Keep the focus on the cause, not the symptoms


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Culture always matters in team sports. Yes, you must have talent both with players and coaches to win. But culture is the atmosphere in which the talent you have operates. A healthy team culture can make the difference in close games. The culture of the Dallas Cowboys is an unhealthy circus dominated by its 82 year old carnival barker who chooses to make himself the face and centerpiece of the franchise. Except when it comes to being accountable.

And accountability always matters when your organization needs more discipline and motivation. When the architect at the top is never accountable for failure, there can be no accountability anywhere else. And as poorly as Dak Prescott has been playing, and Mike McCarthy has been coaching, the guy at the top of this mess wants us to look at the players and coaches failures - NOT HIS.

Cue the helicopter landing, tours of the Star and threats to radio hosts.

Look Dak sucked last night. Big Mac has an offensive design straight out of the 1990s. We have no running game or ability to stop the run. We knew these were problems going into this last offseason. For all the poor play we’ve seen week after week here, it’s understandable that our fans are mad at the $60 million dollar man. But who is the guy who put all this together? Who is the person most responsible for ALL this mess? Who is is the guy who refuses to change or admit his own failures for decades?

If we want to see some real change, I suggest directing your frustration at the top of this mess. That’s the source of everything that we are so tired of seeing. If you are tired of all this mess - bad culture and zero accountability - keep the focus on the cause not the symptoms.
In order to dissect this loss (and the others this and other seasons) is just look at the rankings of the players when they are shown on the tv screen.

The 49er's offense has players rated like 22 out of 158, 5 out of 109, 12 out of 145, etc. Basically the entire offensive starting roster is near the top compared to other players. Then look at the Dallas offense AND defense. You see ratings like 88 out of 125, 103 out of 182, and most glaringly like Mazi's rating, which was like 228 out of 228! In other words, he's the worst ranked DT in the LEAGUE.

It does no good for McClay to scout players if the coaching staff is just going to ignore his input and take players that the coaches "feel" will "fit their system". Coaches need to use their players in the way that best suits their skills. As I've often mentioned, did Belichick run a lot of quarterback rushing plays, naked bootlegs, etc.? Of course not, Brady was a freaking statue behind the line, compared to a Jackson or even a Romo or Aikman, he wasn't going to be successful running with the football. No, he developed plays to utilize Brady's arm and his brain and got players who COULD block, tackle, etc. The 49ers and Cowboys didn't put Deion on the line to stop 240 lb. fullbacks or 225 lb. running backs, he was put in positions where he could affect the other team's passing game.

Good to great players will thrive in most any "system", after all football is blocking, tackling, running, throwing and catching. If you can do that, your team will be successful. If not, you get the 2024 Dallas Cowboys.

This team is bereft of talent (overall, not saying there isn't some talent), in both coaching and players, and the front office can't and won't do anything about that.


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If they day ever comes when Jerry Jones looks in the mirror and is honest with himself. Maybe then things might change for the better. Accountability is a hard pill for some to digest but it's a lot easier to place the blame on others.


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We will forever be handicapped by the Jones. That’s never going to change I’m afraid. Just have to hope for a strong will coach that can work with them and all of the drama.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We will forever be handicapped by the Jones. That’s never going to change I’m afraid. Just have to hope for a strong will coach that can work with them and all of the drama.
I hope all this leads to at the very least, a strong, modern head coach who has real authority.