Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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Adam Schefter confirms existence of Dez tape and says he's been working on it since September:

He said he's heard there is a tape but hasn't seen it. He's been working on it since September but didn't get all the facts straight to run it. There isn't enough evidence out there to run it. He also said its not fair to dez to run a story when nothing has been proven yet
Usually I make my judgement based on what I have read from a certain poster. You have repeatedly said Dez is replaceable lol not in so many words but you have

No I haven't. But ok. What I do think, is that if he wants an NFL breaking deal I wouldn't do it. WRs coming out of college are making an immediate impact on teams. I don't want that to happen because we are so close to getting the prize. The last thing Romo needs is some one having to learn routes again. it took Dez long enough. But our season won't be over if Dez isn't here. Some people think so but no one has made an argument that makes any sense that it would be. Same with Murray, I would like to have him back but at the right price. If not we will have to find some one to replace him and hope we get close to his production. Doesn't mean the season isn't worth playing.
The best scenario for me is both are back. I just don't see us going 6-10 like you and some others do if they aren't.
Today has nothing to do with it. There's nothing mandatory about today. This will linger on and on until there's confirmation that there is, or isn't, a video.

My guess is, negotiations are in place with somebody to buy this video. Either Dez, TMZ, etc. The Fan even suggested that the Cowboys might buy it for Dez if they think he's changed his life (and will sign for less).

But I also think the media is trying to check its legal standing to show such a video given how it must have been acquired.

Yeah, you so want this to be true.....

Right. But if there wasnt a video, Dez wouldve nipped this in the butt from the beginning by releasing a bunch of PR statements. By not doing so, it sends the message of existence.

No it doesn't. Your making assumptions to play into this. Just because Dez didn't say publicly that there isn't a video, which I believe he tweeted about it - does not mean that the video exist. Stop making this stuff up.
Today has nothing to do with it. There's nothing mandatory about today. This will linger on and on until there's confirmation that there is, or isn't, a video.

My guess is, negotiations are in place with somebody to buy this video. Either Dez, TMZ, etc. The Fan even suggested that the Cowboys might buy it for Dez if they think he's changed his life (and will sign for less).

But I also think the media is trying to check its legal standing to show such a video given how it must have been acquired.

Thats the funny thing about things like this there does not have to be a video there just has to be belief, you throw enough information out there in innuendo and the tape never has to exist, if the tape does not exist there is no proof it does not exist these smear sites have a narrative in place the tape was bought by Dez's team so there is no tape to release. See how that works they have put the onus of proving a negative on Dez Bryant.
Not sure how to post tweets here but BSO which is blacksportsonline that tends to be somewhat accurate had a story where he said he talked to someone who has seen the video. I tweeted at him for details and he said he heard it was an ike turner style beatdown of a woman.

Yeah I see that too.
Today has nothing to do with it. There's nothing mandatory about today. This will linger on and on until there's confirmation that there is, or isn't, a video.

My guess is, negotiations are in place with somebody to buy this video. Either Dez, TMZ, etc. The Fan even suggested that the Cowboys might buy it for Dez if they think he's changed his life (and will sign for less).

But I also think the media is trying to check its legal standing to show such a video given how it must have been acquired.

Wrong...there is not a legal duty from a media standpoint. If they purchase the video they have the rights to it. If they show it and purport it to be Dez and its not then there is an issue, if it is Dez then there isnt an issue.. Nothing has come out and no charges have been filed or a reason, there is no probable cause. There isnt enough evidence to move forward. There is nothing mandatory about today but if it was conclusive then it would come out. This equates to people wanting there to be a story but not having enough meat on the bone to make it happen. We are good.
Supposedly Adam Schefter says he's been working on this story since September. That concerns me.

Of course I could play the media hates us, Schefter's a hack card but I'm a little too mature for that.

If he's been working on it since September, and has nothing to show for it, perhaps it's time he moved on. Either there's something there or there isn't. I imagine some punk put it out there that he has a video of Dez which perked up Schefter's ears, but if anyone has deep pockets to buy the video, ESPN does. If they think something legitimate is there, they would have ponied up for the video, and they haven't. This so called video would let ESPN to pre-empt every one of their shows and have analysts after analysts talk about it 24/7 for weeks on end.

It is sad what today's journalism has become. They put out there that there "may be" a video. Ethical journalism would not put anything out without evidence, verification and corroboration.
Today has nothing to do with it. There's nothing mandatory about today. This will linger on and on until there's confirmation that there is, or isn't, a video.

My guess is, negotiations are in place with somebody to buy this video. Either Dez, TMZ, etc. The Fan even suggested that the Cowboys might buy it for Dez if they think he's changed his life (and will sign for less).

But I also think the media is trying to check its legal standing to show such a video given how it must have been acquired.

There is NO way the Cowboys will buy a video in order to protect Dez. That would rebound atrociously on Jones and he would be get gonged by Robespierre for obstructing justice.
I'm just not naïve enough to pretend there's nothing to this. Something happened.

So Dez pulls a gun out, at Walmart. My guess it had to be 12 AM, when barely anybody is around, because I'll tell you what. There will be multiple 9-11 calls and people running like chickens without a head, screaming like they just got stabbed.

There would be a story if it involved a gun.

So at 12 AM, night time. The video probably isn't even clear. Could be any dark black man, and night time does not help.
What if he shot JFK?????

See what I did there....

Innocent people don't just sit quietly and say nothing while all this is going on with millions of dollars hanging in the balance. Would you?

But a lot of Cowboys fans wouldn't care if he shot up a daycare as long as he's catching passes next September.

Franchise tag. Or a bunch of behavior contingency clauses. Unless this is put to bed for good, don't sign a long-term contract.
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