Dodger12;3886668 said:
If there were two shooters Dan, then where are the rounds from the second gun? Balistic tests of the recovered bullet fragments match only one gun, the Mannlicher-Carcano found at the TSBD which belonged to Oswald.
This stuff facinated me as a younger man and I thought it was a conspiracy too but as I grew older, I just don't see it anymore when looking at the FACTS, not some theories which are based on no solid evidence whatsoever.
The reality that it's just too incomprehensible for the average person (like all of us) to believe that a lone, crazed gunman could kill our president and the leader of the free world. We don't want to believe it was that easy. But sadly, it was.......
There was a bullet found embedded in a piece of curb. When it was going to be examined again, it had disappeared from the FBI evidence vaults. Their excuse? They needed the space.
For a conspiracy like this to work, you only need a few people in the right positions to handle things. Everyone else is just doing their job/duty as ordered. J Edger Hoover, notoriously corrupt, is perfectly placed. While I tend to doubt that he was in on an assassination plan, he's in the perfect position to obfuscate and cover everything up. Giving him leverage on those who were responsible, something he did all the time anyway.
My bet on the likely participants would be either the pro or anti Castro Cubans. Castro in response to the numerous attempts to kill him, or the Anti-Castro types inspired by the Bay of Pigs disaster. Dulles was perfectly positioned to cover up things in the investigation, and his Operation 40 group had been responsible for this sort of thing repeatedly.
Clair Booth Luce is reported as saying that she was told a day or two before the assassination, by some of her anti-Castro associates, that the Castro forces were going to attempt to kill the president.
Oswald is oddly positioned to be of use to either side in this situation.