McGregor vs Mayweather

I wanted Conor to win merely to finally invalidate boxing as a sport.
It was once the only sport close to a real fight but has since gone completely lame where most boxers including big names will dance and try to outpoint people and let judges decide the winner like they do in figure skating and ballet. With UFC where it is, I fail to understand why anyone watches boxing let alone shells out big ppv money. By comparison, boxing is now closer to ballet competition than it is a real fight.
What does it say about the sports when Conor held his own in a boxing ring against the best the sport has but the odds would be the same in reverse if the fight was in a cage? I.e akin to a "real" fight?
I'm also surprised that it hasn't gotten hit with big lawsuits and/or shut down with CTE suits. It's worse than football and MMA combined in that regard.
I wanted Conor to win merely to finally invalidate boxing as a sport.
It was once the only sport close to a real fight but has since gone completely lame where most boxers including big names will dance and try to outpoint people and let judges decide the winner like they do in figure skating and ballet. With UFC where it is, I fail to understand why anyone watches boxing let alone shells out big ppv money. By comparison, boxing is now closer to ballet competition than it is a real fight.
What does it say about the sports when Conor held his own in a boxing ring against the best the sport has but the odds would be the same in reverse if the fight was in a cage? I.e akin to a "real" fight?
I'm also surprised that it hasn't gotten hit with big lawsuits and/or shut down with CTE suits. It's worse than football and MMA combined in that regard.
Lol Boxing >>>>> mma. Conor is 29 and Floyd is 40, so this isnt prime Floyd. Two guys fighting on their feet is always more entertaining then two guys going to the ground.
He did better than I thought.

I really expected a quick knock out.
Have u been a regular watcher of Floyd's fights the last 10 or so bouts??? If u have, u cud never think he'd knock out a man that likely outweighed him by 20+ pounds in the first half of the fight. Featherweight and lightweight Floyd...sure. Floyd hasn't been knocking out guys at anywhere close to a significant rate since he moved to welter.
* Floyd toyed with Conor for 4 rounds, then turned it on
* Floyd hits much harder than McGregor despite being 20lbs less
* Conor had a good jab, but nothing else really
* They both stayed in the pocket and fought (no "running" here)
* McGregor power VASTLY OVERRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!
* That was not the same Floyd. Much much slower. He looked like a retired boxer fighting. (guy is 40)
* Conor cannot compete in boxing at this level.
* Stop with the "Floyd to UFC" bull. The guy is 40 years old and has gotten nine figures in his last two fights (he'll never get that fighting mma).
Lol Boxing >>>>> mma. Conor is 29 and Floyd is 40, so this isnt prime Floyd. Two guys fighting on their feet is always more entertaining then two guys going to the ground.

LOL boxing has been terrible since all the heavyweight classics left.
Boxing, one dimensional dancing and let the judges decide. It's not fighting. I can see people liking it for the same reasons people like figure skating but fighting it's not.
LOL boxing has been terrible since all the heavyweight classics left.
Boxing, one dimensional dancing and let the judges decide. It's not fighting. I can see people liking it for the same reasons people like figure skating but fighting it's not.
Lol theres more classes than heavyweights, and last I checked people hitting each other with fists is considered fighting. You said it yourself boxing is more dangerous than mma
I wanted Conor to win merely to finally invalidate boxing as a sport.
It was once the only sport close to a real fight but has since gone completely lame where most boxers including big names will dance and try to outpoint people and let judges decide the winner like they do in figure skating and ballet. With UFC where it is, I fail to understand why anyone watches boxing let alone shells out big ppv money. By comparison, boxing is now closer to ballet competition than it is a real fight.
What does it say about the sports when Conor held his own in a boxing ring against the best the sport has but the odds would be the same in reverse if the fight was in a cage? I.e akin to a "real" fight?
I'm also surprised that it hasn't gotten hit with big lawsuits and/or shut down with CTE suits. It's worse than football and MMA combined in that regard. a life long boxing fan as well as someone who has trained and competed in some fighting styles (never did mma tho) your comments have triggered a couple of reactions for me. First of all, I am a fan of both fact all combat sports as I respect the training and dedication required to compete. To compare boxing to a ballet and ice skating merely based on fighters tactically out pointing opponents is way overly dismissive of the punishment these guys but themselves through - both in the ring on fight night as well as the training that's involved during preparation. I think respectfully u shud reconsider that perspective.

That's stated, boxing as a sport has seen a significant fall off, particularly since the days of early and often Super fights have been long gone for years. That's the travesty here more so than the points u made in my view. Ali fought all of the best of his day, many repeat wars. Same for Ray Leonard and so on. I don't think a fighter has truly fought all comers since arguably Oscar D. If this were the 80s, mayweather would've fought the Pacman like 3-4 times and those string of fights would've gone down in history. What boxing gave us was a one time match up that was about 6 years too late as fight PROMOTERS played the avoid game to protect the golden goose. Thank God we are getting Canelo-GGG reasonably early as that fight looked like it was going to take another 3-4 years to make. Boxing's demise has been self-imposed due to the promoter game and not because the fighting itself isn't considered "real" as u contend. Getting hit by a good strong jab in the face for about 50-60 times over 10 rounds would be all the real anyone needs to convince them.

Conversely, MMA routinely gives us the best against the best and that's why it has been able to close the gap on boxing's previously established dominance. That stated I don't think MMA will ever overtake boxing's power of the purse cuz people are never going to shell out the PPV gate for what many see as two dudes having a bar fight. Like it or not that's how "ground and pound" comes across to many.

Boxing is what made Conor a 9-figure fighter tonite, and he knows darn well looking at his face that there was nothing fake about it. MMA, despite my deep respect and enjoyment of it, can never give him that - ever.
Lmao, conor was slapping and none of his punches seemed to have much power. What happened to that monsterous left? But conor was huge compared to Mayweather

IDK? I employed the literary Liberty of embellishment
In my channeling of Don King in my pre fight hype post,,;)
( in my 3 minutes of Google -Foo research, it was mentioned that Floyd has experienced difficulty with Lefty's in the past and Connor was touted as having a good one)
Lol Boxing >>>>> mma. Conor is 29 and Floyd is 40, so this isnt prime Floyd. Two guys fighting on their feet is always more entertaining then two guys going to the ground.

Dude, stop. MMA is on the rise while boxing is hitting a free fall. There is good reason for this.

You can reason as much as you like, a 29 year old noob should not be able to enter a boxing ring and go toe to toe with someone who is considered by many to be "the greatest boxer of all time". In the golden age of boxing, Connor would have been floored in a round or two.

Boxing has becoming more about strategy rather than actual true skill for some time now. Some people enjoy that, MANY people do not. It's like baseball, a once great sport that dominated that has become a shell of itself.
* Floyd toyed with Conor for 4 rounds, then turned it on
* Floyd hits much harder than McGregor despite being 20lbs less
* Conor had a good jab, but nothing else really
* They both stayed in the pocket and fought (no "running" here)
* McGregor power VASTLY OVERRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!
* That was not the same Floyd. Much much slower. He looked like a retired boxer fighting. (guy is 40)
* Conor cannot compete in boxing at this level.
* Stop with the "Floyd to UFC" bull. The guy is 40 years old and has gotten nine figures in his last two fights (he'll never get that fighting mma).
Where are you getting this 20lb weight difference?
I listened on sports radio during the official wiegh-in the day before the fight there was a 4 lb. Difference between the two
Where are you getting this 20lb weight difference?
I listened on sports radio during the official wiegh-in the day before the fight there was a 4 lb. Difference between the two
When they rehydrate, and just by looking at them you could tell there was a pretty good size distance
Dude, stop. MMA is on the rise while boxing is hitting a free fall. There is good reason for this.

You can reason as much as you like, a 29 year old noob should not be able to enter a boxing ring and go toe to toe with someone who is considered by many to be "the greatest boxer of all time". In the golden age of boxing, Connor would have been floored in a round or two.

Boxing has becoming more about strategy rather than actual true skill for some time now. Some people enjoy that, MANY people do not. It's like baseball, a once great sport that dominated that has become a shell of itself.
Lol boxing has supposedly been dying since Ali left, it's not gonna happen. I bet you the next highest selling ppv will be GGG-Canelo and not an mma match
Lol Boxing >>>>> mma. Conor is 29 and Floyd is 40, so this isnt prime Floyd. Two guys fighting on their feet is always more entertaining then two guys going to the ground.
The ground game is combat in all it's primeval nature,,, boxing you got a roped off area where one doesn't have to chase the other thru the woods/ back Ally's and be to tired to fight once you catch up to other,,,,:lmao:
Lol boxing has supposedly been dying since Ali left, it's not gonna happen. I bet you the next highest selling ppv will be GGG-Canelo and not an mma match

It won't "die" just like baseball hasn't died. It's simply declining, anyone denying this is in, well, denial. MMA is taking it's place, you can admit this while still enjoying boxing.
When they rehydrate, and just by looking at them you could tell there was a pretty good size distance
Maybe 5-6 pounds water weight you can put back on, I wrestled highschool and the sweat suits in the shower run with the hot handles turned to steam and then jumping jacks you can cut 2 maybe 3 lbs if you start early enough ,,,mostly 1-2 lbs realistically any more than that and you're pretty much steamed out yourself when you hit the mat, so if you wanna say 8 lbs heavier I'm of agreement, if you wanna say 15 lb. That's not a viable guesstimate, another thing 82,,, some of those guys were built and looked like shaved apes yet when they hit the scales they were legit,,,
Lol Boxing >>>>> mma. Conor is 29 and Floyd is 40, so this isnt prime Floyd. Two guys fighting on their feet is always more entertaining then two guys going to the ground.

This they don't call it the sweet science for nothing . I never got all the sweet science when I was young , I have some of it and I have to thank redhill gym for that.

I knew from start he that loser would not get it all mastered in that period of time.

Meanwhile on my chosen boxing forum by another poster who saw through this as most did of course...

MMA and their 3 and 4 round schoolyard fights......let's remember this and understand the difference between a backyard shindig in a fancy 8 sided chain link fence.....


Yep and nuff said
Maybe 5-6 pounds water weight you can put back on, I wrestled highschool and the sweat suits in the shower run with the hot handles turned to steam and then jumping jacks you can cut 2 maybe 3 lbs if you start early enough ,,,mostly 1-2 lbs realistically any more than that and you're pretty much steamed out yourself when you hit the mat, so if you wanna say 8 lbs heavier I'm of agreement, if you wanna say 15 lb. That's not a viable guesstimate, another thing 82,,, some of those guys were built and looked like shaved apes yet when they hit the scales they were legit,,,
Conor rehydrated to 170+. When Floyd fought canelo at jr middle (154), alverez was at 175 the night of the fight. I myself have lost 18 lbs of water weight in about 14 hours's not at all unheard of for the naturally bigger guys to put on 10-15 easily during rehydration.
Floyd and Connor about to go party and laugh at all the guys that paid all the money...


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