Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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i havent been paying attention since page 41 on this. can any recap? whats the latest? still bs?

Video seemed imminent last night. Sources saying it was coming out and screen caps are out there have been ruled to be trolls. A video was supposed to be out at 12. We have no video. Florid said it may or may not be a video could just be a picture but still the person on that may or may not be dez. Hopefully this whole thing is dying down
Innocent people don't just sit quietly and say nothing while all this is going on with millions of dollars hanging in the balance. Would you?

This is a ridiculous statement. At this point there is nothing to comment on as he has not been charged with anything. Not to mention if he is charged any lawyer ever would tell him not to talk because there is no upside, innocent or not. When you are charged with a crime it becomes about managing your defense and it is not prudent to talk, hence ones constitutional right not to talk. Not talking cannot be used against someone as it is their right. So would I talk? Whether I was innocent or guilty I would not talk. Your statement is asinine.
Video seemed imminent last night. Sources saying it was coming out and screen caps are out there have been ruled to be trolls. A video was supposed to be out at 12. We have no video. Florid said it may or may not be a video could just be a picture but still the person on that may or may not be dez. Hopefully this whole thing is dying down

wow. this is pointing towards bs. but whos that dude thats been supposedly working on this since sept? whats up with that?
That Terez site, is now claiming this 1 guy who has been outed as a fraud, as the main source. So right now they both look terrible.

I's all on Adam's shoulder now.

If the "source" is a fraud and no video exists, then Dez has libel suits to file everywhere, including against Florio, Shefter, etc.
Bull. If you are completely innocent and you know no video exists that has you doing something "5 times worse than Ray Rice", you stand on a mountaintop and defend your honor until your last breath.

But if you're scared that they know something.........

Maybe you do. He said it was BS. There's no reason to continue to waste effort trying to convince people like you that there's nothing there if you know something doesn't exist.
I said it sends the message it exists, which to some, it does. Didnt say it does exist. Plus with Schefter all but saying a video exists, its pretty obvious now...

Schefter has not seen the video so he is going by hearsay on what is on it???? That is credible and ESPN and him have had since September to pry it from someone's hand unseen and its still hasn't come out. After reading Schefters report from the summary sounds a lot like Terez description Jawin's description. Schefter has turned into a hack that relies a lot on supposition and friend of a friend hearsay.
Bull. If you are completely innocent and you know no video exists that has you doing something "5 times worse than Ray Rice", you stand on a mountaintop and defend your honor until your last breath.

But if you're scared that they know something.........

I can see both sides of the argument. What we have to remember is Dez is under watch from the Cowboys and if his agent has any smarts by his people. They simply could have him staying quiet till they figure this out 100%. Seems like the best way to handle it for Dez himself.
That's a long way from a losing season. There could be several players that go down and we won't make the playoffs with or without Dez.
It takes a team not a player.

Oh we wont win 12 games thats for damn sure. Losing Dez is not as bad as losing romo, but you cant sit there and tell me it would be a disaster
If the "source" is a fraud and no video exists, then Dez has libel suits to file everywhere, including against Florio, Shefter, etc.

He has been outed by many others for past claims and they even tried to call him out on it, and he has blocked them. We got some guys on here who do a good job at their home work. Mainly @mugsybows
wow. this is pointing towards bs. but whos that dude thats been supposedly working on this since sept? whats up with that?

Adam schefter said in a reddit ama he's heard there is a video he hasn't seen a video but has heard one exists, take that how you want to. He said he was working on it since September but didn't get all the facts to run it and it wasn't fair to dez to run a story without all the facts. I'm sorry if your working on a story since September, and he's probably not been actively working on it since sept just has known about it since sept, but probably there isn't enough concrete details for it even to merit a story. Florio said today it may just be a screen cap
Schefter has not seen the video so he is going by hearsay on what is on it???? That is credible and ESPN and him have had since September to pry it from someone's hand unseen and its still hasn't come out. After reading Schefters report from the summary sounds a lot like Terez description Jawin's description. Schefter has turned into a hack that relies a lot on supposition and friend of a friend hearsay.

All one can do is laugh at your description of Schefter..
Adam Schefter lol. Just one of the most respected nfl news guys is all

Where did he "all but say" the video exists? Saying he heard a rumor of a video that he has not seen is not anything close to that.
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