to be lower near his ribs and it is not. 230 proves NO MAGIC BEAN SHOT!!!. ..You said rumors of who is connected above? You base your fact on Magic and the photo 230 shows it did happen like that. Your facts are are what the government want everyone to believe,but I just look under the veil and Oswald and all the other prime players do not add up correctly.
One more time look at 223 not 230.

What I find funny is you yourself have brought up the House Assassination Commitee as proof of a conspiracy. The trouble is that they found that Oswald was shooting and his shots were the only ones to hit anyone. That means a second independent investigation...remember you said all the major players were dead by the early 70's...found that Oswald killed Kennedy and wounded Connally, and yes the good old Magic Bullet did indeed occur.
They based a conspiracy on audio that allegedly was recorded by a motorcycle in the motorcade. The officer that was said to have the open mic vemently denied that his mic was open and later investigating showed that even if it were, he was not in the position that the acoustic experts claimed that was needed to get the recorded echo pulses. The entire acoustic evidence went boom and was proven to be completely bogus. But by then the HAC had already said that there was a shot fired from the grassy knoll THAT MISSED but showed there was a conspiracy. The thing is they found no proof of who, how, and where this conspiracy happened. They had your laundry list of suspects and bogus acoustic evidence and that was it. Everything else was 100% Oswald. So an independent investigation that got to see everything, that brought in there own experts, found that Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President and wounded Connally and some unknown guy shot and missed because that is WHAT THE EVIDENCE SHOWED. Of course that last part about the second shooter turned out to be wrong based on bogus acoustical evidence. So no second shooter gives you it was Oswald and no conspiracy.
Frame 223 does that show Connally's wrist shattered? No it shows Connally's coat blown open and in Frame 230 you still see Connally's wrist not shattered still with him holding his Stetson. So that means a 2nd shooter because Oswald cannot pull the bolt back that fast in split seconds apart......1977 HCSA could not prove anything when guys like George DeMohrenshildt blowing their brains out before they can testify.Johnny Roselli being chopped up in a barrell... I will tell you when a lot of these guys starting dropping like flies. When RICO became law.

Johnny Roselli
On April 23, 1976, Roselli was called before the committee to testify about a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy.[2] Three months after his first round of testimony on the Kennedy assassination, the Committee wanted to recall Roselli. However, at this point, he had been missing since July 28. On August 3, Senator Howard Baker, a member of the new SSCIA, requested that the FBI investigate Roselli's disappearance

Based on information in the book Ultimate Sacrifice by Lamar Waldron, the program asserted that Roselli was responsible for framing Abraham Bolden who was arrested the day before he was to appear before the Warren Commission

Abraham Bolden
Abraham W. Bolden (born January 19, 1935) is an American former United States Secret Service agent - the first African-American Secret Service agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division, appointed by John F. Kennedy in 1961. Bolden was fired from the Secret Service after he was charged in 1964 with accepting a bribe in relation to a counterfeiting case he was involved with. He was ultimately sentenced to six years in prison.
Yeah now let's get deep into Conspiracy because these connections are just unbelievable.

You remember when I talked about a LBJ goon named Malcolm "Mac" Wallace who was convicted for murder by a Texas jury and the Judge suspended his death sentence and let him walk free. I will show you a picture of a young Malcolm "Mac" Wallace with someone you might recognize. Oh the other guy happened to become the CIA Director in 1976-1977 during the HCSA was going on.

Check the link below
Frame 223 does that show Connally's wrist shattered? No it shows Connally's coat blown open and in Frame 230 you still see Connally's wrist not shattered still with him holding his Stetson. So that means a 2nd shooter because Oswald cannot pull the bolt back that fast in split seconds apart......1977 HCSA could not prove anything when guys like George DeMohrenshildt blowing their brains out before they can testify.Johnny Roselli being chopped up in a barrell... I will tell you when a lot of these guys starting dropping like flies. When RICO became law.

Johnny Roselli
On April 23, 1976, Roselli was called before the committee to testify about a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy.[2] Three months after his first round of testimony on the Kennedy assassination, the Committee wanted to recall Roselli. However, at this point, he had been missing since July 28. On August 3, Senator Howard Baker, a member of the new SSCIA, requested that the FBI investigate Roselli's disappearance

Based on information in the book Ultimate Sacrifice by Lamar Waldron, the program asserted that Roselli was responsible for framing Abraham Bolden who was arrested the day before he was to appear before the Warren Commission

Abraham Bolden
Abraham W. Bolden (born January 19, 1935) is an American former United States Secret Service agent - the first African-American Secret Service agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division, appointed by John F. Kennedy in 1961. Bolden was fired from the Secret Service after he was charged in 1964 with accepting a bribe in relation to a counterfeiting case he was involved with. He was ultimately sentenced to six years in prison.

You just won't accept the fact that you are wrong. You can't see the wrist in 223, why? because it is in line with the exit wound from his chest and below the door frame. I have got you to admit that you don't know why the bullet that hit Connally in the arm pit was tumbling, struck him going sideways, and left no bullet wipe. I will tell you why...it had just passed through Kennedy's back/throat, that is why. Ballistic tests showed that the ammo Oswald used would start to yaw after it passed through some ballistic gel. That line from the 6th floor and through JFK goes right into Connally's arm pit and out his chest just below his right nipple. And what is there in frame 223 right in front of his right nipple? His right arm. They recovered lead fragments from JFK's neck, Connally's chest and wrist and what do you know? It all matched and was consistent with the fragments that struck the windshield and was found in the front seat, and the round still in the rifle.

Magic Bullet Proven!
It proves what? I posted actual evidence of the bullet hitting Connally at frame 223-235. This bullet created a wound that had to have hit something first. Fragments in Connally's chest, wrist and thigh matched conclusively to CE 399. The alignment of JFK and Connally at 223 absolutely creates a straight line from the 6th floor of the TSBD through Kennedy, through Connally's back, chest, wrist, and into his thigh. Those are FACTS. You have no idea how someone would react to being shot through the wrist. It is just as likely that his initial reaction would have been to clinch his fist. You are speculating to fit your agenda while ignoring actual facts.

But go ahead and keep ignoring and post more rumored connections, without an evidence, and that would have been impossible to pull off much less keep quiet for 54 years.
Hey, Brutus and Cassius kept how they conspired to whack Julius from Willy Shakespeare for longer than 54 years.

The case against conspiracy has always been "they couldn't have kept it quiet for this long" with so many involved and it is a convincing argument unless you consider there were two levels of conspirators, patriots and hired guns. The hired guns could have been easily handled and eliminated and with the patriots in for a penny, in for a pound, why would any talk? They all thought they were doing the right thing for their country. This wasn't viewed by them as a crime but as a move for survival.

Remember the sentiment toward not just JFK but RFK at that time by the CIA, FBI and military. They viewed the Kennedys as borderline traitors for their softness towards communism, the Bay of Pigs disaster and this was the time of Krushchev's "we will bury you" message that no one took lightly. I was 13 at the time and the fear of the USSR and what they could and would do was real. As a younger lad, I watched the tanks roll into Hungary while the US stood by and did nothing. Strangely reminiscent of the **** war machine rolling across Europe and this country was not 20 years removed from WWII.

I could easily see men in power seeking an end to the Kennedy's because the military hated them and organized crime hated Bobby and Hoover downright despised the Kennedys. I think the plan always was to get rid of both of them and now we're starting to see doubt about Sirhan Sirhan's, the original Little Caesar's spokesman, involvement as the lone assassin. Questions that should have arisen long ago are just now surfacing.

Personally, I've never believed Oswald acted alone, if he acted at all. There are far too many parts that cannot be explained away and if it is one thing we know that works in government and politics is to just deny it until it goes away. And who in this country wanted to believe their own government could murder the President? And what do we think would have happened if they'd been found out?

As to what would haven happened if Kennedy not been assassinated with regards to Vietnam, that is all conjecture because this country was hawkish against communism. More than one President has gone to war that didn't want to and he would have eventually caved into his military machine, imo.
Hey, Brutus and Cassius kept how they conspired to whack Julius from Willy Shakespeare for longer than 54 years.

The case against conspiracy has always been "they couldn't have kept it quiet for this long" with so many involved and it is a convincing argument unless you consider there were two levels of conspirators, patriots and hired guns. The hired guns could have been easily handled and eliminated and with the patriots in for a penny, in for a pound, why would any talk? They all thought they were doing the right thing for their country. This wasn't viewed by them as a crime but as a move for survival.

Remember the sentiment toward not just JFK but RFK at that time by the CIA, FBI and military. They viewed the Kennedys as borderline traitors for their softness towards communism, the Bay of Pigs disaster and this was the time of Krushchev's "we will bury you" message that no one took lightly. I was 13 at the time and the fear of the USSR and what they could and would do was real. As a younger lad, I watched the tanks roll into Hungary while the US stood by and did nothing. Strangely reminiscent of the **** war machine rolling across Europe and this country was not 20 years removed from WWII.

I could easily see men in power seeking an end to the Kennedy's because the military hated them and organized crime hated Bobby and Hoover downright despised the Kennedys. I think the plan always was to get rid of both of them and now we're starting to see doubt about Sirhan Sirhan's, the original Little Caesar's spokesman, involvement as the lone assassin. Questions that should have arisen long ago are just now surfacing.

Personally, I've never believed Oswald acted alone, if he acted at all. There are far too many parts that cannot be explained away and if it is one thing we know that works in government and politics is to just deny it until it goes away. And who in this country wanted to believe their own government could murder the President? And what do we think would have happened if they'd been found out?

As to what would haven happened if Kennedy not been assassinated with regards to Vietnam, that is all conjecture because this country was hawkish against communism. More than one President has gone to war that didn't want to and he would have eventually caved into his military machine, imo.

The argument against that is if they could conspire, pull it off, cover it up, and keep a lid on it for 54 years why is it that novice researchers could dig up all these connections Timb2 keeps posting? Seems really sloppy to leave a paper trail of a coup.

Also if you are wanting a lone nut patsy why would you pick a guy like Oswald? Communist, connections to Russia and Cuba too much baggage to pull off as a lone gunman. Then to kill him off with a guy with mob ties. Again if you want to pass it off as a lone assassin, why connect Russia, Cuba, and the mob to your patsy?

It either shows a level of hubris that would make Oedipus blush or there was no conspiracy and Oswald acted alone.
Frame 223 does that show Connally's wrist shattered? No it shows Connally's coat blown open and in Frame 230 you still see Connally's wrist not shattered still with him holding his Stetson. So that means a 2nd shooter because Oswald cannot pull the bolt back that fast in split seconds apart......1977 HCSA could not prove anything when guys like George DeMohrenshildt blowing their brains out before they can testify.Johnny Roselli being chopped up in a barrell... I will tell you when a lot of these guys starting dropping like flies. When RICO became law.

Johnny Roselli
On April 23, 1976, Roselli was called before the committee to testify about a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy.[2] Three months after his first round of testimony on the Kennedy assassination, the Committee wanted to recall Roselli. However, at this point, he had been missing since July 28. On August 3, Senator Howard Baker, a member of the new SSCIA, requested that the FBI investigate Roselli's disappearance

Based on information in the book Ultimate Sacrifice by Lamar Waldron, the program asserted that Roselli was responsible for framing Abraham Bolden who was arrested the day before he was to appear before the Warren Commission

Abraham Bolden
Abraham W. Bolden (born January 19, 1935) is an American former United States Secret Service agent - the first African-American Secret Service agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division, appointed by John F. Kennedy in 1961. Bolden was fired from the Secret Service after he was charged in 1964 with accepting a bribe in relation to a counterfeiting case he was involved with. He was ultimately sentenced to six years in prison.

Connally's wife Nellie said he held onto his hat all the way to Parkland hospital...BOOM. Another point in the single bullet theory's column.
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