Video: McFarland - Dak Prescott is the most disrespected quarterback in the NFL


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Well Goff's choke job in the SB dismisses him, & Wentz is always injured. Dak shows up in the playoffs, Zeke & our d didn't in the biggest game.

I don't disagree on Goff or Wentz then again I don't put them in an elite category. If Dak wants to distinguish himself from the pact he must elevate his game to the next level, part of that is playing big in big games.

Screw The Hall

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Prescott won behind a bad OL (not best in football, no Frederick). And won despite having Linehand, whose plays defenses knew what was being called before the snap.

He also has won while his team was transitioning through the end of every one of his starting receivers careers (Dez, TWill, Witten), something he never gets credit for.

In fact, the only bad 16 game stretch of his career across 2 seasons occurred when his team provided him the worst OLineman in football as the backup plan to his future HOFer at LT, his HOF caliber Center was out, his NFL rushing champion RB was serving a suspension, as well as being handed the worst receiving core in all of football to start out last season. Absolutely no obstacles whatsoever for a young QB to overcome .... at all.

But that’s ok, Dak never pouts, and now he’s been set up to have a successful season for the 1st time since his rookie year. He’s about to make a lot of people look stupid, just like Jaylon has to basically the same group of people.

I know this ... you will bankrupt yourself quickly if you spend your life betting against winners.
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Here's hoping Dak elevates himself this year and his team along with him in the process! Seems like it was OK for Romo to take six years to develop but God forbid that Dak should enjoy the same luxury. What's wrong with this picture? Let's face it -- we just aren't entitled to instant gratification. ;)

And remember, Romo had never played in a single regular season game at this point in his career. Dak will have nearly 60 NFL starts including three playoff games by the time he reaches the point in his career at which Romo started his first game.

Dak is 26 years old. Historically, QBs hit their prime around 29-31. Tom Brady was 30 before he threw more than 28 TDs in a season or had a QBR above 92.


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Excellent run blocking OL, not pass blocking. Last year Dak was sacked 56 times.
yes I'm aware of the run/pass blocking differences. What I'm saying is that there's a lot of consistencies in the production of pass protect time and run performance, but god forbid Dak doesn't have all pros at every position around him.


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Elite QB's still perform at a high level without players around them. The problem is neither elite QB's or decent QB's like Dak win Superbowls with Big contracts.

Dallas will either pay attention to this or just pay Dak and ignore the trend.
What elite qbs perform at a high level without talent around them?


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I guess you're just not paying enough attention. The youngest starting team in the league goes to the second round of the playoffs a fourth round quarterback on-the-job training. Compared to two 1st and 2nd overall picks. A guy who puts his body on the line. So this team can achieve greatness. If that doesn't deserve respect and itself I guess your meaning of the word and mine are two different things. And I've been in the military so I know what it means the battle with the person next to you

3rd year isn't OJT, where he was drafted doesn't mean a thing (but both those first round picks have made it to the SB). Not many players don't put their body on the line so that's lame, Achieving greatness has yet to be seen, and the respect is about getting paid like a elite QB, No Dak has not earned that in any way. Dak's a good to average QB at this point and I do not have any problem with paying him as such or because you and others are so enamored of him a heavily incentive laden contract would work too. I was in the suck too, don't degrade what battle brothers do to what paid athletes do its not even close, no comparison, think about it. . You should really look a little deeper and leave the emotion out of it. No Dak doesn't deserve respect at 30 or 35 million IMHO anyone who does believe it isn't seeing reality.


1st Round Pick
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What elite qbs perform at a high level without talent around them?

All of them. That’s why they’re elite.

The only time you may not see this hold true is when they age and they are making so much money and the team around them is falling apart.


1st Round Pick
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Give a example because you just saying it doesn’t make it any more true.

Brady Wins superbowls with teams that are average. We can start there and work our way down.

Elite QBs almost always produce regardless of circumstance.

Nobody is winning titles regardless if they are elite or not with a big contract.


Cowboys Diehard
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As for the six years, we really can't judge a quarterback until he gets on the field. So it's not really fair to compare Romo, who sat on the bench for six years, with Dak.
Dak started Day 1. Good for him. But by doing so, he's open to a different level of criticism than the backup quarterback.
It's just like elevating a quarterback based on Super Bowl wins. It's not fair, but that's the way it is. Shrug.

It took Romo 6 years to develop fully after he became a starter and that's not including the 3 years he spent on the bench. Romo was on the bench for 3 years, not six. Six years after he became a starter, he was fully developed. Dak has only had 3 years. Aside from that, his 1st year was significantly better than Romo's. Dak will do well, whether his many overanxious critics approve of him or not. Like I said before, instant gratification is anything but a foregone conclusion. It just takes time and plenty of it for most QBs to fully develop. He may never get to reach the Super Bowl but then, neither did Romo. It happens, like it or not. Dak's full story is yet to be told, whereas Romo's has. How fair is that. Let's see what the next 7 years bring before declaring his career a complete failure.


Texas Ranger
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Dak just knows how to win. He has a lot of improvements needed to make, but he has heart for the game.


Cowboys Diehard
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Romo hit the ground running as a playmaker and single handedly carried us to the playoffs when Bledsoe almost cost us the entire season.

We can wait all we want on Dak he will never be a Tony Romo type of QB. He just doesn't have Romo's talent.

Regardless, Romo got too big of a contract before he had won anything and while he may retire rich he'll also retire empty handed because his contract was too big and he wasn't good enough to win it all on his own.

That's your opinion -- not everyone thought Romo was the cat's meow, despite the fact that he was good. There were also many who thought Romo was far better than he was, even though his playoff success wasn't anything to crow about. He threw way too many picks when the big games came along in his early career, well past his 3rd year. Too many of us have convenient memories now when it's time to give credit when and where it's due. Let's see if Dak is able to redeem his miscues in the same manner that Romo did much later in his career.
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yes I'm aware of the run/pass blocking differences. What I'm saying is that there's a lot of consistencies in the production of pass protect time and run performance, but god forbid Dak doesn't have all pros at every position around him.
Correct. He has at max, three. One of which plays a position that doesnt benefit him.

He started the season with Looney, Connor Williams, Terrence Williams, Allen Hurns, Beasley, La'el and Swaim as 7 of the starters on offense.

So you're saying EVERYBODY has to be elite around him, which carries zero truth or weight.


Cowboys Diehard
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Didn't know that from 2004 to 2006 was six years.

Thanks for the heads up.

The 6 years mentioned by myself was after he became a starter. There's nothing wrong with my math. I've already made that clear in other posts. Your welcome anyway, though.


Cowboys Diehard
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And remember, Romo had never played in a single regular season game at this point in his career. Dak will have nearly 60 NFL starts including three playoff games by the time he reaches the point in his career at which Romo started his first game.

Dak is 26 years old. Historically, QBs hit their prime around 29-31. Tom Brady was 30 before he threw more than 28 TDs in a season or had a QBR above 92.

Again, It took Romo six years after he became a starter to develop his game after starting. He had a 10 year career and Dak has had only three. Overanxious much? It's incredibly unfair to compare a 10 year vet to Dak, who has had only 3 thus far. Short memories are in vogue, apparently. How successful would Romo have been if he had started in his 1st year? Folks tend not to think of it in that manner. How convenient for so many of those who can't wait for him to develop as needed. Give it time -- if he's as bad as some like to think, he'll eventually be replaced.
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Again, It took Romo six years after he became a starter to develop his game after starting. He had a 10 year career and Dak has had only three. Overanxious much? It's incredibly unfair to compare a 10 year vet to Dak, who has had only 3 thus far. Short memories are in vogue, apparently. How successful would Romo have been if he had started in his 1st year? Folks tend not to think of it in that manner. How convenient for so many of those who can't wait for him to develop as needed. Give it time -- if he's as bad as some like to think, he'll eventually be replaced.
Romo was one of the best QBs in the league immediately upon starting with the Cowboys. The idea that it took six years for him to develop is laughable.


Cowboys Diehard
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Romo was one of the best QBs in the league immediately upon starting with the Cowboys. The idea that it took six years for him to develop is laughable.

You couldn't be more mistaken about Romo if you tried. He was known for throwing picks under pressure. Dak is much better about avoiding that dilemma. What's really laughable is the extent to which Romo's success is so overly exaggerated in comparison to Dak's. Patience isn't a very common virtue on this website but I thought we all knew that. Remember all the picks Romo used to throw in big games? Apparently not. Convenient memories around here.


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It took Romo 6 years to develop fully after he became a starter and that's not including the 3 years he spent on the bench. Romo was on the bench for 3 years, not six. Six years after he became a starter, he was fully developed. Dak has only had 3 years. Aside from that, his 1st year was significantly better than Romo's. Dak will do well, whether his many overanxious critics approve of him or not. Like I said before, instant gratification is anything but a foregone conclusion. It just takes time and plenty of it for most QBs to fully develop. He may never get to reach the Super Bowl but then, neither did Romo. It happens, like it or not. Dak's full story is yet to be told, whereas Romo's has. How fair is that. Let's see what the next 7 years bring before declaring his career a complete failure.
I understand that and don't disagree. My point is Dak isn't going to get the benefit of the doubt like Romo did because Dak was an instant starter. We generally compare starting quarterbacks with starting quarterbacks not starting quarterbacks with three years experience vs. quarterback with three years experience on the bench - if that makes sense.