Lions Hoping for a 1st Round Pick For Williams, But Don't Expect to Get One


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theebs;2299455 said:
I dont know what to think about the guy. I think if he stopped talking to the media for awhile everything would go away.

I happen to think his numbers and romos numbers are going to be through the roof come the end of october. So they just need to get through the next couple of days and there should be peace for at least a month.

I think tampa bay is very similar to washington and will present Dallas with some serious issues. So hopefully this wont pop up again.

and I dont think we make any trades so really it doesnt matter. Austin is going to be getting the ball a bunch I think in the coming weeks. He made some mental mistakes sunday, but he was running free alot. He had a 50 yard td easily and romo checked it down.

We should be able to throw all over that tampa 2 defense.


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Jerry Rice is T.O.'s idol... and even Jerry had a John Taylor opposite him.

T.O. would be fine with Roy's presence, just like he was fine with another 1000 yard WR (Glenn) opposite him in 2006.

I would be so pumped if Jerry pulled this off this year. But alas, I'm sure it's a long shot.


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DaBoys4Life;2299458 said:
I think picking up RW would hurt Crayton don't yall ??

Crayton would fit well in the slot in three wide sets if RW joined TO as the starters. Crayton did very well in that role in 2006. He led the league that year in QB rating for passes thrown toward him.


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Hos you need to be using your powers of persuasion (Sp?) or whatever contacts you have to get someone to lie under Jerry's bed, stand in the closet in his office, wherever and sing the fight song for the Texas Longhorns all day and night so that he'll believe he's being told something subconciously to make a deal for RW and get it done.

I expect a full report on the details of your successful mission within the hour. :p


The Duke
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JohnnyMac;2299446 said:
yeah - if that were true - fine.

I came back under 40Bates40 so I could see if my JMac posts were being seen by everyone -which they were not.

Now, I'm not ungrateful at all - thank you for letting me post as JMac. And I'm no troll - I like you guys - why else would I be here! :bang2:
Aw so you admit to two accounts and trolling?

And you want respect. Interesting concept. Not likely to fly.

If anyone isn't seeing your posts it's because they are sick of your act.


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Hostile;2299461 said:
I don't respect your opinions. There. Now you have it in black and white. I think you do what you do to stir up crap and I don't like it.

Not sure what they have to do with each other.

Wake up, you are dreaming. That isn't ever going to happen. I don't care how right you are.

Thanks. I appreciate it. You were real civil with the football hit in the gums BS. If you are going to dish it out, take it. Otherwise shut your festering gob.

Naw, he needs the exercise and I need the fresh air.

I have no idea what you are talking about. If you posted something during the game on Sunday it was probably merged into the game threads exactly as we do every single week for the last 6 years and is posted in bold and red in the very first post of every game thread.
Okay - so you admitted you're a child and cannot admit when you are wrong and I for the most part think very little of your "bright sky" posts as well. You live in a dream world , if you think all things Dallas are okay. We have a massive problem with our DC and the way he plays defense as well as a Head Coach , whose more apt to get up and sing Karaoke with the team than he is to rip them a new one for sluggish play.

So from here on out - I'll avoid you at all costs - a real man bucks up and admits he was wrong.


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joseephuss;2299469 said:
Crayton would fit well in the slot in three wide sets if RW joined TO as the starters. Crayton did very well in that role in 2006. He led the league that year in QB rating for passes thrown toward him.

Exactly. I think it would actually help him get more favorable match up and thus possibly more free looks.

Not that I think he sucks, or I'm not happy with him (He stepped it up nicely Sunday with the attention on TO with 7 catches for 87 yards) but if you've got a chance to make your team better you do just that.


The Duke
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DaBoys4Life;2299454 said:
Office Space FTW there should be a emote with a smiley face bashing a copier.
Send the idea to trickblue and ask him about an 8 ball too.

I want one of a gavel coming down. I sense the need.



Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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superpunk;2299457 said:
lol...well played Brain. Just ban the Giants troll already.

Your beating the dead horse with the office space guy inspired me.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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I didn't wade through all 6 pages of posts so forgive me if this has already been brought up.

The only thing I would worry about with bringing Williams on board is what kind of contract he would want next year. He probably would want to be paid like a superstar and we are already paying one superstar WR. Plus we have some key contracts coming up for renewal in the next 2 years such as Colombo and Ware.

IMHO, Colombo and Ware are more important than another WR. However, if we can fit all of their salaries under the cap, I'm all for it.


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JohnnyMac;2299474 said:
Okay - so you admitted you're a child and cannot admit when you are wrong and I for the most part think very little of your "bright sky" posts as well. You live in a dream world , if you think all things Dallas are okay. We have a massive problem with our DC and the way he plays defense as well as a Head Coach , whose more apt to get up and sing Karaoke with the team than he is to rip them a new one for sluggish play.

So from here on out - I'll avoid you at all costs - a real man bucks up and admits he was wrong.

A real man also doesn't cry every other post about a lack of respect, others being too mean to him, and not getting enough pats on the back for taking a 50/50 chance and saying to watch out about the Skins this week.

Hey WATCH OUT about the Bengals this week. Same 50/50 chance there as well so if the Bengals play us tough I imagine you'll be first in line to pat me on the back?


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joseephuss;2299469 said:
Crayton would fit well in the slot in three wide sets if RW joined TO as the starters. Crayton did very well in that role in 2006. He led the league that year in QB rating for passes thrown toward him.

Yea but remember Crayton saying this team was looking for a #2 and he didn't know about that and he thought they already had one in him or something along those lines I don't remember the article to well.


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wait, I think I figured it out, I think he put himself on ignore on his other account because even he gets tired of his crap.


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BraveHeartFan;2299471 said:
Hos you need to be using your powers of persuasion (Sp?) or whatever contacts you have to get someone to lie under Jerry's bed, stand in the closet in his office, wherever and sing the fight song for the Texas Longhorns all day and night so that he'll believe he's being told something subconciously to make a deal for RW and get it done.

I expect a full report on the details of your successful mission within the hour. :p

Oh that's a great idea after the Longhorns just walloped his Razorbacks!!!!

Don Corleone

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Boysboy;2299440 said:
Thank You

I think we can all put this "We were forcing it to TO too much b/c we wanted to appease his fragile ego" BS to bed now.:bang2:

Romo is impatient. He likes to score quick and often. Nothing wrong with that, but the Skins had the perfect gameplan for a QB like him. What Romo saw was a mere mirage tempting him to pass instead of sticking with a running play.

When he made the checkdown to a pass and got rushed, he had no choice but try to force tight passes to TO.

You would think after the 5th or 6th time, Romo would have recognized what the Skins were doing, and he would have simply stuck with the running play.



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stealth;2299485 said:
wait, I think I figured it out, I think he put himself on ignore on his other account because even he gets tired of his crap.



The Duke
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JohnnyMac;2299474 said:
Okay - so you admitted you're a child and cannot admit when you are wrong and I for the most part think very little of your "bright sky" posts as well. You live in a dream world , if you think all things Dallas are okay. We have a massive problem with our DC and the way he plays defense as well as a Head Coach , whose more apt to get up and sing Karaoke with the team than he is to rip them a new one for sluggish play.

So from here on out - I'll avoid you at all costs - a real man bucks up and admits he was wrong.
Do me a favor. Call me a child one more time before you try to impress me with what a man you are after you predicted losses to Cleveland, Philly, and Green Bay but never "manned up" when you were wrong.

Go on, call me a child again.


Double Trouble
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Hostile;2299364 said:
He already plays 2nd fiddle to Jason Witten. He did all last year and he has so far this year. He wants to win.
TO didn't play 2nd fiddle to Witten all of last year. He had one of the best 6 or 7 week stretches in history during the middle of the season. And he had vastly superior stats until the final month of the season.


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JohnnyMac;2299474 said:
Okay - so you admitted you're a child and cannot admit when you are wrong and I for the most part think very little of your "bright sky" posts as well. You live in a dream world , if you think all things Dallas are okay. We have a massive problem with our DC and the way he plays defense as well as a Head Coach , whose more apt to get up and sing Karaoke with the team than he is to rip them a new one for sluggish play.

So from here on out - I'll avoid you at all costs - a real man bucks up and admits he was wrong.
