Memo to Jerry: Fire the coward in your building


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You know it's funny, that so many people are all up in arms about this. People within the Cowboys organization probably talk to lots of people truthfully about various players on the team. Some good, some bad.

It is probably a truthful comment which is a big deal because it is about a player that at one point had a reputation (rightly or wrongly) of being dominant.

This would not even be posted about here if it was about 45 other payers on the roster. It is only news if it is about a player that is a top end player on the roster or a polarizing player.

The Dez appologists are the real haters because they can't stand anyone having a position that isn't Dez is our hero. That's fine that they feel that way but they want to silence all of his critics.

You don't see the Dez Sucks crowd saying please make the Dez Fan Bois stop saying how wonderful Dez is. It's such a strange phenomenon.

I respect the Fan Bois right to have a differing opinion. The debate and discussion here really is great stuff even if I don't agree with some of it. I see why some are holding out hope with Dez even though I have pretty much written him off.


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Anonymously.......says it all. You ain't winning with anonymous.....this was a #$#$#@$# move.


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I think if people will recall, some quirky stuff came out on Dez when he was last negotiating a huge deal. Some feelings were hurt, but in the end, he got paid like a monster, and everyone moved forward lie grown men.
This time around, he has greatly underperformed his contract and the FO wants reciprocation.. Right or wrong, it gets a bit messy when this happens. And because it is Dez--who has had special treatment and rules apply to him almost from day one--the FO (rightly or wrongly) expects him to take one for the team a bit.
Wasn't the parking lot incident around the time of his contract? About him hitting a girl and there being video. Which never surfaced

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Sorry to start ANOTHER Dez thread but this has bothered me to no end. First time in 30+ years as a fan seeing anything like it from a Cowboy FO. The coward/rat in your building anonymously calling out Dez should be fired immediately. As a fan whether or not hate Dez or want him gone, you have to agree this is NO WAY to handle this. It's now way too personal. You know only hurt the player now but his family also. I know Fish has his critics but he got this right.

Memo to Jerry:

Give that janitor a raise!!!


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Sorry to start ANOTHER Dez thread but this has bothered me to no end. First time in 30+ years as a fan seeing anything like it from a Cowboy FO. The coward/rat in your building anonymously calling out Dez should be fired immediately. As a fan whether or not hate Dez or want him gone, you have to agree this is NO WAY to handle this. It's now way too personal. You know only hurt the player now but his family also. I know Fish has his critics but he got this right.

These leaks are deliberate to see how fans react. And to generate interest.


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deep throats took down Nixon, Clinton, the tobacco industry, wall street, gao accounting practices, etc. each of the fallen lashed out at unnamed sources. but in the end, it was the truth of the accusations/allegations that was most important. law enforcement calls them confidential informants. sometimes, it's the only way we can get to the truth of an issue. it's a way of life just like the salary cap era. if that doesn't work for you, just look at dez's performance the last three years. "believe your eyes"......................................the great bill parcells.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Sorry to start ANOTHER Dez thread but this has bothered me to no end. First time in 30+ years as a fan seeing anything like it from a Cowboy FO. The coward/rat in your building anonymously calling out Dez should be fired immediately. As a fan whether or not hate Dez or want him gone, you have to agree this is NO WAY to handle this. It's now way too personal. You know only hurt the player now but his family also. I know Fish has his critics but he got this right.

You are giving the reporter too much credit. He could be fabricating the story or taking a quote out of context.

If somebody did say it, that person was probably Stephen Jones.


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You know it's funny, that so many people are all up in arms about this. People within the Cowboys organization probably talk to lots of people truthfully about various players on the team. Some good, some bad.

It is probably a truthful comment which is a big deal because it is about a player that at one point had a reputation (rightly or wrongly) of being dominant.

This would not even be posted about here if it was about 45 other payers on the roster. It is only news if it is about a player that is a top end player on the roster or a polarizing player.

The Dez appologists are the real haters because they can't stand anyone having a position that isn't Dez is our hero. That's fine that they feel that way but they want to silence all of his critics.

You don't see the Dez Sucks crowd saying please make the Dez Fan Bois stop saying how wonderful Dez is. It's such a strange phenomenon.

I respect the Fan Bois right to have a differing opinion. The debate and discussion here really is great stuff even if I don't agree with some of it. I see why some are holding out hope with Dez even though I have pretty much written him off.

V(lol) ..........for me it's not about. This is about a spineless coward with a big mouth UNTIL he/she have to look you in the eye and stand behind their words. Simple as that......


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doubt it very much Stephen made the comment. just a few weeks earlier he came right out and stated his feelings about dez for all to see, hear and record. so it's really no big deal at all. what you don't hear is any strong support coming from the fo regarding dez. that should be telling enough.


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You are giving the reporter too much credit. He could be fabricating the story or taking a quote out of context.

If somebody did say it, that person was probably Stephen Jones.

Hmmm not many reporters I trust, three, maybe four. Breer is one the few I do trust...... something he reminds readers from time to time is he writes with his ears, not his eyes. Usually, I would agree, but I trust Breer. As Fuzzy mention earlier, someone from FO had to pick up the phone and call Breer for this. He's not a beat writer.......


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Sorry to start ANOTHER Dez thread but this has bothered me to no end. First time in 30+ years as a fan seeing anything like it from a Cowboy FO. The coward/rat in your building anonymously calling out Dez should be fired immediately. As a fan whether or not hate Dez or want him gone, you have to agree this is NO WAY to handle this. It's now way too personal. You know only hurt the player now but his family also. I know Fish has his critics but he got this right.

Jerry is not firing Stephen.


Junior College Transfer
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Sorry to start ANOTHER Dez thread but this has bothered me to no end. First time in 30+ years as a fan seeing anything like it from a Cowboy FO. The coward/rat in your building anonymously calling out Dez should be fired immediately. As a fan whether or not hate Dez or want him gone, you have to agree this is NO WAY to handle this. It's now way too personal. You know only hurt the player now but his family also. I know Fish has his critics but he got this right.

Sadly, this is reflective of a misinformed, naïve, gag-order populace that covets secrecy over disclosure and freedom of discourse.
Any lout can tell you that anonymous sources are vital to democracy in public and proper disclosure and transparency in private business.
Our system/process of democracy depends on sources.
Of course, in a dictatorship, there are purges -- even killings -- of "rats," "moles" and "traitor" to the cause at hand.
Without these inside sources, there would be no Watergate, no Senate hearings on the mafia, no disclosures of wrongdoing against big business, big labor and garden variety crooks.
Prosecutors gladly use sources to weed out corruption and dangerous wrongdoing.
You say, "This is sports!"
I say, yes, but it gives us insights we'd normally not get. Because, as fans, we are investors in a way.
If a source is properly vetted, we get an insight not ordinarily afforded to we, the unwashed public.
You will find cries of "fire him!" "Got him!" "Find the rat!"
In the dachas and inner circles of secretive, anti-public regimes, there will be agreement, to the point of offering torches and pitchforks.
That is not freedom, that is a dark and exclusive place we don't want to visit....
Blimey. The things I say....