JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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3 members of the Warren Commission don't believe the Magic Bullet. Of course they have to have the single bullet be the shot that hits JFK and Connally multiple times. The 1st shot hits the traffic light, then the windshield frame of the limo, and then hits concrete and injures James Tague who is far away near the overpass and the 3rd is the head shot...

J.Edgar Hoover didn't believe the Magic Bullet.

JFK and Connally react to the shots at different frames. Connally and his wife think he was injured at frame 230 not 223. Police Officier behind them believes Connally and JFK are wounded at separate times.

Nice try to say I'm running away from someone who totally refuses to answer any of the connections and not think a conspiracy. Ruby already told everyone who did it. LBJ. Why would he say that? ....

So Connally holds his hat and when did it get blown away in frames and his reaction? Was it at 223 & 224? No it was later in frames ...WHEN DOES CONNALLY'S SHOULDER DROP IN THE FRAMES ?The 230s being hit not at 223 or 224.
So you personally spoke to those people? Nope, you are going by what others CLAIMED they said. The records are full of misquotes and outright lies. Not to mention that what is said and what it means requires context.

The Connallys were correct in their saying that he was not hit by the first shot, nobody was, but a piece of curb flew up and hit Tague from when the bullet hit. The reason the conspiracy theorists use the Connally's testimony is because the Warren Report said the second shot missed and there was not enough time to recycle and shoot for Oswald. If you take the witness accounts as to where the limo was at the first shot, it is clear that it occurred just as Zapruder started filming or slightly before. You do this it fits with the Connally's testimony and increases the time to fire by about 4 to 5 seconds.

You do realize the time between 223 and 230 is less than half a second right? Connally's major reaction was when his lung collapsed, that is when his cheeks puff out and his shoulder dropped. That is not an immediate thing, the lung will not collapse just as the bullet passes, it requires time for the pressure outside the lung to be greater than what is inside the lung.

The dent in the chrome and the cracked windshield came from fragments from the headshot. They found them on the floorboard of the front seat and they matched all of the fragments found in the case. It came from the ammo Oswald used.

I'd suggest you do a little research on witness reliability. People that witness an horrific event brains tend to repress what they see. You also have to process short term memory into long term memory which effects what witnesses remember. Memory does not get clearer over time, it fades away but in the case of JFK each passing year memories become better and much more detail comes out, I wonder why? It is the influence of the researchers pushing their conspiracy theories. You saw it with the Parkland doctors who all testified the head wound as going from top to back on the right side of his head, and as the years passed it kept moving down and back until there was no damage at all to the side and top of his head. When confronted with the Zapruder film that clearly shows damage to the right side and top of his head, conspiracy theorists run creaming that the very thing that proved that there was a conspiracy was all faked. Does not matter that every film shows it, and all the witnesses in Dealey Plaza described the right side of his head being blown out. Zapruder himself when interviewed just after described exactly what was seen in his film.

When you look at a case and put it on trial physical evidence is what you want and all of the physical evidence says Oswald did it. Less reliable is witness testimony, but guess what? The majority of witnesses heard three shots. The majority felt they came from behind and from the area of the TSBD. Many saw someone who looked like Oswald shooting from the TSBD, and almost everyone described the right side of his head being blown out, all of which fits the physical evidence.

And just a common sense point. So many conspiracy theorists point to people running up the grassy knoll as proof that is where shots came from...well, you just saw someone get their head blown off right in front of you, what kind of moron runs unarmed TOWARD the shooter? Basic survival instincts would click in and you would either hit the dirt...which many did...or run AWAY from the source of the shots. The knoll is away from the TSBD.
I'm taking a few days off,so Blind Zebra don't be hating because I will be back, and you will still not have answered why the connections to Oswald and wealthy right wing millionaires to a low income commie. Just like you will have no answer for David Ferrie & Oswald pictured together below or working in the same exact building in New Orleans.

See again if you need to remember
Again that is not proof of a conspiracy, and 99% of it has been exaggerated or flat out made up.
LBJ ducked down in the limo before the shooting even started

LBJ ducked down in the limo before the shooting even started

LOL that is the Altgen's photo at the time of the second shot. So him ducking from gunfire directly behind him is proof he did it. You should vet your nonsense before you post it. It will save a lot of embarrassment.
LOL that is the Altgen's photo at the time of the second shot. So him ducking from gunfire directly behind him is proof he did it. You should vet your nonsense before you post it. It will save a lot of embarrassment.
Yet Ladybird and Yarborough are still straight up in their seats.... LBJ did it .
Yet Ladybird and Yarborough are still straight up in their seats.... LBJ did it .
You said before the shooting started it wasn't it was after. Reacting to two shots going off directly above and behind you is proof? Don't pull anything reaching for that straw.
You said before the shooting started it wasn't it was after. Reacting to two shots going off directly above and behind you is proof? Don't pull anything reaching for that straw.
LBJ is the only one who has ducked down. The guy was tall and he was slouching in the limo lower than his wife even before the turn onto Elm St.....So is this the new stratedgy? "Oh don't you dare change the subject or avoid"?.....I'm still waiting why Ruby blames LBJ because he is dying of cancer and not long to live. So what does he gain from this? How in the world does the Dallas Police let in Ruby a known mobster in to assassinate Oswald,not 1 chance,but three different times Ruby was there?
LBJ is the only one who has ducked down. The guy was tall and he was slouching in the limo lower than his wife even before the turn onto Elm St.....So is this the new stratedgy? "Oh don't you dare change the subject or avoid"?.....I'm still waiting why Ruby blames LBJ because he is dying of cancer and not long to live. So what does he gain from this? How in the world does the Dallas Police let in Ruby a known mobster in to assassinate Oswald,not 1 chance,but three different times Ruby was there?
Ruby was not a mobster he had mob connections big difference. Ruby and the Dallas police had a long history he was not seen as a threat. Ruby's mental state went in the toilet...he also claimed to have been injected with cancer cells too. Of course you probably believe that too. Again, the videos you provided are using a photo taken just before the headshot. Secret service are turning back looking toward the TSBD and LBJ is reacting to having two shots directly above him go off. It is ridiculous to think that proves anything. But hey, ridiculous is your whole posting history.
What is ridiculous,is that LBJ is the only one.You would think LBJ would be protecting his wife. NOPE just his own skin.

Oh yeah Ruby was a Saint----
Illegal activities in Dallas[edit]
There was evidence indicating Jack Ruby had been involved in the underworld activities of illegal gambling, narcotics, and prostitution.[12][citation needed]

A 1956 FBI report stated that their informant Eileen Curry reported that in January of that year, she moved to Dallas with her boyfriend, James Breen, after jumping bond on narcotics charges. Breen told her that he had made connections with a large narcotics set up operating between Texas, Mexico, and the East and that "in some fashion, James got the okay to operate through Jack Ruby of Dallas."[13]

Former Dallas County Sheriff Steve Guthrie told the FBI that he believed Ruby "operated some prostitution activities and other vices in his club" since living in Dallas.[14]

Dallas disc jockey Kenneth Dowe testified that Ruby was known around the station for "procuring women for different people who came to town."[

Associations with organized crime and gunrunning allegations[edit]
In 1979, fifteen years after the Warren report, the House Select Committee on Assassinations undertook a similar investigation of Ruby and said that he "had a significant number of associations and direct and indirect contacts with underworld figures" and "the Dallas criminal element" but that he was not a "member" of organized crime.[85]

Ruby was known to have been acquainted with both the police and the Mafia. The HSCA said that Ruby had known Chicago mobster Sam Giancana (1908–1975) and Joseph Campisi (1918–1990) since 1947, and had been seen with them on many occasions.[86][87] After an investigation of Joe Campisi, the HSCA found:

While Campisi's technical characterization in federal law enforcement records as an organized crime member has ranged from definite to suspected to negative, it is clear that he was an associate or friend of many Dallas-based organized crime members, particularly Joseph Civello, during the time he was the head of the Dallas organization. There was no indication that Campisi had engaged in any specific organized crime-related activities.[88]

Similarly, a PBS Frontline investigation into the connections between Ruby and Dallas organized crime figures reported the following:

In 1963, Sam and Joe Campisi were leading figures in the Dallas underworld. Jack knew the Campisis and had been seen with them on many occasions. The Campisis were lieutenants of Carlos Marcello, the Mafia boss who had reportedly talked of killing the President.[89]

A day before Kennedy was assassinated, Ruby went to Joe Campisi's restaurant.[90] At the time of the Kennedy assassination, Ruby was close enough to the Campisis to ask them to come see him after he was arrested for shooting Lee Oswald.[87][91][92] Joe Campisi and his wife visited with Jack Ruby in jail for ten minutes on November 30, 1963.[90]

Howard P. Willens — the third highest official in the Department of Justice[93] and assistant counsel to J. Lee Rankin — helped organize the Warren Commission. Willens also outlined the Commission's investigative priorities[94] and terminated an investigation of Ruby's Cuban related activities.[95] An FBI report states that Willens's father had been Tony Accardo's next door neighbor going back to 1958.[96] In 1946, Tony Accardo allegedly asked Jack Ruby to go to Texas with Mafia associates Pat Manno and Romie Nappi to make sure that Dallas County Sheriff Steve Gutherie would acquiesce to the Mafia's expansion into Dallas.[97]

Four years before the assassination of President Kennedy, Ruby went to see a man named Lewis McWillie in Cuba. Ruby considered McWillie, who had previously run illegal gambling establishments in Texas, to be one of his closest friends.[98] At the time Ruby visited him, in August 1959, McWillie was supervising gambling activities at Havana's Tropicana Club. Ruby told the Warren Commission that his August trip to Cuba was merely a social visit at the invitation of McWillie.[98] The House Select Committee on Assassinations would later conclude that Ruby "…most likely was serving as a courier for gambling interests."[99][100][101] The committee also found "circumstantial," but not conclusive, evidence that "…Ruby met with [Mafia boss] Santo Trafficante in Cuba sometime in 1959."[102][103]

James E. Beaird, who claimed to be a poker-playing friend of Jack Ruby, told both The Dallas Morning News and the FBI that Ruby smuggled guns and ammunition from Galveston Bay, Texas to Fidel Castro's guerrillas in Cuba in the late 1950s. Beaird said that Ruby "was in it for the money. It wouldn't matter which side, just [whichever] one that would pay him the most." Beaird said that the guns were stored in a two-story house near the waterfront, and that he saw Ruby and his associates load "many boxes of new guns, including automatic rifles and handguns" on a 50-foot military-surplus boat. He claimed that "each time that the boat left with guns and ammunition, Jack Ruby was on the boat."[104][105][106]

Blaney Mack Johnson, an FBI informant, said Ruby was "active in arranging illegal flights of weapons from Miami" to pro-Castro forces in Cuba in the early 1950s.[106][107]
LBJ ducked in the Zapruder film too before the TSBD. You can see Ladybird,but not a guy that is 6ft-4 inches next to her.

LBJ ducked in the Zapruder film too before the TSBD. You can see Ladybird,but not a guy that is 6ft-4 inches next to her.

LOL, for someone claiming to know something about the assassination you would think they would know where Zapruder was and what he could film.

Nope, all you know is what others are telling you and you accept it as fact. The copy and paste thing is getting old and is probably against forum rules...foot notes are a dead giveaway lol.
Would it be fair to say that neither of you are going to change each other's mind no matter how much you post about the topic?

If the answer is yes...might be wise to just quit wasting your time on it.

Just friendly advice.
Would it be fair to say that neither of you are going to change each other's mind no matter how much you post about the topic?

If the answer is yes...might be wise to just quit wasting your time on it.

Just friendly advice.
Injecting facts into what would otherwise be fantasy land serves a purpose. I am not trying to change his mind. I am trying to keep others from falling into the abyss of misinformation he has drowned in.
Injecting facts into what would otherwise be fantasy land serves a purpose. I am not trying to change his mind. I am trying to keep others from falling into the abyss of misinformation he has drowned in.
And in his mind he is doing the same thing you claim to be doing.
You both think you are right.
You both think the other is wrong.

Waste of time.
But hey...it is your time to waste.
As long as you keep it within the guidelines and to both of you guys credit you have done so instead of letting it degrade into name calling.
LOL, for someone claiming to know something about the assassination you would think they would know where Zapruder was and what he could film.

Nope, all you know is what others are telling you and you accept it as fact. The copy and paste thing is getting old and is probably against forum rules...foot notes are a dead giveaway lol.
Everytime you try to throw in laughs or cartoon emotioncons,you have nothing to say about the matter. Worrying about copy n paste. SERIOUSLY? Yeah that copy n paste shows Jack Ruby was a mobster. The Zapruder Film doesn't lie and shows LBJ hid before the shooting.
And in his mind he is doing the same thing you claim to be doing.
You both think you are right.
You both think the other is wrong.

Waste of time.
But hey...it is your time to waste.
As long as you keep it within the guidelines and to both of you guys credit you have done so instead of letting it degrade into name calling.
No Brain you can go to any youtube that has something about conspiracies and you will find guys just like BlindZebra doing their schill game. BlindZebra said exactly what he is doing. He is trying to keep others asleep on the matter. So he has to try to make whomever post and discredit them. It isn't about me,but he holds on to a Warren Commission report where the majority of Americans do not buy the conclusion. Even when it came out in the 60's, the majority of Americans did not buy it.... It is why we get constant dribble on TV about Ancient Aliens and Bigfoot,but not what really needs to be looked at. Stuff like The Gulf of Tonkin incident,JFK,RFK,MLK, 911,etc.

If the American public are open to one conspiracy they are more open to listen and reason about others.
No Brain you can go to any youtube that has something about conspiracies and you will find guys just like BlindZebra doing their schill game. BlindZebra said exactly what he is doing. He is trying to keep others asleep on the matter. So he has to try to make whomever post and discredit them. It isn't about me,but he holds on to a Warren Commission report where the majority of Americans do not buy the conclusion. Even when it came out in the 60's, the majority of Americans did not buy it.... It is why we get constant dribble on TV about Ancient Aliens and Bigfoot,but not what really needs to be looked at. Stuff like The Gulf of Tonkin incident,JFK,RFK,MLK, 911,etc.

If the American public are open to one conspiracy they are more open to listen and reason about others.
so you believe Gulf of Tonkin, JFK, RFK, MLK, 911 are all conspiracies?
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