JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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That reflection appears a lot than just Zapruder frames .Don't ya think Blind Zebra???

Rearview mirror is proof of what exactly?
Proves more damage than just 3 shots. Rear view mirror is damaged,the limo windshield frame is damaged,and the windshield. I think that has to be even more magical or actually a fantasy.
So 1st shot hits the traffic light then the Limo frame on the top of the windshield and the windshield and then James Tague. Maybe we should call it a Magical Deflected Bullet Blind Zebra?
The frame was hit by a fragment of the headshot. The so called crack you are seeing is the freaking back of the rearview mirror. It shows in every Z frame where the windshield is visible.
Proves more damage than just 3 shots. Rear view mirror is damaged,the limo windshield frame is damaged,and the windshield. I think that has to be even more magical or actually a fantasy.
There is a dent and a crack. Two fragments...you know parts of a bullet that breaks up...were found on the floorboard of the front seats. They came from the headshot.
This 1st shot also got a traffic light and James Tague also 3 damage shots included in the limo. NOW THAT'S MAGICAL!!! Oswald must have been this super expert shot,but he shot horrible in the Marines and expert snipers can't shoot like he could. Couldn't have been other shooters.
This 1st shot also got a traffic light and James Tague also 3 damage shots included in the limo. NOW THAT'S MAGICAL!!! Oswald must have been this super expert shot,but he shot horrible in the Marines and expert snipers can't shoot like he could. Couldn't have been other shooters.
Repeating the same nonsense over and over won't make it true.
So according to this new tangent bullets are pinging all over the car yet nobody reacts to them...you would think that two secret service agents would react to bullets whizzing past their heads, no?

Nah, Kellerman and Greer are so well trained that a two bullets smashing into the car, inches from their heads, did not even make them flinch.
Richard Russell, Senator and former Warren Commissioner:

"We have not been told the truth about Oswald."
- Whitewash IV, by Harold Weisberg, p. 21.

Hale Boggs, Majority Leader and former Warren Commissioner:

"Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission - on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the guns, you name it..."
- Coincidence or Conspiracy?, by Bernard Fensterwald Jr. and Michael Ewing, p. 96. The quote comes from an unnamed aide to Congressman Boggs. The book also quotes Bogg's wife Lindy, through a colleague, as saying "He wished he had never been on it [the Commission] and wished he'd never signed it [the Report]."

John Sherman Cooper, Senator and former Warren Commissioner:

"On what basis is it claimed that two shots caused all the wounds?.....It seemed to me that Governor Connally's statement negates such a conclusion. I could not agree with this statement."
- The Zapruder Film, by David Wrone, p. 247. Cooper was commenting on a draft of the Warren Report. Wrone is citing the papers of J. Lee Rankin, wherein Cooper's written comments appeared.

Frank Mankiewicz, former press secretary to RFK:

"I came to the conclusion that there was some sort of conspiracy, probably involving the mob, anti-Castro Cuban exiles, and maybe rogue CIA agents."
- Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 312.

Dick Goodwin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs:

"We know the CIA was involved, and the Mafia. We all know that."
- Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 303. Author interview.

William Walton, friend of the Kennedys, speaking on behalf of RFK and Jaqcueline Kennedy:

"Perhaps there was only one assassin, but he did not act alone.....Dallas was the ideal location for such a crime."
- Brothers, by David Talbot, p. 32. Walton delivered his message in Moscow to Georgi Bolshakov, who had been a backchannel to the Soviet leadership and was asked to repeat it to Khrushchev. This incident occurred a week after the assassination; the story is also recounted in One Hell of a Gamble.

Harry Truman, former president:

"I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations.....There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position, and I feel that we need to correct it."
- published in Washington Post of 22 Dec 1963, exactly one month after JFK's murder. Excerpted in the Church Committee testimony of Clark Clifford.
G. Robert Blakey, former Chief Counsel of the HSCA:

"I now no longer believe anything the Agency [CIA] told the committee any further than I can obtain substantial corroboration for it from outside the Agency for its veracity.....We also now know that the Agency set up a process that could only have been designed to frustrate the ability of the committee in 1976-79 to obtain any information that might adversely affect the Agency. Many have told me that the culture of the Agency is one of prevarication and dissimulation and that you cannot trust it or its people. Period. End of story. I am now in that camp."
- in an addendum to the web page for the Frontline episode "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?", after Blakey learned that CIA-HSCA liaison George Joannides had been case officer for the DRE in 1962-64.

George Burkley, former presidential physician to JFK:

"I would not care to be quoted on that."
- responding to the question "Do you agree with the Warren Report on the number of bullets that entered President Kennedy's body?" in an oral history interview of 17 Oct 1967. In 1977, Burkley's lawyer William Illig contacted HSCA Chief Counsel Sprague stating Burkley "had never been interviewed in the Kennedy assassination and has information that others besides Oswald must have participated." See Sprague memo to file of 18 Mar 1977.
Some of the Witnesses

Warren Reynolds - Warren Reynolds was a witness to a man fleeing the scene of the Tippit shooting. He initially would not identify the man as Oswald, and was later shot in the head (he recovered). The man picked up for the attack on Reynolds, Darrell Wayne Garver, was given an alibi by Nancy Jane Mooney. Mooney was herself subsequently arrested for disturbing the peace and found hanged in her jail cell.

Sylvia Odio -A Cuban exile living in Dallas who told the Warren Commission that she was visited in September 1963 by three men seeking help in fighting Castro, one of whom was Lee Oswald

Nancy Perrin Rich - A former bartender of Jack Ruby's and wife of a since-deceased gunrunner, Nancy Perrin Rich described for the Warren Commission a 1962 meeting involving Ruby. Her husband had been offered $10,000 to smuggle Cuban refugees from Cuba to Miami - Jack Ruby was the man carrying the cash for the deal, which Perrin turned down.

Willie Somersett - An informant for the Miami police, Somersett tape-recorded right-wing extremist Joseph Milteer discussing the assassination of Kennedy 13 days before it occurred. Milteer said it was "in the working" and that "they will pick up somebody within hours afterwards.....just to throw the public off."

Seth Kantor - A journalist who knew Jack Ruby, Kantor told the Warren Commission that he spoke to Ruby in Parkland Hospital around 1:30 PM on the day of the assassination. The Commission concluded that Kantor was mistaken, despite corroboration for his testimony by witness Wilma Tice.

Arnold Rowland - A spectator in Dealey Plaza, Rowland told the Warren Commission that he saw two gunmen on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. His wife, Barbara, provided only partial corroboration for her husband's account, and being without her glasses did not see anyone.
Destroy him with facts get a list of BS. Funny how you never address anything. I proved that the bullet that hit Connally in the back hit Kennedy first and what do you say? He is holding his hat, frame 230. I provide proof that he held the hat all the way to Parkland and what do you say? It was not in position for the magic bullet at 230. No kidding but it was at 223 when he got hit, and what do you say? You show a picture of a reflection of the rear view mirror. I tell you that and you show a picture of a cracked windshield. Of course the crack is not even where the reflection was in the first picture but no matter, let's show some more shots of damage to the limo. I give you absolute proof that the damage came from the fragments of the bullet that hit JFK's head and with a side butt kicking of if bullets were hitting the windshield, why didn't Kellerman and Greer react to bullets whizzing past their head.

What do you do? You run away for a day and come back with more lists of BS. You refuse to address things point by point because if you do it will get destroyed. Much safer to throw buckets of crap at the wall. Confuse with volume, make it look like something is there and never get into detail because it will unravel the whole thing.
Destroy him with facts get a list of BS. Funny how you never address anything. I proved that the bullet that hit Connally in the back hit Kennedy first and what do you say? He is holding his hat, frame 230. I provide proof that he held the hat all the way to Parkland and what do you say? It was not in position for the magic bullet at 230. No kidding but it was at 223 when he got hit, and what do you say? You show a picture of a reflection of the rear view mirror. I tell you that and you show a picture of a cracked windshield. Of course the crack is not even where the reflection was in the first picture but no matter, let's show some more shots of damage to the limo. I give you absolute proof that the damage came from the fragments of the bullet that hit JFK's head and with a side butt kicking of if bullets were hitting the windshield, why didn't Kellerman and Greer react to bullets whizzing past their head.

What do you do? You run away for a day and come back with more lists of BS. You refuse to address things point by point because if you do it will get destroyed. Much safer to throw buckets of crap at the wall. Confuse with volume, make it look like something is there and never get into detail because it will unravel the whole thing.

3 members of the Warren Commission don't believe the Magic Bullet. Of course they have to have the single bullet be the shot that hits JFK and Connally multiple times. The 1st shot hits the traffic light, then the windshield frame of the limo, and then hits concrete and injures James Tague who is far away near the overpass and the 3rd is the head shot...

J.Edgar Hoover didn't believe the Magic Bullet.

JFK and Connally react to the shots at different frames. Connally and his wife think he was injured at frame 230 not 223. Police Officier behind them believes Connally and JFK are wounded at separate times.

Nice try to say I'm running away from someone who totally refuses to answer any of the connections and not think a conspiracy. Ruby already told everyone who did it. LBJ. Why would he say that? ....

So Connally holds his hat and when did it get blown away in frames and his reaction? Was it at 223 & 224? No it was later in frames ...WHEN DOES CONNALLY'S SHOULDER DROP IN THE FRAMES ?The 230s being hit not at 223 or 224.
Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, killed Lee Harvey Oswald, who the Warren Commission concluded was the lone gunman in the slaying of John F. Kennedy.

In a videotaped statement, Ruby said, “When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was Vice President there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy.” Asked if he would explain it again Ruby continued “Well the answer is the man in office now.” – that man was Lyndon B. Johnson.

Later, in a hand-written note, Ruby wrote, “Isn’t it strange that Oswald, who hasn’t worked a lick most of his life, should be fortunate enough to get a job at the Book Building two weeks before the President himself didn’t know as to when he was to visit Dallas, now where would a jerk like Oswald get the information that the President was coming to Dallas?”

He continued on, “Only one person could have had that information, and that man was Johnson who knew weeks in advance as to what was going to happen, because he is the one who was going to arrange the trip for the President, this had been planned long before the President himself knew about, so you can figure that one out.”

He wrote further, “The only one who gained by the shooting of the President was Johnson, and he was in a car in the rear and safe when the shooting took place. What would the Russians, Castro or anyone else have to gain by eliminating the President? If Johnson was so heartbroken over Kennedy, why didn’t he do something for Robert Kennedy? All he did was snub him.”

Jacqueline Kennedy was aware of Johnson’s hatred for her husband and his brother, often referring to the pair as members of the Irish mafia.
Cabell brothers
DH Byrd
George DeMohrenshildt
Clay Shaw
David Ferrie
Blind Zebra the only BS is you believing The Warren Commission report. Connections of Oswald to prominent businessmen like DH Byrd, DeMohrenshildt, and Shaw is very strange that right wing wealthy millionaire businessmen are connected to a left wing guy making $1 dollar an hour.

Men who hate Kennedy like Gen.Charles Cabell having his brother as the Mayor of the City where JFK is shot . It does not matter that Earle Cabell knew the limo route in advance and Oswald gets a job near the route

DH Byrd who owns the TSBD put out in the Dallas Morning News "WANTED FOR TREASON" with a picture of JFK. Hires Oswald and knows LBJ's buddy killer goon Malcolm "Mac" Wallace.

Tippit who moonlighted as a bouncer and Jack Ruby who hired Dallas Police as bouncers for his strip club besides giving them loans or girls of the night. Strange that the Dallas police are not smart enough to protect the exits and let a well known hoodrat like Ruby in Police Headquarters to shoot Oswald.

Who is running away from this? You are.
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I'm taking a few days off,so Blind Zebra don't be hating because I will be back, and you will still not have answered why the connections to Oswald and wealthy right wing millionaires to a low income commie. Just like you will have no answer for David Ferrie & Oswald pictured together below or working in the same exact building in New Orleans.

See again if you need to remember
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