Latest could mean more trouble for Vick

tyke1doe;1565183 said:
I think there was a great deal of public resentment towards the "Enron boys."

And there won't be against some guy who was purportedly electrocuting dogs? The Enron thing was indecipherable to most jurors, so they couldn't get a strong moral response because there was a veneer of legality to their actions. Vick's acts are much more obvious and easily assimilated to people's extant moral views. Animal cruelty--and specifically cruelty to dogs--is something that almost causes universal cringes.

The jury will dislike Vick for killing dogs much more than Lay and Skilling because, unlike the Enron thing, they actually can emotionally grasp what Vick was doing. Count on it.

tyke1doe;1565183 said:
That may be true, but it depends on the jury makeup. This case will be tried in Richmond. And while race has nothing to do with the indictment, I can guarantee you that Billy Martin is going to try to pack the jury with a majority of blacks, who may look at this case a bit different than whites, especially if they're of a lower certain socio-economic status.

This is why federal court yet again works against him. If he was in state court out in rural Virginia, he'd have a jury pool that consisted of hicks and his people. But the jury pool is federal court is much, much broader because it pulls from the entire district instead of a county. So without fail, juries in federal court tend to be better educated, more affluent, and more prosecutor friendly. This is one of the reasons that federal prosecutors are so successful.

And if Billy Martin tries to fill the pool with poor blacks as you suggest and striking white people because they are white, you can bet we will see some interesting Batson challenges.

The composition jury will benefit the prosecutor. You can count on that.
cobra;1565211 said:
The Enron thing was indecipherable to most jurors, so they couldn't get a strong moral response because there was a veneer of legality to their actions. Vick's acts are much more obvious and easily assimilated to people's extant moral views.

Oh sure, mister "I don't sound like a lawyer, blah, blah, blah............." ;)

What you meant to say:

Enron jurors is stoopid and we hate's the dog killers. :D
I feel sorry for Vick.......I have spoken with his Marcus .....when Vick was a freshman at Va Tech......his mother was really nice to talk with.
Sometimes a parent can do everything right and it does not matter. Sometimes a kid is just a bad seed.
BARRYRAY;1565083 said:
Listen, ignore how the media ala Nancy Gray has convicted this guy, make no mistake because of federal minimum sentencing guideleines, IE if you plead guilty you get at least x amount of jail time, there will be no plea here and he will not be convicted in my opinion, it always works this way the worse the case the more they try to fry him in the press from the get go, the only thing they have on this guy is that he owned the house, the"paper trail" they kept talking about doesn't exist, he probably was never there, and it was all a cash business, the witnesses will have a rap sheet a mile long, just wait, I know this guy is a sleaze, but man anyone who doesn't think there is a dual system of justice in this country is naive, he'll walk you just wait, $25 million a year will buy you some lawyers....

I don't know. From what I've been reading, the Feds have quite a successful conviction rate when they go to trial (and usually a good enough case that the accused pleads out for a lesser sentence.)

I have the strong suspicion Mr Vick is going away, and that the case will be made like almost every other one - those witnesses/defendants with rap sheets a mile long turn state's evidence for lesser terms, and the feds get the 'big name" they were after all along. I rarely see these kind of cases come down to good police investigation work - it comes down to some perp rolling over on a perp further up the food chain, and the feds are great at making those cases.

I was amazed to see Mike Vick (whom I always liked and cheered on as a QB going back to his days at VT) say yesterday that "a lot or people still love Michael Vick".

He'd better think twice about the degree of public support he assumes he has. You don't have to be a PETA member to consider animal torture just slightly down the reprehensible scale to child molestation, and if most former Vick fans are like me, the very notion of electrocuting, drowning, shooting, and slamming dogs to their deaths after forcing them into ungodly vicious fight depletes every iota of prior empathy for a player. Sickening.

He's still 'not guilty' til proven otherwise, but I doubt he'll ever again be considered 'innocent' of the knowledge of what went on on his property.

Nor should he be.
Can any of you lawyers out there tell me if there is going to be pressure on local authorities (i.e. Poindexter) to file charges as well. Especially if the Feds prove he was involved in all of these activities (gambling, dogfighting, killing animals), it seems as though the local yokels would have to feel somewhat compelled to prosecute as well.
tyke1doe;1565107 said:
What did you expect from an attorney named "Billy Martin"? ;) :D

I'm waiting for Vick to pull a Steinbrenner and fire him.

Three times. :D
Another thing, probably irrelevant, but why would someone name their kennel "BadNews Kennels" if they really intended to just raise puppies for the general public?

Don't you think its kind of ironic that he named his kennel that? What kind of connotation do you think that might bring up? To me, it suggests just what it means, bad news dogs for sale...pitbulls!

:cool: There are just to many things wrong with this whole operation!
LaTunaNostra;1565385 said:
I don't know. From what I've been reading, the Feds have quite a successful conviction rate when they go to trial (and usually a good enough case that the accused pleads out for a lesser sentence.)

I have the strong suspicion Mr Vick is going away, and that the case will be made like almost every other one - those witnesses/defendants with rap sheets a mile long turn state's evidence for lesser terms, and the feds get the 'big name" they were after all along. I rarely see these kind of cases come down to good police investigation work - it comes down to some perp rolling over on a perp further up the food chain, and the feds are great at making those cases.

I was amazed to see Mike Vick (whom I always liked and cheered on as a QB going back to his days at VT) say yesterday that "a lot or people still love Michael Vick".

He'd better think twice about the degree of public support he assumes he has. You don't have to be a PETA member to consider animal torture just slightly down the reprehensible scale to child molestation, and if most former Vick fans are like me, the very notion of electrocuting, drowning, shooting, and slamming dogs to their deaths after forcing them into ungodly vicious fight depletes every iota of prior empathy for a player. Sickening.

He's still 'not guilty' til proven otherwise, but I doubt he'll ever again be considered 'innocent' of the knowledge of what went on on his property.

Nor should he be.

That right there is what will be the demise of Vick. Through it all, he will forever be guilty by association. No more endorsements, and quite possibly with enough heat from Peta and the likes, no more Football. We'll get to hear/see all the gory details as this thing unravels in the court system. It ain't gonna be..........................uhm, nice.
Seven;1565620 said:
No more endorsements.

Seven, I've been waiting for someone to come up with the Mike Vick's Next Ten Endorsements List .

10. Show host for National Geographic's "Predators of the Wild" .

9. Spokesman for the Food and Drug Administration of the People's Republic of China.

and so on............;)
LaTunaNostra;1565634 said:
Seven, I've been waiting for someone to come up with the Mike Vick's Next Ten Endorsements List .

10. Show host for National Geographic's "Predators of the Wild" .

9. Spokesman for the Food and Drug Administration of the People's Republic of China.
and so on............;)

Don't know about number 9 there: The Chinese government executed the last head of that department.....
LaTunaNostra;1565634 said:
Seven, I've been waiting for someone to come up with the Mike Vick's Next Ten Endorsements List .

10. Show host for National Geographic's "Predators of the Wild" .

9. Spokesman for the Food and Drug Administration of the People's Republic of China.

and so on............;)

He could be the spokesman for the new puparoni pizza. :lmao2:
arglebargle;1565658 said:
Don't know about number 9 there: The Chinese government executed the last head of that department.....

I'm confused by your last. Does this mean that your for, or against this move?

LaTunaNostra;1565634 said:
Seven, I've been waiting for someone to come up with the Mike Vick's Next Ten Endorsements List .

10. Show host for National Geographic's "Predators of the Wild" .

9. Spokesman for the Food and Drug Administration of the People's Republic of China.

and so on............;)


8. The Dog Whisperer

7. Bob the Builder - he'd be the front loader - YES-HE-CAN!!

6. Detriot Animal Police

5 Outdoor Network: Deer hunting, without guns.

4. Planned Parenthood

3 Spokesperson for the CDC
Seven;1565693 said:

8. The Dog Whisperer

7. Bob the Builder - he'd be the front loader - YES-HE-CAN!!

6. Detriot Animal Police

5 Outdoor Network: Deer hunting, without guns.

4. Planned Parenthood

3 Spokesperson for the CDC

Bindi Irwin examines Mike Vick's childhood on the new animal planet series "Growing Up Dogfighter". More sports stars to come in future episodes.
I like Doomsday idea and picture of Vick being a spokes(man?) for the Hush Puppie shoe company...

Big Dakota;1564930 said:
Full text of Vick's statement
"Today in court I pleaded innocent to the allegations made against me. I take these charges very seriously and look forward to clearing my good name.

:laugh2: you spread herpes and flick off your fans, not to mention suck at being a QB

give me a break

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