Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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You don't know diddly squat and showing your butt doesn't hide it.
And I wasn't talking about NFL Reporters- nice deflection.

I was talking about you.

Is this amateur hour?

Put your pom-poms down.
I agree 100%, though you would be amazed at how many people hypocritically apply that standard to one situation when it involves someone they like, but quickly throw it out for others when it involves someone they don't.

Not to start this again, but Brady and Belichick should have never held those Press Conferences. I was on their side until they started spinning and I thought they looked guilty.

Randle and his lawyer shouldn't be tweeting about not get arrested when they did get arrested

McClain has been smart to stay quiet.
Is this amateur hour?

Put your pom-poms down.

What are you trying to say?
I'm not defending Dez. Find a post where I did.
You're making assumptions and trying to convince people to something that as of this moment does not exist is Amateur hour.
You're really something.
No better than Terez Owens.
Really? You think the average fan would consider it "irreparable damage" to someone's reputation if the lawsuit is filed? If anything I think it turns that reporter into a sympathetic figure.

All Schefter and Florio have done is admit that the rumor is out there and admit they are looking into it. There is no basis for a libel lawsuit against either of them whatsoever.

Looking into a rumor, versus bragging about looking into an incriminating rumor about a specific player, are two different things.
I said it sends the message it exists, which to some, it does. Didnt say it does exist. Plus with Schefter all but saying a video exists, its pretty obvious now...

Yeah believe what you want. Schefter didn't even mention anything about the content of the video. He just said he's been working on it since Sept.

I believe it when I see it. So far, I don't believe it and its only when I see I'll believe it.

The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t mean anything and it’s really not fair to him right now until you have all your facts in line. Which we spent a long time trying to do.

This is what gets me the most. even if it does exist and he knows what's on it, he can't use his vast resources to uncover it. And if the best news-breaking reporter in the industry says something like 'it's not fair to the player to report on it' without having the facts, that shows both very strong restraint and tempers the idea of "5 times worse than Ray Rice."
You're not very bright are you?

This from the guy who claimed "Nobody believes that six-month bs."

Done with you dude. I'm thinking you wouldn't care if did anything illegal or not.

With everything available to us in this day and age, i highly doubt we wouldnt have heard a peep especially if its as bad as its being made out to be until now. You seem to have already pre judged Dez and thats fine. Florio who first broke this story last week came out today and said, there may or may not be a video, it may or may not be dez, bla bla bla. So who knows what to believe.
Yeah that's odd.

This video has been shopped and no one thought to call one of the biggest outfits that handles stuff like this, ----spin?
Yeah believe what you want. Schefter didn't even mention anything about the content of the video. He just said he's been working on it since Sept.

I believe it when I see it. So far, I don't believe it and its only when I see I'll believe it.

From the looks of things it could be a very,very long time waiting to see any thing.
With everything available to us in this day and age, i highly doubt we wouldnt have heard a peep especially if its as bad as its being made out to be until now. You seem to have already pre judged Dez and thats fine. Florio who first broke this story last week came out today and said, there may or may not be a video, it may or may not be dez, bla bla bla. So who knows what to believe.

This has been rumored for a lot longer than a week. Mike Fisher talked about it months ago, that he'd heard of a rumor about Dez. Shefter, too.
The only reason I'm not dismissing this story outright is Schefter's work on it. He's a respected media guy with solid credentials. However, if he's been snooping around this story since September and still hasn't uncovered anything he feels comfortable reporting, it casts serious doubt on how incriminating this evidence really is.
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