McGregor vs Mayweather

Do you actually watch boxing?

No disrespect, but I hear this from a lot of people and then when you ask them to name the best boxers today, they ask if Pacquiao is still fighting.

After watching and paying big money for PPV to watch guys like Roy Jones and mayweather dance around for 10 rounds and hardly do any fighting, I stopped. I love the art of boxing and striking arts are vital to actual fighting, done it for about 15 years, the sport however as it currently exists is unwatchable to me.
However lopsided you seem to think it was, it's no where near as one sided as a real fight would be. Floyd doesn't get out of the first round in a real fight.
Not Floyd, but imagine Tyson, Holyfield, Hearns, etc, guys that can punch like professional boxers.

It'd be over in a couple of punches.

These human cock fights feature Neanderthals, not professionals.
The biggest laugh was Mayweather didn't even need to box. He had no fear of Connors power. Fooled around for 4 rds and then just walked thru Connors "defense" and beat him up. Anyway, this was predictable.
Exactly this. And floyd prolonged the outcome just to make sure "the fans got they money's worth"...this whole thing felt very contrived to me. So predictable.

When I saw the look on Conor's face at the walk up and in the ring, I said to my buddies: "uh oh, that's a tense fighter." Not loose at all and he looked out of sorts compared to all the confidence and bravado he showed in his pre-fight build up. He looked incredibly awkward and stiff in the early rounds that he supposedly won (Floyd happily gave them away). And as a telling sign that he was tense, Conor started mouth breathing on his stool after round two!!! I remember yelling - "holy crap he's already winded!?!" This guy is done! Floyd smiling and coasting for the next 4-5 rounds showed he knew it too. But this was a makeup fight for Floyd over the fan reaction to the PAC fight. Needed to make it look good. So he was content in allowing Conor (now in survival mode and back peddling for essentially the rest of the fight) to prolong the affair and make it something exciting and worth the ridiculous ppv price. I for one found it to be a fairly boring fight as Conor didn't come out seeking to destroy at all (even the punches he did land had nothing on that uppercut he landed) and seemed content to get drunk immediately after the fight (cud you believe that??!!) and laugh his way all the way to the bank. $100 milllon con job mission accomplished!!! Shoot...more power to him. He pulled that ish off knowing full well this was WWE stuff all along.
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It was very odd to me that Conor's touch of death sleeps people in the octogon but Floyd was very rarely effected by it. That being said he didn't really connect clean like how he does in the octagon but still.

No one was able to stand with him before, now absolutely no one will touch him standing in the UFC after he has strictly trained boxing for 4-5 months

yes, i was stunned at the lack of power Conor showed. thats what theoretically gave him a punchers chance. was it the gloves? very surprised.
Conor actually "boxed" better than i thought til he got tired. that and no power a 40 prior great fighter wins
However lopsided you seem to think it was, it's no where near as one sided as a real fight would be. Floyd doesn't get out of the first round in a real fight.

Your hero got beat by that "half fighter", so whats that say by about Fights are always more entertaining on their feet then when it goes to the ground.
The fight was exactly as expected

Mac proved he could get knocked out by a 40 year finesse fighter that spent the last 750 days on the couch

FM played with him for 3 rounds to tire him out and then took it to him...... but OLD FM couldn't even put CM down..... this fight was worth what I paid for it........$0 stream on the internet with extreme buffering for 5 rounds

Those like @Alexander giving me credit for sportsarefree some other Zoner posted it first....he deserves the likes but I will take them til we find his name...... let me check the search button
yes, i was stunned at the lack of power Conor showed. thats what theoretically gave him a punchers chance. was it the gloves? very surprised.
Conor actually "boxed" better than i thought til he got tired. that and no power a 40 prior great fighter wins
Real boxers know to slip punches better than wrestlers and they have been hit 100s of times and can learn to take it....... Mac has a good punch but is still 160 lbs....... Middleweights still use quantity over quality for the most part
yes, i was stunned at the lack of power Conor showed. thats what theoretically gave him a punchers chance. was it the gloves? very surprised.
Conor actually "boxed" better than i thought til he got tired. that and no power a 40 prior great fighter wins
He wa tense fighter. He tightened up before the fight even began. And was mouth breathing as of round two. All tensed up like that he couldn't let his power punches fly with any authority (zero body weight or hip rotation in them...all arm - especially that horribly weak uppercut). More like pushes than punches. He was wound up tight as a drum and had zero speed or explosion. Maybe self-realization that all that Pre-fight stuff was BS?
It must suck to be in your prime and get walked down by a guy who is 40 years old, and you also outweigh him
Younger, bigger, stronger, better punch

It shows how much boxing is different than MMA...... instead of the random punch or arm bar and you have to go 12 rounds with someone hitting you back with no "ground breaks"
Not Floyd, but imagine Tyson, Holyfield, Hearns, etc, guys that can punch like professional boxers.

It'd be over in a couple of punches.

These human cock fights feature Neanderthals, not professionals.

Every single one of those guys would be on the ground and choked out in seconds. Just like what happened to James Toney. Or worse. Ground and pounded into the dirt.

You don't know real fighting. You know half a fighting at best.
Every single one of those guys would be on the ground and choked out in seconds. Just like what happened to James Toney. Or worse. Ground and pounded into the dirt.

You don't know real fighting. You know half a fighting at best.
Lol at mma fans always bringing an up an old James Toney, but seem to forget about about Ray Mercer beating a heavyweight champ in Tim Sylvia. Boxers have a better chance in a cage than an mma guy in a ring
There's probably thousands of people who could take mayweather down in a real fight, this was called boxing
Seriously...... he weighs 150 lbs with rocks in his pockets

It is the 'sport' of Boxing that he is the best at

MMA was supposed to have solved who the best 'fighter' is but Brazilian ju jihitzu/guard dominated the sport and turned it into some hybrid thing it is today
Every single one of those guys would be on the ground and choked out in seconds. Just like what happened to James Toney. Or worse. Ground and pounded into the dirt.

You don't know real fighting. You know half a fighting at best.
Lol why do you always so they have to go to the ground. You do know it's still considered a fight if they stand on their feet?
After watching and paying big money for PPV to watch guys like Roy Jones and mayweather dance around for 10 rounds and hardly do any fighting, I stopped. I love the art of boxing and striking arts are vital to actual fighting, done it for about 15 years, the sport however as it currently exists is unwatchable to me.

Huh? Roy Jones is your example for a boring fighter? If you thought Roy Jones was boring in his prime, then you just don't like boxing.
He wa tense fighter. He tightened up before the fight even began. And was mouth breathing as of round two. All tensed up like that he couldn't let his power punches fly with any authority (zero body weight or hip rotation in them...all arm - especially that horribly weak uppercut). More like pushes than punches. He was wound up tight as a drum and had zero speed or explosion. Maybe self-realization that all that Pre-fight stuff was BS?
Connor never learned to box. Couldn't clinch to save himself and never learned to set his feet to punch. His training for a boxing match just wasn't there and he was tired after the 4th. It was a mugging of an amateur by an aging boxer.
Every single one of those guys would be on the ground and choked out in seconds. Just like what happened to James Toney. Or worse. Ground and pounded into the dirt.

You don't know real fighting. You know half a fighting at best.
In a real fight I gouge your eyes, I head butt you, I fish hook you, I punch you in the balls, I stab you, I break your arm instead of threatening to do so even though it against the "rules".......oh yeah they have gloves on........ so what is real fighting??? isn't MMA
In a real fight I gouge your eyes, I head butt you, I fish hook you, I punch you in the balls, I stab you, I break your arm instead of threatening to do so even though it against the "rules".......oh yeah they have gloves on........ so what is real fighting??? isn't MMA
Exactly, theres a video out there of two mma guys getting ko'd in a real fight at a gas station

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