Lions Hoping for a 1st Round Pick For Williams, But Don't Expect to Get One


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theebs;2299357 said:
I dont think you can compare the two situations at all. Owens was a young nobody in sf. He was learning.

Now he calls himself the best in the game, no way he plays second fiddle to anyone.



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Hostile;2299364 said:
He already plays 2nd fiddle to Jason Witten. He did all last year and he has so far this year. He wants to win.

again, witten is a tight end and was previously here.

If williams were traded for he would be compared to owens constantly. He would be looked at as a guy here to help owens. The media would make owens crazy in this scenario.

owens doesnt mind allowing crayton/austin/hurd catch there passes. No one would dare compare them to owens. They wont be the focal point of a game plan.

Roy williams can dominate a game just like owens. Imagine if the gameplan revolved around getting williams the ball more than owens.

Hey, like I said I would love williams on this team. he is a good player and a good person and he is young. He could play with witten, barber and romo for the rest of their careers. It is seemingly a perfect fit, except for the owens factor.


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Hostile;2299272 said:
I have forgotten more about football than you will ever know in your life, and I have not forgotten much.

Do the words blown out of proportion mean anything to you? They should, they epitomize your entire pathetic schtick.

Do the words "repect" me anything to you? - you have not shown me one ounce, one bit of respect since I've been here - you have deleted my posts - mocked me and ripped me. I made that post about Washington being a sleeping dog and jumped on me, like I was a Skins fan. Which I sure as H am not! - I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than 95% of this board and I deliver it with a different attitude, - but you treat me and "it" as an attack on our Team.
I have been aggravated to no end over this loss. I broke a bone in my hand after losing to the NYG last season.

You should have been the first to tip your cap to me after the Skins loss - I warned this whole board of the shark in the water.

If you cannot find it in yourself to at least be civil to me - I will not bother with you.

Get off your high-horse already.

And I do agree with your BTW on making a move before the deadline - of course when I posted that it was somehow erased.


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JohnnyMac;2299385 said:
Do the words "repect" me anything to you? - you have not shown me one ounce, one bit of respect since I've been here - you have deleted my posts - mocked me and ripped me. I made that post about Washington being a sleeping dog and jumped on me, like I was a Skins fan. Which I sure as H am not! - I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than 95% of this board and I deliver it with a different attitude, - but you treat me and "it" as an attack on our Team.
I have been aggravated to no end over this loss. I broke a bone in my hand after losing to the NYG last season.

You should have been the first to tip your cap to me after the Skins loss - I warned this whole board of the shark in the water.

If you cannot find it in yourself to at least be civil to me - I will not bother with you.

Get off your high-horse already.

And I do agree with your BTW on making a move before the deadline - of course when I posted that it was somehow erased.

oh your smarter than 95% of us.

I bet less than 99.99% of us broke a bone after the loss to the giants.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
JohnnyMac;2299252 said:
of course you don't because you wouldn't know a football if one hit you in the gums

TO cornered Romo in a room and ridiculed him, are you not paying attention?

Why is this troll still allowed to be here?


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theebs;2299383 said:
again, witten is a tight end and was previously here.

If williams were traded for he would be compared to owens constantly. He would be looked at as a guy here to help owens. The media would make owens crazy in this scenario.

owens doesnt mind allowing crayton/austin/hurd catch there passes. No one would dare compare them to owens. They wont be the focal point of a game plan.

Roy williams can dominate a game just like owens. Imagine if the gameplan revolved around getting williams the ball more than owens.

Hey, like I said I would love williams on this team. he is a good player and a good person and he is young. He could play with witten, barber and romo for the rest of their careers. It is seemingly a perfect fit, except for the owens factor.

For the most part, our OL play is what costed us against the Skins-Romo was rushed alot and was forced to release it quicker than he wanted to. Result, having to feed it to his #1 option(Aikman did alot of that to Irvin when he was knocked around).

Throughout the offseason, there were MANY rumors of acquiring another big-named receiver(Chad, Roy, Q, etc)-but you didn't hear TO say a peep. When these rumors came out, it scared the heck out of me b/c I anticipated Owens coming out to speak his mind, but he didn't.


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More sources now picking it up:

Dallas Morning News - Terrell Owens' frustration with the Dallas Cowboys offense carried over from the field to the locker room Sunday.

Owens, despite having 18 passes thrown his way in the loss to Washington, had what was deemed a serious conversation about the offense with Tony Romo after the game, according to multiple sources.

The types of routes and throws are what concerns Owens, the sources said. The receiver, who the sources said was venting to Romo about his frustrations, has not liked how some of the throws were coming from the quarterback as far back as the season opener.
Don't ever question me.


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joseephuss;2299346 said:
Ware and Spears are starters. That makes two. Jones and Jenkins are rookies and neither were expected to be the starters because of who was in front of them. Spencer will be a starter eventually, but for now Ellis is doing a very good job.
so many of our starters are locked into long term lucrative seems like a long time in the future before a 1st round pick starts for Dallas


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JohnnyMac;2299399 said:
More sources now picking it up:

Don't ever question me.

Uhhhhmmmm........this is old news-this was already posted and discussed on here yesterday.

Besides-Owens kept it in house, so no big deal anyways.


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JohnnyMac;2299399 said:
More sources now picking it up:

Don't ever question me.

that was in the blog yesterday morning. And no where does it say he cornered him in a room.

You are really a nut.


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JohnnyMac;2299385 said:
Do the words "repect" me anything to you? - you have not shown me one ounce, one bit of respect since I've been here - you have deleted my posts - mocked me and ripped me. I made that post about Washington being a sleeping dog and jumped on me, like I was a Skins fan. Which I sure as H am not! - I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than 95% of this board and I deliver it with a different attitude, - but you treat me and "it" as an attack on our Team.
I have been aggravated to no end over this loss. I broke a bone in my hand after losing to the NYG last season.

You should have been the first to tip your cap to me after the Skins loss - I warned this whole board of the shark in the water.

If you cannot find it in yourself to at least be civil to me - I will not bother with you.

Get off your high-horse already.

And I do agree with your BTW on making a move before the deadline - of course when I posted that it was somehow erased.

Oh no doubt. Breaking your hand after a loss from a football team shows exactly how much more you know than 95% of the others here. It shows us you're kind of dense.

If you want more respect maybe you should post things in a way in which you'd recieve respect. When you go around posting things like TO yelled at, talked down to, or whatever it was you said, to Tony in the lockerroom, passing it off as fact, and then proceed to try and prove it as fact cause you 'heard it on the radio' is going to do the exact opposite for you. You won't get respect, you'll be treated like a troll cause that's exactly how your posts come off.


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JohnnyMac;2299385 said:
Do the words "repect" me anything to you? - you have not shown me one ounce, one bit of respect since I've been here - you have deleted my posts - mocked me and ripped me. I made that post about Washington being a sleeping dog and jumped on me, like I was a Skins fan. Which I sure as H am not! - I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than 95% of this board and I deliver it with a different attitude, - but you treat me and "it" as an attack on our Team.
I have been aggravated to no end over this loss. I broke a bone in my hand after losing to the NYG last season.

You should have been the first to tip your cap to me after the Skins loss - I warned this whole board of the shark in the water.

If you cannot find it in yourself to at least be civil to me - I will not bother with you.

Get off your high-horse already.

And I do agree with your BTW on making a move before the deadline - of course when I posted that it was somehow erased.



Arch Defender
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Doomsday;2299215 said:
Jerry needs to get this done, it is appearant that the offense isnt nearly as potent when teams are able to take TO out of the game, we have to get a legitimate WR for the other side of the field. Get it done Jerry, we can afford to give up a first for Williams and would be dumb not to.

they looked pretty potent to me against Green Bay.

You cant have an all world player at every position. There's nothing wrong with Crayton or Miles Austin as 2 and 3 guys.

We lost to Washington because 1) the team was clearly unmotivated 2) they played like garbage up front on both sides of the ball 3) horrendous coverage schemes 4) no adjustments made by the coaching staff 5) lousy special teams play, particularly by our kick/punt return units and our punter

None of those has one thing to do with having a different WR as the #2 guy.

Don Corleone

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Boysboy;2299395 said:
For the most part, our OL play is what costed us against the Skins-Romo was rushed alot and was forced to release it quicker than he wanted to. Result, having to feed it to his #1 option(Aikman did alot of that to Irvin when he was knocked around).

Watch the game again, and pay careful attention to how Romo checks out of a run to a pass. I don't blame the o-line for this one. The rush that Romo got from the Skins is all on Romo.

The Skins cleverly tempted Romo to check to a pass based on the initial formation they showed. Once Romo checked, they shifted to another look and rushed him up the middle.


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Don Corleone;2299308 said:
Like we did for Joey Galloway? Back in the mid to late 1990's, we thought we had the same "problem" much talent that draft picks (regardless of round) cannot crack the lineup. We then spiraled out of control and into the cellar of the NFL, while teams like the Rams and Ravens were winning Lombardi trophies.

IMO, before ever trading away a draft pick, you have to assess the risk vs. reward. Does Roy Williams push us over the top and get us to the Super Bowl? If he is nothing more than a luxury, or insurance, better keep that draft pick!
and use that pick on what....someone else to ride the bench or play on 3rd down...or special teams...or in the dime defense.....TO is going to physically and mentally wear down from all the double teams....a way to alleviate them is to make them pay....Crayton cannot make them pay


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JohnnyMac;2299252 said:
of course you don't because you wouldn't know a football if one hit you in the gums

TO cornered Romo in a room and ridiculed him, are you not paying attention?

JohnnyMac;2299399 said:
More sources now picking it up:

Don't ever question me.

Show me in that 'proof' where it says that TO cornered him and ridiculed him. It says there that he was venting and having a serious discussion with him.

So, again, where was the proof of this cornering and ridicule that you speak of or, again, do you just do like Meyshawn, Carter, and Jackson at ESPN and just make whatever spin you like and post it as fact?

And that last part, don't ever question you, that's why you'll never have respect here. Ever.