Kris Richard dilemma


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Not sold after half a season. As usual, some fans here have a tendency to over react after a very small sample size whether it be a player or coach. Hell, sometimes it’s a player who hasn’t even stepped on the field yet.

Great, he coached a defense that had 3 potential HOF’ers and he gets animated on the sideline. How about we see how he does for at least one season, preferably more, before crowing him the next HC in waiting?


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I think we have a Kris Richard dilemma.

He almost certainly needs to be the next head coach of this team. I would have liked a more experienced head coach, but it probably needs to be him. He has a connection with these defensive players and despite a few positions, they're playing decently well.

The dilemma is that I don't think you can hire a new head coach and then tell them Kris Richard is your defensive coordinator. You just can't do it (Jerry would do it, but it isn't the right move).

So either you elevate Richard or you lose a very talented coach, and maybe the latter is the better move.

Pete Carmichael Jr., Josh McDaniels, and Jim Harbaugh are all very high on my list.

When I think of the lack of experience Richard has, I remember he has a decade of coaching experience compared to the five years experience Garrett had before becoming the head coach. He's also had tremendous success whereas Garrett had not.

My biggest worry with Richard becoming head coach is if he doesn't clean house across the coaching staff.
Why does he almost certainly need to be the next head coach of this team?

I've asked this at least 10 times and have never gotten an answer


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I think you have to factor in what Richard wants. If he feels he is ready for a HC position, then you can make him HC or you have to hire outside & let him go. You can't risk him feeling that he should have had the job & undermine the new regime.

If he says, you know, I'm happy for where i am for while longer then you can hire new coach feeling good they can work together.


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Why does he "need" to be the next head coach? I like him but frankly, I think there might be better options out there.

At this point, given where we are, I think I'd like to see them bring in a youngish, offensive minded coach. The next 4-6 years are predicated on how we fix this woeful offense. We need a head coach that has the chops and bonafides to look at our current situation and make the hard decisions about the QB spot - can they resurrect Dak, is it time to cut bait with Dak, etc..............


Just because someone is a decent D.C. ( yes decent) does not mean he has what it takes to be a great HC

This franchise needs a real GM who can (gasp) interview candidates and pick (gasp) the most qualified person

If Jerry is picking the next HC we better start praying for a miracle (like Jimmy)


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He's one of the best coaches we've had on our staff in a very long time. Very young as well.

He's underachieved in his five games with us, after underacheiving and being let go by Seattle. We are 20th in pass defense success rate despite having a very good Dline.

Explain how he is one of the best coaches we've had? Go into detail. Is it his shouting?


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I'm talking about an option now, today. Sitting right in front of you. A proven coach with a Super Bowl ring. On your staff. Coaching up a first round draft pick better than anyone ever has.

A guy that, if you wanted to, you could make changes and get a several month look at to help you decide. And if you didn't like what you saw, you had the knowledge and freedom to hire anyone else you wanted. But at least you'd know.

Fortunately for them, it didn't take them 8 years to find out.

That's my argument, make the move and see what you have with Richard. If you don't like what you see, clear the decks entirely and hope the next guy can actually coach.
Couldn’t hurt but what would you do with the offense? Dollars to donuts it would still suck and that would be the excuse everyone would use to keep him on as a permanent HC. In other words, he wouldn’t be any worse but I think it’s a big risk. They guy has only been a DC for a total of 2 years and is currently a position coach. I really don’t care how many SB rings he has, there are tons of factors that go into winning a SB.

I agree, it couldn’t hurt but I wouldn’t expect much different results and the excuses may prevent Jerrah from ooking elsewhere at the end of the season.


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He's underachieved in his five games with us, after underacheiving and being let go by Seattle. We are 20th in pass defense success rate despite having a very good Dline.

Explain how he is one of the best coaches we've had? Go into detail. Is it his shouting?

He was 'mad' on the sideline




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I'd rather have Lincoln Riley than Urban Meyer, honestly. Urban is a human dumpster. He quit on his Florida team when Tebow bailed and then covered up an asst coach beating his wife and the rehired the same guy. No thanks.

Meyer did not cover it up

Galian Beast

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He's underachieved in his five games with us, after underacheiving and being let go by Seattle. We are 20th in pass defense success rate despite having a very good Dline.

Explain how he is one of the best coaches we've had? Go into detail. Is it his shouting?

Are there any teams in the top 5 in pass defense that have bottom 5 pass offenses?


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I’m not so sure this is a real’s an offense driven league! The next coach will be an offensive minded coach.

I want a HC who is a good HC. If we get that and he hires quality coordinators we don't have to be concerned whether the HC is offensive or defensive minded.

Our problem for most of the last 20 years is Jerry hasn't wanted to hire a quality HC and give him the power, authority, control he should have. He hired Gailey because he was offensive minded, Campo was a DC, Wade was hired because we wanted an experienced 3-4 defensive minded coach and Garrett was just promoted from OC.

None of these were hired because they were good HC's, they were mostly hired to be coordinators with the HC title and who would be yes men to Jerry.

If we're going to be serious about winning Jerry will hire a real HC. But I have a feeling it'll be business as usual looking for another coordinator type who will be another one of Jerry's yes men.


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Are there any teams in the top 5 in pass defense that have bottom 5 pass offenses?

I don't know what you mean or how it pertains to the conversation, but Jax is 3rd in points allowed, and their offense is 26th in points scored.

But just to share some knowledge, when a team has a bad offense(passing offense was your question) it actually helps the pass defense because the opposing team has to throw less.

But, I'll ask again. What has he done as a DB coach to warrant a promotion?


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Hope you had a good laugh, then.

This isn’t a Garrett thread, so you can stop trying to make it one. I pointed out the difference in fan standards as they apply to the performance of Richard’s secondary that gave up the game in HOU in OT and almost did the same v. DET. I dot. Understand why people are willing to overlook that because they like a guy.

Because he was captured on video going off on his secondary. People automatically equate that with being a good coach, just as they've done with Gruden's "Chucky" look and Cower's chiseled chin. Kris Richard has a past record of success, but that does not mean he will be a good HC. Norv Turner had an excellent track record, but how was he as a HC?

Whether some wish to ignore it, a huge component of the success are the players and their performance. Case in point, Alabama beat Arkansas State 57-7. Is that because Saban was a 50 point better coach than the Arkansas State coach? Or was it because the Alabama roster was 50 points better than the Arkansas State players? Or was Saban 25 points worse and the Alabama roster 75 points better?

In KR's case, was his success more about the players and less about his coaching skills, or vice versa. Who knows.

Galian Beast

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I don't know what you mean or how it pertains to the conversation, but Jax is 3rd in points allowed, and their offense is 26th in points scored.

But just to share some knowledge, when a team has a bad offense(passing offense was your question) it actually helps the pass defense because the opposing team has to throw less.

But, I'll ask again. What has he done as a DB coach to warrant a promotion?

After 5 games, it's very difficult to get a very accurate picture of pass defense.

Why because pass defense can be measured in a lot of different ways.

Cowboys are 3rd in pass touchdowns allowed. Twelfth in yards allowed in the air.

They haven't gotten interceptions, but why is that? Is it because teams come in here thinking, let's not turn the ball over because we aren't going to be in a shoot out?

How many rookie QBs have we played? That has a big influence as well. Are you basing it on QB Rating?


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He's one of the best coaches we've had on our staff in a very long time. Very young as well.

On what basis are you making that assertion? How many INT's does the secondary have? Did the defense shut down Detroit and Houston with the game on the line? Will this defense be able to do it against Aaron Rodgers as they've not been able to in the past?


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He's underachieved in his five games with us, after underacheiving and being let go by Seattle. We are 20th in pass defense success rate despite having a very good Dline.

Explain how he is one of the best coaches we've had? Go into detail. Is it his shouting?

That is because of the mediocre safeties. The same with the mediocre WRs/TEs (excluding Beasley and Swaim) on offense.

Both of these areas need to be addressed.


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I think someone mentioned that firing Garrett soon and making Richard the interim gives you the opportunity to see him up close and get a feel for him as a head coach.

But admittedly, that gives me pause. We ended up with Garrett using that logic.


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After 5 games, it's very difficult to get a very accurate picture of pass defense.

Why because pass defense can be measured in a lot of different ways.

Cowboys are 3rd in pass touchdowns allowed. Twelfth in yards allowed in the air.

They haven't gotten interceptions, but why is that? Is it because teams come in here thinking, let's not turn the ball over because we aren't going to be in a shoot out?

How many rookie QBs have we played? That has a big influence as well. Are you basing it on QB Rating?

Why does he undoubtedly need be the next HC, and how has he been the best coach we've had in years?