Lions Hoping for a 1st Round Pick For Williams, But Don't Expect to Get One


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bbailey423;2299401 said:
so many of our starters are locked into long term lucrative seems like a long time in the future before a 1st round pick starts for Dallas

I agree and I find that fact to be a good thing. These guys also don't have to be starters in order to help Dallas win. We have already seen some significant contributions from these guys. Roy Williams is worth a 1st round pick, but that doesn't mean that Dallas can't find good picks in the draft. They can find someone that contributes to their success next year if they can't land Williams through a trade this year.

Anyway, I don't think Dallas should just open with a 1st round offer. Detroit does not have a lot of leverage right now. They can probably come up with a package that does not include a 1st round pick.


The Duke
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theebs;2299383 said:
again, witten is a tight end and was previously here.

If williams were traded for he would be compared to owens constantly. He would be looked at as a guy here to help owens. The media would make owens crazy in this scenario.

owens doesnt mind allowing crayton/austin/hurd catch there passes. No one would dare compare them to owens. They wont be the focal point of a game plan.

Roy williams can dominate a game just like owens. Imagine if the gameplan revolved around getting williams the ball more than owens.

Hey, like I said I would love williams on this team. he is a good player and a good person and he is young. He could play with witten, barber and romo for the rest of their careers. It is seemingly a perfect fit, except for the owens factor.
And I simply don't think there is an Owens factor. I think the whole story about the after the game blowup is much ado about nothing. He plays with a TE who is the QBs top option. He plays with a RB who can command a game plan if he gets rolling. He played with Rice. He played with Glenn. Two weeks ago he caught 2 passes and was the player of the game.

I just don't buy the unfolding story that he is suddenly reverting to old form.


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dbair1967;2299422 said:
they looked pretty potent to me against Green Bay.

You cant have an all world player at every position. There's nothing wrong with Crayton or Miles Austin as 2 and 3 guys.

We lost to Washington because 1) the team was clearly unmotivated 2) they played like garbage up front on both sides of the ball 3) horrendous coverage schemes 4) no adjustments made by the coaching staff 5) lousy special teams play, particularly by our kick/punt return units and our punter

None of those has one thing to do with having a different WR as the #2 guy.

I agree with this however having some one opposite TO that won't allow for double coverages will be a plus. Also factor in TO's age we wouldn't even need to draft a WR and can keep the ones we have in house and then worry about other positions.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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JohnnyMac;2299385 said:
Do the words "repect" me anything to you? - you have not shown me one ounce, one bit of respect since I've been here - you have deleted my posts - mocked me and ripped me. I made that post about Washington being a sleeping dog and jumped on me, like I was a Skins fan. Which I sure as H am not! - I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than 95% of this board and I deliver it with a different attitude, - but you treat me and "it" as an attack on our Team.
I have been aggravated to no end over this loss. I broke a bone in my hand after losing to the NYG last season.

You should have been the first to tip your cap to me after the Skins loss - I warned this whole board of the shark in the water.

If you cannot find it in yourself to at least be civil to me - I will not bother with you.

Get off your high-horse already.

And I do agree with your BTW on making a move before the deadline - of course when I posted that it was somehow erased.


What if - and believe me this is a hypothetical - but what if you....

Have been banned multiple times under multiple names over a period of time and you come back under yet another multiple name....maybe you should just be happy that you get another (of many) chances and not act like a troll again.



Would that do anything for you?


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He got Romo, the Star QB in a room for almost an hour and then told people the passes coming his way were not " delivered well enough" :lmao: Yeah, there's no problem! ahahha!

Are you nuts? blind or dumb?

This is a HUGE problem! HUGE! Why? he's done this everywhere he's gone! and now it begins.


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TO would get more TDs with Roy WIlliams playing opposite him, it would be freakin' ridiculous... The amount of spacing that would create to make things happen...


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Don Corleone;2299424 said:
Watch the game again, and pay careful attention to how Romo checks out of a run to a pass. I don't blame the o-line for this one. The rush that Romo got from the Skins is all on Romo.

The Skins cleverly tempted Romo to check to a pass based on the initial formation they showed. Once Romo checked, they shifted to another look and rushed him up the middle.

Thank You

I think we can all put this "We were forcing it to TO too much b/c we wanted to appease his fragile ego" BS to bed now.:bang2:


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BrAinPaiNt;2299434 said:

What if - and believe me this is a hypothetical - but what if you....

Have been banned multiple times under multiple names over a period of time and you come back under yet another multiple name....maybe you should just be happy that you get another (of many) chances and not act like a troll again.



Would that do anything for you?

LOL! This is the best thing that Johnny has been able to contribute to this entire forum was you making this post. :laugh2:


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BrAinPaiNt;2299434 said:

What if - and believe me this is a hypothetical - but what if you....

Have been banned multiple times under multiple names over a period of time and you come back under yet another multiple name....maybe you should just be happy that you get another (of many) chances and not act like a troll again.



Would that do anything for you?

yeah - if that were true - fine.

I came back under 40Bates40 so I could see if my JMac posts were being seen by everyone -which they were not.

Now, I'm not ungrateful at all - thank you for letting me post as JMac. And I'm no troll - I like you guys - why else would I be here! :bang2:


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
BrAinPaiNt;2299434 said:

What if - and believe me this is a hypothetical - but what if you....

Have been banned multiple times under multiple names over a period of time and you come back under yet another multiple name....maybe you should just be happy that you get another (of many) chances and not act like a troll again.



Would that do anything for you?




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khiladi;2299439 said:
TO would get more TDs with Roy WIlliams playing opposite him, it would be freakin' ridiculous... The amount of spacing that would create to make things happen...

It would be the best 1-2 tandem in the NFL .


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Hostile;2299431 said:
And I simply don't think there is an Owens factor. I think the whole story about the after the game blowup is much ado about nothing. He plays with a TE who is the QBs top option. He plays with a RB who can command a game plan if he gets rolling. He played with Rice. He played with Glenn. Two weeks ago he caught 2 passes and was the player of the game.

I just don't buy the unfolding story that he is suddenly reverting to old form.

This isn't the first time the national sports media acted like "The sky is falling in Big D!" after a loss. It's been going on for many years.

If it's not TO, it's Romo and his girlfriends, it's Roy Williams and his poor coverage abilities, etc, etc.


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Getting Roy will be about one thing...helping out Romo. That's what Jerry said all's about doing anything to help him get better.

If we do get Roy, it will not only help Romo, it will be huge for Owens and Witten. He is also a heck of a blocker, so that will also translate to the running game.

You're looking at a pick any where from 27-32....pull the trigger....the draft is a crapshoot also have a lot of picks in the earlier rounds next year. Shoot, Jerry usually trades around anyway.....he could always bundle them up to get back into the 1st. Especially if there is a top notch pass rusher!

Make the trade


Arch Defender
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BrAinPaiNt;2299434 said:

What if - and believe me this is a hypothetical - but what if you....

Have been banned multiple times under multiple names over a period of time and you come back under yet another multiple name....maybe you should just be happy that you get another (of many) chances and not act like a troll again.



Would that do anything for you?



Reaction score
BrAinPaiNt;2299434 said:

What if - and believe me this is a hypothetical - but what if you....

Have been banned multiple times under multiple names over a period of time and you come back under yet another multiple name....maybe you should just be happy that you get another (of many) chances and not act like a troll again.



Would that do anything for you?

Office Space FTW there should be a emote with a smiley face bashing a copier.


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Hostile;2299431 said:
And I simply don't think there is an Owens factor. I think the whole story about the after the game blowup is much ado about nothing. He plays with a TE who is the QBs top option. He plays with a RB who can command a game plan if he gets rolling. He played with Rice. He played with Glenn. Two weeks ago he caught 2 passes and was the player of the game.

I just don't buy the unfolding story that he is suddenly reverting to old form.

I dont know what to think about the guy. I think if he stopped talking to the media for awhile everything would go away.

I happen to think his numbers and romos numbers are going to be through the roof come the end of october. So they just need to get through the next couple of days and there should be peace for at least a month.

I think tampa bay is very similar to washington and will present Dallas with some serious issues. So hopefully this wont pop up again.

and I dont think we make any trades so really it doesnt matter. Austin is going to be getting the ball a bunch I think in the coming weeks. He made some mental mistakes sunday, but he was running free alot. He had a 50 yard td easily and romo checked it down.


The Duke
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JohnnyMac;2299385 said:
Do the words "repect" me anything to you? - you have not shown me one ounce, one bit of respect since I've been here - you have deleted my posts - mocked me and ripped me. I made that post about Washington being a sleeping dog and jumped on me, like I was a Skins fan. Which I sure as H am not! - I know more about the Dallas Cowboys than 95% of this board and I deliver it with a different attitude, - but you treat me and "it" as an attack on our Team.
I don't respect your opinions. There. Now you have it in black and white. I think you do what you do to stir up crap and I don't like it.

I have been aggravated to no end over this loss. I broke a bone in my hand after losing to the NYG last season.
Not sure what they have to do with each other.

You should have been the first to tip your cap to me after the Skins loss - I warned this whole board of the shark in the water.
Wake up, you are dreaming. That isn't ever going to happen. I don't care how right you are.

If you cannot find it in yourself to at least be civil to me - I will not bother with you.
Thanks. I appreciate it. You were real civil with the football hit in the gums BS. If you are going to dish it out, take it. Otherwise shut your festering gob.

Get off your high-horse already.
Naw, he needs the exercise and I need the fresh air.

And I do agree with your BTW on making a move before the deadline - of course when I posted that it was somehow erased.
I have no idea what you are talking about. If you posted something during the game on Sunday it was probably merged into the game threads exactly as we do every single week for the last 6 years and is posted in bold and red in the very first post of every game thread.


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Don Corleone;2299424 said:
Watch the game again, and pay careful attention to how Romo checks out of a run to a pass. I don't blame the o-line for this one. The rush that Romo got from the Skins is all on Romo.

The Skins cleverly tempted Romo to check to a pass based on the initial formation they showed. Once Romo checked, they shifted to another look and rushed him up the middle.

Do you know that for certain? I have not had a chance to read articles with coaches commentary about the game and the play calling. It is possible that Romo checks from one pass play to another pass play or even one type of running play to another running play. It doesn't always have to be from pass to run or from run to pass.