Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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As simplistic and obvious as this may sound...being a star Dallas Cowboy can be tough..really tough.
Sounds like someone who use to be in his camp, is pissed he got booted, and now holds a video? Threatening to release it? That's what it sounds like from that quote.

Wouldn't that be blackmail?

That would probably why he got booted for being dumb
If a Video did exist. As powerful as RocNation is, trust me, that video wont see the light of day, or that person could end up missing.

Yeah I'm sure everybody lives in fear of RocNation. Mexican drug cartel, mafia, ISIS, and Jay Z...scary! :rolleyes:
It would have to be murder to be 5X worse than the Ray Rice incident or 5 women beat unconscious.

I think everyone is trying to quantify the " 5x worse " comment. Whoever made the 5x comment might think hitting one's mother is 5x worse than hitting one's fiancée. It's subjective to whoever stated it. And probably blown up a bit out of proportion as well for effect.

Whatever, if anything, it is, it won't be good. Let's hope it's nothing and just a scam or cry for attention.
Whats more concerning to me is the statement that Dez is being brainwashed by Roc Nation

I don't believe Dez is being brain washed by Roc Nation the Cowboys had plenty time to resign him. The reason he signed with Roc Nation was because he couldn't get a new deal with the Cowboys.
Roc Nation will do the same to Dez as Don King did to Tyson. Just my opinion.

I doubt it.

Roc Nation can't control who is going to coach and train Dez. Don King had his lackeys training and working the corner for Tyson. It would the be equivalent of Dez re-signing and Roc Nation getting one of their buddies to take over for Garrett and another one to take over for Derek Dooley and another one to take over for Woicik.

I think the Roc Nation is much ado about nothing other than being the new kid on the block in the world of agents. Other agents are scared and teams are scared of them driving up contracts, so they start to smear the company. I hate the fact that Robinson Cano left my Yankees, but I can't blame Cano for leaving and I can't blame the Yankees for not paying him that contract. And in the end, Roc Nation came out the winners...doing exactly what they said they would do for Cano.

They did the same thing with Rosenhaus because Rosenhaus only takes 1.5% commission instead of the typical 3.0%. Drew's selling point is that not only will he take half of the commission, but he will work harder to get the player a better contract because that means Rosenhaus gets paid more to make up for taking half the commission other agents made. Yet, Rosenhaus has a ton of clients, including greats like Zach Thomas, that were never hurt one iota by signing with Rosenhaus. But, other agents, teams and whatnot would have you believe that Rosenhaus was the devil incarnate.

The timing is curious. If whoever is releasing this video really wanted to do the most damage to the Cowboys they would have released it right before the playoffs or after they sign Dez to a huge contract. It seems like they want to do more damage to Dez than the team by subverting his ability to negotiate a contract.

Off subject: I was looking at your sig and noticing the pure, unadulterated focus on Witten's face after his helmet came off to just "GO GO GO".

That man is an American treasure. From his back story to his present day. A shoo-in for the Ring of Honor and the Hall of Fame.
A throwback. An Old-Schooler. A great role model in every way and someone a kid can relate to when you tell them how football "used to be".
A modern day Gladiator who's tale will be told fondly for generations. A man who will be immortalized in many memories.
I will be a sadder man over his retirement than Romo's and that is absolutely not a knock on Tony Romo.
I don't believe Dez is being brain washed by Roc Nation the Cowboys had plenty time to resign him. The reason he signed with Roc Nation was because he couldn't get a new deal with the Cowboys.

Roc Nation has signed a ton of guys. Jay Z knows how to make money. They just got Gurley and in baseball they helped get Robbie Cano 240m. I doubt the switch had anything to do with an offer and was all about swag. Dez knows how to make a brand with the X and the Diamond and Jay Z can get him some endorsements Condon can't.
Story may very well be fake, but the site is real.

Yes the site is a real site. But the information that they intend to put out to slander someone is what can be construed as not following the TOS or terms of services. Thus if there is cause for Godaddy to shut it down they can.
I agree.

I wonder if that is what it is. I don't how I would handle that situation. Snakes
Off subject: I was looking at your sig and noticing the pure, unadulterated beauty of that woman.

She is an Earthly treasure. Form her front to (maybe) her back. A shoo-in for someone's undying affection and the burning desires of many.
A classic. An exotic Audrey Hepburn. A woman any man can show off in any situation.
A trophy that has the look of someone who has a caring and intelligent soul. A woman who will be immortalized in many memories.
I will be a sadder man over her marriage to another man than Romo's retirement and that is absolutely not a knock on Tony Romo.
Yeah 5X worse than rice who punched his fiance and drug her caveman style from the elevator. what did he take a baseball bat to a bag of kittens and puppies hanging froma tree and then threw said bag off a bridge as he drove it at 100 mph?
Jay Z knows about elevator attack videos. He showed a lot of restraint when Beyonce's sister went off on him.

Hmmmm......maybe that wasn't Solange and it was Dez???
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