Kelvin Joseph at Voluntary Workouts Today


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I think you guys missed the point. It's very difficult to find a player of his caliber in the second round.

I dont think they missed it, everyone is seeing how these 2nd round "Gambles" on injury/character issues have gone...not great to be honest.


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i would question why wasn't KJ already on his best behavior and reformed the moment he was drafted into the NFL and by the Cowboys ?
Eyes and questions were already set on him per his past collegiate days. That should've already been the bar set for him.
it' was up to Joseph with life decision making choices and actions going forward.
IM glad I wasnt given millions of dollars and set free on my own at age 22.


The Boognish
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Zero chance he ever plays again. He’ll be going to jail where he belongs. Should never of drafted him. He was a headcase when they made the pick and they knew that.

How do you figure that when he is at the facility working out with the team today?


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So you know that fans here have never been in the wrong place? Seems realistic.
You missed the sarcasm, "It's amazing, nobody ragging on him has been in the wrong place at the wrong time when they were young LOL" sorry if you didn't understand.


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You are 100% correct. Theres a lot of ppl in this world that have zero empathy and tolerance for others. Mostly because they live in bubble and never had to overcome adversity
Agree, until you walk in another persons shoes you just don't know. One thing I learned when pursuing my JD was never assume anything or form any opinion until you have all the pertinent facts available and fully understand the situation and the laws.


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Well aren't you a wet blanket. No fun at all.
The world sucks. We all have problems.
There's nothing wrong with a little comedy.
We ain't talking about an 8 year old with leukemia here... yet.

@Hennessy_King that back pedal post was hilarious.
Good on you, dude.
To laugh at a kid getting murdered is in very poor taste.


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How do you figure that when he is at the facility working out with the team today?
Josh Brent was on the sidelines days after he basically killed his teammate. Jerry is know for standing by his players no matter what but sometimes it’s very tasteless and this is one of them.


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If there is no video or audio of Joseph in the vehicle instructing or egging the shooters on...and if the two arrested dont implicate Joseph...I assume he walks.

Maybe Im way off, though.

I assume the court will back him up as being an innocent party...he was in a vehicle that others in the vehicle decided to do something very very bad...not him.

We can argue all day if hes guilty for hanging out with guys with guns...or if he knew they had guns are not...yada yada yada.

If the arrested parties dont implicate him. I assume hes free.

My only issue with this is...where do you draw the line with Joseph now? He knows his friends are trouble...will he just ditch them? Seems unrealistic. Maybe those were the only two friends he has that are true shooters/killers...who knows. But it almost seems like you could pin this guy as guilty if something like this happened again. Hes choosing to be around trouble.

I am curious what his reputation was that got him in the dog house with other NFL clubs. Was he a known gangbanger...come from a troubled upbringing...or was it that he just pushed back at coaches? Im curious to know if he got into a lot of fights or not. Does he get off on violence or get off on getting over on people?

I think the right move is to cut him. Scare him a little about losing an NFL gig. Let him be suspended by Goodell if so...and then let another club pick him up for his second chance. But I firmly believe if he has a "gangbanger" mentality...cutting him might scare him enough to think about "gangbanging" vs an NFL gig in the future.

America's Cowboy

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Sad how most here are acting like Roman gladiator crowds...excusing the loss of life as long as you get your entertainment pleasure and laughter.


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Zero chance he ever plays again. He’ll be going to jail where he belongs. Should never of drafted him. He was a headcase when they made the pick and they knew that.

I respect that opinion, much like all the others. I used to feel that way myself when it came to the Cowboys. I used to hold them in high esteem. But too many years of their indifference to having quality humans on the team or front office has jaded me

To me they are 100% entertainment and I won’t hold them to the same standard that I do my family, friends or people close to me. It’s not that I condone these players actions….it’s more that I just don’t give a flip

America's Cowboy

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If there is no video or audio of Joseph in the vehicle instructing or egging the shooters on...and if the two arrested dont implicate Joseph...I assume he walks.

Maybe Im way off, though.

I assume the court will back him up as being an innocent party...he was in a vehicle that others in the vehicle decided to do something very very bad...not him.

We can argue all day if hes guilty for hanging out with guys with guns...or if he knew they had guns are not...yada yada yada.

If the arrested parties dont implicate him. I assume hes free.

My only issue with this is...where do you draw the line with Joseph now? He knows his friends are trouble...will he just ditch them? Seems unrealistic. Maybe those were the only two friends he has that are true shooters/killers...who knows. But it almost seems like you could pin this guy as guilty if something like this happened again. Hes choosing to be around trouble.

I am curious what his reputation was that got him in the dog house with other NFL clubs. Was he a known gangbanger...come from a troubled upbringing...or was it that he just pushed back at coaches? Im curious to know if he got into a lot of fights or not. Does he get off on violence or get off on getting over on people?

I think the right move is to cut him. Scare him a little about losing an NFL gig. Let him be suspended by Goodell if so...and then let another club pick him up for his second chance. But I firmly believe if he has a "gangbanger" mentality...cutting him might scare him enough to think about "gangbanging" vs an NFL gig in the future.
Joseph joined in on physically attacking the innocent victim before they decided to shoot and kill him in a drive-by later that evening. Joseph isn't an innocent bystander simply caught in a bad situation around bad people. He is a part of those bad people. That's the difference.