Maybe Nolan isnt the problem


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Bart Scott said he knows what hes doing and thats after basically saying he doesnt really care for him. And then he said everytime they played dallas they knew we were soft :laugh:

Basically said the players are too dumb and soft.

The talent is just not there on defense , and some of the offense as well. The defense has so many holes, re-treads, players who had serious injuries , etc . It will take time to restore the talent level needed. Too early to blame MM or Nolan . This team needs a defensive overhaul , and to wait out until the Zeke and similar overpaid players contracts expire.


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Where I disagree with you is I think the hiring of Nolan made sense when you are looking to put a new scheme in place. He has over 25 years experience of which I agree he has had his ups and downs, but I still think he knows what is needed. I want to see a hybrid DEF where we can change on circumstance. That's what was sold to Jerry by McCarthy. I think once this is in place we will have an identity for the years to come. With better players the DEF will improve. Let's be honest if there was no salary cap we would be looking to replace nearly every player we have in this unit bar about 3. If Nolan goes McCarthy will be a lame duck, so I think if one goes they both go

Hiring Nolan made no sense. He flamed out in his last DC job in Atlanta (where players criticized the scheme by the way) and couldn't sniff another DC job until his friend became HC in Dallas. I think people are fooling themselves thinking the issue here is just talent and no real offseason. Let's also note that there are 12 new DCs this year in football and Nolan has performed the worst from last year to this of any of the new DCs.

If firing Nolan makes McCarthy a lame duck, then so be it. It's kind of stupid IMO to just continue with bad defense and a bad coordinator because you are worried about a HC looking like a lame duck. I think when we look back at this years from now (and McCarthy might too), that Nolan was the mistake that cost us another 3-4 years of any successful Cowboys football.


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Fans get frustrated and sometimes say things that really don't make any sense. The people or person at the top is the owner and just who does an owner have to report to and be accountable to?

Here's the mistake I think not just the Cowboys but the entire league has made and that is to give in to all the BS the players throw at them and/or threaten to do if the league doesn't support their issues and concede to their demands.

The owners lost track of the fact that they are Billionaires and instead of standing firm when negotiating CBA's they surrender and give up way to much. The million dollar players dictate to the billionaire owners. The players did away with 2 a days in training camp and they got the length of practices set to be at least an hour shorter than they used to be. They got practices down to a single day of padded contact per week. The players dictate how long meetings can be.

The owners should have said this is how it will be and say take it or leave it and find some other way of making millions of dollars. Sure the owners would lose a relatively small amount of money with a strike but nothing compared to what the players would lose. The owners may lose some money that may affect how many generations later get some of their money but most players that do a poor job of handling their money will be in financial problems if their paydays were gone.

The reason for the cap was because of 2 teams who couldn't keep up. The packers and browns but the real reason the cap was needed was from the league giving in to the players and giving them free agency as it is. Being able to bid for players has driven the cost for players up. The owners original plan had they held their guns on it was players wouldn't be eligible for free agency until they had 7 accrued season in and had the right of first refusal on any offer for an eligible free agent. But the owners caved and let players get restricted free agency after just 3 or less seasons and free agency after 4 seasons which put players just getting in their prime being bid on raising player cost dramatically.

Yes Jones has made some mistakes but to say the accountability issue starts with him when he doesn't have anyone he has to be accountable to is just frustration talking.
No -gotta disagree- accountability is pretty easy to see, and the Jones FO is never held accountable for their own mistakes. That’s not difficult for anyone to see IMO. Accountability is a major problem in this organization and it starts at the top. If the boss isn’t accountable for mistakes, it’s hard to hold anyone else accountable. Organizational Health 101.

Sure I’m frustrated, but I’m still doing my own talking, lol.


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Maybe the GM is trash. But you think Nolan just went on vacation after the season ends and then shows up in August to coach whatever players the GM got for him?

I am simply stunned that people are trying to make excuses for Nolan. But then again, we had fans that defended Garrett for years (some still do), so nothing surprises me.
I will give him 3 years and hopefully having a say so in the players he's acquiring. Then I will judge him based on what he did here. Not what he did 6 years ago with a team with zero talent like this current team.


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No -gotta disagree- accountability is pretty easy to see, and the Jones FO is never held accountable for their own mistakes. That’s not difficult for anyone to see IMO. Accountability is a major problem in this organization and it starts at the top. If the boss isn’t accountable for mistakes, it’s hard to hold anyone else accountable. Organizational Health 101.

Sure I’m frustrated, but I’m still doing my own talking, lol.

Just who is Jones accountable to? Just who holds a higher position with the Cowboys than Jerry the owner to be accountable to? I get it that you don't like all of the decisions that Jerry has made but saying he not accountable to some invisible unknown entity is just frustration talking.


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The talent is just not there on defense , and some of the offense as well. The defense has so many holes, re-treads, players who had serious injuries , etc . It will take time to restore the talent level needed. Too early to blame MM or Nolan . This team needs a defensive overhaul , and to wait out until the Zeke and similar overpaid players contracts expire.
Changing the coordinator will do absolutely nothing

Nolan may well be garbage, but these players stink.
I dont buy the whole blown coverage aspect as to why he needs to be replaced right now. Kyler Murray was 9 of 24 for 188 yds. 80 came from Worley inexplicably not knowing how to play cover-3.

We are getting absolutely GASHED on the ground. Houston is the only team that is worse. Its because we have horrible DT and LB play, period


Regular Joe....
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Coach isn't going to matter guys. Jerry is always going to be the dominant figure in this organization so until this team moves past that point, the coach, hard or soft is always going to be a guy who is subordinate to that and that's never going to work. The Coach has to be the last word on all things team and that's never been the case since since Jimmy left the building. Parcells, for a time, had it figured out but he was too short lived and we are too far away from those days.


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I will give him 3 years and hopefully having a say so in the players he's acquiring. Then I will judge him based on what he did here. Not what he did 6 years ago with a team with zero talent like this current team.

Here's what you're saying. You want to give a coach 3 years that THIS season showed his smarts or lack there of with no off season or preseason games decided to install a complicated convoluted defense that requires the players to fit his scheme instead of using a scheme that matches the players strengths not have to learn something new with no real time to do it. And you want to give him 2 more years to make poor decisions like that? Have you even looked up Nolan's record?


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I will judge him based on what he does here and he deserves a couple years. These players are TERRIBLE!!!

That’s your prerogative. I’ll judge him on his own body of work and resume. Which is not good.


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No one denies we have talent issues. But some of you are making it an excuse to give Nolan a pass. It's bizarre to me. He's a mediocre DC who got canned in his last job because the defense was beyond terrible and couldn't land another DC job until we hired him like 5 years later. Then you have former players speaking out about how he's just not all that good.

But yet we have people that bristle at the idea that he's a big problem too. It's weird to me.

Why did Jerry give him the Job in the first place?


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2013-2014 Falcons.

Nolan wrecked ... defenses.

I know you're going to preach that Nolan is broken but that he broke the Falcons defense in 2013 is a false narrative.
Three players central to the defense either left or broke down. The former is John Abraham, whom Dimitroff could not replace, and
Sean Weatherspoon and Steven Nicholas regressed. And thus the defense sucked.

Paul Worrilow was the best linebacker he had, the man famous for tackling folks 5 yards behind the LOS.

Nolan didn't draft players or sign them for ATL, so blaming him is kinda foolish. He didn't put bodies on the field.

There is also the fact that the offense's running game fell apart at the same time, so that in Nolan's second year, they lost the TOP advantage.



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That’s your prerogative. I’ll judge him on his own body of work and resume. Which is not good.
LOL...its the players.. .NO it the coach!

Tell you guys what...its like Jerry Pizza Hut commercial w Deion....BOTH!!

How many NFL GMs have done Pizza Hut commercials BTW?

It's not a good look. And it's not about football for Jerry, its about people knowing who he is. He cant get enough.

I cant imagine there being much rope left though.

People are gonna start checking out shortly.


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What did Bart Scott say about Nolan's defenses rankings BEFORE he got to Dallas? I'm betting not much, because it would destroy his false narrative.

This goof has been trying to attack the Cowboys every chance he gets for years. He's a wannabe Shannon Sharpe and Screamin' A Smith.

I'll keep looking Stash, but I'm almost 100% sure Bart has been saying this for years about Dallas' players...and, I'm saying players because that's what I got from that. When Nolan was in Baltimore, their D ranks were:
  • 2002 - Yards 22nd, Points 19 (the year Ray Lewis only played 5 games)
  • 2003 - 3rd, 6th
  • 2004 - 6th, 6th
So, when he's had talent, he's been pretty good. Many of Dallas same players played in the former system and got exposed as well. So...


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Who here saying he needs more time were saying the same thing about Kiffin when he took over after Rob Ryan?

Pretty much the same situation. Kiffin inherited 3-4 guys and switched to the 4-3. Kiffin oversaw what was at the time the worst defense in Cowboys history. Only difference is he had a better track record.


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Changing the coordinator will do absolutely nothing

Nolan may well be garbage, but these players stink.
I dont buy the whole blown coverage aspect as to why he needs to be replaced right now. Kyler Murray was 9 of 24 for 188 yds. 80 came from Worley inexplicably not knowing how to play cover-3.

We are getting absolutely GASHED on the ground. Houston is the only team that is worse. Its because we have horrible DT and LB play, period
very accurate. The person who devised the defensive talent has to be accountable. I assume not all on jerry. Jason Garrett and his Defensive coordinators and maybe will mcClay . whoever decided this group is competitive to go to the playoff or win a SB , has serious issues and should be called out. The fact that Jerry and Stephen had 11 million under the cap money last season and did not sign enough defensive help is puzzling. Not sure who put this defensive talent together.


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Just who is Jones accountable to? Just who holds a higher position with the Cowboys than Jerry the owner to be accountable to? I get it that you don't like all of the decisions that Jerry has made but saying he not accountable to some invisible unknown entity is just frustration talking.
All good organizations have accountability top to bottom. Those that that don’t just don’t do as well in competition with those organizations that do have accountability. Like the winners of the last 24 SBs for example. Making money is not necessarily the sign of an effective sports organization if you also have a goal to win on the field too.

Who is Jerry accountable to? Apparently no one, and that is clearly a problem when he repeats his mistakes. This why 30 of 32 NFL owners hire a GM they can hold accountable for results. Jerry the GM is not accountable to Jerry the owner, obviously, or changes would have been made.

One other point- Jerry is accountable to his paying customers I guess, but too many keep drinking his Koolaide and buying tickets and jerseys. AllNFL owners owe the fans of their home cities an honest effort to put a winner on the field. If our fans would stop going to that shopping mall stayjum, maybe we could hold him accountable.


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I'll keep looking Stash, but I'm almost 100% sure Bart has been saying this for years about Dallas' players...and, I'm saying players because that's what I got from that. When Nolan was in Baltimore, their D ranks were:
  • 2002 - Yards 22nd, Points 19 (the year Ray Lewis only played 5 games)
  • 2003 - 3rd, 6th
  • 2004 - 6th, 6th
So, when he's had talent, he's been pretty good. Many of Dallas same players played in the former system and got exposed as well. So...

Are you really suggesting that Nolan ‘hasn’t had talent’ since 2004?


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Here's what you're saying. You want to give a coach 3 years that THIS season showed his smarts or lack there of with no off season or preseason games decided to install a complicated convoluted defense that requires the players to fit his scheme instead of using a scheme that matches the players strengths not have to learn something new with no real time to do it. And you want to give him 2 more years to make poor decisions like that? Have you even looked up Nolan's record?
These players aren't making scheme mistakes they are making basic mistakes. In what scheme does the most outside DE not play contain and go inside. In what defense do they not teach gap assignments. In what defense do corners not know how to play cover 3? I saw nolan's record. And I also saw the defensive talent on those teams. Players need to learn the system yes it was under not normal circumstances but these are professionals getting paid millions. figure it out. My son in HS had to learn 2 new positions during covid lol. I aint tryin to hear these babies cry.