JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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Everyone knows everyone. Abraham Zapruder knew Jean LeGon and she married George DeMohrenshildt..
That article was Garrison hit piece. When they say Garrision was so terrible that he was a homophobe and a terrible dresser. I am surprised it didn't say he won 1st place in a puppy kicking contest. Garrision nailed Shaw because both Ferrie's and Oswald's name were in his guestbook.
That is total made up BS. Dean Andrews made up the alias of Clay Bertrain as a client, in his ever changing story.
Are you suggesting that Zapruder knew what was going down beforehand?
Don't you know that the only one not in on it was JFK, and I would not put it past him to link a youtube of someone saying JFK left a suicide note.
Yes it has to be a lone nut who just happens to get a job from a guy who owns the TSBD who hates Kennedy and has a connection with this lone nut from the Civil Air Patrol.

Yes McCloy had a vested interest with Big Oil because that Tax is going to cost Big Oil millions ,ALSO WHAT DOES A BANKER KNOW ABOUT ASSASSINATIONS? Why was he picked to be part of the Commission??

I also like how you slide by Allen Dulles from my comments,because it doesn't fit your narrative.

Yes and so you elaborate that if you question the official story ,let's make it ridiculous as possible and say everyone is on it. So basically do not listen to this poster Timb2 because if other posters start thinking that things don't add up,you might figure there is a conspiracy .


I didn't say it had to be a lone nut, and have in fact said I'm open to the idea that Oswald may not have acted alone. But that doesn't mean I have to buy into the idea that there was a massive conspiracy among large numbers of people and large corporate, criminal and governmental entities. There is a point of being irrational in naming anyone or any entity you can think of to vaguely or loosely make a case for.

I didn't say it had to be a lone nut, and have in fact said I'm open to the idea that Oswald may not have acted alone. But that doesn't mean I have to buy into the idea that there was a massive conspiracy among large numbers of people and large corporate, criminal and governmental entities. There is a point of being irrational in naming anyone or any entity you can think of to vaguely or loosely make a case for.
Yep, that's where I am. I do not think he acted alone but I cannot see the cooperation and silence of that many organizations and people. But one? I can buy that.

The most plausible one to me is the mob. His brother was breathing down their neck. The most implausible one is the military because I refuse to believe that those men would be capable of that. But the mob? They've kept secrets for decades and know how to tie up loose ends. And answer this? What entity lost the most in the Bay of Pigs fiasco? Who lost out on buckets of money when Castro took over?

I didn't say it had to be a lone nut, and have in fact said I'm open to the idea that Oswald may not have acted alone. But that doesn't mean I have to buy into the idea that there was a massive conspiracy among large numbers of people and large corporate, criminal and governmental entities. There is a point of being irrational in naming anyone or any entity you can think of to vaguely or loosely make a case for.
All you have to do is look what is going on now in the news see a cabal conspiracy to bring down someone the swamp doesn't like. The CIA has used The Mob in their missions before and I am sure the Mafia was a willing member to help get rid of the Kennedy's. Investors in the Military made billions from war and sure money was a driving force.DH Byrd(LBJ buddy and owned theTSBD) cashed in on the Vietnam War with Tempco-LVE getting a big government contract from LBJ.....The Mob if connected to the assassination would be buried and seal their faith vs Bobby Kennedy. The CIA where JFK has attempted to uproot and maybe even dissolve cannot be blamed,so the need to set up a Fall Guy. Oswald as a sympathizer lone nut commie . Not enough to overthrow Cuba and start WW3 because Kruschev just backed down from the Cuban Missile Crisis and he cannot do it again, but enough motivation to stop Communism's spread, hence Vietnam and the Vietnam War is supported early by America. 200 billion was spent on the Vietnam War.
Yep, that's where I am. I do not think he acted alone but I cannot see the cooperation and silence of that many organizations and people. But one? I can buy that.

The most plausible one to me is the mob. His brother was breathing down their neck. The most implausible one is the military because I refuse to believe that those men would be capable of that. But the mob? They've kept secrets for decades and know how to tie up loose ends. And answer this? What entity lost the most in the Bay of Pigs fiasco? Who lost out on buckets of money when Castro took over?
It's not the military, it's the weathy investors of defense companies who make out like bandits with war.That is what Eisenhower was warning about "The Military Industral Complex" when leaving office.Getting us into war for profit. Bay of Pigs several entities lost out .
All you have to do is look what is going on now in the news see a cabal conspiracy to bring down someone the swamp doesn't like. The CIA has used The Mob in their missions before and I am sure the Mafia was a willing member to help get rid of the Kennedy's. Investors in the Military made billions from war and sure money was a driving force.DH Byrd(LBJ buddy and owned theTSBD) cashed in on the Vietnam War with Tempco-LVE getting a big government contract from LBJ.....The Mob if connected to the assassination would be buried and seal their faith vs Bobby Kennedy. The CIA where JFK has attempted to uproot and maybe even dissolve cannot be blamed,so the need to set up a Fall Guy. Oswald as a sympathizer lone nut commie . Not enough to overthrow Cuba and start WW3 because Kruschev just backed down from the Cuban Missile Crisis and he cannot do it again, but enough motivation to stop Communism's spread, hence Vietnam and the Vietnam War is supported early by America. 200 billion was spent on the Vietnam War.

You seem to be enamored with the term "cabal", as if by using that term you are adding validity to your argument. Unfortunately, no matter what you choose to call it, saying the CIA has used the mob before is not evidence they used the mob then. It isn't even evidence the CIA was involved at all. And it certainly isn't evidence that on top of the CIA and the mob, Johnson, the FBI, a bunch of "rich people", including HL Hunt, Exxon and a host of others all colluded, or that the members of the Warren Commission were part of a conspiracy to cover it all up.

One of the keys to a successful conspiracy is to involve as few people as possible, so there will be fewer possible sources of information leaking out. Accordingly, your theory seems less and less plausible the more you add people and organizations to the list of conspirators.
You seem to be enamored with the term "cabal", as if by using that term you are adding validity to your argument. Unfortunately, no matter what you choose to call it, saying the CIA has used the mob before is not evidence they used the mob then. It isn't even evidence the CIA was involved at all. And it certainly isn't evidence that on top of the CIA and the mob, Johnson, the FBI, a bunch of "rich people", including HL Hunt, Exxon and a host of others all colluded, or that the members of the Warren Commission were part of a conspiracy to cover it all up.

One of the keys to a successful conspiracy is to involve as few people as possible, so there will be fewer possible sources of information leaking out. Accordingly, your theory seems less and less plausible the more you add people and organizations to the list of conspirators.
1-Gerald Ford said before he died that he knew the CIA was not telling the whole truth to the Warren Commission.

2-Richard Helms's answer if Oswald was involved in the CIA is still redacted.

3-A bunch of rich people? You mean like guys like George Soros who has tried to influence like recently giving Black Lives Matter 90 million?

4-Cabal? You could call our Founding Fathers a cabal to start a revolution because they met in secret to plot against King George.

5- Cabal again? Have you heard of Wikileaks?
All you have to do is look what is going on now in the news see a cabal conspiracy to bring down someone the swamp doesn't like. The CIA has used The Mob in their missions before and I am sure the Mafia was a willing member to help get rid of the Kennedy's. Investors in the Military made billions from war and sure money was a driving force.DH Byrd(LBJ buddy and owned theTSBD) cashed in on the Vietnam War with Tempco-LVE getting a big government contract from LBJ.....The Mob if connected to the assassination would be buried and seal their faith vs Bobby Kennedy. The CIA where JFK has attempted to uproot and maybe even dissolve cannot be blamed,so the need to set up a Fall Guy. Oswald as a sympathizer lone nut commie . Not enough to overthrow Cuba and start WW3 because Kruschev just backed down from the Cuban Missile Crisis and he cannot do it again, but enough motivation to stop Communism's spread, hence Vietnam and the Vietnam War is supported early by America. 200 billion was spent on the Vietnam War.
Man,you &everyone else knows that the ganglia-like ever spreading tendrils of the world wide communist cancer had to be confronted , thwarted and beaten back/ contained, lest America herself was forced to confront it at it's own front door,,,was Vietnam worth it? NO!
Was it a necessary proactive page outta' the national survival play book?
It's a crying shame the wealth of technological innovations birthed thru war are continually reinvested in the betterment of that activity's progress.

* I think after WW11 the U.S.A. ended up sitting on like 85% of all the known gold that's ever been mined & coveted in the worldo_O
1-Gerald Ford said before he died that he knew the CIA was not telling the whole truth to the Warren Commission.

2-Richard Helms's answer if Oswald was involved in the CIA is still redacted.

3-A bunch of rich people? You mean like guys like George Soros who has tried to influence like recently giving Black Lives Matter 90 million?

4-Cabal? You could call our Founding Fathers a cabal to start a revolution because they met in secret to plot against King George.

5- Cabal again? Have you heard of Wikileaks?

1. Ford's comments about the CIA provides a curious question, but it is not proof the CIA actually conspired to kill the president, and it certainly isn't proof of the mob, Exxon, HL Hunt, Johnson, the FBI and whoever else you can dream up.

2. Again, this raises a question, but doesn't prove anything against the CIA, and says nothing at all about all the other people and organizations you have included in the conspiracy.

3. So, George Soros choice of places to spend his money in the last year or two somehow proves something about the Kennedy assassination? lol - you don't mind drawing inferences from anything, no matter how disconnected to the Kennedy assassination.

4. So, the Founding Fathers somehow are associated with the Kennedy assassination?

5. Again, using the term "cabal" doesn't somehow mean every person and entity you cite as part of the conspiracy actually are. Using that term doesn't somehow make whatever you say accurate.

You seem to be of the belief that "possibility" equates to "certainty", as least when it suits you. Is it possible Johnson was involved? And the CIA? And the FBI? And the mafia? And "rich people"? And Exxon? And the "military industrial complex"? And any number of others? Taken individually, sure each is at least "possible", but that doesn't not equate to anything remotely like proof, nor does it equate to evidence that all these people and entities colluded.
1. Ford's comments about the CIA provides a curious question, but it is not proof the CIA actually conspired to kill the president, and it certainly isn't proof of the mob, Exxon, HL Hunt, Johnson, the FBI and whoever else you can dream up.

2. Again, this raises a question, but doesn't prove anything against the CIA, and says nothing at all about all the other people and organizations you have included in the conspiracy.

3. So, George Soros choice of places to spend his money in the last year or two somehow proves something about the Kennedy assassination? lol - you don't mind drawing inferences from anything, no matter how disconnected to the Kennedy assassination.

4. So, the Founding Fathers somehow are associated with the Kennedy assassination?

5. Again, using the term "cabal" doesn't somehow mean every person and entity you cite as part of the conspiracy actually are. Using that term doesn't somehow make whatever you say accurate.

You seem to be of the belief that "possibility" equates to "certainty", as least when it suits you. Is it possible Johnson was involved? And the CIA? And the FBI? And the mafia? And "rich people"? And Exxon? And the "military industrial complex"? And any number of others? Taken individually, sure each is at least "possible", but that doesn't not equate to anything remotely like proof, nor does it equate to evidence that all these people and entities colluded.

No reason to talk with you because I show other instances of examples from current news situations and you try to expand as a joke and make me the folly. No you are not worth the time to even discuss. ... Mods I try to not make it personal, but these guys cannot debate the argument constantly without making it personal. They wonder why I call some schills. Now let me take the gloves off .
No reason to talk with you because I show other instances of examples from current news situations and you try to expand as a joke and make me the folly. No you are not worth the time to even discuss. ... Mods I try to not make it personal, but these guys cannot debate the argument constantly without making it personal. They wonder why I call some schills. Now let me take the gloves off .

lol - well, had you leaned on any logic the discussion would have been worthwhile, but all something like George Soro's spending money to try and influence people tells us is that wealthy people sometimes spend money to try and influence people. It does not prove any wealthy private citizen was involved in a conspiracy to kill Kennedy.

There were a lot of people that didn't like Kennedy, some because if his actions in office, some because they thought he was too young, some because of his party affiliation, some because he was Catholic ..... it seems a lot of your argument is simply if someone had a reason to dislike Kennedy they had to be in on the assassination, so why not add everyone that had a beef with Kennedy to your list of conspirators?

In large part you are making assumptions based on circumstances that aren't even directly related to the Kennedy assassination. For example, the CIA had used the mob in it's operations before, so that somehow proves the CIA and the mob were involved with killing Kennedy. Sorry, but there is a very wide gap your sense of logic can't bridge.

And the funny thing is, I tend to think that if there was a conspiracy that the mob is very likely to have been involved, but my sense of reason and logic tells me that the fact the mob may have had a beef or that the CIA had a prior relationship with some mob organizations does not constitute proof of it.
No reason to talk with you because I show other instances of examples from current news situations and you try to expand as a joke and make me the folly. No you are not worth the time to even discuss. ... Mods I try to not make it personal, but these guys cannot debate the argument constantly without making it personal. They wonder why I call some schills. Now let me take the gloves off .
LOL, backed into a corner by facts and you again play the victim card. You have made things personal over and over. Debates are about making factual points to prove your side of the discussion. The second someone presents you with facts, you call them schill, start making up little catch phrases that skew their point, and then present 5 posts of six degrees of separation "connections" that don't prove a thing.

To properly debate requires rational thought and proven facts, you provide neither.
lol - well, had you leaned on any logic the discussion would have been worthwhile, but all something like George Soro's spending money to try and influence people tells us is that wealthy people sometimes spend money to try and influence people. It does not prove any wealthy private citizen was involved in a conspiracy to kill Kennedy.

There were a lot of people that didn't like Kennedy, some because if his actions in office, some because they thought he was too young, some because of his party affiliation, some because he was Catholic ..... it seems a lot of your argument is simply if someone had a reason to dislike Kennedy they had to be in on the assassination, so why not add everyone that had a beef with Kennedy to your list of conspirators?

In large part you are making assumptions based on circumstances that aren't even directly related to the Kennedy assassination. For example, the CIA had used the mob in it's operations before, so that somehow proves the CIA and the mob were involved with killing Kennedy. Sorry, but there is a very wide gap your sense of logic can't bridge.

And the funny thing is, I tend to think that if there was a conspiracy that the mob is very likely to have been involved, but my sense of reason and logic tells me that the fact the mob may have had a beef or that the CIA had a prior relationship with some mob organizations does not constitute proof of it.

Well said.
I would counter that Ruby killing Oswald makes the mob involvement less plausible. Be like waving a we did it flag.

And the most likely person to be behind it, if you want to play the who hated him, who gained card would be Nixon. History showed he was nuts and not above getting his hands dirty for political gain.
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