Video: McFarland - Dak Prescott is the most disrespected quarterback in the NFL


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
3rd year isn't OJT, where he was drafted doesn't mean a thing (but both those first round picks have made it to the SB). Not many players don't put their body on the line so that's lame, Achieving greatness has yet to be seen, and the respect is about getting paid like a elite QB, No Dak has not earned that in any way. Dak's a good to average QB at this point and I do not have any problem with paying him as such or because you and others are so enamored of him a heavily incentive laden contract would work too. I was in the suck too, don't degrade what battle brothers do to what paid athletes do its not even close, no comparison, think about it. . You should really look a little deeper and leave the emotion out of it. No Dak doesn't deserve respect at 30 or 35 million IMHO anyone who does believe it isn't seeing reality.
Yes it is. Most quarterback sit on the bench longer. Before that thrown into the fire. Maybe you haven't been paying attention to football as long as I have


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
3rd year isn't OJT, where he was drafted doesn't mean a thing (but both those first round picks have made it to the SB). Not many players don't put their body on the line so that's lame, Achieving greatness has yet to be seen, and the respect is about getting paid like a elite QB, No Dak has not earned that in any way. Dak's a good to average QB at this point and I do not have any problem with paying him as such or because you and others are so enamored of him a heavily incentive laden contract would work too. I was in the suck too, don't degrade what battle brothers do to what paid athletes do its not even close, no comparison, think about it. . You should really look a little deeper and leave the emotion out of it. No Dak doesn't deserve respect at 30 or 35 million IMHO anyone who does believe it isn't seeing reality.
Again you're not paying attention. There's no such thing as Elite quarterbacks in this league any longer. You have Brady Breeze and Roethlisberger old school that's it. Just not giving enough credit. You actually think Carson Wentz is a better quarterback LMAO


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
3rd year isn't OJT, where he was drafted doesn't mean a thing (but both those first round picks have made it to the SB). Not many players don't put their body on the line so that's lame, Achieving greatness has yet to be seen, and the respect is about getting paid like a elite QB, No Dak has not earned that in any way. Dak's a good to average QB at this point and I do not have any problem with paying him as such or because you and others are so enamored of him a heavily incentive laden contract would work too. I was in the suck too, don't degrade what battle brothers do to what paid athletes do its not even close, no comparison, think about it. . You should really look a little deeper and leave the emotion out of it. No Dak doesn't deserve respect at 30 or 35 million IMHO anyone who does believe it isn't seeing reality.
What your reality. LMAO you don't think it matters where you get drafted . I'm supposed to take whatever you say with Integrity after a remark like that
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Cowboys Diehard
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I understand that and don't disagree. My point is Dak isn't going to get the benefit of the doubt like Romo did because Dak was an instant starter. We generally compare starting quarterbacks with starting quarterbacks not starting quarterbacks with three years experience vs. quarterback with three years experience on the bench - if that makes sense.

It makes all the sense in the world -- I just wish more of us had the common sense to take that into consideration. Thanks for understanding.:thumbup:


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You couldn't be more mistaken about Romo if you tried. He was known for throwing picks under pressure. Dak is much better about avoiding that dilemma. What's really laughable is the extent to which Romo's success is so overly exaggerated in comparison to Dak's. Patience isn't a very common virtue on this website but I thought we all knew that. Remember all the picks Romo used to throw in big games? Apparently not. Convenient memories around here.
Again, I have no idea what you are babbling about. There are many sites on the web that you can look at. Romo was indisputably one of the best QBs in the league immediately upon starting the Cowboys. He is at the top of every statistical category for QBs over that period, and in fact for his entire career. Dak is not even close to Romo, and in fact his last two seasons are the worst QB seasons by a Cowboys since Quincy Carter.


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until dak leads the cowboys on a deep playoff run and has playoff success this will be his story just like it was for danny white and tony in the nfl if a qb wants respect they have to lead there team and win something in the playoffs


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Again, I have no idea what you are babbling about. There are many sites on the web that you can look at. Romo was indisputably one of the best QBs in the league immediately upon starting the Cowboys. He is at the top of every statistical category for QBs over that period, and in fact for his entire career. Dak is not even close to Romo, and in fact his last two seasons are the worst QB seasons by a Cowboys since Quincy Carter.
You do realize Prescott and Romo's numbers statistically are pretty much the same. At the same point in their careers. Only times going to tell how much better or not Prescott will be


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
until dak leads the cowboys on a deep playoff run and has playoff success this will be his story just like it was for danny white and tony in the nfl if a qb wants respect they have to lead there team and win something in the playoffs
Let's see you took the youngest starting team in the league to the second round of the playoffs. We'll see if the story continues


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Romo was one of the best QBs in the league immediately upon starting with the Cowboys. The idea that it took six years for him to develop is laughable.

Romo wasn’t regarded as a top 10 QB until 2009. He was a turnover machine in 2006-2008.

And again, Romo had three full years in the NFL yo develop his game and learn before being asked to start.


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Brady Wins superbowls with teams that are average. We can start there and work our way down.

Elite QBs almost always produce regardless of circumstance.

Nobody is winning titles regardless if they are elite or not with a big contract.
So Tom Brady wins with average teams. Say that then because there was nothing average about Nick Foles team or Eli’s teams. And honestly there is nothing average about Brady’s teams. He has the greatest coach of all time. It’s nothing average about those teams. And please stop with the no one is winning with elite contract talk. Eagles won’t win next year because Wentz has a big contract?


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You do realize Prescott and Romo's numbers statistically are pretty much the same. At the same point in their careers. Only times going to tell how much better or not Prescott will be
They are the same only if you act like football is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago. In Romo's first season starting there was exactly one QB who had over 30 TDs (Manning had 31). Last year there were nine and one guy had 50. You can't compare numbers like that.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
They are the same only if you act like football is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago. In Romo's first season starting there was exactly one QB who had over 30 TDs (Manning had 31). Last year there were nine and one guy had 50. You can't compare numbers like that.
4 you definitely can compare numbers. What you can't compare is eras. You can't put one team with a different player. But the numbers are what they are statistically


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Romo wasn’t regarded as a top 10 QB until 2009. He was a turnover machine in 2006-2008.

And again, Romo had three full years in the NFL yo develop his game and learn before being asked to start.
False. He was a top 10 QB both statistically and otherwise (made the Pro Bowl 3 out of his first 4 years). Some of you guys just blatantly lie and act like no one here is going to say anything about it.
And LOL @ "developing" sitting on the bench doing nothing. Sitting on the bench for 3 years was an obstacle he had to overcome, not some advantage.


Cowboys Diehard
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Again, I have no idea what you are babbling about. There are many sites on the web that you can look at. Romo was indisputably one of the best QBs in the league immediately upon starting the Cowboys. He is at the top of every statistical category for QBs over that period, and in fact for his entire career. Dak is not even close to Romo, and in fact his last two seasons are the worst QB seasons by a Cowboys since Quincy Carter.

How convenient it is to compare a 10-year vet who had 3 years to develop with one who got thrown into the fire right from the get-go. By the time Dak retires, he'll have more success than Romo ever dreamed of. Dak had a pathetic OL as far as pass protection last year and you know it. In fact, even in 2017, they weren't anywhere near as good in pass pro as they were in run blocking. Try having more patience with Dak and maybe you'll actually be a happy camper for a change. He might actually improve more to your satisfaction if given a fair chance to satisfy the knee jerkers.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
They are the same only if you act like football is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago. In Romo's first season starting there was exactly one QB who had over 30 TDs (Manning had 31). Last year there were nine and one guy had 50. You can't compare numbers like that.
The game doesn't change. Only the game plan changes. Every single team has been running the same plays for 60 years . It's about disguising how you run those plays. And every once in a while somebody brings an old wrinkled up that people haven't seen for a while it just keeps repeating itself. Yes rules have changed to make the offense put up more points. But not much different from Romo's years


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The game doesn't change. Only the game plan changes. Every single team has been running the same plays for 60 years . It's about disguising how you run those plays. And every once in a while somebody brings an old wrinkled up that people haven't seen for a while it just keeps repeating itself. Yes rules have changed to make the offense put up more points. But not much different from Romo's years
If the game doesn't change then why are there 9 times as many guys throwing for over 30 TDs? You may want to re-read what I wrote, this isn't hard. All I'm saying is you can't look at a person throwing 30 TDs today and say its the same as 10 years ago.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
All I know is this, I no longer have those expectations of failure when something goes a little bit backwards. This is not the same old Cowboys.


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Again, I have no idea what you are babbling about. There are many sites on the web that you can look at. Romo was indisputably one of the best QBs in the league immediately upon starting the Cowboys. He is at the top of every statistical category for QBs over that period, and in fact for his entire career. Dak is not even close to Romo, and in fact his last two seasons are the worst QB seasons by a Cowboys since Quincy Carter.
Yeah you must’ve missed most of Romo’s tenure.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
If the game doesn't change then why are there 9 times as many guys throwing for over 30 TDs? You may want to re-read what I wrote, this isn't hard. All I'm saying is you can't look at a person throwing 30 TDs today and say its the same as 10 years ago.
I'm sorry, I totally disagree with you. You make it sound like quarterbacks weren't capable back then. They were it was just a different game plan. They make it easy for quarterbacks to put up 50 TD's today. But we choose not to we want to play Smash Mouth football so we don't overexpose the youngest defense in the league.