JFK Assassination...Your Honest Thoughts

I've visited the library and the window from which he shot and as a Marine, I can tell you that they were very easy shots. Even a marksman (which is the lowest rifle rating) could make those shots.
Chocolate Lab;3884469 said:
Hos, why do you say you are convinced there were only three shots?
I'm actually not. I am convinced there was confusion. A lot of people heard 3 distinct shots. Fewer have said 4 or 5. Very few have said 6. Even Bob said he heard 3 and then echoes.

I just have long figured there were 3 shots and also some echoes.

Would I bet my goodies on it? No.

I have seen reports that marksmen have duplicated Oswald's shooting with a bolt action. I even think I could. The 3 shots has never bothered me.

I will say this, the audio from the film convinces me of three shots a lot more than anything else.
Hostile;3884471 said:
I've heard the same thing about the tax on oil that the Kennedy Administration imposed. The so called Kennedy Act of 1962. The Texas oil men were speculated to lose $300 million a year over that act.
I'd say that is enough to want someone dead.

I agree with BP, the reason there are so many conspiracies about this is because so many things were neglected or unanswered.

Are you serious that would never be a reason to kill a seating President. You have the power to print all the countries money at interest and that power is taken from you. He who controls the money controls everything.
braw;3884484 said:
Are you serious that would never be a reason to kill a seating President. You have the power to print all the countries money at interest and that power is taken from you. He who controls the money controls everything.
$300 million in lost revenues would never be a reason to kill someone?

Okay. :omg:
braw;3884484 said:
Are you serious that would never be a reason to kill a seating President. You have the power to print all the countries money at interest and that power is taken from you. He who controls the money controls everything.

Wow is all I can say.
Hostile;3884486 said:
$300 million in lost revenues would never be a reason to kill someone?

Okay. :omg:

a SEATING PRESIDENT. The President always costs people millions of dollars when he cuts the budget.
Did he act alone? Maybe not, doubtful though. It really wasnt all that difficult a shot for someone even remotely good with a rifle.

CIA/Government behind it?? Really? To think our govt could pull something like that off is laughable.
The thread is not political. Please don't make it political or the posts will be edited or deleted.
Eh, not agreeing that the evil bankers did it, but I agree that's not enough for a bunch of businessmen to kill a sitting President of the United States. Every president makes decisions that cost some group a ton of money -- doesn't mean they kill him for it.
Hostile;3884486 said:
$300 million in lost revenues would never be a reason to kill someone?

Okay. :omg:

Kennedy's immediate predecessor, Eisenhower, in his farewell adress had warned the public about the increasing power of the Military Industrial Complex and word was that Kennedy was going to pull the advisors out of Viet Nam instead of ramping up and that would have cost the arms makers billions so there was another reason why some people wanted him killed off.

Lots of people hated Kennedy after he called off the air strike that would have destroyed the Cuban air force on the ground, thus allowing the landing to succeed. Kennedy was a trained military officer and he had to know in advance the consequences of not knocking out the air force and that it would condemn the invasion to failure and it was indeed knocked out by the very Cuban air force that had been spared on Kennedy's order.

Many people were very much up in arms against JFK but upon his asssination and seeing Jackie and John John, much emotional support swung in his favor. I doubt he would have been re-elected but we will never know. LBJ campaigned against the "war mongering extremist Goldwater", but after his election, LBJ escalated the war despite his campaign to the contrary.

I'm not the least bit surprised at the things people will do when large sums of money are at stake. When the truth comes out in 2039 I'll be 100 years old. Think I'll make it or care by then if I do?

I hope this is more historical than political.
Chocolate Lab;3884511 said:
Eh, not agreeing that the evil bankers did it, but I agree that's not enough for a bunch of businessmen to kill a sitting President of the United States. Every president makes decisions that cost some group a ton of money -- doesn't mean they kill him for it.
For the record, he stated DEFINITIVELY that order 11110 is the reason. I replied that I have heard the same about the Kennedy Act, and I did not say definitely that it was behind it. Just that I heard the same allegations.
Great thread idea.

I have been always intrigued by the JFK assassination and have read many books on the topic.

One of my favorite reads is Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs.

I really do believe Oswald had something to do with the assassination but never truly pulled the trigger. As several have said, he was a terrible shot. They even nicknamed him "Shaky Legs" during training.

I have been to Dealy Plaza (most recently on November 22, 2007). Those that have visited or are familiar with the location will agree that it is a very constrained area. I was surprised at this as soon as I arrived. The Zupruder film and other media make it seem much larger than it really is.

I think what many are missing isn't the difficulty of the shots...it's how quickly the shots needed to be taken by one gunman with that particular rifle.

Another question is why Oswald would dilly-dally around after shooting the President. Why would you go down to the cafeteria and have a soda...and then walk out the main entrance of the depository? Seems pretty brazen to me and just not smart for someone who plotted to kill the leader of the US.

I will say JFK was getting ready to pull out of Vietnam and that would've upset the MIC as mentioned earlier. The movie JFK took a lot of liberties, but I believe this one was spot on. Bell helicopter had many Cayuse and Kiowa's built and ready for action. I do believe LBJ made some promises to these companies who were planning on the profits they would see with further involvement in Vietnam.

For those interested, below is one of the pictures I took at Dealy Plaza during my visit. Notice the white "x" on the street off my right side. That is where Kennedy was shot the second time (killshot):

I have seen a lot of shows dedicated to the JFK assassination and many theories. At one time I believed in the conspiracy now I think the Warren Report was accurate. Something of this level would be uncovered over the years and to this day nothing has ever come up to prove any of the theories nor has anyone spoken up even on their death bed. The Mob was involved? The Mob turned on each other and ratted each other out why would anyone hold this secret who was involved with the Mob?

I'll Let Oliver Stone come up with his own crazy tales of half truths and sell them to the public as facts.
Hostile;3884518 said:
For the record, he stated DEFINITIVELY that order 11110 is the reason. I replied that I have heard the same about the Kennedy Act, and I did not say definitely that it was behind it. Just that I heard the same allegations.

I stated in my opinion. How is it that an executive order was made by the President and it was never carried out. It sat there until 1987 and any President after Kennedy could use it hell even Jimmy Carter could have since he had inflation at about 13%, which happens when a 3rd party charges interest to print money yet Carter had an executive order already done to print interest free money that would kill any inflation.
Hostile;3884518 said:
For the record, he stated DEFINITIVELY that order 11110 is the reason. I replied that I have heard the same about the Kennedy Act, and I did not say definitely that it was behind it. Just that I heard the same allegations.


What does that have to do with what I said? I was talking about the oil men theory.

Aikmaniac said:
I have been to Dealy Plaza (most recently on November 22, 2007). Those that have visited or are familiar with the location will agree that it is a very constrained area. I was surprised at this as soon as I arrived. The Zupruder film and other media make it seem much larger than it really is.
Funny, I was just reading jfk-info.com and he says everyone told him that first-timers thought that, and he in fact did when he saw it for the first time.
Chocolate Lab;3884544 said:

What does that have to do with what I said? I was talking about the oil men theory.
So was I. Timeline of comments.

He said Executive Order 11110 led to the assassination.

I replied that I have heard the same theories about the Kennedy Act.

You commented that you don't necessarily buy evil bankers or oil men behind it.

I agreed, and said I was merely replying to his absolute insistence it was because of 11110. I am not saying it was the Kennedy Act. Just that it is another theory that is out there along with 11110 and a dozen others.

The main problem with the truth of this event is that there are so many theories you almost have to believe that the Warren Commission is wrong. They aren't necessarily wrong. They could be exactly right that Oswald acted alone. After all he was a noted hater of Kennedy due to the Bay of Pigs incident.

It is also possible that the Commission is wrong and Oswald worked for someone else and still acted alone.

It is also possible that the Commission is wrong and one of the dozens of theories is right.

11110 and the Kennedy Act both could have nothing whatsoever to do with this. I merely brought up the 2nd one to counter the idea that one thing, and one thing alone led to this.

The truth is the assassinations of Bobby and Oswald tend to feed the beliefs that there is a huge cover up rather than to settle the matter. Nothing in this story has really ever been absolutely black and white, no reason to doubt.

That is what makes it so compelling.
In my opinion Oswald acted alone because the assassination wasn't very well planned out.

No way was he going to get away firing a rifle from near the top of a building with people and police all around him.

He didn't have much of an escape route and there wasn't anyone waiting to pick him up.

Who's going to conspire with some nut who's trapped like a rat holding a rifle with security all over the place?

It makes no sense for anyone to conspire with someone who's almost certainly going to get caught and risk being implicated by them.

Oswald may have told someone what he was up to but I highly doubt they conspired with him or even took him seriously.

The speculation will never end and we'll never know for sure but one thing I'm certain of is that Oswald was the only one who fired shots that day and all the other speculation about other shooters is BS!

You're not going to fire a gun with that many people around and not get caught.
Aikmaniac;3884528 said:
Great thread idea.

I think what many are missing isn't the difficulty of the shots...it's how quickly the shots needed to be taken by one gunman with that particular rifle.

That has been proven many times to be done very easily.
Anjinsan;3884566 said:
That has been proven many times to be done very easily.
You really only have to hit 2 shots of 3. I don't know why this is considered so impossible. The 2nd shot I think hit a curb and ricocheted to hurt a bystander.

I seem to remember LA Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi doing a special on TV where a Marine sniper using a Carcano rifle just like Oswald had, not only duplicated the feat, but improved on it.

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