Twitter: LVE Is Not Happy About The Way Ya'll Seem Excited To Be Rid Of Jaylon


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I think LVE is a good player. I’m a fan of his.

His comments are soft and his awareness of the world he lives is terrible.

Imagine fans and media not discussing player salary? Lol.. What a weak comment by LVE.

He tries to equate playing in the NFL to a normal job and just can’t understand why fans would talk about their salary. So stupid.
LVE is literally paid to play a children's game for the people he is criticizing's entertainment.

He really shouldn't bite the hand that feeds. He should focus on getting ready for the Giants instead.

If you don't want the fans criticizing you for your play then don't give them a reason too. Simple.
This is pretty much what I was thinking.

It's part of the equation. When you get paid millions to be a star in the public spotlight, the dissing when you perform badly is part of that pay. If you don't like it, LVE, then quit your job. Ohhh, you want the money from it? Then realize that public perception is a huge part of it. Comes w/ the territory. You want fun and loving and kumbayahs from everyone? Go be a party clown.


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No he can speak his mind any time he likes. We pay his salary sure we also all have different views, we are not 1 united front, easy to see here.
Yes, he can speak his mind. So can we. You're saying he can but we can't. Think about it.


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not a 1 other than LVE. Seems Quinn is flushing the mediocrity out.

LVE is a FA after this season and coaches and owner will determine as well as FA market will determine where he is playing next year. Same holds true for any FA.


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No you don't get to determine when people are allowed to speech. You can react to what someone says however you feel but no you have no right to dictate when someone is allowed to talk. Fact is fans are as fickle as the come. I watched Troy Aikman help this team to 3 SB and yet was booed towards the end of his career.
I agree with the aspect of we fans.But in the end, in order to have cred you must have skins in the game as far as LVE goes. He has done little to lend itself to his cred. Now if the guy was Sean Lee, Luke K...then I may just listen 2 him. Its just weak optics for him to say a word. We can all speak, but that dont mean we should. Time and place for everything. Timing matters.


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Yes, he can speak his mind. So can we. You're saying he can but we can't. Think about it.

No I never said that at all. Fans speak their minds that clearly is your right as a fan and my right as a fan. My god we come here and argue constantly so there is not 1 voice to represents fans. LVE as a player has a right to speak his mind.


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Many NFL players nowadays seem to be too thin skinned and sensitive. Pay to much attention to social media. Also even get involved in it too. I like what Treyvon stated, Saban would forbid them or at least strongly discourage them from getting on social media to read their clippings or fan feedback. LVE should be focused on just doing his job, which is in jeopardy this year. But no one is going to prevent these guys from getting on these forums and read what fans are saying about them. And if they do, they should not complain about the fan's freedom of speech. No matter how wrong they think they are.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Why would anyone not cheer about a bad player getting cut? It's addition by subtraction. Fans want their team to win
That’s not the point here. They giving his teammate a hard time for sticking up for him. That’s what I find to be wrong


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LVE is a teammate, and probably friend of, Smith. I'm sure he tweeted out of emotion, like a lot of us would. As far as some saying LVE is worried about being "next", you can't play in the NFL without having supreme confidence in yourself, I doubt the possibility of getting cut even entered his mind.

And he's playing much like his old self as far as what I've seen, similar to Lawrence he gets criticism because he doesn't get a bunch of sacks, passes defensed, etc., just goes about his business. Such offensive linemen sometimes don't get much credit because as is often said, they're not noticed unless they do something bad, like a penalty or missed block. If LVE fulfills his assignments which means if he just occupies an area so that the play isn't run there, or takes on a block so that somebody else can make the tackle or covers a running back closely enough so that the back doesn't get a pass thrown his way, etc. then the vast majority of the fans don't see that. But that was good linebacker play.

The tweet was a bit uncalled for, but he's human, have to factor that in...


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I agree with the aspect of we fans.But in the end, in order to have cred you must have skins in the game as far as LVE goes. He has done little to lend itself to his cred. Now if the guy was Sean Lee, Luke K...then I may just listen 2 him. Its just weak optics for him to say a word. We can all speak, but that dont mean we should. Time and place for everything. Timing matters.

But you seem to think you determine time and place. BS yes he plays ball yet still lives in the same nation as we do where a person can speak their mind and weather you like of do dislike it plays 0 role in it. As I said I have witnessed for years how fans turn on players, how they put them on a pedestal one day only to turn around and knock them down the next.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
LVE is the only Cowboy I've seen that has come out to defended Jaylon. I've not seen a single other player say anything about Jaylon being gone.

That speaks volumes.
It says absolutely nothing. They keep it in the locker room. LV chose to take it further. I don’t think you have any idea how our locker room works.


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if we can get a late rd pick for LVE this year UNLESS HE BALLS, I say lets do it. He hasn't done anything yet. Maybe he will.


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No I never said that at all. Fans speak their minds that clearly is your right as a fan and my right as a fan. My god we come here and argue constantly so there is not 1 voice to represents fans. LVE as a player has a right to speak his mind.
Yes, he does. Just because you can does not mean you should.


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if he lasts til then. But yeah.

that is on all players. Pretty much a given at some point you will no longer be needed or wanted as a player. If LVE is not resigned at the end of the year because they feel we have better option and players to fill the role, that is how the game goes. To me it is not personal.
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