zrinkill;2967856 said:
I could ask you the same question?
And I do not think anyone should "bend to my will"
If someone feels the need to give their opinion about my favorite team on a public forum ..... they should be ready for someone to comment on it.
I have no problem with the guys who are ranting ..... as long as they do not mind being ranted at back.
Most people do not have a problem with it .... some people (like you) get butthurt over an argument from 2 years ago and feel the need to try and "take me down" :laugh2:
You ignore the others who are arguing with the Eeyore crowd because they did not piss you off over a player who is no longer on the team.
If you cannot stand the heat ....... get out of the kitchen.
There you have it. Classis Killer.
If you don't think anyone should bend to your will then why are you constantly making things personal with people who don't agree with you. You don't simply disagree, you make it personal by name calling and referencing "points" that were never made to begin with.
The "argument" from two years ago you mention is a perfect example. There was no argument. I, being new to the board, made an observation that one of your favorites players was no longer an asset to this team and was in fact hurting the team. You chose not to counter with a reasoned and thought out reply but immediately went into personal attack mode and accused me of coming here with an "agenda". LOL CLASSIC KILLER! lol
Since that time I've seen the pattern repeated over and over. You call yourself the "zone defender" for Pete's sake. Your signature at times had described you goal as to crush the spins of trolls for Pete's sake. Yet you then say that you don't expect everyone to bend to the will of the almighty defender of the Zone?
You just don't get it son. There is no right or wrong with 99% of these topics that bring forth a heated debate. It's all opinion and nothing more. You have demonstrated a clear pattern that you will lalways label anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion as an agenda driven troll.
The evidence is clearly shown in any one of many threads started in the last few days and beyond.
Seriously... how can you ignre the fact that every day you are "defending the zone"

from some NEW agenda driven troll?
YOU are the constant here son.
Classic keyboard warrior making up for his lack of self esteem by being a tough guy (oops, I mean ZONE DEFENDER

) on an internet disuccion forum.