JFK Assassination Conspiracy- Who Did It And Why?

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lol. that doesn't explain the magic bullet, the amateur autopsy, witnesses that were not interviewed, and the fact that Oswald was probably killed to shut him up in the first place, amongst other things, but you believe what ya' want!
There have been several tests ran on the single bullet theory and every one has came back saying not only was it possible it was what happened.
@timb2 To understand why and how, I think you have to work back from Jack Ruby. Ruby did not hate Kennedy or even dislike Kennedy. Ruby was not upset that Kennedy was killed, per se. Ruby killed Oswald to shut him up. Most likely, Ruby contracted a hit on Connally with Oswald. Well, the idiot Oswald goes and shoots the president. Ruby has to act and he has to act quickly. No one is going to believe the truth that actually Ruby only hired Oswald to kill Connally. And it didn't matter because Ruby was getting the death penalty anyway even if he 'only' contracted with Oswald to kill Connally. Ruby would go down as one of the worst people to walk the face of the earth if the truth got out.

Oswald had a history with Connally. Oswald hated Connally. Ruby hated Connally. Ruby and Oswald met. Neither Oswald or Ruby hated Kennedy. Kennedy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Only theory that makes sense to me. The only way I see the mafia involved is if maybe some low-level 'mobster' through Ruby set up a contract to kill Connally. Kennedy as the target just doesn't make any sense. Connally as the target makes sense.

Here are some articles on Ruby and Oswald :
http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/C Disk/Connallys John B Jr and Nellie/Item 03.pdf


No the angle is not right. A shot from the knoll exits the left side of his head and probably hits Jackie.

Well if you are at that angle. However, Elm street curves. The grassy knoll is at that curve. The road turns away from the shooter to the left. However, the fence protrudes in such a way that Kennedy could have been looking at the crowd on the right and the bullet passes through his left temple at an angle to blow out the occipital at the back of his head. Jackie did get some spray. But the woman who was on the curb on Jack's left behind got both blood and brain matter.

You can youtube the doctors who were at Parkland who describe the wound in detail. Plus the spot behind the fence is higher than the road. The shooter was shooting down on him, which explains why it came out lower than where it entered.

You can find the Zapruder film that goes frame by frame. Frame 332 is the head shot.

But what I know is this.

1. The shot from the rear did not come from the school book depository. Shooting down from the 6th floor and hitting him six inches down from his shoulder would not have pushed the bullet through the throat. That shot came from the front. And there is a series of photos with a bullet hole through the windshield.

2. Film the film and watch Connelly. The magic bullet theory is destroy by simply watching frame by frame. The first shot caused Connelly to turn to his right. In his right hand is his Stetson hat. His seat was inset a bit into the row. He turned and faced toward the camera. Hat still in hand. Then he turned his head to see Kennedy. He could not because at this point the head shot came from the front. He then turns to the left and the shot that hit him does so in a middle rib on his right. You can see the grimace when he gets hit. The bullet went through his rib. exited at his right nipple. Into his right wrist and through and into his left thigh.

He slumps down into Nellie's lap at that point.

No shots from the School Book Depository 6th floor did this. The sight line is lower, maybe second floor of the building at the north east corner of Elm and Houston.

There is also a shot that hit the curb on Main Street by the overpass, chipped the curb and it hit someone in the face. That came from the 6th floor.

It seems odd that nothing was done to determine the flight path of the bullet. But then the Secret service took the body away from the Dallas Police who had ownership of the murder and gave the body to Navy doctors that did not have experience in gunshots such as this.
Well if you are at that angle. However, Elm street curves. The grassy knoll is at that curve. The road turns away from the shooter to the left. However, the fence protrudes in such a way that Kennedy could have been looking at the crowd on the right and the bullet passes through his left temple at an angle to blow out the occipital at the back of his head. Jackie did get some spray. But the woman who was on the curb on Jack's left behind got both blood and brain matter.

You can youtube the doctors who were at Parkland who describe the wound in detail. Plus the spot behind the fence is higher than the road. The shooter was shooting down on him, which explains why it came out lower than where it entered.

You can find the Zapruder film that goes frame by frame. Frame 332 is the head shot.

But what I know is this.

1. The shot from the rear did not come from the school book depository. Shooting down from the 6th floor and hitting him six inches down from his shoulder would not have pushed the bullet through the throat. That shot came from the front. And there is a series of photos with a bullet hole through the windshield.

2. Film the film and watch Connelly. The magic bullet theory is destroy by simply watching frame by frame. The first shot caused Connelly to turn to his right. In his right hand is his Stetson hat. His seat was inset a bit into the row. He turned and faced toward the camera. Hat still in hand. Then he turned his head to see Kennedy. He could not because at this point the head shot came from the front. He then turns to the left and the shot that hit him does so in a middle rib on his right. You can see the grimace when he gets hit. The bullet went through his rib. exited at his right nipple. Into his right wrist and through and into his left thigh.

He slumps down into Nellie's lap at that point.

No shots from the School Book Depository 6th floor did this. The sight line is lower, maybe second floor of the building at the north east corner of Elm and Houston.

There is also a shot that hit the curb on Main Street by the overpass, chipped the curb and it hit someone in the face. That came from the 6th floor.

It seems odd that nothing was done to determine the flight path of the bullet. But then the Secret service took the body away from the Dallas Police who had ownership of the murder and gave the body to Navy doctors that did not have experience in gunshots such as this.

LOL none of what you wrote is even remotely correct. They have made computerized models of Dealey Plaza and every single shot worked from the 6th floor of TSBD. Here is what happened.

Just after the limo turned onto Elm, way before the Stemmons Freeway sign, the first shot hit the back of a street light and ricocheted down the street and hit the curb causing the Tague hit.

The second shot hit JFK high in the back, damaging the nerves as it passed his spine and exits his throat. Unlike the BS zig-zag drawings out there, Connelly was sitting farther inside the car and much lower than JFK. Also of great importance is the entry wound in his arm pit, it was a keyhole entry and had no bullet wipe, meaning the bullet was tumbling and hit him sideways. The lack of bullet wipe along with the tumbling means the bullet struck something before it hit Connelly. The shape and size of this wound matches the magic bullet exactly in profile. The difference in reaction time is easily explained because Kennedy's arms raising and freezing was a neurological reaction to the nerves being compressed by the wound track, it was completely involuntary and immediate, while Connelly had a more traditional reaction. A close look at the Zapruder film shows at the exact moment Kennedy reacts the lapel of Connelly's jacket flaps, that was the bullet passing through his chest. The angle of the shot from Connelly's thigh (where the bullet stops) back through his wrist, chest, back through JFK's throat and back goes directly to the 6th floor window in the TSBD. Test fired bullets into a wrist bone at reduced velocity, remember each time the bullet passes through something it slows down, showed similar damage to CE 399. The bullet is also always called pristine, and it wasn't it was bent when it hit Connelly's rib going sideways, and struck his wrist going backwards.

The final shot hits JFK just to the right of the center of his skull about 3-4 inches above his collar, it exits above and slightly past his right ear. The blast sent bone, scalp, and brain matter up and forward. Two fragments of the bullet were found inside the limo, both in front of JFK and one fragment dented the chrome around the windshield. Just like with the second shot you can draw a line back from the exit wound straight into the 6th floor window. Note that JFK's arms go limp after the head wound, further proving the neurological injury from the second shot. That release of locked muscles along with the jet effect from his head exploding out forward is what pushed him back and left.

His head at the time of the shot was facing down and to the left, so there is no way a shot from the right front could hit him in the left temple. There were no injuries reported to the left side of his head. Witnesses did not see it, the doctors at Parkland never saw it, the autopsy does not show it, and no investigation since has said a word about a wound on the left side of his head. The location of the car to the knoll, along with his head at the time of the shot, and it is frame 313 not 332, would mean a bullet would have exited the left side of his head and most likely hit Jackie. None of that happened.

That is the frame before the head shot. He is not looking to the crowd on the right.
LOL none of what you wrote is even remotely correct. They have made computerized models of Dealey Plaza and every single shot worked from the 6th floor of TSBD. Here is what happened.

Just after the limo turned onto Elm, way before the Stemmons Freeway sign, the first shot hit the back of a street light and ricocheted down the street and hit the curb causing the Tague hit.

The second shot hit JFK high in the back, damaging the nerves as it passed his spine and exits his throat. Unlike the BS zig-zag drawings out there, Connelly was sitting farther inside the car and much lower than JFK. Also of great importance is the entry wound in his arm pit, it was a keyhole entry and had no bullet wipe, meaning the bullet was tumbling and hit him sideways. The lack of bullet wipe along with the tumbling means the bullet struck something before it hit Connelly. The shape and size of this wound matches the magic bullet exactly in profile. The difference in reaction time is easily explained because Kennedy's arms raising and freezing was a neurological reaction to the nerves being compressed by the wound track, it was completely involuntary and immediate, while Connelly had a more traditional reaction. A close look at the Zapruder film shows at the exact moment Kennedy reacts the lapel of Connelly's jacket flaps, that was the bullet passing through his chest. The angle of the shot from Connelly's thigh (where the bullet stops) back through his wrist, chest, back through JFK's throat and back goes directly to the 6th floor window in the TSBD. Test fired bullets into a wrist bone at reduced velocity, remember each time the bullet passes through something it slows down, showed similar damage to CE 399. The bullet is also always called pristine, and it wasn't it was bent when it hit Connelly's rib going sideways, and struck his wrist going backwards.

The final shot hits JFK just to the right of the center of his skull about 3-4 inches above his collar, it exits above and slightly past his right ear. The blast sent bone, scalp, and brain matter up and forward. Two fragments of the bullet were found inside the limo, both in front of JFK and one fragment dented the chrome around the windshield. Just like with the second shot you can draw a line back from the exit wound straight into the 6th floor window. Note that JFK's arms go limp after the head wound, further proving the neurological injury from the second shot. That release of locked muscles along with the jet effect from his head exploding out forward is what pushed him back and left.

His head at the time of the shot was facing down and to the left, so there is no way a shot from the right front could hit him in the left temple. There were no injuries reported to the left side of his head. Witnesses did not see it, the doctors at Parkland never saw it, the autopsy does not show it, and no investigation since has said a word about a wound on the left side of his head. The location of the car to the knoll, along with his head at the time of the shot, and it is frame 313 not 332, would mean a bullet would have exited the left side of his head and most likely hit Jackie. None of that happened.

That is the frame before the head shot. He is not looking to the crowd on the right.

And still your angle is assumed to be straight on. The road curves and the Grassy Knoll curves with it, making the sniper nest behind the fence further toward the front of the car than what is assumed in this photo.

However, I meant right temple. It would have been on the left side of his head from the shooter's standpoint. My mistake.

Sorry, like I said earlier. I have read almost every book and seen many documentaries that are full of crap. Especially Posner. I have spent most of my adult life reading and discussing this issue. Your comments have a whole lot of fabrication in them. Not saying you made it up, but people like Posner who wrote Case Closed made that stuff up. I have watched the computer generated stuff. The reenactments. And still they do not persuade since they have flaws.

I have a conduit that has spoken with several of the physicians in the ER when Kennedy was wheel in. To a man they all say the same thing. The right read of his skull was blown out and half his brains were missing. You can also go YouTube the doctors and see what they say. Which contradicts the comments by people writing books. or trying to dissuade from more than one shooter, or computer created videos, or recreations with a perch and sharp shooters and Jelly torsos.
And still your angle is assumed to be straight on. The road curves and the Grassy Knoll curves with it, making the sniper nest behind the fence further toward the front of the car than what is assumed in this photo.

However, I meant right temple. It would have been on the left side of his head from the shooter's standpoint. My mistake.

Sorry, like I said earlier. I have read almost every book and seen many documentaries that are full of crap. Especially Posner. I have spent most of my adult life reading and discussing this issue. Your comments have a whole lot of fabrication in them. Not saying you made it up, but people like Posner who wrote Case Closed made that stuff up. I have watched the computer generated stuff. The reenactments. And still they do not persuade since they have flaws.

I have a conduit that has spoken with several of the physicians in the ER when Kennedy was wheel in. To a man they all say the same thing. The right read of his skull was blown out and half his brains were missing. You can also go YouTube the doctors and see what they say. Which contradicts the comments by people writing books. or trying to dissuade from more than one shooter, or computer created videos, or recreations with a perch and sharp shooters and Jelly torsos.

I have read almost every book too, and once believed the nonsense in them, but over time I have looked at the facts, found huge inconsistencies in the conspiracy nuts theories, and not one shred of real evidence has come up in 55 years, yet every study, every model, every test agrees with the official story. There are major inconsistencies with the Parkland doctors description of the wound. They were trying to save him, they were not examining his wounds. They did not turn him over, because they did not know there was a back wound, so how good of a look did they get of the back of his head? You can see a flap of scalp in the Z-film and autopsy photos, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they saw this scalp and brain matter hanging down when he is laying on the table and thought it was an exit wound. Couple that with a wound in the throat and subconsciously they could assume a rear exit in his head. The autopsy doctors did not see a rear exit, the autopsy photos don't show it, neither does the x-rays. Please tell me you are not buying the moronic wound altering on the way from Dallas to Bethesda? That would require Jackie to be involved since she was with his body for the entire trip except for the few minutes when Johnson got sworn in.
If we are going to let stuff stand in this thread... Please do not bring up more recent politicians and or presidents as it will cause this thread to turn into political talk.

Stick to the JFK and those around that general time please.

I have read almost every book too, and once believed the nonsense in them, but over time I have looked at the facts, found huge inconsistencies in the conspiracy nuts theories, and not one shred of real evidence has come up in 55 years, yet every study, every model, every test agrees with the official story. There are major inconsistencies with the Parkland doctors description of the wound. They were trying to save him, they were not examining his wounds. They did not turn him over, because they did not know there was a back wound, so how good of a look did they get of the back of his head? You can see a flap of scalp in the Z-film and autopsy photos, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they saw this scalp and brain matter hanging down when he is laying on the table and thought it was an exit wound. Couple that with a wound in the throat and subconsciously they could assume a rear exit in his head. The autopsy doctors did not see a rear exit, the autopsy photos don't show it, neither does the x-rays. Please tell me you are not buying the moronic wound altering on the way from Dallas to Bethesda? That would require Jackie to be involved since she was with his body for the entire trip except for the few minutes when Johnson got sworn in.
:rolleyes: bro! It's not imperative to further continuing the painting yerself into this circular corner yer angled into: "they were trying to save him,they were not examining his wounds.(this calls for a single glug from the BEAM bottle),,,and,,,they did not turn him over ,because they didn't know there was a back wound,,,SHEESE bro!, ever since the amped up days of cordite/nitrocellulose smokeless gunpowder & that copper-nickel projo cladding,,, there's a entry & exit ballistically enhanced orifice wound in the human body when subjected to being shot with a rifle utilizing such Technologies,,, now! Granted the fact the man without a substantial percentage of his presidential CPU laying before them on that gurney might of fuzzed a professor up into catatonic shock, of such learnered knowledge worthy of bestowing unto the most revered brain surgeons of the day ,,,fer' all of about 1/2 of a second in a Mexican knife fight on a nogales Saturday night,,,,:oops::oops::oops:

Although, The wagon yer' pulling uphill hasn't satisfied obvious questions since day #1,,,Friendo_O

* I'm liking you more& more as a real person and not just some vindictive yellow flag slinging anti- Dallas official as yer' misnomer obviously implies:thumbup:


I have read almost every book too, and once believed the nonsense in them, but over time I have looked at the facts, found huge inconsistencies in the conspiracy nuts theories, and not one shred of real evidence has come up in 55 years, yet every study, every model, every test agrees with the official story. There are major inconsistencies with the Parkland doctors description of the wound. They were trying to save him, they were not examining his wounds. They did not turn him over, because they did not know there was a back wound, so how good of a look did they get of the back of his head? You can see a flap of scalp in the Z-film and autopsy photos, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they saw this scalp and brain matter hanging down when he is laying on the table and thought it was an exit wound. Couple that with a wound in the throat and subconsciously they could assume a rear exit in his head. The autopsy doctors did not see a rear exit, the autopsy photos don't show it, neither does the x-rays. Please tell me you are not buying the moronic wound altering on the way from Dallas to Bethesda? That would require Jackie to be involved since she was with his body for the entire trip except for the few minutes when Johnson got sworn in.

Choose to believe as you will. I married into a family where one of my in-laws is a prominent surgeon around Dallas. For obvious reasons I do not mention his name here. If you wish to know, then PM me. I assure you in all earnestness that I have discussed this with him at length at several Thanksgiving and Christmas get togethers. He is adamant the staff of the emergency room concur that the wound was as they described it with the back right side of his head blown out. I would suggest experienced emergency room doctors would not make such a mistake.

I think I'm going to believe the doctors who were there in the ER and speak about the back of the head blown out.
I bartended for a number of years and on Nov 22nd would make this drink called the Kennedy Head Shot.

The selling point was....the first one will burn your throat, but the second will blow your mind.


There is a documentary out suggesting George H. Bush orchestrated the assassination. I lived about 40 minutes north of Dallas on the day he was murdered. My father and I were hugely interested in this. We perhaps read every book on the subject up until maybe 8 years ago. We went to Dealey Plaza and walked it. I stood behind the picket fence. I spent four years in the military and can tell you on an advancing target, I could have made that shot.

Point is there is compelling evidence this was CIA driven. Who set them in motion is certainly obscure, but I lean toward the govt/CIA aided by the Mafia.

But I firmly believe the shooter known as The Badge Man was Roscoe White.

I have also gone down to Dealy Plaza and studied it. The corner of the fence at the Knoll would have been a good spot to shoot,but I went to several rumored positions.

*I don't think the storm drain sniper could have gotten a good shot off even though hiding there would have been ideal.

* TSBD the curve of the road and over trees and moving away target doesn't look to good. I agree shooting at a whole torso coming down Houston would have been better.

*Dal-Tex is good for the throat,but not sure for the head shot.

*Grassy Knoll for the head shot but not the throat

*There is another possible snipers nest near the overpass,but the people standing on the bridge are too close.

*How the head blows out towards the front at 1 o'clock shows me who I suspect,Mary Moorman as the kill shot followed by the Grassy Knoll shot who blows it back to the left. I think it was a split second difference from 2nd & 3rd shot. Means atleast 2 shooters.
I think a big part of it is people find it hard to accept that a peon like Oswald could bring down a powerful and important man like Kennedy. It would be easier to accept if a powerful person or organization were behind it, such as LBJ, the CIA, or the Soviets. The truth that's hard to accept is that sometimes a pathetic little man like Oswald can have a profound impact on history. Gavrilo Princip started World War I by shooting Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Princip was not an important person. He was just a sad little terrorist, but he changed the world.

Reverend just too many people know each other and just happen to be meeting someone in the direct vicinity that are connected. I feel like it should be called Six Degrees of Separation of Lee Harvey Oswald. Too many connections. Same building in New Orleans yet has 2 addresses? Ferrie & Oswald pictured together when Oswald was 15 and Ferrie is a mentor.Both names appear in Claw Shaw's guest book. William Brading knows Jack Ruby but doesn't know Oswald and Jack Ruby knows Ferrie and shoots Oswald.Ferrie supposedly doesn't know Oswald yet they are in the same building working ,yet a picture shows them together when Oswald was a teenager.Marcello knows Ruby, Bannister knows Ferrie and Marcello.Bannister is from Chicago FBI and probably knew of Sam Giacana whos girlfriend Exner is sleeping with JFK who Oswald is pegged for killing JFK..Marcello knows Giacana and Ruby is also from Chicago. Ferrie who is in the CIA knows Clay Shaw who is now been confirmed in the CIA. Yes very confusing. Conspriacy is not as easy as just saying A LONE NUT did it. Like John Wilkes Booth,but Booth wasn't a lone nut, he had other conspirators who ended up being hanged, people forget that.
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I have also gone down to Dealy Plaza and studied it. The corner of the fence at the Knoll would have been a good spot to shoot,but I went to several rumored positions.

*I don't think the storm drain sniper could have gotten a good shot off even though hiding there would have been ideal.

* TSBD the curve of the road and over trees and moving away target doesn't look to good. I agree shooting at a whole torso coming down Houston would have been better.

*Dal-Tex is good for the throat,but not sure for the head shot.

*Grassy Knoll for the head shot but not the throat

*There is another possible snipers nest near the overpass,but the people standing on the bridge are too close.

*How the head blows out towards the front at 1 o'clock shows me who I suspect,Mary Moorman as the kill shot followed by the Grassy Knoll shot who blows it back to the left. I think it was a split second difference from 2nd & 3rd shot. Means atleast 2 shooters.
Ahoy,timber11,, bro them foliage trees weren't ner' what the present eye perceives as compared to "63" man,alive! BRO ,,,when an ol' boy talked about " pumping the coals to ol' Ethel' back in '63' it wasn't an immediate perverse train of thought,,, as the safe assumption was he mashed the foot-feed on that leaded gasoline fed lead sled he powered around in,,,o_O
Allen Dulles is fired from the CIA as director after the Bay of Pigs disaster.Most likely Dulles was wanting to be like J.Edgar Hoover and that be a lifetime gig. So we put Dulles on the Warren Commission because he loved JFK who fired him? Dulles was in on every witness interview to make sure CIA connections would not come up or were involved.

CIA I believe was probably a rogue element of the CIA who did this. Maybe guys like David Morales, George Joannides,DRE,Carlos Bringuier, and AMSPELL.
"Back&to the Left" and it certainly explains why a good quantity of his grey matter encasement flew out the back of his head & lit on the trunk lid,,,:thumbup:

Yeah most people don’t realize it was part of the Back of his skull that blew back onto the trunk that his wife Jackie crawled out of the back seat to retrieve...
I don't believe Oswald could have made those shots but end of day, whomever it was is likely dead and gone. President Kennedy is still dead and even if we could figure out what really happened, it wouldn't change anything.

Let it go I say........
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