Video: Mark Schlereth | 3x Super Bowl Champ: Prescott is a Upper Echelon, Super Bowl Caliber & Best QB NFC


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Post 3 signature wins that Dak has had in the last 8 seasons?
The Bucs game doesn't count.
Do you have them.........................NAHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:eek:
All his playoff wins were signature wins. Only someone with a Dak agenda wouldn’t count the Bucs win against Tom Brady as a signature win. It was a playoff game on the road and Brady was 7-0 against the Cowboys. Dak had a career game with over 300 yards and 4 TDs. Beating Aaron Rodgers at Lambeau his rookie year was a signature win.


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Now that's the @PAPPYDOG I love!! :laugh:

America's Cowboy

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Do you remember his overthrows to Austin in that game?
Cost us the game............Dak ATTACK=Choke ATTACK!! :muttley:
Dak was playing with a torn rotator cuff and a fractured index finger in his throwing hand. Of course he was going to be off on a few throws. No QB would have been able to be accurate all game long if they were dealing with both injuries in their throwing arm and hand.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Dak was playing with a torn rotator cuff and a fractured index finger in his throwing hand. Of course he was going to be off on a few throws. No QB would have been able to be accurate all game long if they were dealing with both injuries in their throwing arm and hand.
Poor Dak! That is sissy stuff to Romo. Romo would never let a little woo woo knock off his game. He played with a punctured lung, but nothing is said about that.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
All his playoff wins were signature wins. Only someone with a Dak agenda wouldn’t count the Bucs win against Tom Brady as a signature win. It was a playoff game on the road and Brady was 7-0 against the Cowboys. Dak had a career game with over 300 yards and 4 TDs. Beating Aaron Rodgers at Lambeau his rookie year was a signature win.
So we got the Bucs win (8-9 team) and we have to go back to 2016 for # 2.
Do you have a # 3?????????????????????? it is after all 8 seasons that's a long time wouldn't you agree?


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Poor Dak! That is sissy stuff to Romo. Romo would never let a little woo woo knock off his game. He played with a punctured lung, but nothing is said about that.
Dak is the SUPERBOWL champion of ifs and Excuses......................The end!


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Dak is the SUPERBOWL champion of ifs and Excuses......................The end!
Speaking of Super Bowls, as soon as Dak sets the market cost for QB's then he will win several SB's.

I cannot wait to watch this season. I don't have a Dak jersey but when he wins the SB this year, I still won't have one.


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All his playoff wins were signature wins. Only someone with a Dak agenda wouldn’t count the Bucs win against Tom Brady as a signature win. It was a playoff game on the road and Brady was 7-0 against the Cowboys. Dak had a career game with over 300 yards and 4 TDs. Beating Aaron Rodgers at Lambeau his rookie year was a signature wins

Do people forget that even Troy Aikman was livid during the broadcast constantly suggesting that Dak should be taking advantage of the injured Green Bay secondary? He even went as fas as to suggest that the Cowboys would be better of putting Romo in and Benching Dak.

That 2016 Green Bay team went into the playoffs with a practice squad secondary and it still took Dak his usual "too little too late" routine of starting slow and only coming to life against prevent defenses.

Those 300 yards came in the second half when after Green Bay went up by multiple scores.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Do people forget that even Troy Aikman was livid during the broadcast constantly suggesting that Dak should be taking advantage of the injured Green Bay secondary? He even went as fas as to suggest that the Cowboys would be better of putting Romo in and Benching Dak.

That 2016 Green Bay team went into the playoffs with a practice squad secondary and it still took Dak his usual "too little too late" routine of starting slow and only coming to life against prevent defenses.

Those 300 yards came in the second half when after Green Bay went up by multiple scores.
He only scored 13 pts in 3 Q of football the same amount of points he had in the Ram playoff loss also in 3 Q.
Yep till they go to prevent Dak is MIA!!!!


You Have an Axe to Grind
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So we got the Bucs win (8-9 team) and we have to go back to 2016 for # 2.
Do you have a # 3?????????????????????? it is after all 8 seasons that's a long time wouldn't you agree?
If you can count, I said his playoff wins were signature wins and he had two playoff wins, along with the win over Rodgers at Lambeau in 2016. That’s THREE! He also beat Roethlisberger on the road in Pittsburgh in 2016 and Drew Brees in 2018. He’s beaten three first ballot Hall of Fame QBs. Pretty impressive considering the choking defenses he’s had.


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can't afford to build a team if someone is taking up most of the pie (that's their point of view)
His contract was $40 million per season. How do other teams function and be competitive paying their quarterback substantially more? Every team operates under the same salary cap rules. The Cowboys need a professional general manager before considering personnel changes on the roster.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Do people forget that even Troy Aikman was livid during the broadcast constantly suggesting that Dak should be taking advantage of the injured Green Bay secondary?
Troy Aikman recently said he believed in Dak. No QB will get far with the playoff teams/defenses we’ve had. Dak is probably the best we’ll have at QB for a number of years, even after he’s gone.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Troy Aikman recently said he believed in Dak. No QB will get far with the playoff teams/defenses we’ve had.
Then why pay Dak market setting salary? Just because he's a cool cat?


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All his playoff wins were signature wins. Only someone with a Dak agenda wouldn’t count the Bucs win against Tom Brady as a signature win. It was a playoff game on the road and Brady was 7-0 against the Cowboys. Dak had a career game with over 300 yards and 4 TDs. Beating Aaron Rodgers at Lambeau his rookie year was a signature win.
boasting about beating a losing team is YOUR agenda


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If you can count, I said his playoff wins were signature wins and he had two playoff wins, along with the win over Rodgers at Lambeau in 2016. That’s THREE! He also beat Roethlisberger on the road in Pittsburgh in 2016 and Drew Brees in 2018. He’s beaten three first ballot Hall of Fame QBs. Pretty impressive considering the choking defenses he’s had.
So let's clarify here why we should extend this top 5 QB.
2 playoff wins one against an 8-9 team and a home win vs the Hawks (Just say thank you Zeke on this one) and 2 wins from 2016.

Man, you Dak lovers sure have a low bar when it pertains to QB talents and accomplishments!!!! :muttley:


You Have an Axe to Grind
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boasting about beating a losing team is YOUR agenda
Dude, it was a PLAYOFF win on the road against TOM BRADY who’s won 7 SBs and was 7-0 against the Cowboys. Records mean NOTHING in the playoffs. You’re the one with an agenda.