JFK Assassination...Your Honest Thoughts


This guy did it.
ConcordCowboy;3887885 said:
It didn't hit Jackie because she was leaning forward in from of him trying to talk/see what was wrong with him.

When a head explodes...blood blows all over the place.

Plus the limo was moving open aired...who knows exactly where blood will go.

I'm not saying I'd bet my life that a shot came from the Grassy Knoll...but I think it did.

Well, you can see where it went.

I posted about this the other day but didn't link it because it's incredibly graphic. But, given the other video, I'm hoping it's okay.

There's a pretty large piece of bone matter that you can see burst forward and then appear to get carried back (didn't really but the car left it behind).

And you can literally see a flap of skull fold forward.
I dunno. This guy seems to make some sense for the case of multiple head shots.

ConcordCowboy;3887885 said:
It didn't hit Jackie because she was leaning forward in from of him trying to talk/see what was wrong with him.

When a head explodes...blood blows all over the place.

Plus the limo was moving open aired...who knows exactly where blood will go.

I'm not saying I'd bet my life that a shot came from the Grassy Knoll...but I think it did.
It didn't hit the grass behind the limo either. That is where your "think" fails. It was not in his head. There was no exit wound, and there was no continued travel of the bullet. It evaporated.

That is what you believe if you believe the shot that killed Kennedy came from the knoll.

That is the real "magic bullet."
Hostile;3888003 said:
It didn't hit the grass behind the limo either. That is where your "think" fails. It was not in his head. There was no exit wound, and there was no continued travel of the bullet. It evaporated.

That is what you believe if you believe the shot that killed Kennedy came from the knoll.

That is the real "magic bullet."

No matter where the 3rd bullet came from, it was never found. Only fragments.
Just finished watching Jesse Ventura's show about this...pretty entertaining I must say, didn't even know about that TV show

I liked his summation at the very end though - "A lone gunman? A magic bullet? WAKE UP!" :D
Here is footage that debunks the "magic bullet." Interesting to me this one said the missed shot was the first. The guy does a great job. One of the best I have ever seen for this event.


I know this is an animation but it makes more sense than the knoll theories. It also describes the first shot as the missed shot.

CowboyDan;3888029 said:
No matter where the 3rd bullet came from, it was never found. Only fragments.
In the car, no way they get there from the knoll.
CowboyDan;3887500 said:
Have you ever shot a Carcano?

No, but I've shot several bolt action rifles where the action takes much longer to operate than the Carcano.
Hoofbite;3887890 said:
You know a little too much about blood splatter.........

Got a few skeletons in your closet?
Sorry about that.

Much of what I know about blood splatter is admittedly from TV shows and movies and a morbid fascination with serial killers. But I've also hunted and I have made my share of head shot kills. I know what I have seen with my own eyes, and I know that bullets don't disappear and they enter small and exit big, not enter big and exit small.

I also remember that science taught me about inertia. A skull stops the forward blow of a blunt object, but the direction of travel of a bullet. The energy of a blow stops and blood, if there is any, travels back. Think of the scene in Silence of the Lambs where Lecter clubs the guard to death. Now think of the scene in Godfather where Michael kills the mobster and the cop. Which way did the blood spray?

I do not know if there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. I firmly believe it is not only possible, but plausible. My mind is not made up on that subject and is largely why I started this thread, which has been fantastic. I have gained so much respect for so many people. But some of the things people believe, such as the driver killing him (has not made its way to this thread yet), are ludicrous. People are way too gullible or they love Oliver Stone.

In the mad rush to defend, decry, or debunk the shots from the 6th floor of the SBD no one considers how impossible a shot from the GK is.

Not only that but people ran from Dealey Plaza up the stairs in that area. There's footage of it by the news services. Men, women, and children all running right in that direction. They ran towards a gunman? I can't buy that one. Who does that? Who grabs their child by the hand and says let's chase a man with a gun? They were running away. To their cars, following a fleeing crowd, but running away.

Either people believe Dallas citizens in 1963 were the bravest souls on earth, or they buy a lot of bull cookies. My money is on the purchase of bull cookies.

No one is seen running from that area the other way towards the SBD. Even the old news footage shows the cameras panning back to the upper floors of the SBD looking for the shooter or his hiding place.
Anjinsan;3888090 said:
No, but I've shot several bolt action rifles where the action takes much longer to operate than the Carcano.
I have never fired a bolt action that took longer than a half second to chamber a round if you are looking to shoot fast.
Hostile;3888093 said:
I have never fired a bolt action that took longer than a half second to chamber a round if you are looking to shoot fast.

Mauser bolt action rifles are harder to get used to IMO. It has to do with the angle of the bolt design and it's operation. Operation of any bolt action rifle also has a lot to do with how tight the bolt action is in the rifle. Some are worn and do not operate as smoothly as they should. At least, that's what I have experienced.
Hostile;3884620 said:
Thanks for the insight.

Here's one of the endearing mysteries of the assassination for me. What happened to Jackie's hat? It has never been found to my knowledge. Some nurse was reported to have had it at the hospital but she doesn't remember what she did with it. On Air Force 1 she wasn't wearing it and it was never seen again.

Her blood stained outfit is in the National Archives, but not for public view as far as I know. I think that is sad. Maybe people think it is too gory an image. I think it is too important an object to be hidden.

I'm with you, I'd consider them national treasures. I remember back in high school one of my history teachers had a bloodstained union flag from the civil war. Jackie's bloodstained clothes are definitely on that level.
ABQCOWBOY;3888108 said:
Mauser bolt action rifles are harder to get used to IMO. It has to do with the angle of the bolt design and it's operation. Operation of any bolt action rifle also has a lot to do with how tight the bolt action is in the rifle. Some are worn and do not operate as smoothly as they should. At least, that's what I have experienced.

I've worked with an Argentine mauser 30-06 (a lot of the mausers made for the americas were built that way, or were modified). The action is pretty rough, plus you do have to carry that bolt up and back pretty far. They're not the most accurate rifles either. However if you've seen any of that old black and white war footage, someone decently trained with one could shoot pretty fast.

The Carcano rifle that Oswald shot shared some design characteristics with a previous German rifle, the Gewehr 88, which Mauser did not make or produce. I've never shot a Carcano so I can't comment on that. I just watched the youtube clip of Ventura firing one, but it looks like his was in particularly bad shape...No way the bolt action should be that rough.
Gotta love the Internets...

Here is the video of that particular interview:


I noticed that too Hos. He never turned left. I'm sure by the shock of it all his story would be somewhat skeptical. I've read that his wife had him correct his statement for further interviews (that he turned over his right shoulder).
I worked at a place that Oswald had applied for a job for, just a couple of months prior to the assasination. On the application which was had written by oswald, someone had made a notation after they interviewed him and this is exactly what it said......."Supervisor (I won't mention his name) does not recommend this man because of his communistic tendencies"......

They still have the application there, and it is really weird to see it in person.

On another side note, I worked with a man who was on the jury for the Ruby case, and he tells me to this day that he, and none of the other jurors felt that anyone other than Ruby had anything to do with his actions.

Personally, I think the Mob was behind it all. They got JFK elected, and to thank them, his brother goes after them. They don't take too kindly to that.
CowboyWay;3888145 said:
I worked at a place that Oswald had applied for a job for, just a couple of months prior to the assasination. On the application which was had written by oswald, someone had made a notation after they interviewed him and this is exactly what it said......."Supervisor (I won't mention his name) does not recommend this man because of his communistic tendencies"......

They still have the application there, and it is really weird to see it in person.

On another side note, I worked with a man who was on the jury for the Ruby case, and he tells me to this day that he, and none of the other jurors felt that anyone other than Ruby had anything to do with his actions.

Personally, I think the Mob was behind it all. They got JFK elected, and to thank them, his brother goes after them. They don't take too kindly to that.

You are over looking a much bigger reason. When Castro threw the mob out of the Cuban casinos they lost multi millions, they were supposed to get back in there with the Bay of Pigs. You know the rest.
ABQCOWBOY;3888108 said:
Mauser bolt action rifles are harder to get used to IMO. It has to do with the angle of the bolt design and it's operation. Operation of any bolt action rifle also has a lot to do with how tight the bolt action is in the rifle. Some are worn and do not operate as smoothly as they should. At least, that's what I have experienced.

Depends on what model of Mauser. Some have the bent bolt to accomodate a scope. Others are straight.

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