Ken Hamlin

lockster;2978605 said:
Yeah, seems like all that money he got, sure ruined his hunger and incentives.

He needs to have Apollo Creed take him to the ghetto to get back the eye of the tiger.:laugh2:
cowboyjoe;2978665 said:
on the lack of tackling wrapping up; does that point to wade not believing in tackling in training camp, and does wade need to get the players back to basics on tackling and wrapping up?

Well, I don't think it is a Cowboy only problem. I'm here in Carolina Panther territory, and they talk all the time on the local sports radio show that they do a poor job as well. I think it must be a larger problem that starts in high school or college. Looking to "blow" somebody up instead of tackling them.
JonJon;2978619 said:
How is he against the run? I think the plan is for the other Hamlin to slowly work his way into the system and take over by the end of the season.
We probably would have already seen some of Michael by now if he didn't injure his wrist.

That would be my concern with Ball.

But I have watched Wade put Hamlin in position to make plays as a blitzer and he just completely blows it.

Hamlin has been very average for awhile now.

If he doesn't get the Focus and Enthusiasm like my Sig speaks of than get someone in there like Alan Ball who has shown nothing but upside at that position.
WarC;2978674 said:
Yeah. It seems like the new method now is to get a shoulder or a helmet on someone, and on the way down try and get your hands to trip up the guy's feet. I see a lot of tackles like that now instead of wrapping the guy up the right way.

yep, if we keep tackling that way and wade keeps allowing it to go on;
we are going to get killed by some team;
Hamlin im sad to say has been constantly out of position and cant tackle.
Texan_Eph89;2978738 said:
Eric Berry anyone?

If we don't give anyone an opportunity to step up than you can put Safety at the top of our offseason wish list.

We need someone with more range at that position.

Hamlin can be that guy if he wants to be but he has settled for being an average player since he has got his pay day.
Jerry paid for Filet Mignon and got a balogna sandwich.
Texan_Eph89;2978738 said:
Eric Berry anyone?

As much as I'd love to see him wear a star, O Line and D Line have to come first.
Of all the long runs against Dallas in the past couple of years and the two in Baltimore I think Hamlin has whiffed on a tackle or been out of position on every one. I don't know how any other guy could play the run any worse.

Just cut the sucker. The sooner the better!
Wasn't there a good safety who didn't go to the NFL draft because he got a Rhodes Scholarship and went to Oxford or somewhere like this?

Anyone remember this guy and whatever happened to him, whether he's going to try to play in the pros, worth crap, etc?

Found him, Myron Rolle....was this guy any good in college?
yimyammer;2978784 said:
Wasn't there a good safety who didn't go to the NFL draft because he got a Rhodes Scholarship and went to Oxford or somewhere like this?

Anyone remember this guy and whatever happened to him, whether he's going to try to play in the pros, worth crap, etc?

Found him, Myron Rolle....was this guy any good in college?

Yeah he was awesome but I dont think he is going to play football again.
I hate having to talk about lazy overpaid safeties who got big contracts and basically quit. Hamlin has RW syndrome.:banghead:
ConcordCowboy;2978696 said:
It was a play where Delhomme just looked the other way and Hamlin froze and of course he couldn't get back over in time to stop a long pass.

Gruden pointed it out on replay how Hamlin got faked and basically said that that can't happen, that he didn't even get off the hash and that he needs to get over there and make that play.

Seemed like it to me that Gruden had seen that type of play before from Hamlin on film or whatever and wasn't too pleased with his play.

well, maybe we need to get a tape of that to campo and the coaches to show ken hamlin, to challenge him, etc
cml750;2978810 said:
I hate having to talk about lazy overpaid safeties who got big contracts and basically quit. Hamlin has RW syndrome.:banghead:

sure does look like it doesnt it;
eman721;2978574 said:
Easily the weakest link on our entire team right now, IMO. I will just copy-paste what I had to say about him in another thread.

Seriously, Ken Hamlin makes me sick. As if the fact that he makes consistent mental errors, is always out of position, and can't tackle weren't enough...the last two weeks he has played like he doesn't even care. If that pass to Muhammad isn't called back, Hamlin's pathetic attempt at a tackle would have turned a decent gain into a long, momentum- and game-changing TD. Last week, he bit horribly on a play action fake by Manning, leaving Scandrick one-on-one on a deep seam route. The ball was caught, and fortunately Scandrick made the tackle because Hamlin was nowhere to be found. Instead of realizing his mistake and busting his *** to get back in position to make a play, Hamlin turned around and just leisurely strolled back to the middle of the field...even after seeing the ball in the air. If Scandrick doesn't make the tackle, it is a long TD for the Giants just because our lazy *** piece of **** $6 million/year FS couldn't hustle enough to try to make a play. I am sick of his sorry ***.


Hamlin is approaching Barbie territory for me.
It looks to me like he's lost his confidence back there and will bite on just about anything. Because he lacks confidence, he's very indecissive.

That's a situation, if that's what it is, that's extremely difficult to correct or overcome.
I don't think Hamlin should be benched. I honestly think he should be cut.

Unfortunately, the backups are totally unproven and cutting Hamlin would be a little risky, hahaha...Still, if I'm Wade Phillips and Mike Hamlin or Alan Ball even show anything, they're in the starting lineup and Ken's off the team. I can't stand to see him missing tackles and taking poor angles to everything. Cant stand it. Every time he's near the ball, I think, 'oh no, here go...another 89 yard TD run'

He'll never live down that Bmore game last year...nor should he

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