Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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How about, "No, I've never done such a thing and never would. This is a complete lie, and may God strike me down if I'm lying."

As opposed to....."No comment."

Because people and the media want proof. Someone calls the cops and say they know that you beat your wife, the cops would investigate not take your word for it that you don't. Heaven forbid your wife has bruise on her arm from running into a dresser or something. Rape and DV are probably the two things in this country you are guilty until proven innocent.
Hes making a pretty general statement. All of which is true.

No it is not true...know the standard of proof for libel. I went through four years of law school and passed the bar, but please tell me how the law works. Thanks.
Smart, innocent people do. There is nothing to gain by going on the record against a rumor. You can't prove a negative. All you do is open yourself up to every fishing expedition out there.

"So Dez it is true you beat your ex" "So Dez, what about that story with your Mother?" It's a no-win.

Just stay quiet and if it's bogus it goes away just as quickly as it appeared. If it's real, Dez knows what happened and locking into a story is not a good idea either.
I agree 100%, though you would be amazed at how many people hypocritically apply that standard to one situation when it involves someone they like, but quickly throw it out for others when it involves someone they don't.
When a reporter of Adam's stature starts commenting on this fake video and stating hes been aware of it since sept, theres something there, just not enough to do a full report. yet.

"IT" being the video, or the RUMOR of the video? Two entirely different things.
Unless you have a JD and have passed the bar stop making legal arguments. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I dont know much about american law but Canadian law he would definitely have a case.

Fast forward to 46 minutes and you can hear Schefter talk about the alleged video and the fact that he has been working on it since september..

The main line that got me was

"People could talk about videos, ect ect, but it doesn't really mean anything"

So someone is telling him they have a video, but even he is not 100 percent sure 1 even exists or if this guy is full of ****.
If this was true, and Dez knows about like some of you claim. Why wouldn't he sign the deal offered? Sign it, and get it over with?

My thinking exactly, i mean for me personally if i know theres a video out there that could end my career im signing a 100 million dollar 25 million guaranteed on the spot.
Or in your case here- an ASSUMPTION board.

Because NFL reporters routinely investigate a single story for six months on assumptions.

Look, I know you care more about touchdowns than the truth, but please...
When a reporter of Adam's stature starts commenting on this fake video and stating hes been aware of it since sept, theres something there, just not enough to do a full report. yet.

He's covering his butt. He knows it's just a rumor of a supposed video that everyone has seen except anyone willing to go on the record. By working on it he means he heard about it and never got any real confirmation but he won't go as far as denying it exists, just in case.

I gotta say, if this is really bs, it is pretty amazing and pretty sad that it has gotten this far
Because NFL reporters routinely investigate a single story for six months on assumptions.

Look, I know you care more about touchdowns than the truth, but please...

You don't know diddly squat and showing your butt doesn't hide it.
And I wasn't talking about NFL Reporters- nice deflection.

I was talking about you.
Because NFL reporters routinely investigate a single story for six months on assumptions.

Look, I know you care more about touchdowns than the truth, but please...

Schefter may have devoted serious time to in september, and some time here and there lets not confuse him with a hard hitting pulitzer winning journalist that is breaking some white house scandal. I am willing to bet he has inbox folder full of anonymous emails talking about Player A with some skeleton on tape.
True, but he would have a lot of public support, and it would do irreparable damage to the reputations of the reporters just by filing.
Really? You think the average fan would consider it "irreparable damage" to someone's reputation if the lawsuit is filed? If anything I think it turns that reporter into a sympathetic figure.

All Schefter and Florio have done is admit that the rumor is out there and admit they are looking into it. There is no basis for a libel lawsuit against either of them whatsoever.
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