JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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What is interesting is I get called a Warren Commission shill, yet I have made several posts saying that they got things wrong.
1. They tended to not push witnesses that could have helped their case.
2. They got the shot sequence wrong. They assumed that the Zapruder film captured the entire thing it didn't. Based on testimony of several people on the corner of Houston and Elm and someone filming from the TSBD, that took photos at the shot or stopped filming after it, it showed that the first shot likely occurred just after the limo turned and before Zapruder began filming again. That does several things that caused questions to be asked by conspiracy theorists. It shortened the shooting time to 6 seconds, when in fact it was over 11 and plenty of time to take three shots. It also conflicted with the testimony of the Connally's who were certain he was hit by the second shot, which again made the time element crucial because Oswald could not cycle through another shot that fast.
3. The wound drawings were not made to illustrate Kennedy's position as he was shot, so they appear to alter what is seen in the Zapruder film.
4. They did not go into detail of the positions of Kennedy and Connally at the time they were hit. By failing to report that Connally was seated much lower and farther left, it allowed for the zig-zag path that the conspiracy theorists used to ridicule the Single Bullet Theory.
5. They also failed to mention the importance of the keyhole and ragged wounds Connally had, and the lack of bullet wipe. These factors are proof that the bullet that struck Connally hit something first.

The House Assassination Committee made critical mistakes too. They used bogus acoustic evidence to prove a conspiracy. They showed that all the evidence proved Oswald wounded and killed the President and wounded Connally, but that the echo of a shot from the knoll matched the recording so there was a second shooter, who missed. They could not find any evidence of a shot from the grassy knoll beyond the acoustic evidence, nor could they find any direct link to anyone being involved. Remove the acoustic stuff and Oswald acted alone. The committee completely dismissed guys like Groden and Wecht as being unreliable, only to base their findings on a completely bogus science that was shown to be entirely wrong.

What do Schills do? They try to discredit others of a opposing view in the eyes of the public. This is what I do know,when a conspiracy topic comes up on this webpage you are right there to discredit it. USA had groups propagate to influence others. Businesses have done the same thing to market or persuade opinion. Some just like to go againist the grain to get a rise out of people. Even the CIA had a plan supposedly defunked now Operation Chaos to influence public opinion.. Schills like at these Televagelist sermons who fall down in the crowd when the minister waves his hand. Trying to persuade others in the crowd that the minister is not a con-man but has a gift..

No one would know anything about JFK if people did not stand their ground taking taunts being told they are delusional or the tin foil hat is on too tight and look over your shoulder for the men are ready to take to the funny farm,etc.. No one would have known of the connections that make JFK a conspiracy..
What is interesting is I get called a Warren Commission shill, yet I have made several posts saying that they got things wrong.
1. They tended to not push witnesses that could have helped their case.
2. They got the shot sequence wrong. They assumed that the Zapruder film captured the entire thing it didn't. Based on testimony of several people on the corner of Houston and Elm and someone filming from the TSBD, that took photos at the shot or stopped filming after it, it showed that the first shot likely occurred just after the limo turned and before Zapruder began filming again. That does several things that caused questions to be asked by conspiracy theorists. It shortened the shooting time to 6 seconds, when in fact it was over 11 and plenty of time to take three shots. It also conflicted with the testimony of the Connally's who were certain he was hit by the second shot, which again made the time element crucial because Oswald could not cycle through another shot that fast.
3. The wound drawings were not made to illustrate Kennedy's position as he was shot, so they appear to alter what is seen in the Zapruder film.
4. They did not go into detail of the positions of Kennedy and Connally at the time they were hit. By failing to report that Connally was seated much lower and farther left, it allowed for the zig-zag path that the conspiracy theorists used to ridicule the Single Bullet Theory.
5. They also failed to mention the importance of the keyhole and ragged wounds Connally had, and the lack of bullet wipe. These factors are proof that the bullet that struck Connally hit something first.

The House Assassination Committee made critical mistakes too. They used bogus acoustic evidence to prove a conspiracy. They showed that all the evidence proved Oswald wounded and killed the President and wounded Connally, but that the echo of a shot from the knoll matched the recording so there was a second shooter, who missed. They could not find any evidence of a shot from the grassy knoll beyond the acoustic evidence, nor could they find any direct link to anyone being involved. Remove the acoustic stuff and Oswald acted alone. The committee completely dismissed guys like Groden and Wecht as being unreliable, only to base their findings on a completely bogus science that was shown to be entirely wrong.

The Warren Commission had only one purpose and that was to target everything to Oswald as the shooter, but witnesses Eddie Piper and William Shelley see Oswald in the lunchroom at 12:15 and Carolyn Arnold sees Oswald in the 2nd floor lunchroom maybe 5 minutes before the shooting. Also Bonnie Rae Williams is on the 6th floor eating his lunch until 12:20 and never saw anyone else on the 6th floor.90 seconds after the shooting Oswald is still in the 2nd floor lunchroom. ... Arnold Rowland from outside sees 2 men on the 6th floor and Bonnie Rae Williams had finished his lunch .Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles are on the stairs and see no one come running by them or even hear someone running on the stairs and the service elevator is slow as can be..........Also Oswald had no nitrate on his hands and they only supposedly found the palm print later on the rifle after Oswald had been shot by Ruby..... Well the rifle is Oswald's under the alias at a PO Box. Could they have had other people use that PO Box under the same name? Why not go to any gun store in Texas give a phony name and walk out the door with a rifle unless someone wanted to frame Oswald with the gun with the Hidell name.Hidell was also on Oswald's selective service card but in Oswald possession was his vaccination card with DR. Hiddell. It could have been another person who also had access to that PO BOX besides forgery..... Malcolm Wallace has a 14 point match to a finger print on a box on the 6th floor.

What do Schills do? They try to discredit others of a opposing view in the eyes of the public. This is what I do know,when a conspiracy topic comes up on this webpage you are right there to discredit it. USA had groups propagate to influence others. Businesses have done the same thing to market or persuade opinion. Some just like to go againist the grain to get a rise out of people. Even the CIA had a plan supposedly defunked now Operation Chaos to influence public opinion.. Schills like at these Televagelist sermons who fall down in the crowd when the minister waves his hand. Trying to persuade others in the crowd that the minister is not a con-man but has a gift..

No one would know anything about JFK if people did not stand their ground taking taunts being told they are delusional or the tin foil hat is on too tight and look over your shoulder for the men are ready to take to the funny farm,etc.. No one would have known of the connections that make JFK a conspiracy..
And without a reasonable voice nobody would know the truth.
Don't discount my killshot girl Moorman. the CIA had Femme Fatales trying to get Fidel Castro.

Looking right now to find more info on Martenez who has been rumored involved.


Michelle Rigby Assad talking how she got recruited into the CIA

You never answer this but here I go again. For Moorman to have been the shooter where is the entry wound on the left side of JFK's head? Or is it like in the movie Wanted where assassins can curve their shots?
You never answer this but here I go again. For Moorman to have been the shooter where is the entry wound on the left side of JFK's head? Or is it like in the movie Wanted where assassins can curve their shots?

We have already gone over this. 7-8 o'clock angle near the back of the head and exits at 1-2 o'clock. You gonna argue and we gonna argue this again and no one is gonna believe the other..You gonna say straight from the back of the head and I say at the angle where Moorman is right now.
We have already gone over this. 7-8 o'clock angle near the back of the head and exits at 1-2 o'clock. You gonna argue and we gonna argue this again and no one is gonna believe the other..You gonna say straight from the back of the head and I say at the angle where Moorman is right now.
No I am going to say 7-8 is on the left side of his head nobody saw a wound on the left side of his head. Witnesses? Nope. Parkland? Nope. Autopsy? Nope. Xray and photos? Nope. House Assassination medical review? Nope.
You say the hole in the back of the head came straight and I am saying it came at an angle. Enters the back of the head but at an angle.
You say the hole in the back of the head came straight and I am saying it came at an angle. Enters the back of the head but at an angle.
Oh brother. It is impossible for the entry wound in the back of his head to have come from Moorman. That wound is right of center, so unless Moorman can make her bullet magically curve, she did not cause the head shot.
Oh brother. It is impossible for the entry wound in the back of his head to have come from Moorman. That wound is right of center, so unless Moorman can make her bullet magically curve, she did not cause the head shot.
We are going to continue to disagree. She has the line of sight IMO..... Can agree to disagree?
We are going to continue to disagree. She has the line of sight IMO..... Can agree to disagree?

It is physically impossible to hit someone in the back right side of the head from the left side. Line of sight means nothing, the angle makes it impossible for her to have caused his wounds.

Although it is not the intent of this photo, and the angle is higher than it should be, the line coming into JFK's head is close to where the bullet entered. So just how is Moorman going to hit him at that spot? For her to blow out the right and top of his head from this position means the bullet would need to enter above Jackie's arm.

He was hit on a downward angle going slightly left to right. It entered right of center in the back of his head and came out in the area above his ear toward his right temple.

A bullet from Moorman would be moving upwards and right to left. In order to blow out the right, top of his head it would have needed to hit him squarely on the left side of his head, again in that area between Jackie's elbow and shoulder.

There was no wound ANYWHERE on the left side of his head, making it IMPOSSIBLE for Moorman to have killed him.

This is the same reason that a shot from the grassy knoll is impossible to explain the head shot too, because a bullet from there would have came out the left side of his head.
She had a possible shot. Enters at the angle and blows out his right front side.

Best way I can diagram using the keypad. That is the angle I am trying to say.

Best way I can diagram using the keypad. That is the angle I am trying to say.

Yes she had an angle to shoot him.
No she did not to cause the wounds he had. JFK's head was turned down and to the left. That hole is facing AWAY FROM MOORMAN. It is IMPOSSIBLE for her to hit him at that spot and have it exit out the right side of his head. So again, unless her shot could magically curve around to the right and then enter the back of his head.
She had a possible shot. Enters at the angle and blows out his right front side.


Blind Zebra look at the bullet hole, it even looks like it came in at an angle. Bullet hole looks almost diagonal not flat to me. Moorman had a chance and the reason I say her is because Jackie doesn't get touched or even a scratch and TSBD is a far shot.Moorman with a photo lense that had crosshairs could have lined it right on his head and JFK's exit wound is at that angle....... No one would have suspected a woman back in those days and so she would have been perfect. Moorman is the shooter and Jean Hill is a spotter with a listening device to hear the "Go" signal. They separated from the rest of the crowd. That's only my opinion. Multiple shooters atleast 3 snipers taking 1 shot each. Also Bill Greer stopped right near her. Her refusal to talk to the Warren Commission really makes very little sense.A SPRAINED ANKLE?
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Blind Zebra look at the bullet hole, it even looks like it came in at an angle. Bullet hole looks almost diagonal not flat to me. Moorman had a chance and the reason I say her is because Jackie doesn't get touched or even a scratch and TSBD is a far shot.Moorman with a photo lense that had crosshairs could have lined it right on his head and JFK's exit wound is at that angle....... No one would have suspected a woman back in those days and so she would have been perfect. Moorman is the shooter and Jean Hill is a spotter with a listening device to hear the "Go" signal. They separated from the rest of the crowd. That's only my opinion. Multiple shooters atleast 3 snipers taking 1 shot each. Also Bill Greer stopped right near her. Her refusal to talk to the Warren Commission really makes very little sense.A SPRAINED ANKLE?
Look at the picture she took and the place where the bullet went in is not visible, a shot from her could not enter the back of his head PERIOD end of the theory. The head shot was from behind at a downward angle moving left to right. His head was turned to his left making a shot from behind enter the back of his head, just right of center and exited above his right ear toward his temple. The position of his head and the position of Moorman would have meant a shot from her would have hit him on the left side of his head to exit where it did. I repeat...she could not have caused that entry wound shown in the autopsy, and a entry from where she was standing would have had to enter his head on the left side, and there was no wound on the left side.


That is JFK's left ear just above Jackie's elbow. The only way for Moorman to cause the exit wound was for the bullet to enter just above that left ear.

The entry wound is about 6 inches to the right of where it would need to be for Moorman to cause the exit.
Blind Zebra I disagree still.

On to other things. LBJ hated the Kennedy's. LBJ 12 years in Congress,12 years in the Senate .also Senate Majority Leader getting deals done and the Kennedy's put him on ice as the VP. LBJ was not invited into meetings. I got so bad LBJ would wait outside the Oval Office hoping to be invited into a meeting. .Not meeting foreign dignitaries. Kennedy's made fun of him calling him "Uncle Cornpone" and thought LBJ was an total joke mocking him. When LBJ thought "Hors d;oeuvres" were pronounced "***** Doves".. LBJ and Bobby hated each other,both wanted to be President and both wanted the Black Vote by pushing Civil Rights. When JFK went to Europe LBJ finally got a chance to speak his mind because he was in charge .LBJ had in the White House meeting room top Civil Rights Leaders and he sat at the end of the table where JFK would sit . Bobby sat on the other end of the table and so many Civil Rights Leaders came that some hand to stand in the room . LBJ constantly talked and talked and then Bobby had one civil rights leader Louis Martin go to the other end behind LBJ and whisper "Bobby has to do something and can you wrap this up". LBJ gave Martin an icey stare and droned on for another 15-20 minutes ticked at Bobby.... Bobby when asked be the press if he would run for President after JFK. Bobby said "I haven't decided on to running at this time" which the press saw as codewords of yes he is running. Also talk of LBJ being dropped as the VP and the popular Bobby with the US public to make a "Kennedy and Kennedy ticket in 1964.
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Blind Zebra I disagree still.

On to other things. LBJ hated the Kennedy's. LBJ 12 years in Congress,12 years in the Senate .also Senate Majority Leader getting deals done and the Kennedy's put him on ice as the VP. LBJ was not invited into meetings. I got so bad LBJ would wait outside the Oval Office hoping to be invited into a meeting. .Not meeting foreign dignitaries. Kennedy's made fun of him calling him "Uncle Cornpone" and thought LBJ was an total joke mocking him. When LBJ thought "Hors d;oeuvres" were pronounced "***** Doves".. LBJ and Bobby hated each other,both wanted to be President and both wanted the Black Vote by pushing Civil Rights. When JFK went to Europe LBJ finally got a chance to speak his mind because he was in charge .LBJ had in the White House meeting room top Civil Rights Leaders and he sat at the end of the table where JFK would sit . Bobby sat on the other end of the table and so many Civil Rights Leaders came that some hand to stand in the room . LBJ constantly talked and talked and then Bobby had one civil rights leader Louis Martin go to the other end behind LBJ and whisper "Bobby has to do something and can you wrap this up". LBJ gave Martin an icey stare and droned on for another 15-20 minutes ticked at Bobby.... Bobby when asked be the press if he would run for President after JFK. Bobby said "I haven't decided on to running at this time" which the press saw as codewords of yes he is running. Also talk of LBJ being dropped as the VP and the popular Bobby with the US public to make a "Kennedy and Kennedy ticket in 1964.

Of course you disagree, I proved it could not have happened.

Yeah he wanted to be president so much he did not seek a second term. Let me guess, LBJ did not run because it meant he could kill Bobby too.:facepalm:
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