JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Everytime you try to throw in laughs or cartoon emotioncons,you have nothing to say about the matter. Worrying about copy n paste. SERIOUSLY? Yeah that copy n paste shows Jack Ruby was a mobster. The Zapruder Film doesn't lie and shows LBJ hid before the shooting.
That is not the Zapruder film and LBJ was in the third car in the motorcade with another spot taken up by motorcycles. His car was not on Elm when the shooting started and it was just completing the turn when JFK's head got blown off. The laughter and the copy and paste joke is a way of illustrating that you have no voice in this. Everything you post is someone elses stuff. You no so little about the assassination yourself that you are claiming that a front view, of the 4th spot in the motorcade at the time of the shooting, was from the Zapruder film. Zapruder was off to the side so there would not be a from the front view. Futher, Zapruder filmed nothing before the shooting began, that included JFK's limo and his film. When the shooting started LBJ was on Houston directly under the 6th floor window. His limo finally was on Elm a second or two before the headshot.
Since it is sourced material share the source. What you showed is a collection of potential links to organized crime. Which is what I said, by the way, but not conclusive proof of him being a mobster. I want to see where those foot notes lead.

I asked this before but will again, if you goal is to set up a lone nut patsy, why kill him with someone with mob ties?

Kill the patsy, mysterious deaths to tie up loose ends...it is laughable. If you and I conspire to whack Brainpaint and hire two guys to do it, we just created loose ends of the plot so we have to get rid of the shooters. That means we hire two new guys to kill them, but wait, now those guys are loose ends. Now we have to kill them too. It would never stop. Every act before, during, and after adds potential danger of getting discovered. Every act to keep it quiet adds more people to the conspiracy. It is an endless loop and an ever growing conspiracy.
No Brain you can go to any youtube that has something about conspiracies and you will find guys just like BlindZebra doing their schill game. BlindZebra said exactly what he is doing. He is trying to keep others asleep on the matter. So he has to try to make whomever post and discredit them. It isn't about me,but he holds on to a Warren Commission report where the majority of Americans do not buy the conclusion. Even when it came out in the 60's, the majority of Americans did not buy it.... It is why we get constant dribble on TV about Ancient Aliens and Bigfoot,but not what really needs to be looked at. Stuff like The Gulf of Tonkin incident,JFK,RFK,MLK, 911,etc.

If the American public are open to one conspiracy they are more open to listen and reason about others.
I rest my case. The majority of my posts in this thread have been supplying the facts of what occured. To which I get called a shill attempting to keep the conspiracy covered up. Yeah, I am sure there are always guys like me on those youtube comments. Thank God there are a few rational people left.
No Brain you can go to any youtube that has something about conspiracies and you will find guys just like BlindZebra doing their schill game. BlindZebra said exactly what he is doing. He is trying to keep others asleep on the matter. So he has to try to make whomever post and discredit them. It isn't about me,but he holds on to a Warren Commission report where the majority of Americans do not buy the conclusion. Even when it came out in the 60's, the majority of Americans did not buy it.... It is why we get constant dribble on TV about Ancient Aliens and Bigfoot,but not what really needs to be looked at. Stuff like The Gulf of Tonkin incident,JFK,RFK,MLK, 911,etc.

If the American public are open to one conspiracy they are more open to listen and reason about others.

And I can got to any youtube and find conspiracy guys like yourself who thinks everything is a conspiracy.
And I can got to any youtube and find conspiracy guys like yourself who thinks everything is a conspiracy.
If you are looking for facts on YouTube that in and of itself is an issue, but that is a different topic dealing with the over relience on technology.
That is not the Zapruder film and LBJ was in the third car in the motorcade with another spot taken up by motorcycles. His car was not on Elm when the shooting started and it was just completing the turn when JFK's head got blown off. The laughter and the copy and paste joke is a way of illustrating that you have no voice in this. Everything you post is someone elses stuff. You no so little about the assassination yourself that you are claiming that a front view, of the 4th spot in the motorcade at the time of the shooting, was from the Zapruder film. Zapruder was off to the side so there would not be a from the front view. Futher, Zapruder filmed nothing before the shooting began, that included JFK's limo and his film. When the shooting started LBJ was on Houston directly under the 6th floor window. His limo finally was on Elm a second or two before the headshot.
Since it is sourced material share the source. What you showed is a collection of potential links to organized crime. Which is what I said, by the way, but not conclusive proof of him being a mobster. I want to see where those foot notes lead.

I asked this before but will again, if you goal is to set up a lone nut patsy, why kill him with someone with mob ties?

Kill the patsy, mysterious deaths to tie up loose ends...it is laughable. If you and I conspire to whack Brainpaint and hire two guys to do it, we just created loose ends of the plot so we have to get rid of the shooters. That means we hire two new guys to kill them, but wait, now those guys are loose ends. Now we have to kill them too. It would never stop. Every act before, during, and after adds potential danger of getting discovered. Every act to keep it quiet adds more people to the conspiracy. It is an endless loop and an ever growing conspiracy.

Just need to answer the first part. Yes it is the Zapruder film showing LBJ ducking also . The limo in front is not lined up the same as in the Altgens photo. The rest of your writing is just a rant. The majority has always thought the Warren Commission report is BS and a conspiracy is involved.
I rest my case. The majority of my posts in this thread have been supplying the facts of what occured. To which I get called a shill attempting to keep the conspiracy covered up. Yeah, I am sure there are always guys like me on those youtube comments. Thank God there are a few rational people left.
Yes and when others posted about other questionable stuff like the Moon Landing you are all opposed that it could be faked. 911 you are all over it. Yeah you are schilling. Same exact stuff like those guys on youtube message boards or any conspiracy topic websites. Like I say, if you are open to one being a conspiracy then you are open to others possibly being. Yet anyone who says something is a conspiracy must be discredited with the crap like Aliens ,Bigfoot, Reptilian garbage.Yet lets not talk about Operation Northwoods or why an All-Seeing Eye is on our currency. Ben Franklin had multiple cadavers in his basement of his house.No lets drown TV with BIGFOOT & ALIENS.
Yeah guys that are not asleep.

Not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy...but if you don't get enough sleep, things might start seeming like they are and make you too paranoid.
Yes and when others posted about other questionable stuff like the Moon Landing you are all opposed that it could be faked. 911 you are all over it. Yeah you are schilling. Same exact stuff like those guys on youtube message boards or any conspiracy topic websites. Like I say, if you are open to one being a conspiracy then you are open to others possibly being. Yet anyone who says something is a conspiracy must be discredited with the crap like Aliens ,Bigfoot, Reptilian garbage.Yet lets not talk about Operation Northwoods or why an All-Seeing Eye is on our currency. Ben Franklin had multiple cadavers in his basement of his house.No lets drown TV with BIGFOOT & ALIENS.
Again, I rest my case.
Just need to answer the first part. Yes it is the Zapruder film showing LBJ ducking also . The limo in front is not lined up the same as in the Altgens photo. The rest of your writing is just a rant. The majority has always thought the Warren Commission report is BS and a conspiracy is involved.
So Zapruder was actually standing by Moorman because that is the angle shown in your pictures. LBJ was in the 5th spot in the motorcade. When Zapruder started filming it was just the motor cycles, so he stopped and restarted when he could see JFK' limo after it turned onto Elm and that was just as the first shot occured. LBJ was still on Houston directly under the 6th floor window. Your image shows the limo turning onto Elm at an angle that cannot be captured by Zapruder, and at a time well after the first shot and just after the second.

Note no jokes or emojis just unquestionable facts.
It is the Zapruder like I said Blind Zebra

Notice the top left corner? Look familiar? No first shot yet , and LBJ hid like a coward.


Altgens photo
LBJ why are you so low in the limo? You are 6ft-4inches and you are lower in the seat than your short wife Ladybird .

Usually LBJ you liked to ride high and say "HOWDY" to everyone
LBJ ducked in the Zapruder film too before the TSBD. You can see Ladybird,but not a guy that is 6ft-4 inches next to her.


For reference that it is the Zapruder film. See Blind Zebra the people behind the limo like the guy on the far right is in the same position with his hands on his hips ? Compare again to post 412. LBJ ducked .
You guys sure are fun but I sure am glad the 3 of us aren't marooned on a deserted island.
Don't worry,if it is just us 3 on an island.Blind Zebra doesn't have a shooter behind the Grassy Knoll to get us and blame it on someone else as the lone shooter.
It is the Zapruder like I said Blind Zebra

Notice the top left corner? Look familiar? No first shot yet , and LBJ hid like a coward.


Altgens photo
Ok I stand corrected about where this blurry image came from, it is still after the first shot and about 1.5 seconds before the second. The Altgen's photo is well after the second shot...see JFK's arms...that is just a second or so before the head shot. At the time of that frame LBJ is directly under the 6th floor window where the first shot was fired. Not before the first shot AFTER.
The Members of the Warren Omission

1-Earl Warren-Supreme Court Justice-who didn't want to be on it

2-Allen Dulles-Former CIA Director who was forced to resign by JFK after Bay of Pigs/ Operation 40
. So we get a guy who didn't like JFK on the Warren Omission.

3-Gerald Ford-Congressmen Republican Michigan . Future President of the United States. Before he died Ford said he knew the CIA was lying to him during the Warren Omission

4-Richard Russell-Senator Democrat from Georgia-Was friend of LBJ who supported LBJ to become the Senate Majority leader.
He had not supported the States Rights' Democratic Party of Strom Thurmond in 1948, but he(Russell) opposed civil rights laws as unconstitutional and unwise.

5-John Cooper-Senator Republican from Kentucky-Opposition voice to Vietnam,but close association with LBJ but also JFK.

6-Hale Boggs-Congressmen Democrat Louisiana-Ends up missing in a plane crash in Alaska in 1971. Close association with LBJ pushing most of LBJ's programs through when LBJ was President

7-John McCloy--Former President of the World Bank.. What does a banker know of assassinations? Why was he put on the Warren Omission?
Ok I stand corrected about where this blurry image came from, it is still after the first shot and about 1.5 seconds before the second. The Altgen's photo is well after the second shot...see JFK's arms...that is just a second or so before the head shot. At the time of that frame LBJ is directly under the 6th floor window where the first shot was fired. Not before the first shot AFTER.
Nice to know that.
Not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy...but if you don't get enough sleep, things might start seeming like they are and make you too paranoid.
I AM GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP!! WHO TOLD YOU I WASN'T? WHO ! WHO! WHO! I'M NOT PARANOID!!!! Ok fun' n' games. I don't believe everything is a conspiracy but when it comes to our government and they say "Trust us". I don't.
What is interesting is I get called a Warren Commission shill, yet I have made several posts saying that they got things wrong.
1. They tended to not push witnesses that could have helped their case.
2. They got the shot sequence wrong. They assumed that the Zapruder film captured the entire thing it didn't. Based on testimony of several people on the corner of Houston and Elm and someone filming from the TSBD, that took photos at the shot or stopped filming after it, it showed that the first shot likely occurred just after the limo turned and before Zapruder began filming again. That does several things that caused questions to be asked by conspiracy theorists. It shortened the shooting time to 6 seconds, when in fact it was over 11 and plenty of time to take three shots. It also conflicted with the testimony of the Connally's who were certain he was hit by the second shot, which again made the time element crucial because Oswald could not cycle through another shot that fast.
3. The wound drawings were not made to illustrate Kennedy's position as he was shot, so they appear to alter what is seen in the Zapruder film.
4. They did not go into detail of the positions of Kennedy and Connally at the time they were hit. By failing to report that Connally was seated much lower and farther left, it allowed for the zig-zag path that the conspiracy theorists used to ridicule the Single Bullet Theory.
5. They also failed to mention the importance of the keyhole and ragged wounds Connally had, and the lack of bullet wipe. These factors are proof that the bullet that struck Connally hit something first.

The House Assassination Committee made critical mistakes too. They used bogus acoustic evidence to prove a conspiracy. They showed that all the evidence proved Oswald wounded and killed the President and wounded Connally, but that the echo of a shot from the knoll matched the recording so there was a second shooter, who missed. They could not find any evidence of a shot from the grassy knoll beyond the acoustic evidence, nor could they find any direct link to anyone being involved. Remove the acoustic stuff and Oswald acted alone. The committee completely dismissed guys like Groden and Wecht as being unreliable, only to base their findings on a completely bogus science that was shown to be entirely wrong.
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