Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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I'm just not naïve enough to pretend there's nothing to this. Something happened.

But just convinced enough to promote that guns involved.

If anything mainstream guys have been measured and not thrown unwitnessed details against the wall
But just convinced enough to promote that guns involved.

If anything mainstream guys have been measured and not thrown unwitnessed details against the wall

Well I heard it on The Fan, which broadcasts the Cowboys games. They mentioned it as a rumor, which is what I said.
But just convinced enough to promote that guns involved.

If anything mainstream guys have been measured and not thrown unwitnessed details against the wall

So now it's guns? I was only gone a couple hours what did I miss?:laugh:
No it doesn't. Your making assumptions to play into this. Just because Dez didn't say publicly that there isn't a video, which I believe he tweeted about it - does not mean that the video exist. Stop making this stuff up.

I said it sends the message it exists, which to some, it does. Didnt say it does exist. Plus with Schefter all but saying a video exists, its pretty obvious now...
So Dez pulls a gun out, at Walmart. My guess it had to be 12 AM, when barely anybody is around, because I'll tell you what. There will be multiple 9-11 calls and people running like chickens without a head, screaming like they just got stabbed.

There would be a story if it involved a gun.

So at 12 AM, night time. The video probably isn't even clear. Could be any dark black man, and night time does not help.

None of it makes sense. Makes you wonder how the videotape was obtained, and how many could be implicated indirectly in this.
No I haven't. But ok. What I do think, is that if he wants an NFL breaking deal I wouldn't do it. WRs coming out of college are making an immediate impact on teams. I don't want that to happen because we are so close to getting the prize. The last thing Romo needs is some one having to learn routes again. it took Dez long enough. But our season won't be over if Dez isn't here. Some people think so but no one has made an argument that makes any sense that it would be. Same with Murray, I would like to have him back but at the right price. If not we will have to find some one to replace him and hope we get close to his production. Doesn't mean the season isn't worth playing.
The best scenario for me is both are back. I just don't see us going 6-10 like you and some others do if they aren't.

I will bet that we dont make the playoffs without him.
Innocent people don't just sit quietly and say nothing while all this is going on with millions of dollars hanging in the balance. Would you?

But a lot of Cowboys fans wouldn't care if he shot up a daycare as long as he's catching passes next September.

Franchise tag. Or a bunch of behavior contingency clauses. Unless this is put to bed for good, don't sign a long-term contract.

He is in that tough situation where he has to refute something that may or may not exist. Right now it is better to remain silent and let the cards play out. Again if there is no video how does Dez prove he didn't buy it or prove there is no video any type of denial will make the hook sink in farther. I am willing to bet these sites were banking on Dez, who can get emotional, to help feed the beast.
None of it makes sense. Makes you wonder how the videotape was obtained, and how many could be implicated indirectly in this.

Yeah I agree.

The dude holding the tape would def go down, if there is a tape. He pretty much stole Walmart property.
I will bet that we dont make the playoffs without him.

That's a long way from a losing season. There could be several players that go down and we won't make the playoffs with or without Dez.
It takes a team not a player.
He is in that tough situation where he has to refute something that may or may not exist. Right now it is better to remain silent and let the cards play out. Again if there is no video how does Dez prove he didn't buy it or prove there is no video any type of denial will make the hook sink in farther. I am willing to bet these sites were banking on Dez, who can get emotional, to help feed the beast.

Bull. If you are completely innocent and you know no video exists that has you doing something "5 times worse than Ray Rice", you stand on a mountaintop and defend your honor until your last breath.

But if you're scared that they know something.........
i havent been paying attention since page 41 on this. can any recap? whats the latest? still bs?

That Terez site, is now claiming this 1 guy who has been outed as a fraud, as the main source. So right now they both look terrible.

I's all on Adam's shoulder now.
If he's been working on it since September, and has nothing to show for it, perhaps it's time he moved on. Either there's something there or there isn't. I imagine some punk put it out there that he has a video of Dez which perked up Schefter's ears, but if anyone has deep pockets to buy the video, ESPN does. If they think something legitimate is there, they would have ponied up for the video, and they haven't. This so called video would let ESPN to pre-empt every one of their shows and have analysts after analysts talk about it 24/7 for weeks on end.

It is sad what today's journalism has become. They put out there that there "may be" a video. Ethical journalism would not put anything out without evidence, verification and corroboration.

It's classic CYA. ESPN let's Schefter put it out there in case there is a video and someone else pays for it. Once it airs, ESPN grabs it and runs with it 24/7 and the who what where when and why who had it first is irrelevant. ESPN would dominate the coverage. The guy breaking it would get a couple interviews but that's all.

ESPN would then say that they don't pay for stories and be protected.
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