John Clayton on EE suspension

I cannot say what I truly feel on the matter, or I will get banned. I won't even play the race card, and btw, I am white, but not a white apologist. I will say this, if the Golden Child can get suspended for 4 games, with little or no evidence, then anyone can. I find these witch hunts to be an absolute misappropriation of power, money, and time. The court of law finds you innicent, but the league still punishes you. To me that punishment should be unlawful. Goodell could be spending his time and money on so many more positive things, instead he is like a dirty politician trying to find even the slightest sliver of dirt, as to bring these underling players to their knees.

I absolutely hate the current state of the NFL.
Jerrahs being inducted into the HoF in about a month.

He is not going to say a word about a Zeke suspension.

But frankly Zeke has been a bit strange with all the visits to cannabis bars in Cali and pulling girls tops down in public recently.

He maybe needs a suspension to make sure he gets it.

He reminds me a little of Michael Irvin.

Always playing around the edges to see what he can get away with.

Where there is smoke..

All the visits to cannabis bars?. I think it was one visit to a tourist attraction cannibas store, and wasn't it in Seattle? A bit of a stretch there. A DV thing which has been proven is false. And a party thing, where the girl was ok with the top pulling. Yes that was stupid to do, but it happens.
If you or I did that, it surely wouldn't be news or get us suspended from work.

People need to get off the...they can't make a mistake but we can attitude.

And if JJ had a pair, he would stick up for his team no matter if he's going into the HOF or not. What are they going to do, say...hey you are not allowed to be inducted now? We are cancelling the game and putting in GB....
How about Zeke taking responsibility and cut out the off field nonsense.....just because a prosecutor doesn't bring charges, it doesn't mean he didn't do it, it's just the fact the the prosecutor doesn't feel he could get a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt....just what Jerry doesn't want, wall to wall coverage from the media of women's group protesting at the death star...

when someone goes out of their way to ruin you, I mean it is an absolute obsession, then how are you at fault. They feel scorned and shunned and are pissed off. In our new society, these psychos are the ones who get all the credence. Men, especially famous or athletic men are violent, abusive animals. They are guilty, even when proven innocent.
Am I the only one that wants to see Zeke get 2 game suspension and have Dak go off for two wins. The league wouldn't know how to process that and have moment of clarity that something special is happening in Dallas.

You must be.
Am I the only one that wants to see Zeke get 2 game suspension and have Dak go off for two wins. The league wouldn't know how to process that and have moment of clarity that something special is happening in Dallas.
Honestly if he does get suspended I hope it his against the Giants. Before everyone gets their panties in a wad hear me out. I don't want to say Zeke was a non factor against the Giants but he clearly had "little" success against them compared to most teams. The bulk of the Giants defense is returning and we still have one of the best o lines in football.

My point is, if we want to beat the Giants which I think we can and will do, we need to change up the game plan. The Giants are great at stuffing the run but not so much in the sack department. If Garrett can get a little more creative by still running the ball, but passing it more, especially across the middle against their sub par lb's, we should win. Their o line still sucks and they won't be able to move the ball. We just can't do what we did last year and expect Zeke (or whoever) to carry the entire load.
So his inside info told him we may hear about the suspension yesterday. I guess we now know how reliable his intel was.
It's over a year since he was just drafted into the nfl and nothing came about. Now all of a sudden he may get suspended? Come on now. If the law didn't find him guilty how can the nfl. Goodell thinks he's higher than the law handing out suspensions.
They'll probably find Emelia Earhardts plane before they wrap up this investigation. Pathetic.

I actually heard the NFL was looking for Emelia, as they are investigating reports that EE pulled her top down.
when someone goes out of their way to ruin you, I mean it is an absolute obsession, then how are you at fault. They feel scorned and shunned and are pissed off. In our new society, these psychos are the ones who get all the credence. Men, especially famous or athletic men are violent, abusive animals. They are guilty, even when proven innocent.

And was that the case with Hardy because the defense of him was the same, until the pictures came out of her injuries....I don't know whether Zeke committed a crime in the first incident, because I wasn't there and don't have access to the evidence.....and nether do you but you've already seemed to come to that conclusion without any evidence.......In a court of law, finding someone not guilty is not innocence, it just means the prosecution didn't prove it's case beyond a reasonable doubt.......But there is evidence of Zeke lifting a woman's top without her consent, actual video of that incident and if the league suspends him for a game for that action, he deserves it......
Mysteries that may be resolved before the end of this investigation.......

Bigfoot is real
Nessie is a fake
Jimmy Hoffa's remains are found
JFKs killers found
Cancer cured
Megalodon does still exist
The Eagles win the SB
The Clippers win the NBA title
Ezekiel Elliott decides who will present him at Canton
So his inside info told him we may hear about the suspension yesterday. I guess we now know how reliable his intel was.

"The Professor" will always be the guy who stated that "Terrell Owens and his agent are in no rush to sign anywhere and will take their time in choosing a new team, likely not for a few months". He said that the day before Owens signed with the Cowboys.

The next bit of Insider Cowboys news he breaks will be his first.
It doesn't matter whether she was OK with or not, you seem to fail to grasp is that the LEAGUE is not OK with it....that's his puts a bad light on the league and more importantly, it's sponsors, where the league get the billions of's a business, first and foremost... IMAGE of the league is what the Commish is looking out for and the billions the league gets from it.. Ask the vikings about image, who lost many sponsors over AP talks

It doesn't matter of they don't like it. There was no rule broken here so there is nothing to enforce.
My point exactly, we weren't prepared with a suitable back up for Emmitt. We are now. Thanks for making my point.

No your point was if the Cowboys weren't good enough to win a game without EE then they couldn't win the SB. Then someone gives an example of the 93 Cowboys not being good enough to win a game without Emmitt but they still won the SB.
No your point was if the Cowboys weren't good enough to win a game without EE then they couldn't win the SB. Then someone gives an example of the 93 Cowboys not being good enough to win a game without Emmitt but they still won the SB.
No your point was if the Cowboys weren't good enough to win a game without EE then they couldn't win the SB. Then someone gives an example of the 93 Cowboys not being good enough to win a game without Emmitt but they still won the SB.
Do you know Chata?
These conspiracy theories are so ridiculous and the more people post this nonsense the more others start to believe it. It's Mara's fault (still don't get this one other than he's the owner of our hated rivals), its the officials fault (the same ones who just let the Cowboys get away with a penalty), its Goodells fault (granted he sucks but there are no facts that he hates the Cowboys; IMOF, the Cowboys are good for business so it could be the other way around).

I still have not heard one solid argument that supports any of these theories and if I call someone out all of the sudden I'm a troll.

Just stop! A lot of you sound like a bunch of whiny little 5th graders. First of all, nothing has happened, I do agree they need to come out with something soon. Second of all, Zeke missing a game or two shouldn't make or break our season. Third of all, just because a player doesn't break the law doesn't mean the NFL can't discipline the player, this is nothing new. Fourth, Zeke wouldn't be the first case of a player serving a suspension or some sort of disciplinary action for something he was never found guilty of in the court of law.

Overall, I agree the whole thing stinks but to me that's a product of the NFL as a whole. The league needs everything from more transparency, less gray area to new and better officials but to point the finger at one person and claim they have a personal vendetta against us with ZERO PROOF isn't getting old, it is old.

I swear it wasn't half this bad 5 years ago. I'm sure next time we play in the snow it will be Mother Natures fault, she hates us, it's not fair!
Well said, but the "victim complex" isn't just a Dallas thing. Some of my fellow Hawks fans suffer from it as well, it's the same with every fanbase.

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